Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Nike Just Do it advertising campaign analysis Essay

Nike unsloped Do it announce campaign analysis - Essay ExampleMajor trends in commercializeing Global grocery storeing has witnessed several trends that have revolutionized the ways companies inform and persuade customers to start apply their products and services. One of the trends is the shift from mass media advertising to specialized media that caters for personalized consumption patterns and segmentation of the market in terms of income levels, tastes and preferences (Batra, Myers and Aaker, 2009). In this case, Just Do it campaign initially focused on the mass market through appealing to target audience regardless of income, age, and have activities. However, Nike shifted the campaign to niche markets such as athletics sports, football and young generation who prefer fitness through seeking celebrity endorsements (Batra, Myers and Aaker, 2009). another(prenominal) trend is the use of data-based marketing as opposed to focus marketing thus Nike has shifted its efforts to m arket research activities that aim at identifying the consumer incomes changes, changes in tastes and preferences (Shah, K & DSouza, 2009). Accordingly, the internet and new media channels uniform YouTube, direct marketing through e-mails and digital platforms homogeneous twitter and online discussion forums have enabled Nike to cut its advertising costs on traditional media and focus on new media channels that elicit high feedback and relate among consumers. Web-based marketing has enabled companies to reach the global market due to instance response and its ability to elicit responses. another(prenominal) major trend in marketing is the event marketing that entails face-to-face conversations via trade shows, live events and merged meetings (Carbasho, 2010). Nike uses several sporting events to... This essay Nike Just Do it advertising campaign analyze Nikes commercial and why it become so successful. Nike aimed at attaining several objectives with the ad campaign. First, the company wanted to gain brand cognisance and recognition during the fitness craze in order to gain market share in the American market. Accordingly, the company aspired to create good relations with potential consumers through providing inspiring messages and encouraging consumers to pursue their dreams. At the same time, Nike was geared at informing the consumers of the benefits of fitness, sports and benefits that could be derived from purchasing Nikes athletic shoes and sporting apparel. Accordingly, the use of the slogan in merchandise such as school bags and jumpers was geared at creating native demand for the non-sport and Nike-related commodity market through demonstrating the value of Nike products. Advertising aims at positioning the product in order to create a distinctive impression on the minds of the consumers and assign an intangible value to the brand. Accordingly, Just Do It ad aimed at linking the social lifestyle in America with the brands fig through making cons umers understand Nike cares for their health and wellbeing. In addition, Nike aimed at winning back the previous customers who had shifted to competitors like Adidas and minimise the existing negative attitudes towards Nike products). Nike sought to build brand loyalty in a kindly manner and increase sales among the existing consumers.

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