Friday, December 20, 2019

Otto Dix Essay - 2219 Words

The Great War Through the Eyes of an Artist How does one depict art? Art has been around since the dawn of man. A form of self-expression, a way to creatively put down ones ideals in hopes of creating a masterpiece, and where ever there has been art there has been an artist. In society the artist is a very important person able to utilize his work and make the people think and question the higher power. Out of the entire artistic association of the world and over the entire timeline of history one has stood out to me. A man who essentially went to hell and back, a man who put what he saw down so that he could warn others of the tragedies of the World War One world. Scarred for life and haunted by flash-backs of the killings; the†¦show more content†¦At the end of the war, Otto Dix received the second class iron cross and achieved the title of Vice-Sergeant-Major. Otto watched his fellow men be shot and then fall with blood gushing out, followed by their own ear-piercing scr eams haunted by the wailing of the numerous other injured soldiers, then be given two options ; one being carried off to a medical station to die slowly, and another option of being given a mercy shot. This trench warfare would be displayed in several of Dix’s pieces such as â€Å"Trench Warfare†, â€Å"Breakfast in the Trenches†, â€Å"Suicide in the Trenches†, and â€Å"The Trenches†. â€Å"Lice, rats, barbwire, fleas, shells, bombs, underground caves, corpses, blood, liquor, mice, cats, artillery, filth, bullets, mortars, fire, steel: That is what war is, it is the work of the devil.† (Otto Dix, 1923) Dix began to realize that what he wanted in vain, what he wanted all along, was something that no man would wish upon his greatest enemy. Otto suffered many physical and mental wounds. In one case, a shard of scrap metal flew straight into his neck almost killing him. Many bullets would find themselves into Otto’s body and would never leave. Barely surviving, Otto could often be seen by his fellow soldiers clenching a bible which he held very dear to him. â€Å"All art is exorcism. I paint dreams and visions too; the dreams and visions of my time. Painting is the effort to produce order; orderShow MoreRelatedVisual Art Plan By Otto Dix And James Gleeson1392 Words   |  6 Pagesdistorts the image to the way he or she wants to see it or would want others to see it. For example, Otto Dix and James Gleeson are artists that are known for having and using metaphor and spirituality in their pieces of work. Otto Dix has represented Spirituality in his art pieces as they are to do with war. Since Dix Spend most of his time in war he has used spirituality to search for a meaning about war. Dix experienced war first hand since he was a Machin gunner, he was exposed to death on a daily basisRead MoreReflection and Analysis of the Portrait of Dr. Heinrich Stadelmann by Otto Dix 1083 Words   |  4 Pages I remember viewing Portrait of Dr. Heinrich Stadelmann by Otto Dix during an eleventh grade field trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario, and being completely entranced by the painting—unable to look away from it. At the time, I was not fully aware of the world of art and did not have the vocabulary and knowledge to articulate my interest in this particular painting. Now, after returning to the painting three years later, the experience is quite different. Being recently exposed to a fairly wide rangeRead MoreEugene Delacroix’s the Massacre at Chios Greek Families Awaiting Death of Slavery vs Kriegeskrà ¼ppel (War Cripples)906 Words   |  4 Pag esSome people cope by talking to a friend, others write things down in a journal. Very few choose to discard the written or vocal word for brush and canvas, chalk and paper, or any number of artistic mediums at their disposal. Eugene Delacroix and Otto Dix were two such men. Even though their careers blossomed almost a century apart, they shared common ground. Both men chose to speak through their work depicting history with an unfiltered approach. How does a piece of art affect a viewer? DoesRead MoreBob Fosses 1972 Cabaret792 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"now-you-see-them-now-you-don’t† view of Nazis and some performers. Some slight forms of German Expressionism can also be found in the close up shots and titled angles of the camera. The film also features famous works of the German Expressionist period of Otto Dix and George Grosz. Cabaret contrasts the real world and distortion of the real world in the German Expressionist inspired film. Fosse uses the cross-cu tting editing technique between the stage routines and real-life drama. For instance, song and danceRead MorePolitical Art Essay1400 Words   |  6 Pageswhere there are many approaches reflecting different issues. In a sense, all works of art perform a social function, since they are created for an audience. Artists who embrace their role as a social commentator are Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso, Otto Dix and Gordon Bennett. Francisco Goya (1746 – 1828) sets the scene commenting on the atrocities of man. Both of his works, Disasters of War (1863) and 3rd of May 1808 (1814) show graphically the horrors of mutilation, torture and death in war. HeRead MoreInfluence of Ww1 on the Artwork of Early 20th Century754 Words   |  4 Pageshorrors of war in his own symbolist style of art. The next two pieces (starting from left to right) are Selbstbildnis als Soldat (Self-Portrait as a Soldier) and Selbstbildnis mit Artillerie-Helm (Self-Portrait Wearing a Gunners Helmet) created by Otto Dix in 1914. I chose these pieces because of their obvious relation to each other but also because of the contrast between them. Starting with the first, I find the vibrant white and red colors along with the short almost spasmodic brush strokes communicateRead MoreAnalysis : Shock Troops Advance Under Gas Essay1706 Words   |  7 PagesIn Otto Dix’s â€Å"Shock Troops Advance Under Gas†, Dix presents the brutality of war for everyone to see. From the barbed wire snagging a troop’s arm to the gas masks, this work illustrates true horror. Dix’s illustration of war helps display that war truly is not something to write home about with pride. Thus, I present the argument that war is not something to be patriotic over, and it is not something we should be thanking the troops for. They are brave individuals, but the duties they perform areRead MoreThe Death Of The Trenches904 Words   |  4 Pages Children are often considered carefree and innocent, which is the reason behind their state of happiness. They rarely cross paths with conflict from the outside world, but what happens when they become men and are sent off to fight in the war? Otto Dix’s visual representation along with the poems, â€Å"Suicide in the Trenches† by Siegfried Sassoon, â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† by Wilfred Owens, and â€Å"Blessed Are† by Charles Peguy all capture the horrors and distress caused by World War 1. When it came timeRead MoreWar On The War Of Art1658 Words   |  7 PagesWar in Art Introduction Everybody thinks they know what art should be. But very few of them have the sense that is necessary to experience painting, that is the sense of sight, that sees colors and forms as living reality in the picture. -- Otto Dix (Mulch, page 1) War in art. It was not an easy job and yet to this day has not gotten easier. There are two different sides when it comes to war art. On one side, the artists are going out onto the battlefield during the horrifying war so that theyRead More Art as Expression Essay1822 Words   |  8 Pagescentral to cultural, political and social discourses in the world. They are here not only to inspire us, but to provoke us as well. Four artists that broke social, political and cultural barriers were, Rene Magritte, John Heartfield Jackson Pollock and Otto Dix. While the artists were involved in different movements, each one made revolutionary statements with their works. Artists have a responsibility to use their works as a weapon to the status quo and to break these cultural and social barriers. Rene

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jane Eyre Another Cinderella Story free essay sample

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a young orphan girl named Jane. Jane lived with her wealthy but horribly evil stepmother and stepsiblings, who treated her as their servant. Jane wished for nothing more than to leave these terrible people, and she waited and prayed for that glorious day to come. After ten miserable years, it finally did. When she arrived at her new castle, she discovered that the owner was none other than Prince Charming, better known as the affluent Mr. Rochester. The two fell instantly in love, were married, and lived happily ever after.For centuries, children all over the world have listened intently to variations of this famous fairy tale. The Cinderella story has been adapted and reformed over and over again to fit a diverse range of audiences. This version comes to us in the form of Charlotte Bronte’s classic, Jane Eyre. Although Jane’s tale is a bit more intricate and emotional than the average fairy tale, the similarities between them are distinct. Through the use of characters, plot, and fairy-tale elements in Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte succeeds in writing an evocative depiction of the classic Cinderella story.From the very beginning of Jane Eyre, Jane may be viewed in the same light as a Cinderella character. Jane is simply the abused orphan child, acting as a servant to her aunt and cousins with whom she has been living. Because of her unfortunate situation, Jane grows up with a sense of independence and a practical understanding of the ways of the world, unlike most women of her time period. Thus, Jane tends to attract men who are searching for someone different from the average, naive women of this era. One such man, St. John, admires her greatly and lists her many positive attributes: â€Å"Jane, you are docile, diligent disinterested, faithful, constant, and courageous; very gentle and very heroic: cease to mistrust yourself—I can trust you unreservedly† (Bronte, 607). These valuable personality traits make her alluring to none other than the Prince Charming of the story, Mr. Rochester.Like all Prince Charmings, Edward Rochester is wealthy—the owner of Thornfield Estate and benefactor to young Adele, Jane’s lively pupil. Thus, Mr. Rochester initially fits the classic â€Å"prince† criterion. Once the reader is able to see beyond his riches, the essence of Mr. Rochester’s character is revealed. Similar to a typical make-believe prince, Mr. Rochester has been searching the lands far and wide for his perfect princess-to-be: â€Å"I sought my ideal of a woman amongst English ladies, French countesses, Italian signoras, and German grafinnen. I could not find her† (Bronte, 466). After years of despair and loneliness, this Prince Charming finally finds his match—in the form of the intelligent Jane Eyre. However, it is not just the characters that make these two stories alike.After Bronte’s characters have been established, it becomes evident that the plot of Jane Eyre is similar to Cinderella’s. Just as in its fairy-tale counterpart, Jane Eyre opens with an introduction to Jane’s life as an attendant to her aunt and cousinsenter the evil stepmother and selfish step-siblings. She lives in the midst of this abysmal situation for years until she finally escapes and finds her way to Thornfield (castle), home of Mr. Rochester (Prince Charming). Of course, in the fairytale world, the prince and princess are always seemingly born to love each other, as Jane states: â€Å"He made me love him without looking at me† (Bronte, 259). All is right in the world, and the two are as happy as Cinderella and Charming at a ball. Unfortunately, every ball must end sometime, and Jane finds herself in the heart-wrenching position of leaving Mr. Rochester. And what does every good prince do when he discovers his true love is no longer present? Why, he searches the entire kingdom, of course! But, alas, â€Å"every research after her course had been vain: the country had been scoured far and wide; no vestige of information could be gathered respecting her. Yet that she should be found is become a matter of serious urgency: advertisements have been put in all the papers† (Bronte, 571). Finally, Jane returns to her beloved prince, and, as Jane joyously relates: â€Å"Reader, I married him† (Bronte, 676). Thus, the prince and his fair maiden achieve their happy ending. But upon further examination of this amorous tale, even more, chimerical similarities may be seen. These similarities are in the form of cliches and fairy tale elements—a common occurrence in Jane Eyre. One such fairy tale element is the repeated use of the classic â€Å"stroke of midnight† to indicate Jane’s major life changes. An illustrative example of this is seen the night on which Jane arrives at Thornfield. Just moments after stepping through the front door, Mrs. Fairfax—the maid—tells Jane to go to bed, for it is â€Å"on the stroke of twelve.† This theme continues when Mr. Rochester proposes to Jane; the couple returns home â€Å"at twelve o’clock† that night. A final example may be seen on the eve of their intended wedding when Jane leaves Mr. Rochester to go to sleep shortly after â€Å"it struck twelve.† Similarly, Mr. Rochester brings his own cliche into the mix. When he first meets Jane, he arrives on horseback. Jane is walking down a dirt road when she spies a dog, and â€Å"the horse followed—a tall steed, and on its back, a rider† (Bronte, 165). This gallant rider happens to be her employer, and later, her prince. Thus, the two sweethearts receive the long-awaited happy ever after: â€Å"My Edward and I, then, are happy: and the more so, because those we most love are happy likewise† (Bronte, 680). Although the story has a bit more to it than Cinderella’s, it is clear that the two are much alike. From her characters’ personality traits to a fanciful plotline and plays on classic cliches, Charlotte Bronte has supplied us with a more complex and profound version of the ancient Cinderella story.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Who shot first in lexington free essay sample

ThomasGageThe first shots of the Revolution rang out April 19 1775 at Lexington green. Reports say the British fired first killing eight patriots. I believe these reports to be true. There was a lot of controversy surrounding this, since none of us were there, no one can be certain on who fired first. Evidence shows the British fired first. I think based on the evidence provided it was very easy to see the British were the first to fire the shot of the revolution. Paul revere was riding home with Samuel Dawes and William Prescott and noticed the British were marching toward Lexington in large numbers. He also noticed the were heavily armed and were ready to fight. We will write a custom essay sample on Who shot first in lexington or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He rode north through the streets of Lexington, Concord, and other various small towns shouting the British were coming. This allowed the colonists to hide there arms and the militia to get ready and be lined up on Lexington green ready to fight. The battle of Lexington Green occurred April 19th 1775 in Middlesex county, Province of Massachusetts, within the towns of Lexington, Concord, Lincoln Menotmy and Cambridge near Boston. The battles marked the first armed  conflict between the Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in the British North America. About 700 British and 1500 colonist fought. Many leaders including general Thomas gage, Jon Pitcairn, Hugh Percy and Francis Smith helped guide British troops. Many commanders of the minute men such as john parker. James Barret, John Buttrick, William Heath, Joseph Warren, and Isaac Davis helped influence the result of the battle by guiding troops and keeping them organized. The colonists lost 73 men while the British lost only 49. This was due to the fact the British had less men and they were much more experienced than the colonists who suffered much higher casualties. The first shots were fired in the morning on Lexington Green. The militia were outnumbered and fell back, and the regulars proceeded on to concord to search for supplies. At the north bridge in concord, approximately 500 militia men fought and defeated three companies of the kings troops. The outnumbered regulars and fell back from the minutemen. At the battle of Lexington Green, a British officer rode forward, waving his sword, and called out for the assembled throng to disperse, and may also have ordered them to lay down your arms, you damned rebels! Captain Parker told his men instead to disperse and go home, but, because of the confusion, the yelling all around, and due to the raspiness of Parkers tubercular voice, some did not hear him, some left very slowly, and none laid down their arms. Both Parker and Pitcairn ordered their men to hold fire, but a shot was fired from an unknown source. No one knows why this shot was fired but it was surmised that a nervous minuteman was frightened by the oncoming British. According to one member of Parkers militia none of the Americans had discharged their muskets as they faced the oncoming British troops. The British did suffer one casualty. Some witnesses among the regulars reported the first shot was fired by a colonial onlooker from behind a hedge or around the corner of a tavern. Some observers reported a mounted British officer firing first. Both sides generally agreed that the initial shot did not come from the men on the ground immediately facing each other. Neither side heard it come from this way. Also, no soldier lowered his weapon to reload and no smoke came from either barrel. Some witnesses claimed that someone on the other side fired first; however, many more witnesses claimed to not know. near-simultaneous shots occurred when the fighting did break out so no evidence was gained from that. Witnesses at the scene described several intermittent shots fired from both sides before the lines of regulars began to fire volleys without receiving orders to do so. A few of the militiamen believed at first that the regulars were only firing powder with no ball, but when they realized the truth, few if any of the militia managed to load and return fire. After taking heavy fire the rest wisely ran for their lives. It is all still very unclear who shot first. The evidence leans toward the British. But no one will ever no for sure. Historians are split both ways on this fact. I have leaned towards the British but I have a applied a bias simply because I am American.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Network Planning Essays

Network Planning Essays Network Planning Essay Network Planning Essay I have decided to do the Bargain Booze project. This seems the most logical of choices as there are many more options to explore. It is the project that has the biggest need for change. I also have the most information and knowledge about this business and can therefore make much better recommendations. I have personal experience of working within a few Bargain Booze shops around Stoke on Trent, I have also been a customer in other similar shops. I know the system well and all of its weaknesses and spent many hours thinking about how it could be improved. I still have access to the shops and the systems used as well as having friends that still work there. There are three main layouts in the shop and these are shown on the next page. These are extremely important to look at in relation to the proposed topologies for the network. Resources Each site has similar needs because of the basic Bargain Booze layout of having a few tills at each site. As shown on the next page, the three main layouts used in Stoke on Trent use either one or two computers. The computers that run the till software need to be fairly new to be capable of handling the associated hardware 2GB RAM and a 100GB hard drive would be consider minimum to hold the necessary information from sales. Peripherals used should be wireless so that there are no unnecessary wires when the mouse and keyboard can be stored away. Each till needs specialist till equipment software, scanner, till drawer, price display, and keyboard and receipt printer. There is also a need for lasers printers as the current dot matrix printers are slow and provide bad quality print outs. Bargain Booze has also requested enhanced security to include CCTV running separately from the till systems, preferably handled externally. There should also be motion sensors and multiple panic buttons where all staff can access them. This should be available as a security bundled from an external company. The actual network is quite simple for Bargain Booze. The most expensive needs of Bargain Booze are the routers at each site. Cat 5 cables are needed to connect between the router and the computers. An engineering kit to actually install the network would also be needed. To provide the network, an outside line is needed that is provided by Bargain Boozes ISP. Physical Constraints of the Network The system is going to connect several sites together and needs to work well. There are several options for a network such as this. The limited number of computers at each site reduces the need for an overly advanced system but the distance between the sites is going to be a major factor. Bus Bus topologies are one of the simplest ways of connecting together computers. Each computer is connected to a single cable that the signal can travel between them and at either end; a terminator is used to absorb the signal. This topology is passive and computers only listen for the signal and do not move the signal further across the network. Because of this, only one device may transmit data at a time. The simplicity of this networks means that it is very easy to install initially and then later extend. It also uses a lot less cabling than other topologies and requires no expensive equipment to set up, making it also much cheaper to implement than other topologies. Whilst this network isnt the most efficient network it is suitable for small networks or temporary connections. The main problem with this topology is that is relies on a single cable which is restricted to a certain cable length (depending on the type of cable used) and this will also restrict the number of computers that can be connected. Also, in the event of this cable becoming damaged, the entire network will go down and to fix this cable can be costly and time consuming. This is a potential option. Having a Bus network at each site would be relatively simple and as each site is unlikely to expand within the shops in the future; this would not be a limitation. Each of the sites will then be connected together. Star The Star Topology is based around a single device (such as a hub, switch or router) and all the computers on the network connecting to it through UTP cables. This means that all devices have their own separate connection to the network. If a single cable has a problem, then only that computer will become disconnected from the network. As this topology commonly uses UTP cabling, it is restricted to a maximum cable length of 100 metres. This topology is most suited for much larger networks and is frequently found in larger companies. It can also handle many more connections and this makes is very easy to expand. Instead of the wires being the weak part of the network, in a star network it is the hub that causes problems if it goes down. It is also much more expensive than a simple bus network as it requires expensive hardware at the centre of all of the connections as well as more cabling. A star topology is an option for Bargain Booze. Each site would have a star network and then all the sites will then be connected with an extended star. However, the lack of number of computers at each site means that this may be overkill for the number of connections needed but the reliability makes this an option, as does the relatively short distance between the computer and the connecting device. Ring Computers linked using the Ring Topology, will always be connected to two other computers, linking all devices together. Each computer forwards on the signal to one of the devices connected to it, allowing many computers to be connected to it. This topology relies on constantly working computers, if one goes down then the entire network will stop working. It is also slower and more expensive than a star topology. Another major drawback is that when a computer is either added or taken away, there is major disruption to the network until ring is completed once again. This can make maintenance costly and time consuming and will lead to business delays. A ring network would not be an option. It is more expensive than a star network but is much more limited in what it can do and how it is used. Rings should be replaced with stars in all but a few cases. Bargain Booze will be using an Extended Star as shown in the network diagram below. Analyse potential developments in networking technology which may affect the project. The biggest potential developments are increasing bandwidth and reduced costs. Both of these could dramatically impact the network if what we need for the network was not either currently available or currently within our budget. For Bargain Booze, we do not need a high bandwidth network. As we are currently not even using all of the bandwidth available to us, any newer technologies that have more bandwidth would be too much for the network. It is also likely to be too expensive for a network such as Bargain Booze. Increased bandwidth tasks such as video conferencing would push Bargain Booze towards this, but as it is a simple business a standard wired network is possibly. Fibre Optic cabling is the next step towards higher speed networks. Even though Bargain Booze is not using high bandwidth technologies, they must still be compatible if/when the entire country switches over to fibre. The system should also be designed so that Bargain booze may switch to cabling in the future if they need to. The cost of equipment is constantly changing as newer equipment appears to replace it. Each time a new generation of kit comes out; it pushes the costs of older kit down. This means that being a generation behind is usually cheaper. Because the world of computing is constantly changing and improving; even second generation kit is almost always more than capable of carrying out required tasks. The only time newer kit is required is in extremely demanding situations. A new standard for wireless is about to be released and this is called 802.11n. It is hoped that this is the technology that will push wired users towards wireless connectivity as both speed and range are vastly improved over the existing system. It is hoped that 802.11n will double the speed of wireless and so far, testing is saying that this is true. Making wireless faster and more secure could make it a substitute for situations such as Bargain Boozes network where at the moment, wireless just isnt justifiable. Identify and calculate the cost of all the resources required.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kickstarter Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kickstarter Analysis - Assignment Example The only requirement and the prerequisite for your business idea to be picked is for it to be something out of the world and unique. If you can make your project sound appealing, there’s a bright chance an investor would pick your project up and back it with finance (Kickstarter website, 2013). Kickstarter launched in 2009 and since then have been able to have funding done for over 35,000 projects. The one figure that would be the biggest encouraging factor for aspiring entrepreneurs is that over $500million have been promised to projects through this platform. All one needs to do is create an independent profile of your business idea on Kickstarter. This is like the face of your project and hence it needs to be absolutely top notch in order to for to appeal to a potential investor. The more creativity it oozes, the higher will be its chances of being picked up by a financer. Once the page is complete, creators make the page available to the community and hope it attracts funds (Levy, 2010). Kickstarter makes money every time a funding deal is brokered for a project on the website. They charge a 5% fee of the total fund that is won by a project. That is not only very reasonable but also justified considering they make the business idea available to a vast number. They heavily rely on their website, the community they have developed and word of mouth for marketing and communication of their services. They have achieved high success since their inception so the website has been thriving on the positive word of mouth and referrals they receive. Not only do aspiring entrepreneurs trust them, the investor community also believes they will find good ideas on the website (Villano, 2010). The webpage has heavy traffic and has more than 3million registered users. The funding rate of projects is also impressive with as many as 44% of the projects successfully landing interested investors. This shows the traffic not only

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gun control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gun control - Research Paper Example Many also contend that the right to own handguns, specifically, has turned out to be a detriment to public safety which is opposed to the intentions of the Founding Fathers. According to The Second Amendment â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed† (â€Å"The Constitution†, 2006). Those who are against limited forms of gun control refuse to consider the important word â€Å"militia† within this Amendment. â€Å"The Second Amendment was intended solely to guard against suppression of state militias by the central government and therefore restricted in scope by that intent; or does not guarantee a right that is absolute, but one that can be limited by reasonable requirements† (Krouse, 2011). Advocates of gun control, by and large, desire the weapon that harms the most people, handguns, to not be legal anymore but are agreeable with compromising on s hotguns and rifles. In this way, the constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms is protected but so are the many thousands of people that are killed by handguns each year. When reading the actual wording of the Second Amendment it is clear that armed militias alone have the right to bear arms. However, given the present passionate emotions tied to this topic and the allure of guns for citizens of the country, a compromise can be the only solution. Philosophies are formed by a people’s innermost values, refined by many years of thought and fashioned by life’s many experiences. Therefore a philosophical debate causes people to be more emotional than any other type. Political philosophies are tightly and vigorously held and in politically tumultuous times, such as today in a post 9-11 world, are especially apparent. The war in Afghanistan, gay marriage, the Occupy Movement, global warming, health care, abortion, health care, stem cell research, the loss of ci vil liberties and numerous other politically inspiring subjects have provoked emotional philosophical battles. The right to own firearms ranks highly among these political philosophies and any attempt to outlaw any type of gun always make this point of view even stronger. To make the argument for upholding the largely voiced ‘right’ to keep and bear arms by permitting shotguns and rifles of a particular length while prohibiting assault rifles and handguns seems the rational answer and a battle that may possibly be won. This approach has proven effectual in other countries such as Japan and many European countries. Those nations that have ban handguns experience a much lower murder rate than America. The idea that ready access to handguns has a major impact on the murder rates in the U.S. is supported by overwhelming evidence. Approximately two thirds of all murders that occur in the U.S. involve a handgun. Yet, restricting handgun use by legal methods has proven to have little impact on homicide rates. This is not a surprising revelation given that most criminals do not get their guns from licensed sources (Cramer/Kopel, 2011). Each year, at least 3000 American children are killed by the use of handguns. America’s children are much more likely to die via handgun use than the children of all other developed countries combined. Compare the number of American children killed with England where fewer than two dozen minors are killed by handguns in a given year. In Japan, the number is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Consumer behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer behaviour - Essay Example Discussions about external variables pointed to Wyld’s (2010) assertions that these are the general economic climate, technology, government and competition as factors affecting customers’ decision at the various stages. Scheiltz (2010) suggested other external factors such as the cultural, group and social values that sway the decision process of consumers. Decision process is defined as identification of needs, collecting of information, evaluation of alternatives, then finally going into a purchasing decision. (Chapter 6 Class Notes, n.d.) I. How do marketers persuade consumers using external variables? a. Economy The economy is the first factor considered as an external variable affecting consumers. The recent economic crisis is an external variable that affected consumers’ behavior in many states of US and in Europe, and many others. On the other hand, economy has been favorable to the emerging countries in Asia. The shrinking economy encourages shifts in bu yer demographics and the way products are used such that consumers may alter their purchasing decisions, how they perceive value and where they purchase the product. Market report of (2010) said that in Netherlands, consumers’ decisions are today influenced by the price sensitivity, value consciousness and attitudes towards private labels as about three quarters of its consumers suffered the recession in 2009. In the said market report, Dutch consumers reconsider their spending including decisions on where and when to shop; and that changes shown is that now, Dutch consumers are buying labeled products because they think they save more money in the long run. This is also true in the car landscape wherein the economic crisis has changed car-buying process of consumers. To help dealers determine changes of consumer buying process, Dealer Communications reported on a conducted a research to know the present motivations of car buyers; to know if there are opportuni ties still open for car dealers and manufacturers, and if so, how will they adjust. In issues how the products are challenged showed the way Apple has transformed how music is bought and played thru the introduction of iPod. (Wyld, 2010) Marketers also use the power of globalization to reach more and more country markets. Recent developments of off-shore business, in particular, the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia and China have encouraged multi-national companies to spread their business in these countries. Because of the improved purchasing power of consumers in these emerging countries, marketers find globalization as a driver of change in industries as motor vehicles, cell phones and credit cards (Wyld, 2010). b. Technology. One of the driving forces that encourage consumers’ buying decisions is the use of technology. It is observed that there is a growing acceptance of internet shopping, SNS websites and the constant growing series of internet appl ications. It is now easy for the company to sell products to customers using online technology, to work with suppliers and supply chain. However, because becoming an on-line seller is an easy process in the internet, this variable increases rivalry and competition among seller. An example of a successful on-line ordering system is being done by Wal-Mart stores that make shopping easy for busy people (Wal-Mart, n.d.) c. Competition An attractive market encourages competition to enter the industry. Most

Friday, November 15, 2019

Future Trends In 4g Networks Information Technology Essay

Future Trends In 4g Networks Information Technology Essay Mobile communication is continuously one of the hottest areas that are developing at a booming speed, with advanced techniques emerging in all the fields of mobile and wireless communications. Current times are just the beginning for deploying 3G mobile communication systems, hike research on the next generation of mobile communications, 4G Wireless and mobile networks begin to pave the way for the future. This paper studies the visions of 4G from a technical perspective. After a brief review on the development history and status of mobile communications and related 4G perspectives, present an overall 4G feature framework based on the kernel concept of integration, in hitch to key features (diversity and adaptability) of the three targets (terminals, networks, and applications) are described in detail. The concepts of both external and internal diversity of each target are defined to illustrate the causes and solutions of the adaptable feature. Then, along the entire 4G domain, each feature in the framework is deeply discussed from a technical standpoint, in which promising techniques and possible research issues for sufficient support of adaptability are also proposed. Finally, a short summary on 4G visions is presented as a continuum of features in the development of the mobile communications world. In this technology, we go in for a new motive so as to help the deaf people to communicate as efficiently as the normal human being. This could be well achieved by means of introducing new software called the voice to text converter (VoTC). INTRODUCTION: Mobile communications and wireless networks are developing at an astounding speed, with evidences of significant growth in the areas of mobile subscribers and terminals, mobile and wireless access networks, and mobile services and applications. The present time is just right to start the research of 4G mobile communications because of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Possibility, according to the historical indication of a generation revolution once a decade, and now we are near the end of 3G standardization phase and the beginning of 3G deployment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Necessity: according to 3G goals, 3G is necessary but not sufficient to the mobile communication strategy, in which many problems are only partly solved and there are still many problems left to be solved in the next generation, i.e. 4G. There is plenty of related research on the next generation mobile communications. However, most of the ongoing research can be classified into two different classes: 1) Many of the related 4G research focuses mainly on one specific technical area, such as distributed computing, mobile agents, multimedia services, or radio air interfaces, etc. 2) Some pieces of research are interested mainly in 4G scenarios from the standpoints of service provider or user, or a market analyst, from a less or non-technical viewpoint. The difference of this paper to other related pieces of research is that we are going to present overall visions on the features of 4G mobile communications, based on a feature framework and provide detailed proposals to respective support techniques and research topics. This paper is organized as follows. The next section consists of a brief review in the development history and status of mobile communications, together with an analysis of the problems of 3G and developing trends summarized. The following text is comprised with, after a survey of related 4G perspectives, we present an overall 4G feature framework based on the key concept of integration, and then describe each of the two features (diversity and adaptability) of the three relevant targets (terminals, networks, and applications) in detail. The heart of this paper deeply discusses the adaptability feature of each three targets in the entire 4G domain from a technical standpoint, in which promising techniques and possible research issues are proposed. The skeleton of this paper figures out a short summary on 4G visions. The declining part concludes the paper. A. 4G Feat urge Framework We summarize our proposal of 4G features with one sentence, or even more simply, with one word: integration, i.e. seamless integration of terminals, networks, and applications (together with users). A more detailed analysis and explanation of the definition is as follows. 1) The discussion domain includes three relevant targets, i.e. terminals, networks, and applications. Out of the 4G domain, the user is the only target. 2) The kernel word of the definition is so-called integration, which means the convergence of first the three different targets; second the various modes of each target, which lead to the feature of diversity. 3) The modifier seamless, which means the character and requirement of integration, implies the support of the adaptability feature between the three targets, each one of which is largely miscellaneous. . In order to clarify the concept, we define two kinds of diversity: external diversity and internal diversity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ External diversity is outside the target, which brings along the demand of the adaptability feature to all targets. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Internal diversity is inside each of the targets, and it acts as the solution for adaptability requirements. In short, the need for adaptability is caused by external diversity, and it is solved by internal diversity. Here both the external and internal diversity of users are the cause of all adaptability requirements, which implies that the user is out of the technical domain of 4G visions. The two main features. I.e. diversity and adaptability of the three targets terminal, network, and application are described in detail in the next section. B. 4G Feature Description 1) User Diversity: The external diversity of users, i.e. people in different situations, includes e.g. culture, educational background, economic capability, physical property, personal preference, etc. The internal diversity of users, i.e. people with different interfaces, include e.g. vision, hearing, speech, touch sense, hands and fingers, body, etc. Note that as for users, both their external and internal diversity are to be adapted by the other two targets: terminal and application. Moreover, for adapting the two kinds of user diversity, both the external and internal diversity of terminals and applications are the solution. 2) Terminal Diversity and Adaptability: The terminals external diversities are the differences of terminals in both static and mobile attributes. Static attributes include e.g. functionality, weight, size, battery life, human interface, antenna, processing capability, security, style, and cost. Mobile attributes include dynamic attributes of both temporal and spatial features. The former category contains e.g. moving speed and acceleration, along with stationary, pedestrian or vehicular qualities, while the latter is connected to spatial range, e.g. indoors, on-campus, in urban and rural environments, and also direction. The internal diversity of terminals means that one terminal may integrate multiple functions, modes, interfaces, flexibilities, etc. There are three targets for terminal adaptability. For users, it includes the provision of different terminals to satisfy different users and an individual users various requirements. As for applications, we hope that miscellaneous services can be delivered to one single terminal. When networks are concerned, a single terminal can reach a wide range of networks despite of location and mobile rate. 3) Network Diversity and Adaptability: The external diversity of networks is obvious. Internet is assorted by nature, while wireless networks keep the same property. For instance air interfaces can integrate all kinds of standards and work on different frequencies. Moreover, multiple operators deploy networks with multiple standards and protocols. The internal diversity of networks means that one network can interconnect with other different networks and transfer various kinds of loads, e.g. cellular systems with various coverage. Three targets are related to network adaptability. In reference to terminals, network adaptability aims to make multiform mobile devices with a wide range of moving speeds and mobile areas connectable to wireless networks. For applications, there is a requirement that any type and/or quality of service can be delivered through diverse fixed and mobile networks in the most suitable and efficient way. The target for networks themselves is to make it easy to build a 40 feature framework in order to be transmitted correctly and efficiently. We present the support techniques for each of the above features in the next forthcoming text. D. 4G TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVE It is obvious that 4G, just like all the previous generations, is driven not only by technology, but also by market requirements. This section mainly discusses, from a more technical perspective, possible topics for research and promising techniques of 4G, and focuses mainly on those techniques that give support to the main feature of adaptability by internal diversity of targets in the 4G domain. Fig. 2 gives an illustration of the discussion domain of 4G. Technical details are ignored here because of the length limitation of the paper. The various possibilities of competition among services are illustrated above. A.Terminals In order to adapt to the diverse applications and networks, together with the various requirements of users, the terminal domain must possess both internal and external diversity. Support techniques of the field may include the following: 1) User interfaces of terminals vary from traditional keyboard, display, and tablet, to new interfaces based on Lasers Speech, touch, vision, soft buttons, etc. This will be common at a time when one terminal has multiple user interfaces. 2) Adaptive techniques such as smart antennas, software radio, and smart transceivers, enhance interoperability through simultaneous support of several radio interfaces in a single terminal. This makes a terminal roam able across any air interface standard and connectable to any wireless access point by exchanging configuration software. These approaches can also be used on wireless access points as an advanced smart base station. 3) Terminals will be aware of location and context, often based on some wireless low power sensors that are human- sensitive and/or environment-sensitive in order to monitor and interact with the physical world to report the human and/or environmental factors. The advances in this area have been used in e.g. wearable computers as a novel terminal type. 4) An intelligent terminal is able to dynamically improve its processing capability in order to contain various services. Some function modules can even be downloaded to a terminal when needed. B. Networks More advances in networks are needed to keep pace with the rapidly changing terminals and applications, as follows: 1) Smart antenna, software radio, together with advanced base station are the key techniques to achieve adaptability of wireless access points to diverse terminals, i.e. to make radio systems and air networks re-configurable. 2) Hierarchical and ubiquitous as well as overlay cellular systems, including Pico cell, micro cell, macro cell, and mage cell ones, implement seamless network interconnection of both symmetric and asymmetric nature, and seamless terminal handoff of both horizontal and vertical levels respectively. 3) Network layer hierarchical mobility management based on Mobile IPv6 and Cellular make networks portable and adaptable of self-deployed wireless networks to introduce this concept IP brings quick and seamless handoff to terminals. The Mobile IPv6 also presents a great contribution to the adaptability of heterogeneous networks. 4) Ad hoc wireless networks are a kind, and thus dynamically share unlicensed radio spectrum 4G Mobile Communications 5) Network reconfiguration can be obtained by the reconfiguration of protocol stacks and programmability of network nodes. Thus, it can adapt dynamically to the changing channel conditions and low or high data rate users. 6) Miscellaneous services can be delivered through a mixture of transmission networks including unicast, attribute, importance, bandwidth demand, or data stream type, multiple levels of Quos can be defined for various services. multicast, and broadcast ones. According to the service types, e.g. real-time 7) Network resource can be dynamically allocated to cope with varying traffic load, channel condition, and service environment. Traffic conditions will be dynamically monitored and controlled via techniques such as distributed and decentralized control of network functionalities. C. Applications Adaptability will be one of the basic requirements to the development and delivery of new mobile services. Promising techniques and possible topics may include: 1) Mobile application should refer to a users profile so that it can be delivered in a way most preferred by the subscriber, such as context-based personalized services. This also brings the applications with adaptability to terminals that are moving in varying locations and speeds. Micro-sensors and GPS receivers are the main driven techniques. 2) Techniques such as adaptive multimedia and unified messaging take the terminal characteristics into account and ensure that the service can be received and run on a terminal with the most suitable form to the host type. 3) Intelligent mobile software agent is a common technique to all of the three targets, which act as a platform for service development, delivery, and auto-configuration. 4) Applications can negotiate with networks so that they can be transferred with the most efficient channel, e.g. indoor networks or WLAN or cellular systems in a wide area. Services will be tailor able in order to fit the different network environments and the varying traffic conditions. 5) Services and applications can also be smoothly delivered across a multiple domain of operators and service providers. 4G VISIONS SUMMARY We present Table 2 as a summary of the discussion above, which is a continuum of Table 1 with visions of 4G features. CONCLUSION This paper presents 4G visions from a technical perspective. After a brief review of the history and status of mobile communications, we propose a 4G feature framework, in which features of 4G mobile communications are defined. The framework is based on the key concept of integration, and it has the following characteristics: 1) Targets in the framework include users, terminals, networks, and applications, which compass the entire technical domain and operating environment of 4G. 2) Core features of 4G are described as diversity and adaptability of the targets, leading to seamless integration. 3) The feature of diversity includes both external and internal diversity, in which adaptability is caused by external diversity and is solved by internal diversity. Technical perspectives are presented for each of the features in the paper, in. which also some promising techniques and possible research issues of 4G are introduced. The proposed framework provides a layout view on future communication systems, and challenging research topics are figured for guiding systematic research of 4G 4G VISIONS SUMMRY Property 4G Starting Time 2010-2012 . Driven Technique Intelligent-software Auto configuration Representative Standard OFDM, UWB Radio Frequency (HZ) 3G-5G Bandwidth (bps) IOM-20M Multi-address Technique FDMA, TDMA, CDMA Cellular coverage Mini area Core networks All-IP networks

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Raoul Wallenberg :: essays research papers

Raoul Wallenberg led a one man crusade in saving more than 100,000 Jews. When researching Raoul Wallenberg it is important to consider his early live, saving the Jews, and mysterious disappearance. He saved Jews in varius methods such as Protective passports and save housing. People thought highly of him for saving so many Jews. Raoul Wallenberg mysteriously disappeared. There have been sightings of him in the soviet prisons, but no one really knows his true fate. 	Raoul Wallenberg Sr. died of cancer before his son, Raoul Wallenberg Jr., Was born. He died a few days after his wife's twenty first birthday (Linne'a 5,6). Maj, Raoul's mom, married a health department official named Frederick Von Dardel when Raoul was six years old. Mr. Von Dardel treated him as his own but Raoul knew he would always be a Wallenberg. Raoul's grand father Gustav Wallenberg, which he called Farfar, was Sweden's ambassador to Turkey. Farfar told Raoul of his plans to open a world bank and that he would like his help. Farfar told Raoul exiting stories of the Wallenergs in the past. Jacob Wallenberg helped open trade routes to China and Japan. His great grand father, Andre Oscar, went to sea at the age of fifteen and became a steam boat captain not long after. Raoul dreamed of being one of the "Big Men" like the men in his family. He looked at them as fearless Vikings (Linne'a 7,8). 	Raoul studied architecture at the university of Michigan in Arbor, Michigan U.S.A. He could learn about banking after collage. He wasn't good in math this isn't good for a future banker (Linne'a 15,18). He finished his architecture course in three and a half years which is a four and a half year class. He won a medal awarded to one student out of each class of eleven hundred students. 	"Thirty five years later Dr. Jean Paul Slusser recall at Ann Abor. ‘He was one of the 	brightest and best students I think I had in my thirty year experience as a professor of drawing and painting.'" One of his classmates remembered him as: 	A very talented yet modest person who showed great insight if finding simple solutions to complex problems. Neither his conduct not his manner of dress gave anyone who know him the slightest clew to his high station in life as a member of one of Sweden's most distinguished families (bierman 21).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What is succession planning?

Succession planning can be considered a company’s passport to ensuring its sustainability and business continuity. Organisations, big or small, have their competent and hardworking people as their backbone. Without them, their success will not be possible even if they put in a lot of investment in high technology and advanced machineries. It’s one thing, though, to have a pool of qualified and high-potential talent; it’s another thing to ensure that they are in the right positions to maximise their talents and sustain their motivation. The problem comes in when an employee who is currently occupying a critical function becomes unable to perform his or her duties for whatever reason. The company must then be able to identify a key talent from within the organisation who can fill up the void, and this is where succession planning comes into play. Succession planning is an exercise that companies do to ascertain that they have strong, experienced and knowledgeable senior managers who can serve as mentors to promising junior officers who can (and will one day) take on more critical roles and hopefully lead the company to greater success. Succession planning is about making sure that there is a qualified and competent manager who can assume greater responsibilities as the need arises and at any given time. Like in any sports team, the coach relies on a deep bench of â€Å"second team† members to replace a â€Å"starter† player when necessary. In addition, succession planning is anchored on the company’s strategic goals. For instance, if the company decides to expand its business beyond its current service area, top management needs to identify qualified talents who can occupy new posts as a result of a new deal closed or replace senior managers in the parent company who will be seconded to the subsidiary. This means that top management must constantly be on the lookout for possible changes within the organisation and quickly identify the manpower implications of these developments. Organisations that have successfully institutionalised succession planning in their organisation have integrated it into their day-to-day business operations. Succession planning is a continuous activity and not just a periodic thing. Key Elements of Succession Planning The first step to a successful succession planning is having a comprehensive and effective talent mapping and assessment system. Here, the company needs to define the skills set and competencies required for a particular rank and / or function in order to evaluate if all its employees are placed in the position that is most suited for them. Moreover, the company should be able to identify and provide development opportunities and growth areas for each key employee. Furthermore, the company should classify an employee as a high-potential talent, average performer or one that is unreliable and unmotivated. This is to make sure that the company allots more time and resources to develop the right people for the job. This means that a high-potential talent will be given more training and development programs and will be exposed to more growth opportunities compared with an average performer. Another key element in succession planning is to ensure that there is a regular performance evaluation system in place especially for key and emerging talents in the organisation. For most companies, this is done annually; for some semi-annually or even quarterly. Whatever the case is, the company should set clear, quantifiable, measurable and realistic targets against which an employee will be evaluated. Through this, top management will be able to see who among their employees are performing well against their deliverables. If there is a nonperforming employee, the company should find out the underlying cause for this because it might be a case of mismatch between the employee’s skills set and the role that he or she is being asked to perform. The company then should be quick to rectify this problem by moving that employee to a more appropriate position for him and find a more suitable talent who can take his or her place. Companies should also establish a mentoring mechanism and encourage their senior managers to always have an understudy who they think can assume their roles in the future. This understudy or apprentice will shadow the senior manager and help him or her perform critical tasks to develop the needed leadership and management skills. Moreover, companies should foster a working environment where there is flow of information from senior to junior managers and vice-versa. Talent retention is also an important element in succession planning. Companies should invest in making their employees happy and satisfied by providing financial (e. g. rewards and incentives) and non-financial â€Å"gifts† (e. g. employee recognition programs, good healthcare plan, training and development programs, safe and healthy working environment, etc. ). This, then, allows more time for seasoned managers to transfer their knowledge and share their experience to their younger colleagues so that when the time comes, junior officers can step up to the challenge. Benefits of Effective Succession Planning An effective succession planning can bring about benefits both to the company and the employees. First, the company can be assured of a stable business anchored on a strong senior management team and an equally-reliable pool of second stringers composed of trained and groomed junior employees. This, in turn, will make investors and shareholders more confident about the future of the company, which hopefully leads to increased shareholder value. On the part of the customers, they will also be assured that their service provider is in good hands and will be able to cater to their long-term needs. Moreover, good succession planning will save the company time and money in externally sourcing the talent who can best fill in the vacant position. External talents, no matter how brilliant they are, need ample time to understand the business and blend with the organisation. In the same manner, employees will benefit from an effective succession planning system as this will meet their career development requirements and make their existing and future roles clearer. High-potential employees will also appreciate the company’s taking notice of them and providing them with more top-level training and development programs. They will surely feel that they are given importance to by the company. Finally, succession planning gives employees a sense of stability, knowing that they have a long-term career path with the company. This, in turn, will make the employees more motivated, optimistic and forward-looking.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Trying to Self-Publish

Trying to Self-Publish This post is also available in a podcast: (or click on image at bottom of page). Saw this phrase twice recently, on two different blogs. Trying to self publish. Those words irritate me like fingernails on a chalk board, fork tines on china, grinding teeth.  You get the point. But probably not in the manner I mean . . . the manner I want to hammer home. And I love to hammer home points.People are entitled to self-publish. Of course they are. Ive self-published. Im a hybrid with my nonfiction being self-published (The Shy Writer Reborn) and my fiction traditionally published (The Carolina Slade Mystery Series), and if Carolina Slade ever gets dropped But Ill tell you one thing . . . I wont TRY to self-publish her. Ill go out there, jump in with both feet and damn well DO it. Whats with this trying business? I grasp TRYING to traditionally publish, because there are so many gatekeepers who have to give you that magical nod for it to happen. You TRY because someone else opens the door for you. If they dont open the door, you dont publish, at least with them. Okay, makes sense. But you dont TRY to self publish. I didnt TRY squat when I self-published. I made up my mind to self-pub and did it. Its like being pregnant. You are or you arent. You self-pub or you dont. I think because we have options with self-publishing, you know, without all the gatekeepers telling us what we can do, we call it trying. But when I looked up TRYING in the dictionary, the  crankier I got at those who say they TRY to self-publish. TRY: 1) to make an effort to do something : to attempt to accomplish or complete something. 2) to do or use (something) in order to see if it works or will be successful. 3) to do or use (something) in order to find out if you like it. Thats straight out of Merriam-Webster, honey. In The Shy Writer Reborn, I harp on removing words like BUT, ONLY, NOT, NEVER and JUST from your vocabulary when speaking of your writing abilities and efforts. Its self-deprecating. From The Shy Writer Reborn, page 41: Ever catch yourself studying someone successful, not necessarily rich and powerful, but someone maybe only a few notches above your common quest. In seconds, you allow a sense of discouragement to drape over your shoulders, oppressing you with the idea you cant be that good. You see a familys portrait, love their captured laughter, then hate the fact you are no longer close to your sister. You bite into a cake made in heaven and kick yourself for stopping at the bakery instead of making your pie from scratch. You read a published book in your genre, in a setting youve used, possibly centered around a character not too far distant from your own, and you curse about being too inept a writer to do as well as that author. We hobble ourselves so that others cant point fingers first. If we know we are less than stellar, nobody can surprise us with accusations. Its a way of protecting ourselves from rejection. Id like to add the word TRY to that list of words that hold us back. Avoid disclaimer words. People gravitate to confident people. They dont want to be around people who are TRYING to be good. They want to be around good people. They dont want to read books from people who TRIED self-publishing. They want to be around those who confidently published their book. A favorite saying of mine is simply this: OWN WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO DO. Pick your path then strike out without looking back. Stomp that trail. March to your drummer. Sling  your writing  into the bright sunshine using all the power and talent you have. Sling it hard. You want the world to read every word. This work is your legacy. You dont try to publishyou publish. You dont try to write wellyou write well. You dont try to promote your workyou promote your work. If you think youve written and edited something worth publishing . . . If you think youre ready to see your work in print . . . If you think youre ready to sell your work with confidence, then do it. Do it loud, hard, with passion. Be not afraid to let the human race know what youve done. The minute you say you are TRYING to do something, I hear hesitation and self-doubt as do agents, readers, publishers, editors, and more. Im telling you, owning who you are and what you do is powerful, and more than a few people will look twice at you, wanting a taste of that youre drinking, because whatever it is, it makes you appear more alive than they are. You can TRY or you can DO. Readers can tell the difference.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Do You Need to Take Both the ACT and SAT

Do You Need to Take Both the ACT and SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As a high school student, I took both the SAT and the ACT. I’d been taking the SAT every couple of years since I was in middle school, so I planned to focus primarily on it. However, as a public school student in Colorado, I was required to take the ACT by my school. My scores on the two tests were relatively similar and I ended up submitting both. Taking both tests, whether because of school requirementsor personal preference, has become an increasingly common choice for students, especiallythose applying to top colleges. Though itisn’t necessary to take both the ACT and SAT, doing somight be the right plan for you. This guide will walk you through the pro and cons of taking both tests. Key Fact: Schools Only Require the ACT or the SAT,Not Both No school will require you to submit scores from both tests, so you definitely don’t need to take both the ACT and the SAT. Keep in mindthat, regardless of what you might have heard to the contrary, all schools accept both the ACT and the SAT. Though in the past selective colleges on the coasts generally preferred the SAT, this hasn't been the case for decades. I would say that for most students it’s not worth the time investment to prepare for both tests,but read on for all the information you need to make the best decisionfor yourself. 4 Reasons You Might Want to Take Both Tests There are four potential benefits to taking both the ACT and the SAT: you'll have an extra chance to excel, prepping for one can help you do better on the other, some schools might appreciate seeing both scores, and you'll get more test dates to choose from. #1: You'll Have More Opportunities to Do Well The most common reason students take both the ACT and the SATis in case they can score much better on one than the other. The majority of students will score similarly on both tests,but it can be tricky to determine whether you're one of the exceptions without trying both tests. Nonetheless, there are some general patterns to which students prefer which tests. Students who have a strong affinity for the ACT generally: Aren't stressed by time pressures Excel at skimming passages for information Enjoyscience, or at least aren't intimidated by it Are comfortable with geometryand trigonometry Students who prefer the SAT, on the other hand, usually: Aren't confused by complicated question phrasings Can do basic calculations by hand Can easilyexplain the logic behind their answers One benefit of this approach is that if you do score much higher on either the ACT or the SAT, you can always choose to send only the scores fromthetest you did better on- even if a school doesn't use SAT/ACT Score Choice. #2: The Tests Are Similar, so Preparing for One Will Help You on the Other The SAT redesign madethe two tests more similar than ever. Because there's a lot of overlap between content and strategies for the ACT and the SAT,prepping for one willhelp you on the other as well. For example, studying for the ACT Science section will help you hone graph-reading skills that will come in handy on the SAT's quantitative reasoning and data representation questions. On the other hand, reviewing the grammar rules you need for SAT Writing will be equally good preparation for ACT English. However, if you do plan to prepare for both, be sure to start studying well ahead of when you want to be done with testing.You'll need to spend some extra time learning about whichever test you decide to take second. #3: Taking Both Tests Can Provide Extra Information for Schools As I mentioned above, most students who take both tests are applying to more selective schools, which sometimes appreciate the extra information. Doing extremely well on both tests is slightly more impressive than doing equallywell on just one. Janet Rapelye, Princeton's dean of admissions, told the New York Times that submitting both tests isn't necessary but can be helpful: "For us, more information is always better. If students choose one or the other, that’s fine, because both tests have value. But if they submit both, that generally gives us a little more information." Though the tests are very similar, and treated the same by admissions committees, they do test slightly different ideas and concepts. Taking both gives schools the fullest sense of your capabilities; however, keep in mind that any advantage submitting both tests gives you will be relatively minor. #4: You'll Get More Test Dates to Choose From The SAT and ACT are each offered seven times a year but on different dates. Thus, by taking both tests,you'll essentially get double the number of test dates to choose from. This can be helpful if you're worried about finding time to take a test and have a pretty stringent schedule at certain times of year. For example, if you're super busy in the winter and would rather take a test in the spring or early summer, this gives you three SAT dates (March, May, and June) plustwo ACT dates (April and June) to choose from. 2 Reasons TakingBoth TestsMight Not Be Worth It While there are some potential upsides to taking both the SAT and the ACT, there are also some pretty significant drawbacks. #1: You'll Need More Prep Time If you want to prep for both the ACT and the SAT, you’ll have to spend a fair amount of extra time preparing. Even with the overlap between the tests, you’ll need to take a few practice tests for the second test you focus on, and take the time to make sure you fully understand the differences between the two tests. This will amount to roughly 10-20 hours of extra test prep. These hours might be better spent pursuing an activity you're excited about or working on your college essay. #2: Trying to Do Both Can Be Overwhelming and Confusing The tests are similar, but not the same. As such, trying to prepare for both can end up being very overwhelming if you're the type of person who has trouble juggling a lot of different ideas at once. Ultimately, for some students,trying to studyfor both the ACT and the SATcan lead to lower scores than focusing on just one test would. How to Choose Betweenthe SAT and the ACT: 4 Factors If you do settleon taking just one of the tests, there are four factors you'll want toconsider when deciding between them. #1: Do You Have a Particular Affinity for the SATor the ACT? As I mentioned above, most students score similarly on both tests, but some find one significantly easier than the other. In additionto the brief guidelines I've laid out in this post, you can use this guide to determine whether you’re likely to have strong preference for the ACT or the SAT. You might also try taking a practice test of each and comparing your scores- this approachis more accuratebut also more of a time commitment. #2: Are You Required to Take One of the Tests at School? Roughly half of the states in the US will require all public school juniors to take either the ACT or the SAT. If your school requires you to take one of them, you might benefit from focusing on the required test. What's more, your school might offer free or discounted test-prep resources, ultimately making you more familiar with just one of the two tests. #3: Does One Test Better Suit Your Strengths? Though the SAT and ACT have a lot in common these days, they still have a few big differences that you can use to determine which test might be a better fit for your particular strengths. Some of the biggest differences between the two tests are as follows: Science Section? % Geometry Qs on Math Section Avg Time per Question No-Calculator Section? Math Formulas Chart? Grid-in Math Qs? SAT No 10% 1 minute Yes Yes Yes ACT Yes 35-45% 1 minute No No No As you can see, if you're not too good at geometry and need more time per question, the SAT will likely be a better fit for your skills. On the other hand, if you hate doing math without a calculator but love science, the ACT might work better for you. Look atwhat's on each test and then decide whether one might be a better fit for you.And don't just think about your strengths- consider your weaknesses, too. For example, if you're not good at grid-in math questions, you might have a better shot at getting a high Math score on the ACT than you would on the SAT. #4: Which Test Offers More Convenient Test Dates? The last big factor to consider is which test offers more convenient test dates that work with your schedule. As I mentioned above, both the SAT and ACT are administered seven times a year (excluding school-day testing); however, these test dates are not the same. The chart below shows what months the SAT and ACT are administered each school year: Testing Month SAT ACT August X September X October X X November X December X X January February X March X April X May X June X X July X As the chart indicates, some months offer both the SAT and ACT while others only offer one or the other (note that January is the only month that offers neither test). Ultimately, it's important toconsider whichtest can give you more flexibility and fits better with your schedule. For example, if you have the whole summer to study, you might want to take the SAT since it offers an August test date. Or, if you have winter to study and want to get the test over with before spring activities start, the February ACT might be an ideal fit. Still Want to Take Both the ACT and SAT? 3 Tips If, after lots of consideration, you still want to take both the ACT and SAT, you'll need to know how to prepare accordingly so that you don't get overwhelmed or make any mistakes on test day. Here are our top three tips for keeping your brain in check as you prep for the SAT and ACT. #1: Focus on One Test at a Time The most important point is to focus on one test at a time in your prep. This means you shouldn't take both tests in the same month or even in back-to-back months, as doing this can confuse and overwhelm you. Ideally, you'll take one test and then the other at least three months later.We typically advise prepping for at least three to six months before the SAT/ACT, so giving yourself this amount of time in-between test dates should allow you to take one test and then completely transition your mindset to prepping for the other. Taking both the ACT and SAT around the same time might sound like a smart idea, but in the end all it's going to do is mix up information in your head and exhaust you. So take our advice and spread out your dates! #2: Use Resources Specific to Your Test While some resources can work for both the SAT and ACT, most target just one of the two tests. As a result, don't try to use SAT resources for your ACT prep, or ACT resources for your SAT prep. Doingthis will ultimately end up confusing you, and you'll learn the wrong strategies and content. Instead, separate your resources into two piles: one for the SAT, and one for the ACT. For tips on what prep books to use for the SAT and ACT, check out our individual guides. The only high-quality resource I recommend using for both tests isKhan Academy. This free website has partnered with the College Board to offer tons of video tutorials and official SAT practice questions. While it doesn't specifically cater to the ACT, it's got a lot of helpful strategies and explanations for math, reading, and writingthat you can apply to your ACT prep as well. #3: Come Up With Separate Study Plans Lastly, you'll need to spend some time coming up with two separate study plans for the SAT and ACT. Even if you plan to give yourself the same amount of time to study for both tests (say, four months for each test), how you spend that time will likely vary slightly depending on which test you're taking. The main reason for this is the content differences on the tests. Remember, the ACT has a whole section the SAT doesn't have- Science! That fact alone should be reason enough to come up with a different study schedule. Another reason is your own goals. What score are you aiming for on the SAT? The ACT? Where are you currently scoring on each test? Once you've answered these questions, you can begin to figure out how to structure and customize your study schedules. For tips on how to build the best SAT or ACT study plan for you, take a look at our guides. What's Next? When studying for the ACT or SAT, it's helpful to have a specific goal in mind.Learn how to determine what a great score for you will be on the SAT or the ACT. If you have more questions about the redesigned 2016 SAT,check out our full breakdown of the test. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT and ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160+ points or your ACT score by 4+ points. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organizational Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organizational Communication - Term Paper Example by using images & symbols, vision, mission, objectives, goals, interaction of employees with the technology and amongst themselves, exercising power, values, and how these dynamics in communication helps the organisation to be successful in their endeavour.(U. S. Department of Education, 2007). The importance of the organization communication increases proportionally as the size of the organisation increases in terms of its employee’s strength, diversity and distributed operations across geographies. The process of ensuring smooth communication within organisation becomes further challenging when the employees in the organisation are speaking same content in a different way which to an extreme can be conflicting in nature which not only confuses the recipient of the communication but also put organisation’s image in jeopardy. The conflicting nature of the communication is not limited to organisations which are new in business but are seen to be coming from established o rganisations as well (Paul A. Argenti and Thea S. Haley, 2006). The streamlining of communication from the leaders of the organisation can be a daunting task if not managed properly. The challenge becomes even bigger when the organisation has its branches in various countries and the head of the centre in a particular country speaks differently from his colleagues. There could also be instances where the written/published documents from the organisation might be conflicting in nature. (Cheney, G., 2000) This paper provides the overview of Church’s Content-Processes-Roles (CPR) model of organisational communication (Church, A., 1996) studies the difference in the content of the communication by different organisations especially Walmart and finally provides the recommendations on handling the irony of the two different contents of the communication. The selected organisation is Walmart and the case study is set in October 2005 when Walmart published two documents which were poles apart in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Economy and Agriculture in Russia Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economy and Agriculture in Russia - Case Study Example This in turn would be related to the development of agricultural economy and vertical integration of the agricultural market. The discussion here is based on vertical integration of grain agricultural market in transition economies of Eastern Europe (such as Russia) considering both secondary and primary research methods. The deficiencies in research methods are highlighted and the focus is on the agricultural and economic possibilities in Russia and other East European countries. In the context of Russia and other transition economies, it would be essential to analyze whether the Central and Eastern European countries have sustainable levels of agricultural output. However the impediments for emergence of agro food sector may have to be found out (OECD, 1998). The key issues related to structural reforms of the agro food sector especially within transition economies would deal with credit and finance, foreign direct investment, and efficiency matters in the sector. Support levels provided to agricultural companies and initiatives should increase and transition economies are in focus as these globally emerging economies are the ones which will become more important for world markets than the more stable economies. Funke and Ruhwedel (2005) used data from 14 East European transition economies to evaluate the relationship between productivity and economic growth in these regions. The results obtained from trade data suggest that the growth model of East Europea n transition economies may be explained with outward orientation and integration of world economic patterns. Russia's development and economic growth will have to be considered against the 1998 financial crisis that was triggered with the international financial crisis. With the financial crises, declining income and rising prices and inflation led to stockpiling of products for short term needs. Crisis also increased price competitiveness of agriculture and food industry although there has been a reported overall declining performance of the Russian economy after the 1998 crisis, especially within the agro food sector (Serova et al, 1999). The poor institutional settings within Russia and extensive bartering could be detrimental for the economy. Russia follows protectionist measures and measures to counteract food shortages although Serova et al (1999) claim that this may actually increase the inconsistency of Russia's food policies. Seeth et al (1998) draws out on the case of poverty and economic problems in Russia to bring out new dimensions in poverty research, especially within the context of Russia. The urban and rural households in Russia tend to respond to crisis situations and economic stress with increasing dependence on home gardening and subsistence agriculture. Agriculture is especially important for income and food consumption among the middle income strata although the poorer sections of society have very scarce resources and small plots and gardens that may not be adequate for income or food consumption. Household labour force and opportunities available would be some of the main factors that can

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Recycle (Indiana State recycle center) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recycle (Indiana State recycle center) - Essay Example The center later turned into an educational center and a community-wide recycling center (ISU). Following the lecture about the recycling processes and the coverage of the recycling at Indiana University, I learnt that many materials, which I viewed as non-usable, are valuable resources that can be recycled for further use. Some of the materials that I discovered to be recyclable include news papers, old books, cardboards, waste paper, glass containers, plastic films and bags, metallic beverage cans, bottles and plastic containers. Before the lecture, I did not know that empty bottles – after using the contents they contain – could be used for a better course. Since the lecture, I started collecting all waste materials, and taking them to the neighboring recycling center – where they recycle all that is recyclable and effective dispose what they cannot recycle (Braungart and McDonough 47). Through the lecture on the recycling at Indiana University, I discovered t hat the heavy pressure on the production resources of the world could be reduced through recycling. For example, he explained that iron and aluminum deposits are reducing continually, but went further to explain that the waste cans that are disposed at the garbage collection area can be used to substitute the diminishing resource inputs. He gave us an example of plastic cans, demonstrating that the disposed cans are usually as good as new; therefore, through recycling these disposed containers, canning companies can reduce their costs of operation. Therefore, from the lesson, I learnt that recycling has many advantages, including that it reduces the pressure on production resources, reduces the impacts of waste disposal and reduces the costs of doing business – particularly in the area of sourcing for inputs (ISU). During the lecture, the agent from the recycling center explained the long term effects of recycling, including that it reduces the impacts caused by pollution on the environment. One example he used, made it clear to me that recycling is a channel for safeguarding the future of humanity. For example, when plastic cans and the waste materials from the health center are incinerated, they produce toxic smoke, which increases the rate of ozone layer depletion – which increases the levels of global warming. But in the case that these waste materials are not taken through the process of incineration, which uses a lot of energy and in some cases pollution-causing smoke, the waste can be recycled for newer use, over and over again. The recycling of the waster reduces the costs of producing new plastic cans and other plastic products; it reduces the energy levels consumed by industrial plants, and reduces the pollution caused by inappropriate waste material (ISU). Therefore, in the long term, the benefits of recycling reinforce the availability of resources, increase the sustainability of the environment and improve the profitability of differ ent enterprises. Through the lecture, I learnt that recycling can be practiced by all people, young and aged; poor and rich, as well as those in business and those that use the recyclable materials at home. For example, among the young, spoilt toys can be recycled for new plastic, and among the aged, many waste items like spoilt computers and vehicles can be surrendered for recycling. Among the poor, simple materials like paper bags

Monday, October 28, 2019

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Example for Free

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Psychological Disorder Analysis Iris Sally July 19, 2010 PSY/270 Joan Rachmel Many people suffer from psychological disorders. Psychological disorders interfere with an individuals ability to function normally in society. Marla is a 42-year-old Hispanic female who comes to the mental health clinic complaining of trouble sleeping, feeling jumpy all of the time, and an inability to concentrate. These symptoms are causing problems for her at work, where she is an accountant. Based on the background information that Marla provided, Marla appears to be suffering from adult ADHD. ADHD, usually occurs in begins in childhood, but some children who suffer from ADHD have symptoms that persist into adulthood. People who suffer from ADHD are characterized as having great difficulty attending to tasks or [they] behave over actively and impulsively, or both (Comer, 2007, p. 428). Marlas feelings of being jumpy all the time is a major symptom of ADHD, which characterizes her as being overactive and impulsive. She also has trouble concentrating because of constant movement and an inability to pay attention. In arriving at a diagnosis, I considered the following questions: 1. Please tell me about yourself including your social environment and any other important aspects of your life? While Marla’s social environment is unknown, many adults who suffer from ADHD have friends and family. Marla has trouble coping with daily life because her ADHD has been hindering her ability to focus, and therefore interrupting the things that are important in her life. 2. What prompted you to seek therapy? Marla, like many individuals who decide to seek therapy, decide to seek therapy because of their inability to concentrate and the impulsivity/hyperactivity is affecting their work life. Also, Marla has difficulty sleeping, sometimes a symptom of ADHD, which may be caused by her hyperactivity or impulsivity. It is difficult for many individuals with ADHD to lie still and get comfortable enough to fall asleep and stay asleep, because of the incessant urge to constantly move around or fidget excessively, a common symptom of ADHD. 3. How would you describe yourself growing up? As a child, Marla may have suffered from many of the same symptoms she is currently battling in adulthood because ADHD usually begins in childhood and progresses to adolescence and in Marlas case, into adulthood. For the diagnosis to be given to an adult, the individual must have symptoms which began in childhood and are ongoing up to the present (Martin, 2007). Therefore, all adults who suffer from ADHD developed the symptoms in childhood. As an individual like Marla grows into adolescence and even further into adulthood, the symptoms of over activity and impulsivity become less apparent. The decrease of intensity in the ADHD symptoms may make the symptoms easier for individuals like Marla to handle, but they still affect the persons life. . What are your expectations of therapy? Marla is probably hoping that therapy will help her to overcome the issues she is currently facing because she can learn new techniques that will help her feel less jumpy and be able to concentrate more when she is at work. Techniques taught in behavioral therapies can help Marla gain more control over her actions, so that she can better deal with her hyperactivity or impulsivity. 5. Can you think of any one event t hat precipitated this onslaught? Marlas current state of mind can reveal several things including that she may be stressed with some of the events that are occurring in her life. Even though the onset of ADHD is in childhood, high levels of stress have been cited as one of the major contributing factors of ADHD, along with biological causes (abnormalities in certain regions of the brain have been implicated most often) and family dysfunction (Comer, 2007, p. 429). Certain events may have occurred in Marlas personal or professional life that has made her abnormal behavior more apparent to her. 6. What made you anxious today, yesterday? Since ADHD is often times brought on by stress, something dramatic and stress inducing such as daily life hassles, including working, dealing with her family, and taking care of herself, could all have raised Marlas stress levels. 7. Does anyone else in your family suffer from feelings such as you are experiencing? More and more adults are starting to realize that the symptoms of ADHD they see in their children are behaviors theyve been living with since their own childhood. ADHD can run in families. Some studies indicate that 25% of close relatives of kids with ADHD also have this neurological disorder. For parents, that number is even higher: In children with ADHD, more than 50% of the time at least one parent has ADHD, too. 8. Do you think badly of yourself for being this way? Children with ADHD often feel badly about themselves. They might think theyre stupid, naughty, bad or a failure. Not surprisingly, their self-esteem takes a battering and they find it hard to think anything positive or good about him or her self. Most people who discover they have ADHD, whether children or adults, have suffered a great deal of pain. The emotional experience of ADHD is filled with embarrassment, humiliation, and self-castigation. By the time the diagnosis is made, many adults with ADHD have lost confidence in themselves. 9. Is there anyone in your life that you confide in, or have opened up to in the past? Educating your loved ones about ADD/ADHD and the ways in which it affects your social skills and interpersonal behaviors can help alleviate a lot of conflict and blame. If you are working hard at your end to learn strategies to improve your social skills, your friends and family may be more willing to give you a little extra wiggle room if they know what you’re dealing with. 0. Please tell me about your upbringing. Did you think you were â€Å"popular† growing up? People like Marla, who suffer from adult ADHD usually reports feelings of isolation in childhood because they had few friends. Their hyperactivity and their inability to focus for long periods at a time on a given task made it difficult to form lasting friendships. These individuals like Marla, also felt disconnected from their peers as they were ridiculed and were often scolded by their teachers for being difficult pupils. Children with ADHD do not sit down for long periods at a time in the classroom and their constant movements make them disruptive in class. Often, these children are reported by their teachers to their mothers. Also, they feel like they are not smart in school because they may have gotten bad grades because of their disruptive behavior and their inability to focus on schoolwork. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that interferes with an individuals ability to focus, to be quiet or sit still, and to be calm. Children or adults who have ADHD are constantly on the move and they are unable to sit quietly or relax. Research suggests that 3-7% of children suffer from ADHD (Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interaction, 2007). Most of the children that suffer from ADHD are males. A diagnosis of ADHD requires that the symptoms of the disorder are interfering with a persons ability to be productive or effective in their life. There are three subcategories of ADHD that include: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type, predominantly inattentive type, and the combined type. Individuals who suffer from the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD are overactive, spontaneous, speak and move excessively, and have difficulties following instructions. Individuals who suffer from the predominantly inattentive kind of ADHD have difficulties concentrating, focusing on tasks, and avoiding distractions. With the combined type of ADHD, individuals display both the impulsive-hyperactive symptoms and the inattention symptoms. ADHD makes it difficult for children and adults to have solid social lives. Sufferers of the disorder often report that they have few friends and that they are harassed at school. Research shows that ADHD is excessively diagnosed in the U. SA, which may lead to children and even adults being over-medicated. The use of Ritalin, the main drug used to treat ADHD, has risen tremendously since the early nineties. To combat problems of over-diagnosis, it is recommended that children are well observed by medical and mental health professionals. The use of other therapy procedures involves teaching both the parents of ADHD children and the children themselves how to cope with ADHD. For instance, behavioral therapy procedures are teaching parents how to use good and bad reward techniques to train their children how to behave appropriately. For instance, when children sit and behave themselves, they will be receive good rewards from their parents and when they are overactive and disruptive, they will not be rewarded because of their display of bad behavior. The most effective drugs used to treat ADHD are stimulants, which include Ritalin and other stimulant drugs, like Aderall and Concerta. Ritalin is the most popular drug used to treat ADHD. Ritalin has a calming effect in children and adults, making it easier for them to complete certain tasks and decreasing hyperactivity or impulsivity. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding Ritalin with many clinicians arguing that it is over prescribed because of its effectiveness against ADHD. Marla, who suffers from adult ADHD, which is very similar to childhood ADHD, would also be prescribed a stimulant, like Strattera, a newer drug used to treat ADHD, which would decrease her over activity and help lessen her insomnia. ADHD is a difficult disorder to live with. Anyone who suffers from this disorder may have difficulty in their social life and is unable to complete simple tasks because they cannot focus, or even sit still long enough to focus. However, modern drug therapies, like Ritalin are available to help and give young children and adults the ability to gain some control of their life. Also, therapies combined with prescription drugs are an even more effective treatment method to combat the problems of impulsivity, over activity, and inattention. References

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Angela?s Ashes: The Setting Effects The Actions Of The Characters Essay

The autobiography Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt tells the life of the McCourt family while living in poverty in Limmerick, Ireland during the 30’s and 40’s. Frank McCourt relates his difficult childhood to the reader up to the time he leaves for America at age nineteen. The book has many prevailing themes, but one of the most notable is the settings relationship to the family. The setting of the book ultimately influences the choices and lifestyle of the McCourt family in many ways. Living in poverty and not being able to meet basic needs leads the characters to result to desperate measures such as stopping Frank McCourt’s education and taking a job to support the family. Frank is forced to take the job mostly because his father is an alcoholic and uses all the dole money and his wages to buy beer instead of feeding his family. Frank describes this pattern of drinking away the money by saying " When Dad comes home with the drink smell there is no money and Mam screams at him till the Twins cry."(42) This situation lasts until Mr.McCourt leaves to work in England and is never heard from again which forces Frank to take a job at fourteen years old. Frank takes on the role of the head of the family proudly and comments " Its hard to sleep when you know you know the next day you’re fourteen and starting your first job as a man." (p.309) Frank’s ability to provide financial stability leads to greater comfort and living conditi ons for the family. The members of the McCourt family are also forced to beg and steal in order to help the family’s well being. Mrs.McCourt begs charities especially the St. Vincent de Paul Society for help with basic necessities for the family such as food, clothing, and furniture. Mrs.McCourt is even forced to beg for the family’s Christmas dinner. The butcher who she begs to tells her " What you can have now missus, Is black pudding and tripe or a sheep’s head or a pig’s head."(97) Mrs.McCourt reluctantly accept the pig’s head and is ridiculed walking home it. Also, the children are forced to pick up scraps of coal for the fire from a road on Christmas Day. Frank describes the children’s humiliation by saying, " Even the poorest of the poor don’t go out Christmas Day picking coal off the road." (99) Unlike their mother the McCourt children would rather steal than beg for what they need. The ... ...e’ll put stuff on a paper on the scale with the paper hanging down on her side behind the counter where she thinks you can’t see it." (66) Also, the religious of Limmerick discriminate against poor children as in the case when Frank McCourt tries to become an alter boy but is denied. Mrs.McCourt explains why he is denied by saying " They don’t want boys from lanes on the alter. Oh, no they want the nice boys with hair oil and new shoes that have fathers with suits and ties and steady jobs"(149). The Mc.Court family is constantly aware of the discrimination it faces because of the poverty they live in. The various settings of " Angela’s Ashes" effect the characters’ actions and lifestyle in various ways. Living in poverty challenges the family to meet basic needs through begging and stealing as well as children getting jobs to help the situation. Also, the poor housing causes the family to be subjected to disease and coldness. The society the McCourts were part of causes the family to be aware of social prejudice and learn actions to take in order to protect their rights. The setting of the book influences the McCourt family’s actions and style of living. Angela?s Ashes: The Setting Effects The Actions Of The Characters Essay The autobiography Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt tells the life of the McCourt family while living in poverty in Limmerick, Ireland during the 30’s and 40’s. Frank McCourt relates his difficult childhood to the reader up to the time he leaves for America at age nineteen. The book has many prevailing themes, but one of the most notable is the settings relationship to the family. The setting of the book ultimately influences the choices and lifestyle of the McCourt family in many ways. Living in poverty and not being able to meet basic needs leads the characters to result to desperate measures such as stopping Frank McCourt’s education and taking a job to support the family. Frank is forced to take the job mostly because his father is an alcoholic and uses all the dole money and his wages to buy beer instead of feeding his family. Frank describes this pattern of drinking away the money by saying " When Dad comes home with the drink smell there is no money and Mam screams at him till the Twins cry."(42) This situation lasts until Mr.McCourt leaves to work in England and is never heard from again which forces Frank to take a job at fourteen years old. Frank takes on the role of the head of the family proudly and comments " Its hard to sleep when you know you know the next day you’re fourteen and starting your first job as a man." (p.309) Frank’s ability to provide financial stability leads to greater comfort and living conditi ons for the family. The members of the McCourt family are also forced to beg and steal in order to help the family’s well being. Mrs.McCourt begs charities especially the St. Vincent de Paul Society for help with basic necessities for the family such as food, clothing, and furniture. Mrs.McCourt is even forced to beg for the family’s Christmas dinner. The butcher who she begs to tells her " What you can have now missus, Is black pudding and tripe or a sheep’s head or a pig’s head."(97) Mrs.McCourt reluctantly accept the pig’s head and is ridiculed walking home it. Also, the children are forced to pick up scraps of coal for the fire from a road on Christmas Day. Frank describes the children’s humiliation by saying, " Even the poorest of the poor don’t go out Christmas Day picking coal off the road." (99) Unlike their mother the McCourt children would rather steal than beg for what they need. The ... ...e’ll put stuff on a paper on the scale with the paper hanging down on her side behind the counter where she thinks you can’t see it." (66) Also, the religious of Limmerick discriminate against poor children as in the case when Frank McCourt tries to become an alter boy but is denied. Mrs.McCourt explains why he is denied by saying " They don’t want boys from lanes on the alter. Oh, no they want the nice boys with hair oil and new shoes that have fathers with suits and ties and steady jobs"(149). The Mc.Court family is constantly aware of the discrimination it faces because of the poverty they live in. The various settings of " Angela’s Ashes" effect the characters’ actions and lifestyle in various ways. Living in poverty challenges the family to meet basic needs through begging and stealing as well as children getting jobs to help the situation. Also, the poor housing causes the family to be subjected to disease and coldness. The society the McCourts were part of causes the family to be aware of social prejudice and learn actions to take in order to protect their rights. The setting of the book influences the McCourt family’s actions and style of living.