Monday, September 30, 2019

Personality and Ability Essay

1) What determines our individual characteristics? In other words, is personality and ability determined by our genes, our environment, or some combination of both? a. What percentage of our personality is determined by our genes? 35 -49% b. What percentage of our ability is determined by our genes? 60% 2) What are the different taxonomies for classifying an individual’s personality? a. The Big Five – This taxonomy consists of five traits: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, and Extraversion. It reliably measures personality traits and validly predicts many job outcomes. b. The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory – This taxonomy is one of the most popular. Unfortunately, it is not very reliable (take it once and you might be classified as an ESTJ, take it again and you might be classified as an ISFP). It also isn’t very valid. Why isn’t it valid? Well, for one, it isn’t reliable. (And remember, reliability is a precursor for validity). For another, it doesn’t really separate well from bad performers. This scale is not commonly used for selection or promotion purposes, but it is commonly used for teambuilding purposes†¦We both take the test, then we say, â€Å"Wow, look at me. I’m an ESTJ†¦I ’m such an extraverted senser. What are you? An ISFJ? Oh that’s so cool. We are both senser and judgers. Let’s be good teammates now.† c. Holland’s RIASEC model (named after a dude, not the region of the Netherlands). This taxonomy is used to guide people into career fields†¦not much else. So, the main takeaway here is that on the question that asks, â€Å"Which taxonomy is best for making selection and promotion decisions?† Choose the Big Five. 3) The Big Five a. What are the Big Five? Conscientiousness: dependable, organized, methodical, reliable, persevering, ambitious, NOT careless, sloppy, inefficient, negligent, lazy and irresponsible Agreeableness: kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, warm, not critical, not antagonistic, not callous, not selfish, not rude and cold Neuroticism: nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, jealous, unstable NOT calm, steady, relaxed, at ease, secure, contented Openness: curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, sophisticated, NOT uninquisitive, conventional, conforming, simple, inartistic, traditional Extraversion: talkative, sociable, passionate, bold, dominant NOT quiet, shy, inhibited, bashful, reserved, submissive b. Which two traits predict task performance across nearly all jobs? Conscientious and neuroticism c. In what types of jobs are the other three traits valid predict of task performance? Agreeableness=service jobs, extraversion=sales or leadership, openness= learning d. How does the strength of the situation impact the degree to which personality predicts task performance? 4) In class, we talked about personality testing. Each student completed a personality survey under (a) an honest condition and (b) a simulated job application condition. a. Was there evidence that faking was a problem? b. What are different techniques for alleviating faking on personality tests? Proactive measures Use forced-choice inventories where applicants have to decide between equally desirable options (e.g., which adjective best describes you: ambitious or helpful?) Use conditional reasoning tests (rather than ask about your personality, ask questions then infer your personality based on your responses) Warn applicants not to fake Require applicants to elaborate on their responses Reactive measures Measure response times Include items designed to catch fakers c. Were we able to eliminate faking? 5) In general, what is the best individual characteristic (out of our personality traits and abilities) for predicting task performance? a. What about if we are trying to predict an individual’s typical task performance? Motivation b. What about if we are trying to predict an individual’s maximal task performance? Ability 6) What characteristic of the job impacts the relationship between cognitive ability and task performance? When is the relationship stronger and when is the relationship weaker? One of the best predictor of job performance. Gold standard in terms of individual difference predictors. Research evidence for the validity of general mental ability measures for predicting job performance is stronger than for any other method. Significantly undervalued by managers On average, conscientiousness is a better predictor of employee performance than intelligence. 72% Increase organizational performance/profitability 7) Emotional ability – What are the dimensions of emotional ability? What do they mean? (If I give you an example, you should be able to tell me which dimension is being portrayed.) Self-awareness: Appraisal and expression of emotions in oneself. The ability of an individual to understand the types of she is experiencing, the willingness to acknowledge them and the capability to express them naturally. Other awareness: appraisal and recognition of emotion in others. Ability to recognize and understand the emotions that other people are feeling. Emotion regulation: ability to recover quickly from emotional experiences. Use of emotions: this capability reflects the degree to which people can harness emotions and employ them to improve their chances of being successful in whatever they’re seeking to. Groups and Teams 1. What is task interdependence? Team members interact with and rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team. a. What are the different types of task interdependence? Pooled interdependence: low task interdependence, easier to manage. Faster Sequential interdependence: different tasks are done in a prescribed order the interaction only occurs between members who perform task that are next to each other in the sequence. The latter part sustain the task after former part. One way interaction. Reciprocal interdependence: same sequential one but this is two way interaction. Comprehensive interdependence: highest level of interaction and coordination among members. High quality output, difficult to manage, more conflict, social loafers or dominant members, more  simulate members, more catches errors, i. If I give you an example of a work team, you should be able to tell me what type work team they are (in terms of task interdependence). Work team, management team, parallel team, project team, action team ii. If I give you a type of work team (in terms of task interdependence), you should be able to tell me how their members interact iii. You should a lso be able to rank the task interdependence types in terms of the degree of coordination required. Comprehensive, reciprocal, sequential, pooled, b. How does increasing the degree of coordination required (aka increasing task interdependence) affect process gains? Teams have more (and more diverse) knowledge / skills / information than the individuals Teams are able to â€Å"divide and conquer† tasks Teams are better at catching errors than the individual who proposed the idea Teams are better at creating and enforcing production norms Teams might stimulate individuals to perform better Teams might stimulate a sense of belongingness Members might learn knowledge / skills / information from other individuals in the team Members might positively impact others’ moods and emotions (emotional contagion) c. How does increasing the degree of coordination required (aka increasing task interdependence) affect process losses? Coordination consumes time and energy that could have been devoted to the task Production blocking Groupthink: Pressure to conform to the team and reluctance to criticize the comments of others Fear of negative evaluations from others may cause members to withhold ideas Some team members may exercise undue influence or monopolize the team’s time Members may exert less effort when working on team tasks (â€Å"social loafing†) Members might negatively impact others’ moods and emotions (emotional contagion) 2. What is goal interdependence? The degree to which team members have a shared goal and align their  individual goals with that vision† The more, the merrier. Increases potential for process gains, decreases potential for process losses a. How does increasing goal interdependence affect process gains? b. How does increasing goal interdependence affect process losses? 3. What is outcome independence? â€Å"The degree to which team members share equally in the feedback and rewards that result from the team achieving its goals. a. How does increasing outcome interdependence affect process gains? Answer: It depends on the situation. b. How does increasing outcome interdependence affect process losses? Answer: It depends on the situation. High outcome interdependence: Team members share in the rewards (pay, bonuses, feedback, recognition, etc.) that the team earns Advantages: promotes cooperation Low outcome interdependence: Individual members receive rewards based on individual performance regardless of team performance Advantages: higher performing members prefer getting more rewards than rest. 4. If task interdependence is high (or low), how should outcome interdependence be designed to maximize the ratio of process gains to process losses? . If task interdependence is high, it is usually better to ensure that outcome interdependence is also high 5. If outcome interdependence is high (or low), how should task interdependence be designed to maximize the ratio of process gains to process losses? If outcome interdependence is low, it is usually better to try to ensure that task interdependence is also low. 6. What are some factors that make up a team’s composition? Member roles, member ability, member personality, team diversity, team size 7. What are the different team roles? If I explain a team role, you should be able to tell me whether it is a team task role, a team building role, or an individualistic role. a. What team roles generally benefit the team? What team role is generally negative? Whereas Task role and team building role benefit the team, individualistic roles are generally negative. 8. What is the relationship between team cognitive ability and team performance? a. When is this relationship stronger? In general, a team’s cognitive ability is a moderate-to-strong predictor of  team performance. As the task becomes more complex, the strength of the relationship between a team’s cognitive ability and its performance increases. 9. What is the best combination of team members in terms of: a. Conscientiousness- variance is important, too much is bad b. Extraversion-variance is important, too little variance can be bad c. Agreeableness- minimum is important, no members are too low. 10. What is the impact of diversity on team outcomes? More specifically: a. For which types of tasks is diversity generally good? 1. The The task is complex and requires creativity 2. attributes considered are related to knowledge and perspectives (ethnicity, expertise, personality, attitudes, etc.) b. For which types of tasks is homogeneity (the lack of diversity) good? Regular work, low task complexity, requires efficiency c. What is surface-level diversity? Diversity regarding observable attributes such as race, sex, and age. i. How does it impact process losses over time? These process losses typically disappear over time d. What is deep-level diversity? Diversity regarding attributes that are less easy to observe initially, but that can be inferred after more direct experience such as attitudes, values, and personality i. How does it impact process losses over time? These process losses usually increase over time 11. What are task work processes? Creative behavior, decision making, boundary spanning a. In terms of decision making, why do some teams make bad decisions (i.e., what are the components that lead to poor team decisions)? Decision infirmity: reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities. Staff validity: is the degree to which members make a good recommendations to the leader. Team members can possess all the information needed to make a valid recommendation but then fail to do so because of a lack of ability, insight or good judgment. Hierarchical  sensitivity: is the degree to which the leader effectively weighs the members’ recommendations. 12. What are teamwork processes? a. If I describe behaviors and interactions within a team, you should be able to tell me whether these processes are transition, action, or interpersonal processes. Transition processes: teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work. Action processes: monitoring progress toward goals. Teams that pay attention to goal related information are typically in a good position to realize when they are off track and need to make changes. Interpersonal processes: motivating and confidence building, affect management, conflict management, b. Also, you should know: i. When are transition processes most valuable to team success? ii. When are action processes most valuable to team success? iii. When are interpersonal processes most valuable to team success? 13. What are team states? a. What is cohesion? Emotional attachment that tends to foster high levels of motivation and commitment to the team. i. How does cohesion affect team outcomes? Tend to promote higher level of team performance. ii. What is groupthink? Feelings of overconfidence about the team capabilities. b. What is potency? Is the degree to which members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. i. How does potency affect team outcomes? When a team has a high potency, members are confident that their team can perform well. Vice versa. c. What are mental models? Level of common understanding among team members with regard to importantaspects of the team and its task. 14. How do teams develop over time†¦ a. †¦according to the Stage Based Model of Team Development? b. †¦according to the Punctuated Equilibrium Model of Team Development? Leadership: 1. What is power? The ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in return. a. What are the different types of power? Personal, organizational i. What types are derived from a person’s position within the organization? Legitimate power: is derived from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as formal authority. Reward power, coercive power ii. What types are derived from factors other than formal authority? Personal power: expert power, referent power b. What are some contingency factors that influence whether or not a person has power? (If I describe a situation, you should be able to tell me what contingency is responsible for the person’s power or lack of power). Power contingency factors: situations in organizations that are likely to increase or decrease the degree to which leaders can use their power to influence others. These include substitutability: there are no substitutes for the rewards or resources the leader controls. Discretion: the leader has the freedom to make his or her own decisions without being restrained by organizational rules. Centrality: the leader’s role is important and interdependent with others in the organization Visibility: others know about the leader and the resources he or she can provide. 2. What are the different influence tactics? If I describe a situation, you should be able to tell me what influence tactic is being used. a. Which tactics are most effective?  Rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, collaboration b. Which tactics are least effective? Pressure, coalitions c. When trying to influence a superior, which tactic is most effective? Engagement 3. What are the different responses to influence tactics? a. What influence tactics often lead to internalization/engagement vs. compliance vs. resistance? Engagement occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request Compliance: occurs when targets of influence are willing to do what the leaders asks but  they do it with a degree of ambivalence. Resistance: target refuses to perform the influence request. Influencer’ power is low relative to the target or request itself is unreasonable. 4. What are the different conflict resolution techniques?  a. What types of outcomes do we expect from the different techniques? Competing: high assertiveness, low cooperation (win-lose) Avoiding: low assertiveness, low cooperation (lose-lose) Accommodating: low assertiveness, high cooperation (lose-win) Collaboration: high assertiveness, high cooperation (win-win) the best outcome Compromise: moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation (win-lose) easy and common 5. Trait theories of leadership: a. Out of the Big Five and cognitive ability, which two traits are the strongest predictors of leader emergence? Conscientiousness and extraversion b. Out of the Big Five and cognitive ability, which trait is the strongest predictor of leader effectiveness? Cognitive ability c. According to the trait theories of leadership: i. What leadership outcome is best predicted by personality? leader emergence ii. What leadership outcome is best predicted by cognitive ability? Leader effectiveness d. Basic premise of trait vs. behavior theories: If traits predict leadership, then organizations should invest in hiring people with general dispositions to be leaders. If not, then organizations should not focus on hiring the right people, but instead, should focus on training people to be good leaders. Research shows that both traits and behaviors predict leadership. So, organizations should focus on hiring people that are predisposed to be better leaders and then training these people how to be the best leaders they can be. 6. Behavior theories of leadership: a. What are the two general categories of leader behaviors? If I describe a particular behavior, you should be able to tell me whether it is an example of â€Å"Consideration† or â€Å"Initiating Structure†. Initiating Structure: the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his/her roles and  those of employees in the search for goal attainment Consideration: the extent to which a person is likely to have job relationships that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for their feelings b. What outcomes do these leader behaviors predict? (You don’t need to know which behaviors â€Å"moderately† are vs. â€Å"strongly† related to which outcomes†¦just that these two behaviors are both pretty good predictors of the set of outcomes.) 7. Contingency theories of leadership: a. According to the Life Cycle Theory of Leadership: i. When followers are unable, initiating structure is important ii. When followers are unwilling, consideration is important iii. Followers usually progress through 4 stages: 1. Unable but Willing 2. Unable and Unwilling 3. Able but Unwilling 4. Able and Willing iv. So, in Stage 1 (Unable but Willing), initiating structure behaviors are required. In Stage 2, both initiating structure and consideration behaviors are required. In Stage 3, consideration behaviors are required. And in Stage 4, since the group is both willing and able, neither initiating structure nor consideration behaviors are necessarily required†¦the team will excel on its own. b. According to the Time-Driven Model of Leader Decision-Making Styles i. What are the different decision-making styles and how do they differ in terms of who is responsible for what? ii. I am not going to ask you to memorize the â€Å"decision-tree†. But you need to know that the effectiveness of the decision-making style is contingent upon the situation. In some situations, an autocratic style is most important, in others, a facilitative style, etc. iii. What might happen if leaders use inappropriate styles? You may end up making an incorrect decision The decision-making process may be inefficient (take more time or cost more money) The subordinates may not buy in to the decision c. According to Leader-Member Exchange Theory: Leaders treat different subordinates differently and the effectiveness of a leader is contingent on the relationship between the leader and the particular member(s) i. Who gets invited into the â€Å"in-group†? Those who are competent, likeable, and more similar to the leader in terms of attitudes and values. ii. What are the advantages of being in the â€Å"in-group†? More trusted, receive a disproportionate amount of the leader’s attention, receive special privileges iii. What are the disadvantages of being in the â€Å"in-group†? Rise and fall with the success of the leader. iv. How do people in the â€Å"in-group† differ from people in the â€Å"out-group† in terms of performance, turnover, and satisfaction? Higher performance, less turnover, greater job satisfaction Rate the leader as more effective. d. According to Critical Theories of Leadership: i. If substitutes or neutralizers are present, is it best to spend a lot of money hiring, training, and developing leaders? If neutralizers are present, then spending time and money hiring, training, and developing leaders might not be worth it because they will have little impact on the success of their subordinates Have to consider whether it will be more effective to hire, train, and develop leaders or to focus on leader substitutes instead Good leaders often try to build substitutes so that the unit can run itself When evaluating leader performance, it is important to determine whether success (or failure) is due to the leader or to substitutes and neutralizers. e. What are the different leadership styles? If I explain a leader, you should be able to tell me whether the leader is using a laissez-faire, passive management-by-exception, active management-by-exception, contingent reward, transformational, etc. Laissez-faire: Hands off style of leadership, Leader avoids getting invol ved Management by exception (passive): Leader only gets involved when mistakes are made Management by exception (active): Leader monitors group, looking for mistakes and gets involved only when mistakes are made. Contingent reward: Leader makes rewards contingent on favorable performance. Transformational leadership: What helps leaders â€Å"transform† followers so that they are willing to work beyond expectations to benefit the collective good? Idealized influence: provides a vision and a sense of mission, instills pride, gains respect and trust Inspirational motivation: fosters enthusiasm for and commitment to a shared vision of the future Intellectual stimulation: challenges followers to be innovative and creative Individualized consideration: helps followers achieve their potential through coaching, development, and mentoring f. What are the factors that separate transformational leaders from other leaders? Followers of transformational leaders work harder and are more committed to the group and organization Transformational leadership is strongly related to leader emergence and leader effectiveness Leaders can be trained in transformational leadership styles Dark side: Followers can be convinced to act unethically or immorally. A good leader has desirable leadership traits A good leader exhibits effective leadership behaviors A good leader matches the leadership behavior to the situation A good leader guides individuals and motivates them to perform at a high level A great leader transforms followers so that they are willing to work beyond expectations to benefit the collective good

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Love Is Able to Say Sorry Essay

Love, as in enabling a loving relationship to survive, is all about being able to say sorry. In life, no one is perfect; everyone makes either big mistakes or small mistakes. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake, but there is something wrong about not admitting it. Thus, saying sorry is very necessary in any relationships, especially in romantic love. I have heard that, â€Å"Love means never having to say you’re sorry†. In my opinion, it is not true, but â€Å"love, as in enabling a loving relationship to survive, is all about being able to say sorry†. Apology is not supposed to be easy to all people. Why do people consider saying sorry as such challenging endeavor? Almost of the people find that saying sorry is a sign of weakness. Human often has a high consciousness of their self, so they feel like they are in danger of losing their power and status when they say sorry to others. However, if you want to maintain a relationship, especially romantic love, saying sorry is essential since an apology shows your respect for your partner as well as for yourselves, and you will understand each other deeply. Firstly, an apology shows your partner that you care enough about him and your relationship to be responsible for your hurtful actions. All of us know that respect for each other is the very fundamental factor for a long-lasting love. Obviously, if you do not respect him, you never care what he thinks about you, never want to apologize him. Thus, when you say sorry, you show your respect for your partner. As a result, he realizes your love, your sincerity and your respect for him, so he more easily forgives you. Counselor Paula says â€Å"we are learning that saying sorry is about allowing yourself to be vulnerable, which is actually a sign of strength, not weakness. You learn from experience that saying sorry increases people’s respect for you, rather tha n diminishing it†. ( Secondly, an apology can clear up a misunderstanding between lovers, so that gradually they understand each other deeply. Everyone all wants and needs to feel safe with the ones that he allows into his inner circle. Not taking responsibility for wrongdoings makes people seem unsafe or untrustworthy. Surely, when loving ones, it is unavoidable that you will have quarrels, misunderstanding, and whether you have intention or not, you hurt your partner. If both of you are intolerant, do not want to belittle yourselves to admit your mistakes, you are destroying your relationship by yourselves.  In contrast, if you can admit your mistakes, apologize sincerely each other, misunderstandings among you will be cleared up. Moreover, after mistakes, and correcting them, you will understand mutually more, and get on well with each other, so obviously your relationship will be strengthened. In conclusion, saying sorry is a way of keeping your loving relationship survival. Love means being able to say you are sorry and allows you to own up to whatever behavior it was that â€Å"warrants an apology†( However, an apology is just powerful when it is made by your honesty and heartiness in right moment, if not, it is fruitless. Thus, don’t afraid of saying sorry sincerely to your partner if you make a mistake.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bullying within secondary schools and education

This essay is traveling to look at strong-arming within instruction, concentrating chiefly upon secondary schools, looking at the different types of intimidation, the effects intimidation has on the victims and the toughs and what the schools and the authorities have done and are making to forestall strong-arming within schools and instruction. The UK Government defines strong-arming as ; â€Å" Repetitive, wilful or relentless behavior intended to do injury, although one – off incidents can in some instances besides be defined as intimidation ; internationally harmful behavior, carried out by an person or a group and an instability of power go forthing the individual being bullied experiencing defenceless. Bullying is emotionally or physically harmful behavior and includes ; name – naming, teasing, mocking, doing violative remarks, kicking, hitting, forcing, taking properties, inappropriate text messaging and emailing, directing violative or degrading images by phone or via the cyberspace, gossipmongering, excepting people from groups and distributing hurtful and untruthful rumor † . ( HOC 2007:7-8, Frederickson et al 2008:176-177 ) . Bullying takes many signifiers. It can be physical intimidation, this is when a kid is being pushed, beaten or thumped by bare custodies. It can affect a arm and menaces. Bullying can besides be verbal and emotional, racial or sexual. Elliott ( 1997a:2 ) â€Å" it would look that male childs are more likely to be physical in intimidation, while misss tend to be cruel verbally † . Research by Olweus ( 1993:19 ) indicates that â€Å" misss are more frequently exposed to harassment such as slandering, the spreading of rumors and exclusion from the group instead than physical onslaughts † . Olweus ( 1993 ) continues â€Å" it must be emphasised that these gender differences are general and that is some schools, misss are besides expose to physical intimidation † ( Olweus 1993:19 ) . In more recent times at that place have been instances in the UK in which misss have violently and sharply attacked other misss. An illustration of this was â€Å" 14 twelvemonth old mis s was cornered in the resort area by a pack of 10 male childs and misss. She was stripped to the waist and had to implore on her articulatio genuss to acquire her apparels back. She was pushed, punched and had her hair pulled. ‘Tell and you ‘ll acquire worse ‘ was the farewell words from one of the misss. The victim did non state until they did it once more and took exposure. When her female parent confronted the school, she was told it was merely ‘horseplay ‘ . The victim, who attempted self-destruction after the latest incident, was transferred to another school in which she is now booming † . ( Elliott 1997b:1 ) , this incident had a more positive stoping, which is non ever the instance. There have besides been deceases caused by strong-arming within schools, chiefly in secondary schools. An illustration of this was in â€Å" 2000 a 15 twelvemonth old school miss committed suicide after being bombarded with anon. calls on her nomadic phone, th e inquest into her found that she was being bullied through her nomadic phone – ‘Mobile Phone Bullying/Cyber Bullying ‘ † ( The Independent, 2000 ) . The incidence of misss being violent does look to be increasing and is a tendency that must be viewed with concern, as female toughs, particularly in groups or ‘gangs ‘ are acquiring merely as violent if non more violent so male toughs. Surveies show that strong-arming takes topographic point in every type of school. Surveies on strong-arming within schools day of the month back to the 1980 ‘s, were the first UK countrywide study was conducted by Kidscape from 1984 to 1986 with 4000 kids aged 5 to 16. The study revealed that â€Å" 68 per cent of the kids had been bullied at least one time ; 38 per cent had been bullied as least twice or had experienced a peculiarly bad incident ; 5 per cent of the kids felt it had affected their lives to the point that they had tried self-destruction, had run off, refused to travel to school or been inveterate sick † ( Elliott and Kilpatrick 1996 ) . Subsequent surveies have found really similar consequences. Research workers at Exeter University questioned 5500 kids aged 13 and found â€Å" that 26 per cent of male childs and 34 per cent of misss had been afraid of toughs sometime in their lives † ( Balding 1996 ) . Strong-arming calls to ChildLine are turning at a rapid rate, ChildLine ( 2006 ) â€Å" counselled 37,032 kids about strong-arming between 1st April 2005 to 31st March 2006. A farther 4018 called ChildLine for other grounds but went on to speak about intimidation. Every Month ChildLine counsels more than 3,000 immature people about intimidation, that is a one-fourth ( 23 % ) of all calls to the services. One country of turning concern is homophobic strong-arming † . ( ChildLine 2006 ) . Bullying is non merely a UK job, it happens throughout the universe. Olweus ( 1993:19 ) has been researching the job of strong-arming in Norway since 1973 ; â€Å" he estimated that one in seven students in Norse schools has been involved in bully/victim jobs † ( Olweus 1993 ) . Similar findings in other states indicate that if grownups are willing to listen and look into, kids will state them that strong-arming is one of the major jobs kids face during their school old ages. There are different signifiers of strong-arming behavior that has been identified, such as indirect and direct, as affecting persons or groups, verbal and physical. It is by and large agreed that the most common signifier of intimidation is verbal maltreatment is and name naming, followed by assorted other signifiers of physical intimidation such as ; gender, gender and ethnicity. The chief types of strong-arming within school, particularly within secondary schools, these are physical school intimidation, emotional/verbal school intimidation, electronic intimidation or Cyber – intimidation and sexual/homophobic intimidation. Physical intimidation is when an single bully or a group of toughs physical harm their victim, illustrations of this type of strong-arming are pluging, jostling and slapping, and this can besides be direct intimidation. Emotional/Verbal school intimidation is when a bully or toughs use hapless and violative linguistic communication. Examples of emotional intimidation includes the spreading of bad rumors about their victims, maintaining their victims out of a ‘group ‘ , badgering the victim in agencies ways and cursing them, acquiring other people/bullies to ‘gang up ‘ on the victims, name naming, torment, aggravation, torturing, whispering to another/others in forepart of the victim, walking in groups around school and maintaining secrets off from a so – called friend ( s ) . Electronic intimidation or cyber intimidation is when strong-arming happens online or electronically. It occurs when the bully or toughs bully their victims through the cyberspace, nomadic phones or other electronic agencies and devices. Examples of this type of strong-arming are directing mean spirited text messages, electronic mails and instant messages, posting inappropriate images, messages about their victims in web logs, on web sites or societal networking sites and utilizing person else ‘s user name to distribute rumors or prevarications about their victims. Sexual bullying/homophobic intimidation is any of the above intimidation behavior, which is based on a victim ‘s gender or gender. It is when gender or gender is used as a arm by male childs or misss towards their victims, although it is more normally directed at misss. This type of intimidation can be carried out to the victim ‘s face, behind their dorsum or through the usage of engineering ( cyber intimidation ) . However, it is besides argued that â€Å" sexist intimidation or torment in school is often dismissed as unoffending or legitimised as portion of the normal procedure of gender socialization, and that it is a signifier of maltreatment engaged in by male instructors and male students likewise † ( Stainton Rogers 1991:207 ) . Furthermore, sexual torment, of a physical every bit good as verbal sort, has been described as â€Å" portion of the ‘hidden course of study ‘ of many carbon monoxides – educational schools † ( Drouet 1993 ) . Indeed, Duncan ( 1999:128 ) presents a complex scenario in relation to what he footings ‘gender maltreatment ‘ in schools. â€Å" In deconstructs strong-arming as a manifestation of gender struggle ‘in the chase of a coveted sexual individuality ‘ † . He concludes that â€Å" both misss and male childs can follow a assortment of active and inactive functions in relation to intimidation, but that sexualised nature of much gender maltreatment serves to remind misss that power is gendered. The menace of colza was identified as a possible countenance against misss who do non conform to male outlooks: ‘rape may be ( relatively ) rare but physical and sexual assault are non and the lower scope of conflictual sexualised gender patterns keeps that menace alive on a day-to-day footing ‘ . Some school misss have identified sexual assault and even ravish within their apprehension ( and perchance experience ) of strong-arming † . ( Duncan 1999:12 8 ) . The permeant nature of homophobic maltreatment in schools has been widely commented upon, whether the intended mark is known to be cheery, or non. There is grounds to propose that â€Å" homophobic maltreatment serves to ‘police ‘ gender individualities, and set up norms of sexual behavior and gender individuality † ( Mac An Ghaill, 1989:273 – 286, Douglas et Al, 1997 ) Rivers ( 1996:19 ) argues that a â€Å" important characteristic of homophobic intimidation is the badness of the maltreatment. In a retrospective survey of cheery work forces and tribades ‘ experience of intimidation, one homosexual adult male reported holding been raped by a instructor, others reported holding their apparels set alight, and being burnt with coffin nails while being held down. One tribade reported holding been raped by a male student and another of holding been dragged around the playing field by her hair † ( Rivers 1996:19 ) Other types of intimidation are gender intimidation which could be linked straight to sexual and homophobic intimidation and another type of strong-arming that is increasing is racist strong-arming or racial torment, figure of surveies on the relationship between strong-arming and racism. However at that place appears to be some ambivalency refering the conceptualization of racialist intimidation. Tizard et Al ( 1988:2 ) , for illustration, â€Å" study that name – naming associating to physical visual aspect, personal hygiene and race represented the three most frequent signifiers of ‘teasing ‘ reported among 7 twelvemonth olds † ( Tizard et al 1988:2 ) Loach and Bloor ( 1995:18 – 20 ) and Siann ( 1994:123 – 134 ) argue that â€Å" intimidation can work as a ‘cover ‘ for racism † . A study by the Commission for Racial Equality ( 1988 ) , describes assorted instance surveies of what is defined as ‘racial torment ‘ in schools. Regardless of the nomenclature used, Gillborn ( 1993 ) argues that â€Å" racism in schools reflects a wider and racially structured society, and accordingly, racialist maltreatment carries excess weight † . In footings of prevalence, Kelly and Cohn ‘s ( 1988 ) study of first ( twelvemonth 7 ‘s ) and Fourth Year ( twelvemonth 10 ‘s ) students in school in Manchester found that two – tierces of students said that they had been bullied. Racist name – naming was recorded as the 3rd most common signifier of strong-arming. In recent study of Black and cultural minority student in chiefly white schools, â€Å" 26 % said that they had experienced racially opprobrious name – naming during the old hebdomad, while at school, or while going to and from school † ( Cline et al 2002:1 ) . However, it is common with many studies on intimidation, that it is likely that racist strong-arming or torment is under – reported. There is some argument in the literature refering both the value and cogency of placing typical ‘victim ‘ or ‘bully ‘ features. Stainton Roger ( 1991 ) for illustration, argues that â€Å" any kid can be a bully or a victim, and that neither denotes an single abnormal psychology: ‘bullying is a brooding pattern † . Basically what is being said is that immature people who get bullied are making victims and those victims are making toughs or are going toughs themselves. On the other manus, Sharp et Al ( 2002:139 ) â€Å" claim that some kids are more likely to fall into a bully function or victim function, and that is how kids learn to pull off aggression and averment in interpersonal accomplishments represents a cardinal contributory factor † ( Sharp et al 2002:139 ) Olweus ( 1993:19 ) described toughs as â€Å" physically stronger and victims as holding features that differed from the norm, for illustration in visual aspect sporting or academic ability † . Boulton and Underwood ( 1992: 73 – 87 ) besides found that â€Å" kids who perceived themselves to be different in some manner, felt more vulnerable to strong-arming † ( NSPCC 2003:20 ) . Olweus ( 1984:58 ) found that â€Å" about 20 per cent of toughs were besides victims, and that they represented a peculiarly disturbed group † . Others have claimed that â€Å" some kids fall neither into the victim nor bully category and that they therefore provide a utile ‘normative contrast ‘ with which to analyses strong-arming and victim behavior † ( Schwartz 1993 and Glover et al 1998 ) . The effects that strong-arming has on both the bully and particularly the victim can be life altering, in a negative manner and have severe effects non merely short term, strong-arming can besides hold a long term consequence on the victims. The effects of strong-arming have been said to be really serious, it has been reported that â€Å" about 10 kids in the UK kill themselves each twelvemonth because their lives have been made so suffering by being subjected to strong-arming † ( NSPCC 2009 ) . There are many effects of intimidation, these are include experiencing down and sad most of the clip, holding kiping jobs such as insomnia or holding incubuss, non desiring to travel to school, non eating or over eating, enduring from tummy achings and concerns, experience less confident and besides lose their ego assurance and halt believing in themselves, experience unhappy and suffering which will ensue in basking life less. The longer the victim is subjected to strong-arming will l ikely in bend become a bully themselves, it will take longer for the victim to retrieve from it and may go on to destruct the ego assurance of the victim, taking to possible self-destruction. In 1999 Kidscape conducted the first of all time retrospective study of grownups to detect if intimidation at school affected those who had been bullied in ulterior life. The study showed that being severely bullied as a kid had a dramatic, negative, strike hard – on consequence throughout life. The extended study of over 1000 grownups, showed that â€Å" strong-arming affects non merely your ego – regard as an grownup, but your ability to do friends, win in instruction, and in work and societal relationships. About half ( 46 per cent ) of those who were bullied at secondary school contemplated suicide compared with merely 7 per cent of those who were non bullied. The bulk of the grownups reported feeling angry and acrimonious now about the intimidation they suffered at school as kids. Most standard no aid at the clip to halt the intimidation and stating either made the blustery worse or had no consequence. Of the 1044 grownups who took portion in the study 828 were bu llied at school and 216 were non and of those bullied 70 per cent were adult females and 30 per cent were work forces and of those who were non bullied, 49 per cent were adult females and 51 per cent were work forces † ( Kidscape 1999:1 ) . However, jobs may happen if the school fails to recognize and decide intimidation within school, whereby a kid may go at hazard of truanting and detachment from instruction, which could so take to the hazard of ego harming and possible self-destruction. Should a kid non see an educational experience supportive of constructing resiliency against intimidation, so those exposed to strong-arming can turn to person before it is excessively late. The importance of instruction as a preventive step against intimidation will be discussed along with how instruction is delivered to those kids who are enduring at the custodies of toughs. The Government has made undertaking intimidation in schools a cardinal precedence and the Department for Children, Schools and Families ( DCSF ) has made it clear that no signifier of intimidation should be tolerated. Strong-arming in schools should be taken really earnestly, as it is non a normal portion of turning up and it can and will destroy lives. It is mandatory for schools to hold steps in topographic point to promote good behavior and regard for others on the portion of students, and to forestall all signifiers of intimidation. The DCSF supports schools in planing their anti – intimidation policies and their schemes to undertake intimidation, by supplying comprehensive, practical counsel paperss. Regional advisors with expertness in the field of strong-arming are besides on manus to assist schools implement the counsel and pull on best patterns. Teachers can assist to cut down strong-arming both by the manner they teach and by what they teach. In footings of attacks to learning, although it may look obvious, it may be helpful to see learning attacks along a spectrum with, at one extreme attack which actively promote strong-arming and at the other 1s which specifically seek to forestall intimidation. An illustration of actively advancing intimidation is whenever a instructor intentionally humiliates a student, and so the instructor is rather merely prosecuting in strong-arming. It truly does non count to the student whether the purpose is simply to exercise control or derive personal satisfaction. It would be pleasant to presume that this sort of instructor intimidation was something that merely happened in the yesteryear. Unfortunately most secondary school students, at least, will state you that in their school there are one or two instructors who on a regular basis use bullying, irony, minimizing or harassment towards stud ents, and that most instructors, on occasions, will fall back to this sort of behavior ( Lawson 1994 ) , demoing the students that it is acceptable to bully others. The contrast from ‘actively – promote strong-arming ‘ is strong-arming – preventative instruction. This is an attack to learning which is watchful to and aware of the status which makes some students vulnerable and avoids backing these. This is about handling all students with a degree of regard and avoiding doing gags at the disbursal of the weakest. It is about non lending to a student ‘s exposure, about non puting up victims. It is besides approximately moving as a good function theoretical account, as person who does no misapply the power they have. More proactively strong-arming – preventative instruction is about publically admiting that strong-arming is non acceptable, seting it specifically on the docket within the secondary school and in the schoolroom, and making chances which will assist staff and students to develop schemes to antagonize strong-arming. Overall what is needed is to alter the manner that students behave towards each ot her. To make this the pupils themselves must desire to alter and they need schemes and they must cognize how to alter. The 1996 Education Act placed duty on caput instructors for subject and behavior in schools, and in 1994 the Department for Education encouraged caput instructors, in audiences with their government organic structures, staff and parents, to develop ‘ whole school ‘ behaviour policies and attacks which are clearly understood by students, parents and the school staff. The counsel recommended that schools should besides hold an anti – intimidation policy ; ‘School staff must move and significantly be seen to move steadfastly against strong-arming whenever and wherever it appears. School behaviour policies and the associated regulations of behavior should, hence, make specific mention to strong-arming. Regulating organic structures should on a regular basis reexamine their school ‘s policy in strong-arming. School prospectuses and other paperss issued to parents and students should do it clear that strong-arming will non be tolerated. Prospectuss should bes ides explicate agreements through which students troubled by strong-arming can pull their concerns to the attending of staff in the assurance that these will be carefully investigated and, if substantiated, taken earnestly and acted upon. â€Å" Individual members of staff must be watchful to marks of intimidation and act quickly and steadfastly against it. Failure to describe incident may be interpreted as excusing the behavior † ( Elliott 1997c:118 ) . In more recent times, when a secondary school utilizations SEAL ( Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning ) , if used efficaciously it contributes to the work secondary schools are making to cut down intimidation. â€Å" When a school implements SEAL efficaciously across the whole school it establishes strong foundations to its work to forestall intimidation. At the nucleus of SEAL are the societal and emotional accomplishments, which are all of import because high degrees of these accomplishments create societal clime that does non digest strong-arming behavior † ( DCSF 2007 ) The partnership between ChildLine and Schools is a recent enterprise, called CHIPS which was established by ChildLine taking to work straight in schools, young person nines and other scenes with kids and immature people across the UK. In 2007/2008 CHIPS â€Å" worked with more than 66,000 kids and immature people across more than 700 primary schools and secondary schools and about 100 particular schools and young person groups, to back the position that kids and immature people can assist each other, can play a portion in doing alterations to better their ain lives, and have a right to be listened to and respected. CHIPS provides a scope of services from awareness raising assemblies, workshops covering with strong-arming issues, to puting up peer support strategies, that encourage kids and immature people to back up each other † ( NSPCC 2008 ) , all of those services are done within the schools. There are many deductions when it comes to enterprises and proviso, the first is less attending appears to hold been paid to kids ‘s support needs during periods of passage, for illustration between primary school and secondary school. Children frequently fear strong-arming at points of passage in their lives, or at peculiar turning points, for illustration, during the move from primary to secondary school. Children in their last twelvemonth of primary school may be seen as the ‘leaders ‘ of their school. Primary schools are by and large smaller, both in the cloth of the edifice and in the size of the school population. Secondary schools are, by contrast, often viewed as fearfully big topographic points, where fledglings represent the lowest round of a long ladder. Children who change schools as a consequence of traveling place may besides experience vulnerable to strong-arming. It would therefore seem utile for more research to be conducted on the support demands o f kids as they learn the ropes of their new environment. Another deduction is doing certain that all schools have an anti – intimidation policy within school and that it is used efficaciously and at all staff knows how to utilize it. Some of these surveies were prompted by the concerns raised by parents and students that anti – intimidation policies and schemes were holding a limited consequence ) . This shows that â€Å" following an anti – intimidation policy is non plenty ; policies need to be efficaciously implemented and sustained over the long term † ( Glover et al, 1998 ) . Parents and instructors is another deduction as they are non seen to be working together or non working together every bit much as they should. It is every kid ‘s democratic right to go to school in safely. As instruction is one of the really few compulsory activities that parents and the authorities enforce onto kids, it involves all grownups, in whatever capacity, to guarantee that this is possible. Parent and instructors, being the most closely involved have the most valuable function to play. â€Å" Parents are frequently highly dying to hold a bang-up state of affairs quickly resolved and so will offer the highest degree of committedness. Their degree of hurt can frequently be reduced by ask foring them to go actively involved in any program as feelings of weakness may be increasing their concern † ( Besag 1992:155 ) . It may be easier for the victim to confide in a instructor instead than in their parents who are frequently bewildered by the kid ‘s reluctance to discourse the affair and refusal of their offers of aid. The state of affairs in such instances remains shrouded in enigma, and parents rely to a great extent on instructor to back up the kid and communicate with them suitably. Another deduction is when a parent does non experience that the school of their bullied kid has non dealt with the intimidation in an effectual manner and stopped it, and they withdraw their kid from the school where the kid is acquiring bullied and either traveling them to another school or even educating the kid at place, this may hold a negative consequence on the victim, as if they attended a new school, they would hold to do new friend and at that place in non certainty that they will non acquire bullied at the new school, it will besides hold an consequence on the kid ‘s instruction because they may possible be at different phases in the course of study at the new school compared to the school that they were antecedently at. If the parent ‘s of the bullied kid decide to educate their kid at place, they would hold to screen out stuffs and resources themselves, and this could take clip and money. Parents should be warned that if they decide to educate their kid at pla ce, they have opted out of the province instruction system and should non anticipate any aid in educating their kid from the LEA ( Local Education Authority ) . Under the Education Act 1996, â€Å" parents have a legal responsibility to guarantee that their kid receives an efficient full clip instruction suited to the kid ‘s age, ability and aptitude, whether this be at school or otherwise in some sort of instruction † . ( Elliott 1997d: 124 ) . The barriers to education both before and after the point at which a kid is bullied set out above can be institutionally specific, but it is besides clear that some barriers and some of the jobs of proviso troubles around reintegration are dependent on authorities policies and the wider educational system. For about two decennaries, strong-arming in schools has attracted the involvement and concern of authoritiess and policy shapers. In the late 1980s a public question was launched into boisterous behavior in schools, the consequence of this question was the Elton Report ( 1989 ) . The Report highlighted the issue of intimidation, and â€Å" suggested that a positive school ethos provides the indispensable factor in easing academic success and positive student dealingss. A ‘positive school ethos ‘ has, nevertheless, proven a hard construct to specify or quantify. Alternatively, research has tended to concentrate on the comparative virtues of different attacks or ‘interventions ‘ designed to cut down or forestall intimidation † ( Mackinnon et al 1995:43 ) . In the 1990s an extended research funded by the DfEE, indicated that intimidation was far more prevailing in some schools than others, and that the grounds for this form could non ever be attributed to individual cause ( such as societal want, or geographical location ) . Some schools were besides shown to be more effectual than others at presenting and prolonging anti – intimidation work. Despite these complexnesss, the research provided much needed grounds on â€Å" what had up till now remained a mostly concealed phenomenon, and provided the footing for the authorities ‘s first major effort to supply schools with grounds – based research on effectual anti – intimidation schemes † ( DfE 1994, DfEE 2000 ) . About a decennary subsequently, strong-arming continues to stand for an of import issue for public policy, non least because of the links between strong-arming, academic underachievement and mental wellness jobs Guidance issued to â€Å" teacher and school governors highlights their responsibility to forestall all signifiers of intimidation: ‘the emotional hurt caused by strong-arming in whatever signifier – be it racial, or as a consequence of a kid ‘s visual aspect, behavior or particular educational demands, or related to sexual orientation, can prejudice school accomplishment, lead to lateness or hooky, and in utmost instances, terminal with self-destruction, low study rates should non themselves be taken as cogent evidence that strong-arming is non happening ‘ † ( DFEE, 1999:24- 25 ) . The National Healthy School Standard ( DfEE 1999 ) besides recommended the â€Å" development of anti – strong-arming enterprises as portion of a whole – school attack to raising educational criterions, bettering the wellness of kids and immature people, and cut downing societal exclusion † . The DfES has besides announced that, as portion of the authorities ‘s national behavior and attending scheme, counsel and preparation will be offered to all secondary schools on undertaking strong-arming from September 2003. However, while the ‘whole school attack ‘ might be interpreted as repeating the impression of a ‘school ethos ‘ , in other respects the issue of strong-arming appears to be beset by a figure of tensenesss in policy. Students, who are excluded for 15 yearss or more, now receive full – clip instruction. Nevertheless, schools continue to be engaged in the hard undertaking of striking a balance between protecting the vict ims of intimidation ( through the usage of lasting or impermanent exclusions ) , and go toing to the public assistance of students who bully others. A figure of ratings have been undertaken of the impact of school policies on intimidation, and of the comparative effectivity of different sorts of intercessions. Some of these surveies were prompted by the â€Å" concerns raised by parents and students that anti – intimidation policies and schemes were holding a limited consequence † ( Glover et al 1998:120 ) . The grounds shows that â€Å" following an anti – intimidation policy is non plenty ; policies need to be efficaciously implemented and sustained over the long term † ( Glover et al, 1998:222 ) . In peculiar, available research indicates that: â€Å" school broad policies decline in effectivity over a 2 – 3 twelvemonth period, after which clip intimidation additions † ( Sharp et al 2002:139 ) , â€Å" decreases in strong-arming are easier to accomplish in relation to its milder manifestations, but that more terrible signifiers of strong-arming are harder to act upon and even with an effectual anti intimidation policy in topographic point, about 5 per cent of kids will endure from terrible strong-arming at secondary school. † Including the subject of strong-arming within the school course of study has won widespread support. Assorted facets if the course of study offers range for turn toing intimidation, for illustration, â€Å" as an component of personal societal and wellness instruction, or English, play, history or RE † ( Cowie and Sharp 1994:85 ) There is besides grounds to â€Å" back up the development of anti – male chauvinist and anti – racialist policies alongside anti – intimidation policies, and besides within a whole school model † ( Roland, 1989, Gillborn 1993 ) . It is clear that there are deductions to any enterprises or commissariats that even those created by the authorities. Despite the being of anti – intimidation policies, kids express a go oning reluctance to state grownups, parents or instructors, about their experiences when it comes to strong-arming. Children ‘s reluctances to speak to grownups about strong-arming have been attributed to their deficiency of religion in grownup ‘s ability to halt the intimidation. A survey undertaken by Glover et Al ( 1998:159 ) reported a â€Å" figure of different grownups responses perceived by kids as helpful or non so helpful. Staff who communicated that steadfast action would be taken against strong-arming were valued, peculiarly during the passage from primary to secondary school. other helpful responses were identified as instructors acquiring to cognize who the problem shapers were, maintaining an oculus on victims, supplying information during assemblies and showing the difference between strong-arming and ‘mucking about ‘ during category. Adult responses were described as counter – productive if they were perceived by kids to be unsuitably forceful. Traveling victims to another category was besides described as unhelpful because victims were so obliged to do new friends. ‘Telling ‘ grownups about strong-arming entailed a figure of hazards, including loss of control over how the ailment was later handled † . Another issue about kids ‘s reluctance to ‘tell ‘ may besides be attributed to kids ‘s ain codification of behavior, which they could be looking to be ‘telling narratives ‘ to instructors or other grownups in places of authorization. â€Å" Children besides express reluctance to confide in their parents, because they feel ashamed, rejected, obliged to demo self – trust, and do non desire to worry their parents † ( Besag 1989:155 ) . They may besides fear that their parents will over respond to strong-arming. It is apparent from the research that there are still many factors that assist in the increasing figure of kids and immature people being bullied within secondary school, and they are non having the support and counsel that they should be having from their schools and the support that they do have is limited. The literature reveals that the demands if these immature people are really complex: therefore they could non be addressed by one individual enterprise or Government policy. Olweus ( 1993:19 ) advises that â€Å" more research is needed to happen out why kids engage in anti – societal behavior and intimidation and the effects of those who are bullied and recommends that more longitudinal research should be carried out † . This thought would assist to develop effectual enterprises that can both cut down intimidation and raise engagement in instruction for all from the oncoming. Longitudinal research besides proves advantageous in measuring how good current Governmen t enterprises are working to cut down offense. The current enterprises aimed to undertaking intimidation and educational detachment of both the bully and the victim set out by the Labour Government look to be working, but they are limited to certain social/ethnic groups and schools, granted these societal groups are the 1s most in demand, but it is possible that kids of other social/ethnic groups and schools are being missed. It is pointed out by the TES ( 2005 ) that national jobs need to be tackled nationally, whereby these inducements need implementing in more countries in order to be wholly successful. With respects to kids who are being bullied, it is evident that schools have improved on seeking to forestall intimidation over the twelvemonth and so has the possible to supply support and counsel every bit good as high quality instruction to those affected by any type of intimidation ; nevertheless the figure of negative promotion of schools non making plenty to forestall strong-arming within school and immature people perpetrating self-destruction because of intimidation and harder penalties to those who do bully, has a important impact of those kids who are victims to strong-arming. Some of the jobs may be caused by the kid and some caused by the school and authorities policies, extra research needs to be carried out to do the differentiation between policy failure and the single failure. It appears that hapless communicating and uncertainness about duties from the footing of many jobs throughout schools and the bar of intimidation and bound any possible advancement. It is hence apprehensible why certain bureaus have called for one individual authorization to be responsible for the victims of intimidation and besides those who cause the intimidation, the bully/bullies. However in order to turn to the complex and multiple demands of both the toughs and the victims it could be said that legion bureaus need to be involved, given that each one has expertise in certain countries, it is hence suggested that the Government implement a new system to work out the communicating job. This would profit a important sum of people, in peculiar those who are victims of intimidation, who suffers in legion ways because information sing their background and besides what has been go oning to them and what bar steps are non passed on to relevant bureaus. Overall the essay has highlighted the factors that put immature people at hazard of both educational detachment and intimidation ; and demonstrated how easy each of these factors overlaps. The importance of instruction as a protective and preventive step against intimidation has been highlighted. However, it has besides been pointed out that certain kids do non profit from the positive facets of instruction and go on to bully others. In order to better educational battle and cut down strong-arming within school, particularly secondary schools, extra research needs to be carried out in order to turn to how educational enterprises and policies impact on alienation. On a more local degree the importance of effectual communicating and support in each single school demands to be addressed, its betterment would be of great benefit to all those involved, chiefly the victims and their households.ReferencingBalding, J. ( 1996 ) Bully Off: Young Peoples Who Fear Traveling to School, School Hea lth Education Unit. Exeter University. Besag, V E ( 1989 ) Bullies and Victims in Schools: A usher to Understanding and Management. Milton Keynes: Open University Press pp155 Boulton, M and Underwood, K. ( 1992 ) Bully/Victim Problems Among Middle School Children. British Journal of Educational Psychology 62: 73 – 87 ChildLine ( 2006 ) Strong-arming Calls to ChildLine Grow 12 Per Cent ( Online ) Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed on 19 March 2010 ) Cline, T. De Abreu, G. Fihosy, C. Gray, H. Lambert, H and Neale, J. ( 2002 ) Minority Ethnic Pupils in chiefly White Schools. Research Report No. 365. Norwich: HMSO pp1 Commission for Racial Equality ( 1988 ) Learning in Terror! A Survey of Racial Harassment in Schools and Colleges. London: CRE Cowie, H and Sharp S ( 1994 ) Undertaking Bullying through the Curriculum. In Smith, PK and Sharp, S ( explosive detection systems. ) School Bullying: penetrations and Positions. London: Routledge pp85 DfE ( 1994 ) Bullying: Do n't Suffer in Silence. London: HMSO DfEE ( 1999 ) National Healthy School Standard. Guidance. London: DfEE pp24 -25 DfEE ( 2000 ) Bullying: Do n't Suffer in Silence. ( Online ) Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed on 1 April 2010 ) DfES ( 2003 ) Undertaking Bullying: Listening to the Views of Children and Young Peoples Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed on 25.01.10 ) DCSF ( 2009 ) How can Seal lend to the Work Schools are Making to Reduce Bullying? ( Online ) Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 1 April 2010 ) Douglas, N. Warwick, I. Kamp, S and Whitty, G. ( 1997 ) Playing it Safe: Responses of Secondary School Teachers to Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Pupils, Bullying, HIV, AIDS and Section 28. 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Friday, September 27, 2019

Informational management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Informational management - Essay Example These information flows cannot be ignored: they are potent and effective, and they are the basis f most really good decision-making. Generally, MIS deals with information that is systematically and routinely collected in accordance with a well-defined set f rules. MIS plays a major role in a company's informational process. Information that has major managerial planning significance is sometimes collected at golf courses. Such information is not part f MIS, how ever, one- shot market research data collected to gauge the potential f a new product does not come with in the scope f an MIS by our definition because although such information may be very systematically collected it is not collected on a regular basis. (SMITH 1991, 60-85; O'REILLY 1980, 684-96) Normally, the information provided by an MIS helps the managers to make planning and control decisions. Now, we will see, what is planning and control. Every organization in order to function must perform, certain operations. For Example, a car manufacturer has to perform certain manufacturing activities, a wholesaler has to provide water to its area f jurisdiction. All these are operations that need to be done. Besides, these operations, an organization must make plans for them. In other words it must decide on how many and what type f cars to make next month or what commissions to offer retailers or what pumping stations to install in the next five years. Also an organization must control the operations in the light f the plans and targets developed in the planning process. The car manufacturer must know if manufacturing operations are in line with the targets and if not, he must make decisions to correct the deviation or revise his plans. Similarly the wholesaler will want to kno w the impacts that his commissions have had on sales and make decisions to correct adverse trends. The municipal corporation will need to control the tendering process and contractors who will execute the pumping station plans. Often there are elaborate systems for information that assists operations. For example, the car manufacturer will have a system for providing information to the workers on the shop floor about the job that needs to be done on a particular batch f material. There may be route sheets, which accompany the rate materials and components in their movement through various machines. MIS has all the ingredients that are employed in providing information support to manager to making planning and control decisions. Managers often use historical data on an organization's activities as well as current status data to make planning and control decisions. Such data comes from a database, which is contained in files maintained by the organization. This database is an essentia l component f an MIS. Manual procedures that are used to collect and process information and computer hardware are obvious ingredients f an MIS. MIS sub serves managerial function, collects stores, evaluates information systematically and routinely, supports planning and cont

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Unit 4 a Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit 4 a - Coursework Example The intensity of an ethical issue rests on the effect of a decision to the most number of people—or most number of stakeholders. The more stakeholders are concerned, the greater the scope which is to include the whole society, the more people to incorporate the decision which will determine its acceptability, thus determine its intensity as an ethical issue. In starting up with using an ethical decision-making framework, the stakeholders are first identified. The intensity of the ethical issue rests on the effect to most number of people, which is why it is one of the inputs to be considered. The system in which will determine the output or a decision will be determined by the interaction of the organizational factors and individual factors. For one, the individual factors will determine the values, interests and other personal factors that will influence his or her decision. Apart from these values, the context the organizational factors provide will guide as to what individual values will be acceptable in coming up with a decision. The pressure in order to conform to a higher set of values which is determined by the organizational factors will set the gears of the decision-making process. According to these larger set of values, which of an individual values is seen as more important to be emphasized and taken in consideration when coming up with a decision? The interaction of these will establish a system. The upcoming opportunity to an organization is seen to provide benefits to the organization. The opportunity is considered an input because of the benefits it can provide for the organization. With these benefits, the interests of different stakeholders will be determined, and up to what point an interest will be served by the benefit. As for the equality of the distribution of benefits to different stakeholders, this will be the result of interaction of the

Modern Children are Being Over-Medicated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Modern Children are Being Over-Medicated - Essay Example Currently, about half of all American children aged 2 to 4 are being prescribed with psychotropic drugs. In just 14 years, the number of children taking psychotropic drugs has gone up by 327% (CHAADA). The problem of overmedication, however, dates longer than that. The World Health Organization warned doctors and parents as early as 1966 that the use of behavior-altering drugs, such as Ritalin, can have serious effects on children (Doherty). Children are at great risks of overmedication since most of the drugs psychiatrists administer to them have only been tested on adults. Frontline quotes Dr. Patrick Bacon saying that the medicating children with psychotropic drugs are â€Å"to some extent an experiment.† If the â€Å"gamble† does not pay off, it could lead to serious physical and psychological side effects, just as in the case of Matthew above. It is true that children who are behaving differently than normal need medical attention to prevent any behavioral illness from reaching its peak. If they are not given the proper medication, both children and their parents will suffer. Treating behavioral disorders will also help children function properly in school and live normally with other children. More than anything else, early diagnosis and treatment would give children a greater chance grow into normal adults. The effects of the wrong diagnosis outweigh the benefits of the early medication. As in the case of Matthew described above, improper medication could be fatal. In the case of another child, Jacob Solomon, his parents put him on Ritalin after he was diagnosed with ADHD. The parents did see improvements in the behavior of their five-year-old child but the drug caused him to develop severe muscular contraction around his neck (Frontline). Aside from physical side effects such as this, powerful behavior-altering drugs could also have psychological effects.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

CRM Strategy for Charm City Mortgage Term Paper

CRM Strategy for Charm City Mortgage - Term Paper Example Effective CRM solutions will be able to develop synergy among the many business processes involved in customer relationships. Through the use of CRM, an organization will be able to maintain its current pool of customers, attract and win new customers an entice former customers back into their business. A CRM system, therefore, becomes an important tool for achieving a good level of customer loyalty and customer retention. CRM is not a single product or set of software applications. Instead, it is a platform or a technological foundation for various related services. The core components of CRM that are central to any CRM initiative are effective customer segmentation, well-defined business processes, integrated multichannel strategy, the right sets of skill and mindsets and the right technology (ORACLE 5). When these components are thoroughly re-groped, they give four core components that are central to a typical CRM structure. These are marketing management, customer support, and sales support. For businesses that have embraced a higher technological support for their business processes such as e-business, e-business infrastructure modules become a fourth core component in their CRM structure. These above-mentioned key components comprise the core functions directly supporting e-commerce staff, customer service, sales, and marketing. There are several ways in which the core components of CRM can be used within Charm City Mortgage to improve customer experience. According to ORACLE (5), the core components of CRM generate improvements to decision-making in all the three major stages of customer relationships. These are customer acquisition, development, and retention. Charm City Mortgage can segment/divide its market into distinct groups of customers sharing the same characteristics. Effective customer segmentation will allow Charm City Mortgage to understand which group of customers are the most profitable.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Howard Street Jewelers Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Howard Street Jewelers - Case Study Example This gave her a good chance of covering up her fraudulent actions. Many frauds of this nature are made possible by ignorance of owners when it comes to studying books of accounts and awarding of a lot of trust to employees which is dangerous. The fraud was detected due to the receipts from the shop that showed high costs for such a small business. Studying of the account books by Alvin more often also allowed them to detect the fraud. The Levi’s should have paid attention to Betty’s lifestyle as it was changing inconcurently with her earnings. The increase in costs of operation for the shop should have also been a sufficient heads up. The ratios of costs of operation and the size of the business are the ones that raised an alarm to the accountant. In addition, the shop was facing downward movement in terms of profits and earnings. The business was going downhill. The cash shortages were not directly related to the fraud. The reason why businesses have cash shortages even if there is no theft of cash is because of the exaggerated receipts that show high operational costs. The accountant does not bear any responsibility because he is an external accountant and doing an audit for a private business is not one of his legal duties. He is only expected to do it if contracted by the owners of the private business (Petrucelli

Monday, September 23, 2019

Rule of Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rule of Law - Essay Example This, however, is by no means of recent vintage. In fact, the Rule of Law has a long, rich and colorful history. Joseph Raz, one of the foremost legal thinkers of his time and a firm proponent of the Rule of Law in his seminal work "The Rule of Law and its Virtue" in 1977, may trace the roots of his theory to generations upon generations of legal thinkers, all of whom have made unique contributions to the principle of the Rule of Law. Principles of justice and ethics and virtue underlie much of the discussion on the Rule of Law. Illustrative of the wide range of ideas covering these principles is Plato and Machiavelli, albeit of different times. Platonic philosophy is hinged on moral virtue as practiced by just rulers. Man served the State and hence, ethics and politics were the same. This is to be contradistinguished with Machiavellian principles, which states that the State should serve the people. That is its whole reason for being. Under Machiavelli's concept, a ruler is justified in doing whatever needs to be done to maintain the country, even if his actions may be deemed unjust. " This is a complete opposite of the Platonic model which argues that a ruler may never be unjust. It is immoral and unethical, maintains Plato, for a ruler to rule solely by might. On his part, the great thinker Cicero maintains that there was no distinction between that which was morally good and what was useful to man. To quote f rom Cicero, "Virtue is a habit of the mind, consistent with nature and moderation and reason." [Rhetorical Invention (bk. II, sc. LIII)] Much of this has been influenced by Platonic philosophy which is hinged on moral virtue as practiced by just rulers. As such, the concept of government and duty has underlain much of ancient law and has aided the people of the time in charting their destiny Indeed, the broadest theme in the current conception of the rule of law is that the government restricted by law. This is consistent with the idea of the Rule of Law propounded by A.V. Dicey in his book "Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution" (1885). Dicey posited the following propositions. Firstly, no man could be punished or lawfully interfered with by the authorities except for breaches of law. In other words, all government actions must be authorised by law. Secondly, no man is above the law and everyone, regardless of rank, is subject to the ordinary laws of the land. Thirdly, there is no need for a bill of rights because the general principle of the constitution is the result of judicial decisions determining the rights of the private person. Joseph Raz, on the other hand, espouses eight guiding principles for the rule of law. 1. All laws should be prospective, open and clear; 2. Laws should be relatively stable; 3. The making of particular laws must be guided by open, stable, clear and general rules; 4. The independence of the judiciary must be guaranteed; 5. The principles of natural justice must be observed; 6. The courts should have review powers; 7. The courts should be easily accessible; and 8. The discretion of crime prevention agencies should not be allowed to pervert the law. Indeed, there is much that should be lauded with Raz' principles of the law inasmuch as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Alicia Martinez Murder Essay Example for Free

Alicia Martinez Murder Essay Alicia Martinez murder: Did Edward Romero chop up some body parts in a blender? Denver Westword, Thursday, Mar. 8 2012 Alicia Martinez disappeared on October 24, 2010, and shortly thereafter, Denver Police arrested Edward Romero for first degree murder. According to police Romero allegedly killed Martinez by shooting her twice in the head, then dismembering her body even going so far as to put some small pieces in a blender. Some parts were never found and others missing skin. Martinez was ultimately identified through the use of dental records. Francesca Pagliasotti, Romero’s girlfriend was accused of being an accessory to first-degree murder. Pagliasotti wasnt home when Romero allegedly killed Martinez, but upon her arrival, she found him in the garage, chopping up the girls body. The morning after, Pagliasotti, who has two small children with Romero, got out a mop and a bucket and started cleaning up Martinezs blood. (Roberts, 2012) The actus reus or criminal act of this crime has to be Romero shooting Martinez twice in the head and murdering her. Romero must have had a reason, in his mind, to kill Martinez. Maybe she saw him do something or he sexually assaulted her and didn’t want any witnesses. Either way the act of killing her was the actus reus. After Romero shot her and realized what he had done was not only wrong but could land him in prison for the rest of his life, he had to dispose of the body. No body, no crime. Romero decides the best course of action is to dismember the body in the garage. Not only dismember the body but put some smaller pieces in a blender. Romero had the knowledge that he had committed a crime or mens rea. Romero’s girlfriend Pagliasotta caught him in the act of dismembering a human body in his garage. Clearly what he had done in killing the girl and what he was doing with getting rid of the body was illegal. Yet Pagliasotta did not call the police or run and get help. She instead helps Romero clean up the crime scene and act like nothing happened. Pagliasotta has knowledge or mens rea of the crime. After having knowledge of the crime she did not report the crime to the authorities, this is actus reus or the criminal act. If Romero would have shot the victim and not have known that it would harm her then there would have not been a crime. There has to be the concurrence of actus reus and mens rea together for a crime to occur. The fact that he knew he was hurting Martinez when he shot her is the concurrence and ultimately the crime. Romero’s girlfriend knew that he had committed a crime. She knew that he had killed someone and that he had dismembered a body to try to cover up a crime scene. Pagliasotta knowingly helped him cover up that crime scene without alerting the authorities. This is the concurrence and ultimately her crime. This is why she is accused of accessory to first-degree murder (Roberts, 2012).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rationale For Brand Extension Marketing Essay

Rationale For Brand Extension Marketing Essay Brand extension is beneficial in enhancing new and already existing segments. Through brand extension companies can target those segments which antecedently were not explored or inactive. Brand extension can be beneficial in terms of fulfilling consumers changing preferences and needs, wants and demands of the consumers. This would ultimately result in increased loyalty for the brand and the cost associated with switching brand is avoided. Brand extension is also useful in terms of creating consumer trials. Comparatively to launching new brands, cost associated with consumer trial in extended brand is less. This can be more beneficial if companies in Pakistan focus on improving their distribution network as well. Brand extension is also useful when recognition, awareness and refreshment come into consideration. It can improve recognition of parent brand as well as awareness cost can also decrease. Moreover, in Pakistani market, it was observed than comparatively to parent brands, extended brands avails more awareness and recall. Utility of a brand can also be improved as a result of brand extension. Companies can become more powerful by using brand extension which can give companies more bargaining power with their retailers. Brand extension can strengthen companys position for bargaining with its retailers. To some extent brand extension is considered as a revitalizing process of any brand. It is considered as a strategy of re launching and refreshing a brand in the mind of the target consumers. It also helps in re positioning a brand in the eyes of consumers. Using brand extension strategy as a part of branding strategy, companies can also gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. It can be achieved by focusing on a market niche. Brand extension can also be beneficial in terms of shifting parent brand technological expertise to extended brand in terms of production, and research and development (RD). Advantages Disadvantages of Brand Extension Consumer knowledge about parent brand reputation and image always gives an advantage to companies. To communicate about extended brand benefits to the consumers, it is always beneficial for the companies if consumers already know about parent brand quality and image. Use of parent brand to extend the brands plays a role of attention getting process for extended brands. Consumer knowledge about parent brand image and quality make companies to communicate precisely the benefits of extended brands. Trustworthiness of consumers about a brand is useful for the companies to brand extension strategy. Trustworthiness of consumers tempts them to try new products originating from a brand which consumers already trust on. Consumers already have an implicit accord with already proven brands, thus consumers feel free to try extended brand even in other market segments too. Revitalization and refreshment of parent brand can definitely be achieved through brand extension strategies. Even in Pakistan brand extension is considered a source of refreshment and repositioning of parent brand. It is also useful to reposition the image of parent brand in the mind of the consumers. Though, In Pakistan brand extension strategy is at its initial stages, but brand managers always focus to overcome the disadvantages associated with brand extension such as dilution of parent brand. There are couple of brands which got diluted as a brand extension strategy but most of the extended brand got success in the eyes of the consumers. The number of diluted brand are far and few. Brand extension caused cannibalization of sales in Pakistani market. Companies in Pakistan like Nestle and Haleeb did face cannibalization of sales as a part of brand extension strategy. Success of Brand Extension Fit between extended brand and the parent brand in terms of similarity and consistency of quality and image is foremost important for the success of brand extension. Extended brands can be successful in the mind of the consumers, if consumers find the same quality and performance, which they found in the parent brand. Conversely extended brands can be a disaster for the company. Favorable appreciation by the consumers for the extended brand may lead to the success of the extended brand and the parent brand, while unfavorable appreciation may result in tarnishing the parent brand image. Moderating variable such as quality of the parent brand, consumer knowledge about the parent brand play a life-sustaining role for extended brands. In Pakistan, companies delineate quality as meeting the international standards of quality. Sound brand equity may result in brand loyalty, reduced cost and improved image. It also helps in improving the positioning of a parent brand in the mind of the consumers. CONCLUSION Rationale For Brand Extension As per our research, couple of factor work as a driving force behind successful brand extension. One of the most striking forces for successful brand extension is growth for the companies. Using brand extension, growth can be achieved either by maintaining current market share or by entering into new market segments which are not yet explored by the competitors. This can be achieved through leveraging or improvising favorable core brand into extended brands. Those companies which are operating in multiple categories or industries try to extend their brands not because of gaining growth but as a case of trend of brand extension. Such actions might spoil the core brands and essence of brand extension. To be successful in brand extension, steadfastness is a prerequisite. Meeting customers need, wants, and demand is one of the other important reason for brand extension. Customer retention is always gained if companies are satisfying customers need, wants and demands. For this purpose companies are using brand extension as a part of their branding strategy. Using this strategy companies can make their customer more loyal to the brands. This research also shows that brand extension is also used to introduce new brands for the purpose of fulfilling changing customers preferences, their needs, wants, and demands. By doing so companies on one hand try to capture the all possible market segments which eventually result in higher profit and market share. One of the other motivational factors for brand extension is to gain economic advantages. Mostly companies use brand extension because they want to gain higher net profit and want to save cost associated with creating awareness and communication with their customers. A part from saving cost related to promotional activities, companies also gain economic advantage through catering different other segments of consumer by extending their brand into different market segments. As in case of Haleeb foods limited, chosen for our research, brand extension is done to employ unused capacity due to the seasonal nature of its business. Apart from utilizing unused capacity, other reasons include, effective promotional activities, (ROI) return on investment, and higher net profits. Our research also indicates that brand extension strategy is also useful to take advantage of consumer trials in a cost effective manner. Cost associated with consumer trials in case of extended brands is comparatively lower than launching entirely a new brand and creating trials for these brands. It was also found that lower cost for promotion and communication is incurred in case of extended brands comparatively to a newer brand. New brand extension can target new customers segments without incurring higher promotional and advertisement cost. Our research also discovered that gaining advantage from economies of scale is also considered as a promising factor of brand extension. Economies of scale related to production, research and development and communication is a motivational factor for brand extension. Gaining advantage of economies of scale from brand extension may ultimately lead to higher net profits. Efficiency of supplier in providing goods is also count. It was also found that in food (perishable) processing companies economies of scale may be dependent on suppliers capability to serve demand. We also found during the course of this research that brand extension can also be beneficial as far as recall and recognition of parent brand is concerned. In such case, comparatively weaker brands can gain profound benefits in terms of recall and recognition, thus their bargain power with the retailers can also be enhanced. Moreover, to grapple the varying business environment, brand extension plays an important role in terms of revitalizing, re-launching the parent brand. Through this process of revitalization and re-launching of parent brand, parent brand becomes more captivating. Our research concluded that increased competition with the competitors along with the other factors also lead to the brand extension strategy as a part of branding. To compete with competitors, companies have to launch extended product, which can cater the needs of the consumer either in the current market segment or in different other market segments, where competitors are performing well. To stay a head of competition, it has now become vital to launch new brands under the parent brand name. One more important factor which motivates companies to use brand extension is to gain advantage of the technological expertise in parent brand. Using technological expertise gained in parent brand, companies try to enter into new market segment by using the same technology which they used in parent brand. Technological might include superior packaging technology or outclass promotional activities, which companies use in their extended brands as well. Advantages and disadvantages of brand extension This research concluded that advantages and disadvantages of extended brands are also recognized by managers. As per brand managers, consumer know-how about the parent brand is vital in the success of extended brands, but it is also important to convey the important characteristics of the extended brands, so that consumer would have an idea about how extended brand differs in terms of specification than the parent brand but not in terms of quality. Brand extension is usually considered more beneficial by brand managers due to the fact the comparatively to launching new brands, extended brands use pull strategy instead of using push strategy. In Pakistan, brand managers use the parent brand name to portray an appealing brand name for the extended brands which might help consumers to realize the parent brand doctrine and eventually accept the extended brands. Consumer trust can also be beneficial for brand extension. During the course of this study, it was found that consumer trust on parent brand may lead to the acceptance of the extended brands easily and in a cost effective manner. Companies have to incur less cost for promotional activities and to create awareness about the extended brands. Due to consumer trust, companies can penetrate into new market segments easily and quickly due to the acceptance of the parent brand among the consumers. Consumer trust can also be beneficial when it comes to retailers. Retailers accept the extended brands easily due to the acceptance of the extended product among customers. Consumer trial becomes easy as well due to the image of the parent brand, which results in quick penetration of the extended brand in the market and among the consumers. But it can be opposite if the parent brand name is not much familiar among consumers. It will become difficult to extend the brand under a brand name which is not accepted by the customers. It might lead to failure of that brand. In Pakistan one of the advantages which we came to know is refreshment and revitalization of brands. Brand extension can also be useful when it comes to repositioning of the brands. Every brand has a life cycle as eventually brands become mature. At such time brand extension is a useful strategy to reposition the parent brand, thus giving it a new life. Apart from advantages of brand extension, there are couples of disadvantages associated with brand extension. One of these disadvantages includes dilution of parent brand. From our research we came to know that in Pakistan, according to managers, they didnt face brand dilution as a result of brand extension. They agree that brand extension if done in a wrong manner can actually tarnish or dilute parent brand name, but in Pakistani context, it is not the case. Another disadvantage of brand extension is cannibalization of sale, which as per manager, companies faced in couple of extended brands. In case of Haleeb food, company faced cannibalization of sales in UHT milk and tea whitener. Changing trend led company to introduce tea whitener, which eventually cannibalized sales of UHT milk. Same case is with Nestle. Success of brand extension We found in our research that, a successful brand extension should fulfill the requirement of Fit in terms of consistency and similarity with the parent brand. Similarity and consistency does not mean exactly the same, but extended brand should maintain the quality and image of the parent brand. If extended brand would not follow the same perception which consumers have in their mind about parent brand, then there is a possibility that extended brand might not get the same response which parent brand got from its consumers. As a result extended brand might be a failure. We also found that failure of extended brands as a result of not maintaining the concept of fit does not necessarily harm the parent brand. Brand managers of all four brands which were chosen for this study, always make sure to follow the concept of fit between extended brand and parent brand. They always try their utmost to maintain the same image and quality in extended brands, which they promised with their custome r in parent brand. We also found that concept of fit between parent brand and extended brands make consumers to evaluate extended brand as favorable or unfavorable. Their decision about extended brands for favorability or un-favorability decides the future of the extended brands. If consumers do not find a fit between parent brand and extended brand then extension might become unfavorable, and if consumers find fit between parent brand and extended brand, then extension might become favorable. Recommendation