Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organizational Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organizational Communication - Term Paper Example by using images & symbols, vision, mission, objectives, goals, interaction of employees with the technology and amongst themselves, exercising power, values, and how these dynamics in communication helps the organisation to be successful in their endeavour.(U. S. Department of Education, 2007). The importance of the organization communication increases proportionally as the size of the organisation increases in terms of its employee’s strength, diversity and distributed operations across geographies. The process of ensuring smooth communication within organisation becomes further challenging when the employees in the organisation are speaking same content in a different way which to an extreme can be conflicting in nature which not only confuses the recipient of the communication but also put organisation’s image in jeopardy. The conflicting nature of the communication is not limited to organisations which are new in business but are seen to be coming from established o rganisations as well (Paul A. Argenti and Thea S. Haley, 2006). The streamlining of communication from the leaders of the organisation can be a daunting task if not managed properly. The challenge becomes even bigger when the organisation has its branches in various countries and the head of the centre in a particular country speaks differently from his colleagues. There could also be instances where the written/published documents from the organisation might be conflicting in nature. (Cheney, G., 2000) This paper provides the overview of Church’s Content-Processes-Roles (CPR) model of organisational communication (Church, A., 1996) studies the difference in the content of the communication by different organisations especially Walmart and finally provides the recommendations on handling the irony of the two different contents of the communication. The selected organisation is Walmart and the case study is set in October 2005 when Walmart published two documents which were poles apart in

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