Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mandiant Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mandiant Report - Essay Example The concern identified and highlighted by Madiant is critical to the future of the network industry. The activities of the perpetrators as indicated by Madiant are a threat to the security of various governments across the globe (Lambert, 2013). Why the report was written? Madiant report examines a number of issues; first, it identifies the cropping trends that threaten the network security. The network security is important because it helps in preserving useful information about an institution within a given country. Moreover, illegal acquisition of information is unacceptable across globe. Information laws tend to define the extent to which an institution can seek information or engage each other in acquiring certain information. Unfortunately, the APT1 the main perpetrator in this situation seems to be acquiring certain information from various institutions without the knowledge of these institutions. Second, the report explores cyber espionage campaign. The growing cyber espionag e campaign has reached a threatening level. The escalating cyber espionage by a specific perpetrator APT1 over others across the globe is alarming. In response to this observation Madiant wish to bring the attention of the whole world this unscrupulous group. Arguably, by presenting the report to the world, various governments would not only join hands in condemning the act, but would also loud initiatives aimed at creating cyber network environment where such practices do not find space. Lastly, the report is an insight about the escalating trends in the cyber network world. Although the world favors scientific activities, it does not welcome activities that seems to destroy the present gains. Cyber threat should attract condemnation across the globe because of various reasons such as breach of secrecy laws as well as threatening world peace (Lambert, 2013). The intrusion by the perpetrators may lead to leaks in security information, consequently, leading to security lapses. The ma in question that the report tends to answer is the owner of APT1. The question such as the intention of APT1 as well as who support their activity seems to form the premise of this report. Since the institutionalization of Madiant, it has conducted numerous researches about various cyber espionage, however, the trends of APT1 has been suspicious. The fact that the group has continued to attack various cyber network and still security information tends to suggest that the institution has some hidden objectives. Madiant report is condemnation of cyber espionage activities of China or groups believed to be receiving funding from the Chinese government. Madiant views cyber espionage as a threat peaceful coexistence between countries. Cyber networks run by various institutions especially governmental institutions contain information about a country’s affair (Carr, 2013). This seems to suggest that hacking such information contributes to leakage and exposure of such information to unauthorized identities. The suspicions of Madiant stems from the fact that the host country of APT1 does not show any support towards curtailing the activities of this group. If the Chinese government were not an interested party to the cyber espionage, it would take an initiative towards curtailing the missions of this group. Another suspicion of Madiant is the fact that APT1 trends are similar to those attributed to Chinese department of defense (US

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