Monday, June 17, 2019

Analyzing of Organs for Sale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing of Organs for Sale - Essay ExamplePaying people for offering their kidneys would summation donors and this would save lives as opposed to waiting and wishing to get people to donate their kidneys voluntarily at no cost. The author poses a great enquiry to support her argument that, if it is legal and right to pay men for giving out or donating sperm, why then is it hard to pay people for donating kidney? This question helps readers to think critically about why it would be great to donate body pipe organs to save the society. The author concludes her article that, legalizing organ selling would wellbeing the society by saving thousands of lives.Overall, the article is great in content as the author does an outstanding job at giving facts to reinforce her points and incline readers why they should believe in her argument. The article creates a platform for readers to understand various benefits that would emerge in a society if the government regulated and emulated orga n selling. This would save lives and eradicate the high rate of poverty especially in third world countries. From these points, it is evident that organ selling would be profitable for wellness and economic purposes. Additionally, the article is well-written and documented with facts that many people suffer from kidney disorders. For instance, the article highlights that over 300, 000 Americans suffer from kidney disorder. Unfortunately, most victims die since thither are no drugs that enliven a damaged kidney rather than replacing another kidney. At this point, the author argues that kidney transplantation is the best option to cure the disorder since it is reliable and safer than other handling that may negatively affect the patients body. These facts outlay the benefits of kidney transplantation and why many people should opt for the idea.In great thoughts, the author uses facts to support her argument. For instance, she brings into attention that there is a surplus of kidneys e specially in third countries

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