Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Motor Learning and Coaching Notes free essay sample

The study of relativity permanent changes in motor skills and capabilities that come with practice or experience. This includes: †¢Investigating how elite athletes become experts †¢Studying the best way for a teacher or coach to structure a practice environment for maximal potential †¢Methods of practicing motor skills oHow often oHow long oGroup size oEquipment What is a Skill? A complex movement or sequence of movements, which are smooth and coordinated. These movements don’t require conscious thought and have predetermined results. A learned skill is one that can be repeated. A performance may be a fluke and is only performed once. Motor Skill: physical skills that require body movement and rely on motor control Classification of a Skill: Based on: Where- the environment of the skill Closed: †¢predictable, constant environment †¢Work at own pace- internally paced †¢Replication/ repetition of same skill †¢Examples: swimming in a pool, archery, shooting Open: †¢Changing environment †¢Pace dependant on other people/ factors Detecting stimuli Deciding Processing Acting Responding appropriately Evaluating Feedback Cues †¢A stimulus perception †¢In learning used to obtain information to perform and improve †¢Used in the demonstration and explaination of a skill by a coach †¢Can be both internal and external †¢Sight, hearing, and propreoceptive cues are most used

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