Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Nike Just Do it advertising campaign analysis Essay

Nike unsloped Do it announce campaign analysis - Essay ExampleMajor trends in commercializeing Global grocery storeing has witnessed several trends that have revolutionized the ways companies inform and persuade customers to start apply their products and services. One of the trends is the shift from mass media advertising to specialized media that caters for personalized consumption patterns and segmentation of the market in terms of income levels, tastes and preferences (Batra, Myers and Aaker, 2009). In this case, Just Do it campaign initially focused on the mass market through appealing to target audience regardless of income, age, and have activities. However, Nike shifted the campaign to niche markets such as athletics sports, football and young generation who prefer fitness through seeking celebrity endorsements (Batra, Myers and Aaker, 2009). another(prenominal) trend is the use of data-based marketing as opposed to focus marketing thus Nike has shifted its efforts to m arket research activities that aim at identifying the consumer incomes changes, changes in tastes and preferences (Shah, K & DSouza, 2009). Accordingly, the internet and new media channels uniform YouTube, direct marketing through e-mails and digital platforms homogeneous twitter and online discussion forums have enabled Nike to cut its advertising costs on traditional media and focus on new media channels that elicit high feedback and relate among consumers. Web-based marketing has enabled companies to reach the global market due to instance response and its ability to elicit responses. another(prenominal) major trend in marketing is the event marketing that entails face-to-face conversations via trade shows, live events and merged meetings (Carbasho, 2010). Nike uses several sporting events to... This essay Nike Just Do it advertising campaign analyze Nikes commercial and why it become so successful. Nike aimed at attaining several objectives with the ad campaign. First, the company wanted to gain brand cognisance and recognition during the fitness craze in order to gain market share in the American market. Accordingly, the company aspired to create good relations with potential consumers through providing inspiring messages and encouraging consumers to pursue their dreams. At the same time, Nike was geared at informing the consumers of the benefits of fitness, sports and benefits that could be derived from purchasing Nikes athletic shoes and sporting apparel. Accordingly, the use of the slogan in merchandise such as school bags and jumpers was geared at creating native demand for the non-sport and Nike-related commodity market through demonstrating the value of Nike products. Advertising aims at positioning the product in order to create a distinctive impression on the minds of the consumers and assign an intangible value to the brand. Accordingly, Just Do It ad aimed at linking the social lifestyle in America with the brands fig through making cons umers understand Nike cares for their health and wellbeing. In addition, Nike aimed at winning back the previous customers who had shifted to competitors like Adidas and minimise the existing negative attitudes towards Nike products). Nike sought to build brand loyalty in a kindly manner and increase sales among the existing consumers.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Final letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final letter - stress ExampleApart from this , I am more alert when you ae explaining complex terms regarding the particular candid.When I look at the quality of the criminate, it can be said that it is average as the teacher is not well versed with teaching skills.. The instructor lacks the quality of empathy, where in they bond with the students and understand their strength and weaknesses. My instructor is not able to communicate from the stand point of my level. However , the quality of compassion to students is visible in the instructor. Also the instructor is intelligent and explains subject deeply and vividly for us to understand. The instructor is also having a positive mental attitude which is very important for an instructor. The instructor is eternally keeping a pull a face on the face which is really appreciative and approachable.Regarding the quality of lecture notes, it could be said that it is perfectly exquisitely As lecture notes are supplementary working guide , they showcases order and perfection in language and subject importance . It is always noticed by me that , the lecture notes are arranged in a nibble way and the print is bright enough for students to comprehend easily. The lecture note provided by the instructor is a new dimension of looking at the subject and helps me in understanding certain concepts more deeply. The lecture notes are consistently provided by the teacher which enables me to update my information on a flawless manner. The notes always have information which is exactly needed. However at times, I find that the information provided is too much(prenominal) for a student to contemplate.The teaching quality of the instructor and lecture notes are the main issue in teaching but apart from this, the feedback also plays an important role in class. It is mandatory for all the instructors to decompose and assess the education quality offered by them to the students. A feedback is taken by my instructor once in a month and

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Association of Women Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Association of Women law of nature - Essay ExampleIn order to safeguard the interests of the patrol women in the various police departments shew in the different regions crosswise the globe, the Women guard association was primarily frame-up. The Women Police Association had its origins in the year 1915, which was just a blue print and remained in paper. The Association was setup in Washington DC after about one year in 1916. (www.bookrags.com) When one looks covering at the history of the United States of America, one can truly well see that women had been in the police departments right from the year 1845. It was in the year 1893 that a women by name Mrs. Mari Owens was inducted into the lucre Department of Police and was been given the Policeman rank, which entitled her to the power of arrest. It was only in the year 1910, which some other woman by name Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells was named as the Policewoman. (www.bookrags.com) The modern hostel by then had truly well lo oked into the benefits of the introduction of the women in the police force and has rightly acknowledged the need for women police officers, to get out with crimes related to women and children in particular. Indeed the main aim that was behind the creation of the Woman Police Association, was to tax return preventive actions against the occurrence of the various kinds of problems and harassments, which were being created for policewomen in their workplace. The areas that were alike looked into by the Women Police Association, mainly include places of public interest like the dance h every(prenominal)s, movies, arcades, shopping malls and all other places of recreational interest for women and children which could also turn out to be problem spots. It can very well be said that it is this Women Police Association, which has really become a force to reckon with and has straight away empowered the women police officers in the law enforcement department. (www.bookrags.com) In fact w omen and more particularly the police women have always felt very insecure, without such an Association and this could have in turn drastically affected their freedom and their rights in the society and at their workplace. Hence it can be said that, the formation of the Women Police Association has been a free grace for the police women. The women Police Association has grown so much in strength all across the world that, it today has got so many branches across the world. The present Women Police Associations across the world is present in approximately 14 regions. This can be very well attributed to the fact that, most of the governments all across the world have found it important to form such an association, that would be entrusted with the duty of safeguarding the rights of the policewomen at their workplaces, which would enable them to rightly enforce crime detection and prevention activities. (www.bookrags.com) But with the increasing concern regarding the preventive and se curity of the women and children across many countries, there is certainly scope for growth for more such women police force and their respective Women Police Associations. Thus due to the Women Police Associations efficiency in prevention of harassments against police women, the association has grown tremendously in strength during the recent years. As a part of the annual activities this Association conducts training programs as well as conferences which

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Analysis capital structure of saudi companies Essay

Analysis heavy(p) structure of saudi companies - Essay ExampleThe same considerations affect Islamic financial instruments, but with the deviance that Islamic pay does not charge interest, thus changing the considerations for which debt is incurred. This theme examined ten Saudi-Arabian Arabian firms as far as capital structure is concerned, and inquired into the factors that bear upon the decision to avail of certain modes of financing. The methodology made use of financial ratio analysis and qualitative data analysis in arriving at its findings. It concludes that Saudi firms are conservatively capitalized, and that the effects of conventional capital structure theories are not stiff evident in the choice of capital mix of debt and integrity. Acknowledgment Table of Contents Title pageboy 1 Abstract 2 Acknowledgement 3 Table of contents 4 Chapter 1 approach 6 1.1 Chapter overview 6 1.2 Background of the look for topic 6 1.3 Research objectives and questions 7 1.4 Signific ance of the research 7 1.5 Chapter summary 9 Chapter 2 Literature review 10 2.1 Chapter overview 10 2.2 Theories 10 2.3 optimal capital structure literature 14 2.4 Factors influencing capital structure 15 2.5 Arab countries 17 2.6 Chapter summary 29 Chapter 3 Methodology 30 3.1 Chapter overview 30 3.2 Research exact and methodology 30 3.3 Subjects of research 31 3.4 Type and source of data 32 3.5 Method of analysis 33 3.6 Variables used in the study 33 3.7 Chapter summary 34 Chapter 4 Results 35 4.1 Chapter overview 35 4.2 Summary of capital structure for Saudi Arabian companies 36 4.3 Summary of EPS, annual dividend, and payout rates of Saudi Arabian firms 37 4.4 Chapter summary 38 Chapter 5 Discussion and analysis 39 5.1 Chapter overview 39 5.2 Description of the capital structure choice of Saudi companies 39 5.3 External influences on capital structure decisions of Saudi companies 49 5.4 Chapter summary 61 Chapter 6 Conclusion 62 6.1 Summary of the dissertation 62 6.2 Conclusio n 62 6.3 Directions for future research 65 References Appendices Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Chapter Overview This chapter sets the context of the dissertation. It introduces the problem in the context in which it is significant, in order to interpret direction and guidance for the further progress of the dissertation. The statement of the problem and the supporting research questions are provided, to take to heart as focus for the subsequent discussion. 1.2 Background of the Research Topic The capital structure choice is a long-standing issue of great importance for companies. The mix of funds, which affects the cost and availability of capital, has long been the focus of interest among companies overdue of its impact on investment decisions. Capital structure is defined as the relative value of debt and equity used to finance projects. The importance of capital structure results from the financing sources and the mix of securities used by firms to finance real investment. Capita l structure is also important in Saudi Arabia, especially after the 2006 crisis. Firms at once try to finance their capital in better ways. Capital structure theory began with the celebrated paper by Modigliani and Miller (1958). These authors pointed out the trend that must be shown by such theories by video display under what conditions capital structure is irrelevant. Since then, many economists digest followed the study with regard to all matters relating to capital structure, and have

Friday, April 26, 2019

Nuclear Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Nuclear role - Essay ExampleThe problems that plague nuclear energy revolve around the materials it uses to create energy. Uranium is extremely radioactive once it has been depleted all in all of its impurities in which is needed to power up nuclear reactors. inside a nuclear reactor, the radioactivity is increased to more than a thousand times as a quantity of of the uranium is changed to a mixture of different irradiated elements. Most, if not all, of these radioactive elements are very unfounded to human beings be let such materials are highly unstable to certain elements in the environment that either cause unexpected and damaging combustion or radioactive exposure or poisoning. The damages that could result from all this destroys not only the environment greatly it also destroys human lives and welfare as well.There are many different ways through which people could be exposed to radiation such as inhalation of radioactive gases or particles, some radioactive elements found in the soil or water, feeding or drinking of food, water or dust that are contaminated. Some radioactive elements mimic familiar chemical elements in the ecology and make blend in with the food chain, poisoning the whole ecosystem. In contemporary and even recent human history, in that location are two events that show such clear up of damage and hazard the risks of nuclear energy can do. First, there was the Chernobyl Accident in 1986 in Pripyat, Ukraine. Then, there was the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor in North Japan at 2011.At 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor had a catastrophic explosion that completely destroyed the power facility and caused massive amounts of radioactive materials to spread throughout Europe, especially seriously damaging life and the environment of what was then the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR. A forum by the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA (2005) stated that the long majority of about 5 million people residing in contamina ted areas of Belarus,

International Marketing Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

planetary Marketing Mix - Essay ExampleIn case of the consumer founding enjoyed by the company, there is a sharp segmentation in terms of the localise group. The basic target group of the company includes mess in the upper income group starting from the age of 30 and above. Further, the bulk who have retired and are in the age group of 50 and above, serve as a major(ip) source of profitability. Another measurable source of income for the product is the Internet. Therefore, the important element in the application of the entry point system for Tutburys is to recognise the age and income groups that predominantly define the demographics in India, before going on to require pop out segmentation and reach suitability in terms of the trade mix. In this case, the entry point system may be used as a preliminary process that will help pay off the selling mix. This entry point strategy has been defined throughout the paper in the various elements of the merchandise mix so as to find a suitable base for segmentation and subsequent flaw positioning.Entry Point StrategyIn terms of the suitable model to be used for the development of a relevant marketing plan and strategy, we have made use of the International Market Entry Mode Strategy for this company. This strategy is ideal for those companies that wish to diversify geographically. (Walter et al, 1988) This strategy along with others that have to do with market segmentation and print positioning for maximum customer satisfaction will be used in order to adopt a strategy that is best suited for the purpose.... This is the reason for choosing India as the country where a suitable marketing mix for a brand like Tutburys will be suggested. Also, in this regard, the paper will carry out a discussion of Tutuburys current marketing and segmentation strategy in order to flummox on the aspects where the entry mode strategy can be introduced and defined to suit the consumer preference in India. About Tutburys Bor n and marketed during the 1920s to the 1960s, Tutburys was named Thomas, Webb and Corbett to start with until it was known by its present name in 1984, owe to the spot of it factory which was in a 15th century village named Tutbury. 2006 saw a strategical move on Tutburys part where its factory chose to be based at Stroke - on - Trent, sooner of Tutburys. The branding of Tutubrys has been largely based on norms that revolve around exclusivity and a certain amount of riddle with the nitty gritties of the company. The basic finding that this paper will work on is that Tutburys has capitalised on the lifestyles of a certain section of people so as to form a brand identity of its won. As far as the actual product is concerned, it is imperative to identify where its unique features lie. In this regard, Tutburys is a product that works on the highest quality of glass which is produced primarily from a high standard of full lead crystal. This crystal has a crystal element that can be e stimated at over 30%. In case of the consumer base enjoyed by the company, there is a sharp segmentation in terms of the target group. The basic target group of the company includes people in the upper income group starting from the age of 30 and above. Further, the people who have retired and are in the age group of 50 and above, serve as a major source of