Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Recycle (Indiana State recycle center) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recycle (Indiana State recycle center) - Essay Example The center later turned into an educational center and a community-wide recycling center (ISU). Following the lecture about the recycling processes and the coverage of the recycling at Indiana University, I learnt that many materials, which I viewed as non-usable, are valuable resources that can be recycled for further use. Some of the materials that I discovered to be recyclable include news papers, old books, cardboards, waste paper, glass containers, plastic films and bags, metallic beverage cans, bottles and plastic containers. Before the lecture, I did not know that empty bottles – after using the contents they contain – could be used for a better course. Since the lecture, I started collecting all waste materials, and taking them to the neighboring recycling center – where they recycle all that is recyclable and effective dispose what they cannot recycle (Braungart and McDonough 47). Through the lecture on the recycling at Indiana University, I discovered t hat the heavy pressure on the production resources of the world could be reduced through recycling. For example, he explained that iron and aluminum deposits are reducing continually, but went further to explain that the waste cans that are disposed at the garbage collection area can be used to substitute the diminishing resource inputs. He gave us an example of plastic cans, demonstrating that the disposed cans are usually as good as new; therefore, through recycling these disposed containers, canning companies can reduce their costs of operation. Therefore, from the lesson, I learnt that recycling has many advantages, including that it reduces the pressure on production resources, reduces the impacts of waste disposal and reduces the costs of doing business – particularly in the area of sourcing for inputs (ISU). During the lecture, the agent from the recycling center explained the long term effects of recycling, including that it reduces the impacts caused by pollution on the environment. One example he used, made it clear to me that recycling is a channel for safeguarding the future of humanity. For example, when plastic cans and the waste materials from the health center are incinerated, they produce toxic smoke, which increases the rate of ozone layer depletion – which increases the levels of global warming. But in the case that these waste materials are not taken through the process of incineration, which uses a lot of energy and in some cases pollution-causing smoke, the waste can be recycled for newer use, over and over again. The recycling of the waster reduces the costs of producing new plastic cans and other plastic products; it reduces the energy levels consumed by industrial plants, and reduces the pollution caused by inappropriate waste material (ISU). Therefore, in the long term, the benefits of recycling reinforce the availability of resources, increase the sustainability of the environment and improve the profitability of differ ent enterprises. Through the lecture, I learnt that recycling can be practiced by all people, young and aged; poor and rich, as well as those in business and those that use the recyclable materials at home. For example, among the young, spoilt toys can be recycled for new plastic, and among the aged, many waste items like spoilt computers and vehicles can be surrendered for recycling. Among the poor, simple materials like paper bags

Monday, October 28, 2019

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Example for Free

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Psychological Disorder Analysis Iris Sally July 19, 2010 PSY/270 Joan Rachmel Many people suffer from psychological disorders. Psychological disorders interfere with an individuals ability to function normally in society. Marla is a 42-year-old Hispanic female who comes to the mental health clinic complaining of trouble sleeping, feeling jumpy all of the time, and an inability to concentrate. These symptoms are causing problems for her at work, where she is an accountant. Based on the background information that Marla provided, Marla appears to be suffering from adult ADHD. ADHD, usually occurs in begins in childhood, but some children who suffer from ADHD have symptoms that persist into adulthood. People who suffer from ADHD are characterized as having great difficulty attending to tasks or [they] behave over actively and impulsively, or both (Comer, 2007, p. 428). Marlas feelings of being jumpy all the time is a major symptom of ADHD, which characterizes her as being overactive and impulsive. She also has trouble concentrating because of constant movement and an inability to pay attention. In arriving at a diagnosis, I considered the following questions: 1. Please tell me about yourself including your social environment and any other important aspects of your life? While Marla’s social environment is unknown, many adults who suffer from ADHD have friends and family. Marla has trouble coping with daily life because her ADHD has been hindering her ability to focus, and therefore interrupting the things that are important in her life. 2. What prompted you to seek therapy? Marla, like many individuals who decide to seek therapy, decide to seek therapy because of their inability to concentrate and the impulsivity/hyperactivity is affecting their work life. Also, Marla has difficulty sleeping, sometimes a symptom of ADHD, which may be caused by her hyperactivity or impulsivity. It is difficult for many individuals with ADHD to lie still and get comfortable enough to fall asleep and stay asleep, because of the incessant urge to constantly move around or fidget excessively, a common symptom of ADHD. 3. How would you describe yourself growing up? As a child, Marla may have suffered from many of the same symptoms she is currently battling in adulthood because ADHD usually begins in childhood and progresses to adolescence and in Marlas case, into adulthood. For the diagnosis to be given to an adult, the individual must have symptoms which began in childhood and are ongoing up to the present (Martin, 2007). Therefore, all adults who suffer from ADHD developed the symptoms in childhood. As an individual like Marla grows into adolescence and even further into adulthood, the symptoms of over activity and impulsivity become less apparent. The decrease of intensity in the ADHD symptoms may make the symptoms easier for individuals like Marla to handle, but they still affect the persons life. . What are your expectations of therapy? Marla is probably hoping that therapy will help her to overcome the issues she is currently facing because she can learn new techniques that will help her feel less jumpy and be able to concentrate more when she is at work. Techniques taught in behavioral therapies can help Marla gain more control over her actions, so that she can better deal with her hyperactivity or impulsivity. 5. Can you think of any one event t hat precipitated this onslaught? Marlas current state of mind can reveal several things including that she may be stressed with some of the events that are occurring in her life. Even though the onset of ADHD is in childhood, high levels of stress have been cited as one of the major contributing factors of ADHD, along with biological causes (abnormalities in certain regions of the brain have been implicated most often) and family dysfunction (Comer, 2007, p. 429). Certain events may have occurred in Marlas personal or professional life that has made her abnormal behavior more apparent to her. 6. What made you anxious today, yesterday? Since ADHD is often times brought on by stress, something dramatic and stress inducing such as daily life hassles, including working, dealing with her family, and taking care of herself, could all have raised Marlas stress levels. 7. Does anyone else in your family suffer from feelings such as you are experiencing? More and more adults are starting to realize that the symptoms of ADHD they see in their children are behaviors theyve been living with since their own childhood. ADHD can run in families. Some studies indicate that 25% of close relatives of kids with ADHD also have this neurological disorder. For parents, that number is even higher: In children with ADHD, more than 50% of the time at least one parent has ADHD, too. 8. Do you think badly of yourself for being this way? Children with ADHD often feel badly about themselves. They might think theyre stupid, naughty, bad or a failure. Not surprisingly, their self-esteem takes a battering and they find it hard to think anything positive or good about him or her self. Most people who discover they have ADHD, whether children or adults, have suffered a great deal of pain. The emotional experience of ADHD is filled with embarrassment, humiliation, and self-castigation. By the time the diagnosis is made, many adults with ADHD have lost confidence in themselves. 9. Is there anyone in your life that you confide in, or have opened up to in the past? Educating your loved ones about ADD/ADHD and the ways in which it affects your social skills and interpersonal behaviors can help alleviate a lot of conflict and blame. If you are working hard at your end to learn strategies to improve your social skills, your friends and family may be more willing to give you a little extra wiggle room if they know what you’re dealing with. 0. Please tell me about your upbringing. Did you think you were â€Å"popular† growing up? People like Marla, who suffer from adult ADHD usually reports feelings of isolation in childhood because they had few friends. Their hyperactivity and their inability to focus for long periods at a time on a given task made it difficult to form lasting friendships. These individuals like Marla, also felt disconnected from their peers as they were ridiculed and were often scolded by their teachers for being difficult pupils. Children with ADHD do not sit down for long periods at a time in the classroom and their constant movements make them disruptive in class. Often, these children are reported by their teachers to their mothers. Also, they feel like they are not smart in school because they may have gotten bad grades because of their disruptive behavior and their inability to focus on schoolwork. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that interferes with an individuals ability to focus, to be quiet or sit still, and to be calm. Children or adults who have ADHD are constantly on the move and they are unable to sit quietly or relax. Research suggests that 3-7% of children suffer from ADHD (Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interaction, 2007). Most of the children that suffer from ADHD are males. A diagnosis of ADHD requires that the symptoms of the disorder are interfering with a persons ability to be productive or effective in their life. There are three subcategories of ADHD that include: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type, predominantly inattentive type, and the combined type. Individuals who suffer from the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD are overactive, spontaneous, speak and move excessively, and have difficulties following instructions. Individuals who suffer from the predominantly inattentive kind of ADHD have difficulties concentrating, focusing on tasks, and avoiding distractions. With the combined type of ADHD, individuals display both the impulsive-hyperactive symptoms and the inattention symptoms. ADHD makes it difficult for children and adults to have solid social lives. Sufferers of the disorder often report that they have few friends and that they are harassed at school. Research shows that ADHD is excessively diagnosed in the U. SA, which may lead to children and even adults being over-medicated. The use of Ritalin, the main drug used to treat ADHD, has risen tremendously since the early nineties. To combat problems of over-diagnosis, it is recommended that children are well observed by medical and mental health professionals. The use of other therapy procedures involves teaching both the parents of ADHD children and the children themselves how to cope with ADHD. For instance, behavioral therapy procedures are teaching parents how to use good and bad reward techniques to train their children how to behave appropriately. For instance, when children sit and behave themselves, they will be receive good rewards from their parents and when they are overactive and disruptive, they will not be rewarded because of their display of bad behavior. The most effective drugs used to treat ADHD are stimulants, which include Ritalin and other stimulant drugs, like Aderall and Concerta. Ritalin is the most popular drug used to treat ADHD. Ritalin has a calming effect in children and adults, making it easier for them to complete certain tasks and decreasing hyperactivity or impulsivity. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding Ritalin with many clinicians arguing that it is over prescribed because of its effectiveness against ADHD. Marla, who suffers from adult ADHD, which is very similar to childhood ADHD, would also be prescribed a stimulant, like Strattera, a newer drug used to treat ADHD, which would decrease her over activity and help lessen her insomnia. ADHD is a difficult disorder to live with. Anyone who suffers from this disorder may have difficulty in their social life and is unable to complete simple tasks because they cannot focus, or even sit still long enough to focus. However, modern drug therapies, like Ritalin are available to help and give young children and adults the ability to gain some control of their life. Also, therapies combined with prescription drugs are an even more effective treatment method to combat the problems of impulsivity, over activity, and inattention. References

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Angela?s Ashes: The Setting Effects The Actions Of The Characters Essay

The autobiography Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt tells the life of the McCourt family while living in poverty in Limmerick, Ireland during the 30’s and 40’s. Frank McCourt relates his difficult childhood to the reader up to the time he leaves for America at age nineteen. The book has many prevailing themes, but one of the most notable is the settings relationship to the family. The setting of the book ultimately influences the choices and lifestyle of the McCourt family in many ways. Living in poverty and not being able to meet basic needs leads the characters to result to desperate measures such as stopping Frank McCourt’s education and taking a job to support the family. Frank is forced to take the job mostly because his father is an alcoholic and uses all the dole money and his wages to buy beer instead of feeding his family. Frank describes this pattern of drinking away the money by saying " When Dad comes home with the drink smell there is no money and Mam screams at him till the Twins cry."(42) This situation lasts until Mr.McCourt leaves to work in England and is never heard from again which forces Frank to take a job at fourteen years old. Frank takes on the role of the head of the family proudly and comments " Its hard to sleep when you know you know the next day you’re fourteen and starting your first job as a man." (p.309) Frank’s ability to provide financial stability leads to greater comfort and living conditi ons for the family. The members of the McCourt family are also forced to beg and steal in order to help the family’s well being. Mrs.McCourt begs charities especially the St. Vincent de Paul Society for help with basic necessities for the family such as food, clothing, and furniture. Mrs.McCourt is even forced to beg for the family’s Christmas dinner. The butcher who she begs to tells her " What you can have now missus, Is black pudding and tripe or a sheep’s head or a pig’s head."(97) Mrs.McCourt reluctantly accept the pig’s head and is ridiculed walking home it. Also, the children are forced to pick up scraps of coal for the fire from a road on Christmas Day. Frank describes the children’s humiliation by saying, " Even the poorest of the poor don’t go out Christmas Day picking coal off the road." (99) Unlike their mother the McCourt children would rather steal than beg for what they need. The ... ...e’ll put stuff on a paper on the scale with the paper hanging down on her side behind the counter where she thinks you can’t see it." (66) Also, the religious of Limmerick discriminate against poor children as in the case when Frank McCourt tries to become an alter boy but is denied. Mrs.McCourt explains why he is denied by saying " They don’t want boys from lanes on the alter. Oh, no they want the nice boys with hair oil and new shoes that have fathers with suits and ties and steady jobs"(149). The Mc.Court family is constantly aware of the discrimination it faces because of the poverty they live in. The various settings of " Angela’s Ashes" effect the characters’ actions and lifestyle in various ways. Living in poverty challenges the family to meet basic needs through begging and stealing as well as children getting jobs to help the situation. Also, the poor housing causes the family to be subjected to disease and coldness. The society the McCourts were part of causes the family to be aware of social prejudice and learn actions to take in order to protect their rights. The setting of the book influences the McCourt family’s actions and style of living. Angela?s Ashes: The Setting Effects The Actions Of The Characters Essay The autobiography Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt tells the life of the McCourt family while living in poverty in Limmerick, Ireland during the 30’s and 40’s. Frank McCourt relates his difficult childhood to the reader up to the time he leaves for America at age nineteen. The book has many prevailing themes, but one of the most notable is the settings relationship to the family. The setting of the book ultimately influences the choices and lifestyle of the McCourt family in many ways. Living in poverty and not being able to meet basic needs leads the characters to result to desperate measures such as stopping Frank McCourt’s education and taking a job to support the family. Frank is forced to take the job mostly because his father is an alcoholic and uses all the dole money and his wages to buy beer instead of feeding his family. Frank describes this pattern of drinking away the money by saying " When Dad comes home with the drink smell there is no money and Mam screams at him till the Twins cry."(42) This situation lasts until Mr.McCourt leaves to work in England and is never heard from again which forces Frank to take a job at fourteen years old. Frank takes on the role of the head of the family proudly and comments " Its hard to sleep when you know you know the next day you’re fourteen and starting your first job as a man." (p.309) Frank’s ability to provide financial stability leads to greater comfort and living conditi ons for the family. The members of the McCourt family are also forced to beg and steal in order to help the family’s well being. Mrs.McCourt begs charities especially the St. Vincent de Paul Society for help with basic necessities for the family such as food, clothing, and furniture. Mrs.McCourt is even forced to beg for the family’s Christmas dinner. The butcher who she begs to tells her " What you can have now missus, Is black pudding and tripe or a sheep’s head or a pig’s head."(97) Mrs.McCourt reluctantly accept the pig’s head and is ridiculed walking home it. Also, the children are forced to pick up scraps of coal for the fire from a road on Christmas Day. Frank describes the children’s humiliation by saying, " Even the poorest of the poor don’t go out Christmas Day picking coal off the road." (99) Unlike their mother the McCourt children would rather steal than beg for what they need. The ... ...e’ll put stuff on a paper on the scale with the paper hanging down on her side behind the counter where she thinks you can’t see it." (66) Also, the religious of Limmerick discriminate against poor children as in the case when Frank McCourt tries to become an alter boy but is denied. Mrs.McCourt explains why he is denied by saying " They don’t want boys from lanes on the alter. Oh, no they want the nice boys with hair oil and new shoes that have fathers with suits and ties and steady jobs"(149). The Mc.Court family is constantly aware of the discrimination it faces because of the poverty they live in. The various settings of " Angela’s Ashes" effect the characters’ actions and lifestyle in various ways. Living in poverty challenges the family to meet basic needs through begging and stealing as well as children getting jobs to help the situation. Also, the poor housing causes the family to be subjected to disease and coldness. The society the McCourts were part of causes the family to be aware of social prejudice and learn actions to take in order to protect their rights. The setting of the book influences the McCourt family’s actions and style of living.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intelligence led policing Essay

The terrorist attacks of September 2001 had several governments taken aback of their incapacity to detect and prevent crimes of such magnitude. The United State’s Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, for example, have been working extra hard to detect and thwart such mishaps now and in the future. In order to realize this, most aspects of national security have been reviewed by various governments around the world (Wisler and Onwudiwe, 2009). One of these aspects is intelligence improvement and use for both internal and international security. Of most importance is internal security, given the fact that crimes such as international terror are planned and carried out by deterrents that are already living among us. Because the police have the mandate to provide internal security, they require effective intelligence to enable them to collect and act on any information related to looming attacks and dangers. Apart from intelligence led policing, there are numerous other types of policing. However, the main ones are: knowledge-based policing, problem based policing and community policing. For any crime type to be bunged, the intelligence used by police ought to be based on all possibly available information and data, collected and thoroughly evaluated. Intelligence has been defined in multiple ways. For the sake of this discussion, we will settle on a single definition: it is collecting data and information precisely touching on crime, analyzing and drawing conclusions on it. Therefore, intelligence is not any kind of information but that which has been studied and quality conclusions made on it. Intelligence can then be used to inform any concerned decision maker of the several available choices. The security personnel of any department, either the police or the military, can then draw on the analyzed findings to carry out their duties of preventing and stopping crimes by strategizing and laying good plans on how to achieve their set objectives. Intelligence led policing is a structured method of collecting, analyzing and evaluating data and information related to crime. The analyzed information is then used to guide the institutions which enforce law in determining their actions. It was first used in the United Kingdom in 1990 and later received a huge acceptance in the United States after the 2001 terrorist attacks. The Kent police in the UK used this kind of policing on car stealing, home breaks and certain types of crimes which were then considered high priority. The world’s governments later decided to use this method alongside others to curb international crime especially terrorism and to react effectively to simpler crimes at the domestic front (Wisler and Onwudiwe, 2009). The problem based policing is broad in its coverage bearing its stand on the notion that other types of policing are not committed to solving the basic criminal acts. While it concentrates on crimes that need the attention of the police and that it handles other issues other than implementing crime prevention programs, is not able to cover all sorts of crimes. On the other hand Public policing usually focus on a single type of crime for example street gangs only. It is normally used when certain crimes occur and their area of operation is the streets. It is also effective in the sense that the time, when the required information is obtained and when action is taken on it, is relatively short. Its mainstay is to deter and disable unlawful trends. Criminals are also profiled to help in analysis. Finally, its approach involves the use of tour of duty personnel, strategic divisions and detectives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Honors Program

Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, once said, â€Å"Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. † Being a part of the Honors Program will allow me to go above and beyond what I think I can accomplish and achieve. I take great interest in this Program and I believe that I can contribute many outstanding qualities that I possess as well as receive a lot from it. The Honors Program grabbed my attention because it’s for academically outstanding students and I am that student. Throughout my years of high school, I have taken Advanced Placement and Honors classes and have done very well in them. Being average is not okay for me, I want to do my best and reach my fullest potential in everything I do. I like being challenged mentally and that is exactly what the Honors Program will do for me. In the Honors Program I will be able to engage in social and cultural seminars that I know I will thoroughly enjoy. I have been a part of Diversity Club where different cultures come together to share ideas, exchange food, and get to know more about each others’ culture, so I have an idea of what seminars are like. I am a very outgoing person and I love to meet and interact with new people so through these seminars and projects I will be able to do that. I would also like to get a broader perspective on the world and throughout the many different projects, I will gain that. I read about the Honors Program and what will be done throughout the four years and I thought to myself that this is where I belong, I will fit right in. I want to accomplish many things that this program will allow me to and greatness is what I would like to aim for. The Honors Program at John Carroll University brings together one of the most gifted, diverse, and active groups of people not only on campus, but in the country and I would like to be a part of that, something great. I am totally honored to be a part of this institution. If lucky enough to be appointed to the Honors Program, I will be able to bring my diverse background, my various leadership qualities, my love for extracurricular activities, and an overall point of view that will be able to express the opinions of many people. In high school, I have stayed involved in activities because I believe everything that you do is a learning experience and you can grow as a person from it. As a member of the varsity volleyball team, I learned how essential it is to be a team player. Working hard together, staying motivated, never giving up, and having a positive attitude really do bring about success. Being a part of Link Crew, where I helped the upcoming freshman’s transition from middle school to high school more enjoyable, made me learn a lot about being a leader. I take pride in having underclassmen look up to me because I set a good example in and outside of the classroom. I am also a member of Relay for Life. I am a firm believer in standing up for what I believe in and taking action on something that I think is important. Each year my team donates a lot of money to support cancer patients. These skills that I have developed from some of the extra-curricular activities that I am involved in, I will bring into the Honors Program. For the most part, I realized that students that are highly motivated academically are always interested in exploring new things. I am anxious to learn more about everything, especially about myself and finding even more activities that I may take interest in. The main goal that I wish to accomplish from the Honors Program is growth. I think that life is about achievement but it is also about learning and growth and developing qualities such as compassion, patience, perseverance, love and joy and so forth. So from the Honors Program I would like to stretch myself and achieve much more than I think I can because nothing is impossible and there is always room for improvement in every aspect of life. Any organization or event that I commit myself to, I obligate myself to perform the tasks at hand at the fullest of my abilities and do not believe in doing anything half-heartedly. I consider myself a â€Å"leader† and enjoy taking responsibilities, making decisions, and being held accountable for my actions. Furthermore, if appointed to the Honors Program, I will make it one of my top priorities and be able to dedicate lots of hours to its causes and goals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Example

Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Example Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Each trainee must have a DART (Dally Time Record) from which their time-in and time-out Is they are assigned. The office encourages each of the trainees to go to the person-in- charge once a month for them to check, validate and track their total training hours. Statement of the Problem The current process of checking the attendance and the time of the trainees is time consuming and not reliable. The manual computation of training hours is inaccurate. The records of the trainees attendance are not secured. Note: The Daily Time Record has high probability of being lost because of misplacement and unexpected natural phenomena. General Objectives: The project is aimed to design and develop Attendance Management System for PROMO On-the-Job-Trainees. Specific Objectives: Specifically this project aims to: Help the Administrator/Secretary to manage the records of the trainees effectively. Compute the total hours of training accurately. Secure the records of the trainees attendance. Significance of the Study The finished system will be beneficial to the following: Trainee they are given assurance that the attendance recorded for them is accurate because the proposed system will automatically compute their training hours. Moreover, because human intervention is eradicated, the fear of losing their Daily Time Record is got rid of. Administrator/Secretary they will not be involved anymore in the checking of the attendance. All they have to do is to validate the attendance of the trainees on the system and print the computer generated attendance report to IEEE the performance of the trainees. Scope and Limitation: The proposed system will only be for the use of the Provincial Human Resource Management Office Bombing, Uneven Vicar. The system will only support the basic information of the trainees. The system is capable of recording the attendance of the trainees and computing the total hours rendered of the trainee. Furthermore, the system is able to generate the summary of capturing the fingerprint of the trainee before and after their training which serves as their identification. However, the system is not capable of recording the trainees absences and their tardiness. CHAPTER II Reviews and Related Literature Today, there is a wide use of computers in a various application; a computation of bank statements, the use of robotics machine to speed up some factory works, enrollment and grading system in school and universities, networking and others. Man gradually realized the importance of computer to speed up communication even in remote areas and as means of transferring data for business needs. Computer can store information in a mass storage device. It can recall information in a speed of microseconds or even in nanoseconds. Therefore, man can easily retrieved stored information, change it and then store it again. Attendance Management Based from an online resource ( Weeklies. Com/what-is-attendance- management. HTML), Attendance management is a term used to describe the various managerial tools and strategies that aid in improving the regular attendance of employees. When effective, this type of attendance control helps the employer to avoid experiencing any downtime that may occur due to the absence of an employee, as well as help to prevent overloading other employees with additional tasks in order o avoid those downtime. A number of tools are used in the process of attendance management, including time clocks; employee maintained time sheets, and even time tracking software that helps to provide a snapshot of employee attendance over a specified period of time. One of the major goals of attendance management is to reduce the amount of absenteeism that occurs in the workplace. Purpose of Attendance Management The purpose of attendance management is to develop a willingness on the part of all employees to attend work regularly and to assist them in motivating their co- workers to attend work regularly. This can be done through; 1 . Addressing the physical and emotional needs of employees 2. Communicating the attendance goals of the organization so employees can understand and identify with them 3. Dealing with cases of excessive absenteeism effectively and fairly to produce deterrence. Management System Morris Slogan stated in his book Network and Distributed Systems Management that management of a system is concerned with supervising and controlling the system so that it fulfills the requirement of both the owners and users of the system. The management of the system may be performed by a mixture of human or automated components. What is Biometric? Biometrics means life measurement associated with the use of unique physiological characteristics to identify an individual. It is an authentication technique that relies on measurable physical characteristics that can be Identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token. A biometric system is essentially a patter n recognition system which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic possessed by the user. Biometric cosmologies are defined as the automated methods of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on a physiological characteristic. Several types of biometric identification schemes: face: the analysis of facial characteristics fingerprint: the analysis of an individuals unique fingerprints hand geometry: the analysis of the shape of the hand and the length of the fingers retina: the analysis of the capillary vessels located at the back of the eye iris: the analysis of the colored ring that surrounds the eyes pupil signature: the analysis of the way a person signs his name. In: the analysis of pattern of veins in the back if the hand and the wrist voice: the analysis of the tone, pitch, cadence and frequency of a persons voice. What is a Biometric Time and Attendance System? Biometrics is the identification of people based upon their physical characteristics; most commonly their fingerprints, hands, eyes, or facial features. While time and attendance systems are used to manage employee attendance, scheduling, and associated payroll tasks. Within time and attendance, biometric devices are often used as a punch clock in order to add an extra layer of security, accountability and efficiency. How Does Biometric Time and Attendance Software Work? Biometric Devices: Using biometric time and attendance systems allows employees to clock in and out using their fingerprint, retinal scan, etc. Often times this process is also accompanied by a PIN (Personal Identification Number) which must also match the fingerprint or other scan. Time and Attendance Software: Pairing your biometric device with a time and attendance software allows for more efficient payroll and attendance processing. Rather than spending hours adding up manually submitted clock-in and clock-out mimes, your biometric time and attendance software will allow you to automatically import data into your payroll software. This will significantly cut down on processing time and will eliminate errors derived from manually inputting information. Benefits of using Biometric Time and Attendance Software Accountability: By using a physical characteristic rather than simply using a swipe card or PIN, ensures that the employee is actually present. This avoids issues such as buddy punching, a term used to describe when other employees clock in and out for one another. Efficiency: Using a biometric time and attendance software allows or increased efficiency in multiple areas. First, employees dont have to worry about remembering to bring in a punch card or remembering a PIN, so there is less time spent on recovering lost passwords and manually inputting an employees clock-in time. Reduce errors: Time and Attendance software reduces the risk of human error and ensures and easy, impartial, and orderly approach in addressing specific needs without any confusion. Election devices may be used to control employee access to certain areas within a facility and track employee entry. Increase Productivity: Productivity increases cause the process is seamless and makes day-to-day operations more efficient and convenient. Eliminating legacy practices frees up employees time, decreases staffing overhead, and provides supervisors with timely labor data to more effectively manage their operations. Profit: A natural bi-product of increased accountability and efficiency is increased profit. By making employees more accountable to attendance times, you will increase productivity and only pay for time actually spent working. Fingerprint Biometric System Fingerprint Biometrics is a dynamic technology that provides an identification of a errors based on the acquisition and recognition of those unique patterns and ridges in a fingerprint. Standard systems are comprised of a sensor for scanning a fingerprint and a processor which stores the fingerprint database and software which compares and matches the fingerprint to the predefined database. Within the database, a fingerprint is usually matched to a reference number, or PIN number which is then matched to a persons name or account. The specific nature of todays biometric systems is associated with a specific use of the term biometrics. Biometrics is any use of biological data in technology. Biometric systems focusing exclusively on the identification of humans have become the major kind of biometric system in todays IT world. Finger Scanning Finger scanning is a biometric process; it involves the automated capture, analysis, and comparison of a specific characteristic of the human body. There are several different ways in which an instrument can bring out the details in the pattern of raised areas (called ridges) and branches (called bifurcations) in a human finger image. Biometric finger scanning offers improvements over ink-and-paper imaging. A omelet set of finger scans for a person can be easily copied, distributed, and transmitted over computer networks. In addition, computers can quickly analyze a finger scan and compare it with thousands of other finger scans, as well as with fingerprints obtained by traditional means and then digitally photographed and stored. This greatly speeds up the process of searching finger image records in criminal investigations. Fingerprint Matching A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and furrows of the surface of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and arrows as well as the minutiae points. Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur at either a ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending. Fingerprint matching techniques: Minutiae-based techniques first find minutiae points and map their relative placement of the finger but is difficult to extract the minutiae points accurately when the fingerprint is of low quality. Correlation-based techniques require the precise location of a registration point and are affected by image translation and rotation. Large volumes of fingerprints are collected and stored every day in a wide range of applications including forensics, access control, and driver license registration. An automatic recognition of people based on fingerprints requires that the input The aim of this project is to develop a reliable attendance management system based on biometric fingerprint identification that can used to manage attendance of the trainees. Review of Related Studies A capstone project by Rosella P. Dung-ay, Marquee E. Naval and Jericho Rudy V. Victoria from Saint Marry University, Bombing entitled A Computerized Attendance and Payment Management System of Flex and Motion Fitness Gym is elated to the proposed project. This study manages the record of the customer to lessen the possibility of data loss and to monitor the customers attendance of Flex and Motion Fitness Gym. With this system, it improves organization of record and fast data retrieval. A project from Universities Identikit Malaysia Amelia by Mood Summary Bin Abdullah Sans with the title Attendance Management System using Fingerprint Scanner is similar to this the project . The aim of this project is to develop a reliable attendance tracking and recording system based on biometric fingerprint identification that can e used to monitor attendance of student. The system can automatically acquire, store and calculate the students data and attendance into a personal computer, PC or laptop. The main purpose of this project is to monitor the student attendance in lecture, laboratory and tutorial sessions in more efficient way. It will eliminate much of the problems and manual work associated with paper based system. This project will only involve the development of the software. Llama alfalfa is a capstone project proposed by Marline G. Bunyan, Alluvium C. Tubing, Hayden Galleon and Serenely Perez of Saint Marry University. This system covers the recording of time-in and time-out as well as monitoring the attendance of each employee. Crystalline Bonuses, Margaret Joy Riviera and Liege Samson, former students of Saint Marry University, proposed a project entitled A Students Library Attendance Monitoring System of Saint Marry University. The proposed project will help the students to login faster and easier, and store the records securely. The Library staffs then monitor the daily and total number of students easier and accurately. Another study related to our proposed project is a capstone project from by Rodeo Juicinesss Manage and Juniper Quito with the title Saint Marry University Varsity Attendance Monitoring System. This project was developed to help the varsity program in maintaining its credibility in the implementation of its time and attendance monitoring process.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Arguments Against Relativism

Arguments Against Relativism There is plenty of evidence favoring the genuineness of a relativistic attitude in a wide variety of situations. Cultural relativism, religious relativism, linguistic relativism, scientific relativism, relativism moving from different historical perspectives or miscellaneous social positions: this is just the beginning of a list of sources motivating the genuineness of contrasting perspectives on a specific topic at hand. And yet, on some occasions, one may want to resist the idea that the relativistic stance is the best theoretical option: in some cases, it just seems that one of the contrasting views should ​get it more right than the others. On what grounds could such a claim be made? Truth The first ground on which a relativistic attitude can be resisted is truth. If you accept relativism, while holding a certain position, it seems that you are at once undermining that position. Suppose, for instance, that you claim that abortion shall never be endorsed while agreeing that such a judgment is relative to your upbringing; aren’t you at once conceding that abortion may be reasonably endorsed by those who had a different upbringing? Thus, it seems, a relativist is committed to the truth of a claim X, while holding at once that X may not be true when contemplated from a different perspective. That seems an outright contradiction. Cultural Universals A second point that has been stressed is the presence of universal traits across different cultures. True enough the idea of a person, of beauty, of good, of family, or of private property differ across cultures; but, if we look close enough, we can also find common traits. It can hardly be disputed that human beings can adapt their cultural development to the circumstances they come to live in. No matter who your parents are, you can equally learn English or Tagalog if you grow up with a community of native speakers of one or the other language; ditto for traits concerning manual or bodily skills, such as cooking or dancing. Common Traits in Perception Even when it comes to perception, it is easy to see that there is an agreement across different cultures. No matter what your culture is, it is probable that a powerful earthquake or a fierce tsunami will elicit fear in you; no matter your social upbringing, you will be moved by the beauty of the Grand Canyon. Similar considerations hold for the brightness of the sun at midday or the feeling of discomfort provoked by a room at 150 degrees Fahrenheit. While it is certainly the case that different human beings have different experiences of the nuances of perceptions, there seems also to be a shared common core, on the basis of which a non-relativistic account of perception may be built. Semantic Overlap What goes for perception goes also for the meaning of our words, that which is studied by the branch of Philosophy of Language that goes under the name of Semantics. When I say â€Å"spicy† I may not mean exactly what you mean; at the same time, it seems that there has to be some kind of overlap in meaning if the communication is effective at all. Thus, what my words mean cannot be fully relative to my own perspective and experience, on pain of an impossibility of communication.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Powerful Men Behave Badly, Why Powerful Women Dont

Why Powerful Men Behave Badly, Why Powerful Women Don't Why do so many sex scandals involve men of influence and power? Whether theyre politicians, heads of state or business leaders, powerful men are frequently linked to incidents involving cheating, infidelity, prostitution, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and other inappropriate behavior toward women. Why do we rarely see powerful women in the same situation? Experts on human behavior suggest it may come down to biology and opportunity. Prolific Equals SurvivalTIME senior editor Jeffrey Kluger reminds us of some basic science: Human males have never been thought of as models of sexual restraint - and with good reason....The goal of any organism, after all, is to ensure the survival and propagation of its genes, and males - far more so than females - are eminently equipped to do that. Even the worlds most reproductively prolific mothers rarely produce more than eight or nine children in a lifetime. Males can conceive everyday, even multiple times a day, and come emotionally hardwired to do just that. What are females hardwired to do? Select and mate with males who will provide good genes and stick around long enough to help ensure their offspring will reach maturity. Preferring Powerful MalesDavid Carrier, a University of Utah biology professor, explains why in the animal kingdom, females prefer powerful males: From the perspective of sexual selection theory, women are attracted to powerful males, not because powerful males can beat them up, but because powerful males can protect them and their children from other males. What physical power and brute strength is to the animal kingdom, political power is to the human race. And the greater the amount of power and control, the greater the access to desirable females and the more opportunity to mate. More Power, More SexDarwinian historian Laura Betzig who has studied sex and politics for decades, ties power to sex  as far back as the royal fertility rites in Sumer nearly 6,000 years ago. Attractive females became a commodity when Egyptian kings demanded beautiful servant girls from their provincial governors. Betzig provides examples across cultures and centuries to illustrate her point: the more powerful a man/monarch/ruler is, the more women he has sex with. She cites R.H. van Guliks survey Sexual Life in China to illustrate the power/sex differential: [Gulik] says that by the 8th century BC, kings kept one queen (hou), three consorts (fu-jen), nine wives of second rank (pin), 27 wives of third rank (shih-fu), and 81 concubines (yu-chi). That was the tip of the iceberg: imperial harems numbered in the thousands. Lesser men kept fewer women. Great princes kept hundreds; minor princes, 30; upper middle-class men might have six to 12; middle class men might have three or four. The Point of Politics is SexBetzig draws comparisons to Darwin and his theory of natural (and sexual) selection which posits that the whole point of competition is reproduction, and sums it up simply: To put it plainly, the point of politics is sex. Much has changed since ancient China. Most of the world does not regard the unfettered conquest of females as either politically prudent or culturally acceptable. Yet some political leaders (especially married ones) still behave as if the more women they bed, the better. Sexual HubrisThe Washington Post referred to this as a leaders sexual hubris† and like Betzig, Kluger and Carrier acknowledged that leadership has long been associated with sexual dominance throughout history and within the animal kingdom. Though current social norms create pressure to squelch that sort of behavior, it erupts with such regularity that the Post asked a panel of experts: Why do so many leaders fall prey to confusing power with sexual charisma? Because It CanBusiness owner and consultant Lisa Larson likens sexual hubris to a dog licking its nether regions it happens because it can: As Baron Acton said, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Inappropriate sexual conduct is a form of corruption.... She opines that men may be spurred by two reasons: The first is what I call Revenge of the Nerds....when someone who could achieve great things academically but suffered through romantic rejection during their youth suddenly find themselves in a position to be able to get what they want....The second is what I call the Sally Field syndrome they like me, they really like me....Power is sexy and people in positions of power often find themselves recognized in public, being praised and flattered as never before. Its hard for that not to go to your head. Power as AphrodisiacMarie Wilson, founder and president of The White House Project and the co-creator of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, focuses more on the seductive power of power. She acknowledges that the sexual jolt power conveys is rarely discussed: Power is the most potent aphrodisiac. Forget oysters, power is at the top of the menu when it comes to sexual arousal.... We caution powerful people about how their power needs to be carefully used when it comes to making decisions that affect their office or enterprise, but I wonder how many are warned about the new magnetism they suddenly have (and wont have once their power is gone)....Because our sexual power is tied into our ego, as the political ego develops, so may political id... [T]he sexual undercurrent running through politics is strong, and its used all the time openly or behind the scenes. But its a power source that has to be reckoned with in leadership, and one that is all to rarely discussed outside of the lascivious details when a scandal erupts. Equal Opportunity CorruptionWilson doesnt believe that powers sexual potency is gender specific. She shares her own experience of winning a local election and finding that men contacting her were interested in more than constituent services. Like Wilson, Kluger also acknowledges that power and sex can corrupt women just like men and describes the work of Larry Josephs, a professor of psychology at Adelphi University, who uses a new measure of behavior thats called the dark side: Men, certainly, arent the only people who abuse their power sexually. Women exhibit the dark side...too, and can become accustomed to power and its perks as easily as a man can. Whats more, testosterone, a primal driver of dominance behavior, is not the exclusive province of men either. Women produce testosterone just like men do, even if at different levels, says Josephs. That means women have testosterone-driven tendencies as well, and that pays dividends. Dominant animals tend to be more reproductively successful whether theyre male or female. Its true that very few headlines highlight the sexual indiscretions of powerful women and no politically prominent female thus far has been accused of rape or sexual assault. But that may change as increasing numbers of women rise to positions of political power. Women have been seeking the same opportunities as men for centuries. Once those opportunities are realized and we achieve some semblance of equality, will we successfully avoid the dark side or victimize others as weve been historically victimized? Sources:Betzig, Laura. Sex in History.  Michigan Today, March 1994.Kluger, Jeffrey. The Caligula Effect: Why Powerful Men Compulsively Cheat. 17 May 2011.Larson, Lisa. The female advantage. 11 March 2011.Pearlstein, Steve and Raju Narisetti. A leaders sexual hubris? 11 March 2010.Standing up to fight. 23 May 2011.Wilson, Marie. Beware new leaders. 12 March 2010.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The cost-Effectiveness of Screening to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Essay

The cost-Effectiveness of Screening to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example According to the World Health Organization, in developing countries, there are about 70 million suffering from the disease (Mohsen â€Å"Publications†). Due to lifestyle and socio-economic changes, this disease is not anymore a disease common in developed nations; it has now come to affect Third World and lesser developed nations. In Saudi Arabia, the prevalence of the disease is increasing. In the past two decades, when the nation has entered an era of vast economic improvements, the prevalence of the disease has also increased. Several studies conducted in different parts of Saudi Arabia yielded alarming results about the figures reflecting growing numbers of diabetes mellitus cases for the nation. In 2004, a study covering about 16000 subjects revealed that 23% of the subjects suffered from diabetes, with men suffering from the disease more than women, and with about 27% of diabetics unaware of the fact that they had diabetes (Al Nozha, â€Å"Articles†). The increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Saudi Arabia has impacted greatly on the economy of the country. The cost of healthcare in the Eastern Mediterranean Region credited to the disease in the year 2003 alone amounted to between 2.8 and 5.2 billion dollars. â€Å"The cost of diabetes care refers to the cost element that is attributable to diabetes itself or to the complications of diabetes; it clearly includes the costs of hospital admissions and other healthcare episodes for diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycaemia and other direct results of diabetes or its therapy† (International Diabetes Foundation, p. 3). For a developing nation like Saudi Arabia, these costs are an added drag to the nation’s economy. They add a great burden to the people who can barely afford some of their basic necessities, let alone the cost of hospitalization bills and medications. Many practitioners and healthcare administrators suggest ways and means to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critically appraise the key concepts and principles of the theory and Essay

Critically appraise the key concepts and principles of the theory and practice of the Person Centred approach - Essay Example Carl Rogers (a major contributor of the person centred model) emphasized the humanistic perspective as well as ensuring healing relationships with clients promote self-esteem, authenticity and actualization in their life, and help them to use their strengths (Seligman, 2006). Person-centred model has two primary goals, which are increased self-esteem and greater openness to experience. Attempts are made to facilitate related changes and seek to promote in clients the following: closer agreement between the clients idealized and actual selves; better self-understanding; lower levels of defensiveness, guilt, and insecurity; more positive and comfortable relationships with others; and an increased capacity to experience and express feelings at the moment they occur (Rogers, 1980). Person-centred model here means research that focuses on the person as a core of the study. The person then becomes the main conceptual unit and also often the main analytical unit. Person-centred model can be contrasted to variable-centred model where the focus is on the variable as the main conceptual and analytical unit. Variable- centred model is far more common but is not the topic of this article. For example training can be classified into variable-centred approach where the main focus is on the content of course which is being trained while coaching is person centred where the main focus is the person being trained not the content of the training. Person-centred model does not need to be quantitative and can in certain situations be carried out by case-oriented model and by using a qualitative model. Obviously, the study of the single individual, studied quantitatively using the technique, is in one way person-centred, but is not normally so according to the definition given above (since the focus is usually then on relationships between variables within the individual). The perspective given in this paper is of

How Children Learn the Sounds of Their Language Essay

How Children Learn the Sounds of Their Language - Essay Example It is evident from the paper that phonological development in children has got various steps, which are equally important. Though the capacity to acquire a language is innate, an assistance and scaffolding are necessary for the children. The discussion highlights the point that as the children are not born talking, they should learn the language. This is actually cannot be called learning, but acquisition of language; learning is artificial and conscious, but acquisition is natural and it is a biologically triggered behaviour. This behaviour is being modified every minute. This modification is done naturally with the exposure they get around them to acquire language. The discussion on the delayed speech and factors influencing phonological development sounds very significant. As communication is the pedestal of life such a study of phonological development is very constructive and ever relevant. The discussion on phonological development cannot be paused anywhere as it has a lot of interrogative dimensions. The theories mentioned in this paper indicate the role of phonological development in the cognitive expansion of the children. Verbal communication, which is the possession of human beings only, has a pivotal role in the overall development of them. It is communication that unfastens the ties which deny entrance to the world of knowledge and all that is obligatory in human life.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Assignments - Essay Example The syntactic rule, on the other hand, must always govern a written message so that the reader gets the very meaning that the writer intended to convey. Johnny and Ken, in the course of exchanging words, failed to observe some of these simple rules. The whole conversation, therefore, can be seen as the abuse of language. Johnny opens the talk with an ambiguous statement that gave his roommate a leeway to using any language. Johnny asked, â€Å"Does your friend has to stay here all the time?†( this question, he did not clearly bring out what he meant by that. This was the ambiguous question that led to the conflict. In response to this ambiguity, Ken employed the use of inferential statement. He thought Johnny was already very mad at him and his friend. Therefore, Ken turns furious to counteract the supposed temper of Johnny. Ken replied, â€Å"You said you were chill with it before† ( This statement also shows that Ken must have used a static evaluation on Johnny. When Johnny had agreed to accommodate the friend earlier, Ken thought that he had made a permanent decision and could not change his mind whats oever. The sudden change of mind took Ken by surprise since he had never expected that from Johnny. There was also lack of euphemism in their tones. Both Ken and Johnny had poor diction. They failed to use pleasant words in place of the blunt ones. For instance, Johnny says â€Å"†¦I don’t like it. I am tired of this! You are the worst† Ken also calls Johnny â€Å"dumb† These are emotive statements. If the two had chosen to use polite language (euphemism) on each other, they would have come to an understanding and solve their differences in a smooth way. Johnny, in his first statement, could have avoided ambiguity by politely explaining to Ken why and how his friend had become a burden. Ken could have sat down and listen

Divorce and the Coase Theorem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Divorce and the Coase Theorem - Essay Example I would not advocate for a change in the current law. This is for the rationale that alternative arrangement divorce would be time consuming and would even cause or start hateful issues to develop during the arrangements and can ruin friendships. It is also confident for spouses to formulate one of the reasons for divorce essential in ruling. No-fault divorce, on the other hand, accepted that a marriage collapse might not be the cause of one spouses misbehavior. They cut down the divorce procedure and made it more reliable countrywide, hence obviating the necessitaty for distressed couples to cross position lines in look for of simpler break up laws. Ronald Coase is for no fault divorce and he said that, if the amount of a couple’s mesh gains from matrimony, as seen by the couple, is negative, then no conformity on distributing the gains from the marriage can keep them as one. Despite of its merits it is not the best way to divorce because it can cover up serious matrimonial misbehavior and I don’t advocate for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Assignments - Essay Example The syntactic rule, on the other hand, must always govern a written message so that the reader gets the very meaning that the writer intended to convey. Johnny and Ken, in the course of exchanging words, failed to observe some of these simple rules. The whole conversation, therefore, can be seen as the abuse of language. Johnny opens the talk with an ambiguous statement that gave his roommate a leeway to using any language. Johnny asked, â€Å"Does your friend has to stay here all the time?†( this question, he did not clearly bring out what he meant by that. This was the ambiguous question that led to the conflict. In response to this ambiguity, Ken employed the use of inferential statement. He thought Johnny was already very mad at him and his friend. Therefore, Ken turns furious to counteract the supposed temper of Johnny. Ken replied, â€Å"You said you were chill with it before† ( This statement also shows that Ken must have used a static evaluation on Johnny. When Johnny had agreed to accommodate the friend earlier, Ken thought that he had made a permanent decision and could not change his mind whats oever. The sudden change of mind took Ken by surprise since he had never expected that from Johnny. There was also lack of euphemism in their tones. Both Ken and Johnny had poor diction. They failed to use pleasant words in place of the blunt ones. For instance, Johnny says â€Å"†¦I don’t like it. I am tired of this! You are the worst† Ken also calls Johnny â€Å"dumb† These are emotive statements. If the two had chosen to use polite language (euphemism) on each other, they would have come to an understanding and solve their differences in a smooth way. Johnny, in his first statement, could have avoided ambiguity by politely explaining to Ken why and how his friend had become a burden. Ken could have sat down and listen

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The theme of three pomes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The theme of three pomes - Essay Example The three poems selected to elaborate the theme of Bridget Keating Red ceilings are â€Å"When I was a Child†, â€Å"How to Make Peace with Yourself† and â€Å"Frogs†. The basic theme of all the three poems is the study and observation of human behaviors. The behaviors described by Bridget Keating are quite diverse and cover the happiness, sorrow, myths and dark shades of human nature. The poem â€Å"When I was a Child† describes the memories of the past and Keating tried to remember the old good days during the present days of darkness. The poem â€Å"How to Make Peace with Yourself† is focused on finding the peaceful place after bearing and observing the behaviors of individuals crossed by the way to peaceful place. In the third and the last poem â€Å"Frogs† the lady learned from the behaviors and movements of the frogs that how to survive together even in the tough situation and despite of even more tough situation than that of the lady, the frogs still strived to survive together. A brief overview of all three poems to elaborate the theme of the Bridget Keating book Red Ceiling is described in the remaining part of the paper. In the Poem â€Å"When I was a Child† Bridget Keating elaborated the memories of her past days and remembers the golden days when she was a child. She Said â€Å"I swam in the Slope Coulee† (Keating 1) refers to the spring water or waterfall where she swam during her golden days. She felt the depth of the water and moved with the flow of water and remembered the natural light, inhaled seeds and under water flowers. She remembers the beauty of nature and felt a snake against her bare feet while moving with the flow of water while touching the moist. She describes the beautiful feelings of life, which she had in the past. She also misses the presence of an old lady may be her mother and the old lady’s attitude and behavior,

Myostatin Boy Essay Example for Free

Myostatin Boy Essay Many scientists believe the find could eventually lead to drugs for treating eople with muscular dystrophy and other muscle-destroying conditions. And athletes would almost surely want to get their hands on such a drug and use it like steroids to bulk up. The boys mutant DNA segment was found to block production of a protein called myostatin that limits muscle growth. The news comes seven years after researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore created buff mighty mice by turning off the gene that directs cells to produce myostatin. Now we can say that myostatin acts the same way in humans as in animals, said the boys physician, Dr. Markus Schuelke, a professor in the child neurology department at Charite/ University Medical Center Berlin. We can apply that knowledge to humans, including trial therapies for muscular dystrophy. Given the huge potential market for such drugs, researchers at universities and pharmaceutical companies already are trying to find a way to limit the amount and activity of myostatin in the body. Wyeth has Just begun human tests of a genetically engineered antibody designed to neutralize myostatin. Dr. Lou Kunkel, director of the genomics program at Boston Childrens Hospital and professor of pediatrics and genetics at Harvard Medical School, said success is possible within several years. Just decreasing this protein by 20, 30, 50 percent can have a profound effect on muscle bulk, said Kunkel, who is among the doctors participating in the Wyeth research. Slow wasting process Muscular dystrophy is the worlds most common genetic disease. There is no cure and the most common form, Duchennes, usually kills before adulthood. The few treatments being tried to slow its progression have serious side effects. Muscle asting also is common in the elderly and patients with diseases such as cancer and AIDS. If you could find a way to block myostatin activity, you might slow the wasting process, said Dr. Se-Jin Lee, the Johns Hopkins professor whose team created the mighty mice. Lee said he believes a myostatin blocker also could suppress fat accumulation and thus thwart the development of diabetes. Lee and Johns Hopkins would receive royalties for any myostatin-blocking drug made by Wyeth. Dr. Eric Hoffman, director of Childrens National Medical Centers Research Center for Genetic Medicine, said he believes a muscular dystrophy cure will be found, but he is unsure whether it will be a myostatin-blocking drug, another treatment or a combination, because about a dozen genes have some effect on muscles. He said a mystotatin- blocking drug could help other groups of people, including astronauts and others who lose muscle mass during long stints in zero gravity or when immobilized by illness or a broken limb. Eventual health problems? Researchers would not disclose the German boys identity but said he was born to a nd three other close male relatives all were unusually strong, with one of them a construction worker able to unload heavy curbstones by hand. In the mother, one copy of the gene is mutated and the other is normal; the boy has two mutated copies. One almost definitely came from his father, but no information about him has been disclosed. The mutation is very rare in people. The boy is healthy now, but doctors worry he could eventually suffer heart or other health problems. In the past few years, scientists have seen great potential in myostatin-blocking strategies. Internet marketers have been hawking myostatin-blocking supplements to bodybuilders, though doctors say the products are useless and perhaps dangerous. Some researchers are trying to turn off the myostatin gene in chickens to produce more meat per bird. And several breeds of cattle have natural variations in the gene that, aided by selective breeding, give them far more muscle and less fat than other steer. He could do the iron cross when he was 5 months old, said his adoptive mother, Dana Hoekstra of Roosevelt Park. She was referring to a difficult gymnastics move in hich a male athlete suspends himself by his arms between two hanging rings, forming the shape of a cross. Liam has the kind of physical attributes that bodybuilders and other athletes dream about: 40 percent more muscle mass than normal, Jaw-dropping strength, breathtaking quickness, a speedy metabolism and almost no body fat. Liam can run like the wind, has the agility of a cat, lifts pieces of furniture that most children his age couldnt push across a slick floor and eats like there is no tomorrow without gaining weight. Liam Hoekstra was hanging upside down by his feet when he performed an inverted sit-up, his shirt falling away to expose rippled abdominal muscles. It was a display of raw power one might expect to see from an Olympic gymnast. Liam is 19 months old. The so-called myostatin blockade has generated tremendous interest in the bodybuilding community. Some nutritional supplements claim to block myostatin, but researchers have said the claims are not scientifically valid. If the myostatin protein is knocked out, muscles grow and rejuvenate much more uickly,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Event planning evaluation: The Chingay Parade

Event planning evaluation: The Chingay Parade Event Introduction Background We would like to do a detailed report that based on our findings on event planning and event evaluation process of an event. The event we have chosen is Chingay Parade. The Chingay Parade was firstly introduced in Johor Bahru in 2006 and it is a street parade event also a part of the celebration of Chinese New Year. The parade stretches go as far as 15km throughout the city of Johor Bahru, about 145 groups usually lasts from mid-afternoon to after midnight with an organized row of lion dances, interesting performances including dancing, singing, decorated parade floats and so on. First, we would like to explain why the event is called ‘chingay’. Chingay has two characters; Chin and Gay is the Min Nan dialect (including Teochew) for the Art of Decorating. The deities as Chingay Parade have rarely reffered to Johor Bahru residents as annual parade. This name is mostly used by the non-Chinese speaking public; probably due to the non-religious fancy parades in Penang and later in Singapore. Although the decorated floats and painted Chinese folk-characters are part and parcel of this annual parade, the main theme actually is the procession of the Five Deities from the five main dialect-groups of Johor Bahru. Thus for a Johor Bahru resident, especially the Chinese-educated, this annual parade is always pronounced ‘You-Shen’, which meaning the Parade of the Gods in Mandarin, rather than Chingay. As the historical of Chingay Johor Bahru, the Chingay Parade has been held for more than 100 years. It is celebrated on the 21st day in the first month of the Chinese Moon-related calendar and the event attracts thousands of people every year also as part of the Moon-related New Year celebration and as a predictor of peace and richness for the coming year for the town. Besides, Chingay started as a birthday celebration of Chinese gods, whose statues were taken out of temples and paraded around the city. In the belief that they will then provide plenty blessings to the people. Johors Chingay has heavy religious importance, where all parades begin at the Old Chinese Temple in Jalan Trus (Johor Bahru). Chingay procession was held in celebration with the birthdays of the Chinese deities or the procession of the Goddess of Mercy (Guanyin). It was held to worship and enjoy with the deity. Today, the JB Old Temple has five main deities for the five main dialect-groups: ‘Yuan Tian Shang Di’ or ‘Tua Lau Ya’ for the Teochews, ‘Hong Xian Da Di’ for the Hokkiens, ‘Gan Tian Da Di’ for the Hakkas, ‘Hua Guang Da Di’ for the Cantonese and ‘Zhao Da Yuan Shuai’ for the Hainanese. On the 21st day at about 7 in the evening is the grand parade, all the devotees and those with designated tee-shirts of the respective associations will then enter the Deities’ Depot to lift their respective deities for the night parade. This will be accompanied by troupes of opera characters, musical bands, lion-dancers, dragon dancers, decorated floats, stilt-walkers, big-headed dolls, giant flags and many other groups to entertain the town-folks who by then will line along the entire route eagerly awaiting the deities to pass. The order of the procession is always predetermined. The first deity to lead the parade will be Zhao Da Yuan Shuai of the Hainanese clan, followed by Hua Guang Da Di of the Cantonese clan, then Gan Tian Da Di of the Hakka clan, Hong Xian Da Di of the Hokkien clan nd the last to round up the back is the main deity Yuan Tian Shang Di of the Teochew clan. Event Planning (Definition) In general, event planning is the process of managing a project such as a meeting, convention, birthday party, exhibition, conference and so on. Event planning includes money-planning, beginning and building on timelines, selecting and reserving the event sites, buying permits, planning food, coordinating transportation, developing a theme, arranging for activities, selecting speakers and keynotes, arranging for equipment and facilities, managing risk, and developing backup plans. As event planner, event planning means consists of coordinating every detail of meetings and conventions, from the speakers and meeting location to arranging for printed materials and visual equipment. Besides, Event planning begins with figuring out the goal that the sponsoring organization wants to accomplish. Planners choose speakers, entertainment, and content, and arrange the program to present the organizations information in the most effective way. In addition to that, event planning is the energizing art of planning people and activities in order to create a show that creates memories of a lifetime. Designing and producing an event, whether its a meeting, related to big business event, fund-raiser, tradeshow or any other event, is in many ways almost the same as directing a live stage performance. Event Planning (Important) Event planning can help event planner to know what is the contribution should be and how to achieve event purpose. It is an important point to make sure that the event will be successful. It also can help planner to identify their event goals clearly and make planner decide clearly and concretely what the event need to do and can affect the social that organization wants. Event planning also can help planner make sure that understand their goal and what they need to do to reach event goal by involving target consumer in the event planning process. It can make planners all work in a goal-oriented way more than in a loose way where planner just respond to issues and cries with not clear event goals as well. Besides, event planning can helps planner to accountable for what they do. It is a consequential point, event planning can help planner or organization decide what is the best to use resources including hired people, equipment, time and other, so that will help planner and organization most significant contribution to achieving their purpose. Last but not least, event planning important in lays the basis for event organization to asses and evaluate their achievements effectively. Event Evaluation (Definition) In general, event evaluation is analysis of the efficiency and efficacy of such events using a range of empirical methods. Event evaluation measures investigate impact at all levels. In apart from that, event evaluation is the process of critically observing, measuring and monitoring the implementation of an event in order to evaluate its results (Bowdin, 2008). Event Evaluation (Important) Event evaluation, as well as event planning cycle, it can help event organization and event planner to identify how they can improve and correct what they are achieving, event organization and planners also can take action to build on successes event and repeating failures in next time event. Besides, effective event evaluation process enables event organization and event planner to use what they learned from their experience to improve what they are achieving in the event. In addition to that, event evaluation is necessary to make event planner and team-mate more efficiency and effectively before the next time you organize an event. It is all about finding the mistakes and learning from them. In apart from that, evaluating help event planner gets feedback from attendees and participants, discovering the best and worst bits of an event to know if the event achieved its original aims, or how it could be improved for the next event. Moreover, evaluating shows volunteers and staff the value of their work and the impact of the event on the community. Some funders may require evaluations to be conducted, to show value for money as well. Event Planning Process Objective, visitor, place Chingay is a cultural Chinese New Year festival, so that the visitor of the event will be Chinese. Location of the Chingay Event held in Johor. Through history, after World War II, this activity spread to the south of Peninsular Malaysia unconsciously, that is Johor Bahru. Johor Bahru Chingay is commonly known as â€Å"Chinese New Year celebration part 2†. There are a folk saying on Johor Bahru people that â€Å"Chinese New Year never come to end if no celebrate Johor Bahru Chingay†. In addition, since the Chinese living in Johor majority. This annual event is inextricably linked to the Old Temple at Jalan organizes Johor Bahru Chingay Celebration with five Chinese dialect groups also called as Parade of Deities. Based on the size of the number, this event plan in outdoor so that can accommodate more participants. Time, date, content The Chingay is conducted in the first lunar month from 18th to 22nd (5days). And which consecutive 3 days from 19th to 21st are running with the main activities. In the morning, when the gong decorated with sacred flag bearer of the team will be deemed to walk and jingle of the gong in the entire parade route, this represents to â€Å"wash the way† before the festivities begin. On the first day on 17 February 2014, here is a light up ceremony at Xing Gong. It is a provisional places that deities choose. It can provide more spacious place to believers to pray. For the second and the third day, there is a street cleansing and mounting of deities on holy sedans followed by a small drum music parade and deities leaving the Old Temple carried on holy sedans. The location is from Johor Old Temple to palace. Thereby completing the centuries Chingay for three consecutive days of Overture. On the fourth day, activity held in the evening at 7pm. It is a busy streets walk of Johor Bahru from Xing Gong and walk around the Xing Gong. The distance of the line is about 8 kilometer. The town-folks are accompanied by decorated floats, lion-dancers, troupes of opera characters and so on. Lastly, 22nd February is the day of deities return to their Divine abodes, after this Johor Bahru resident will feel that they had finished their New Year. Promotion+ Sponsorship All the source of communication have been use. The organizer, Tiong Hua associations started to promote Chingay. As Chingay is an on-going parade, it has its own website. Besides this they also create a Facebook page welcoming for people to join. In the page, they listed out all details and the history of Chingay. For those who have questions, they also willing to give answers and the information will be update on time. In the other hand, the organizer promote the event through newspaper. Meanwhile, there will be banners and posters at anywhere in Johor. In addition, There also have media conference helped them publicise. For people who may not be able to see any information on others way, TV stations are another alternative for people to get Chingay information. Chingay is a recurrent activities, so not too much publicity, people will get to know about it. Based on the relationship between people, word of mouth also became a tool of mass media. In this event, people who participatin g were dressed in several different styles and different signs of T-shirt which are provided by the supplier that are Carlsberg, Tiger and Country Garden Danga Bay. Thus, the vendors can use this event to advertise their products. Accessibility Due to the wide range of activities involved, the number of participants more, even at night parade, it is easily lead to the accidents. In order to avoid the occurrence of such outside bruised and protect the safety of participants, the organizer had invite the medical staff to assist. The organizer also prepared a resting place for the participants. Event Evaluation Chingay parade event is a successful event in Johor Bahru, Malaysia due to it has a lot of foreign and Chinese people will join in this festival event every year. In this festival event, it affect a lot of benefits impacts as well as the cost. In benefits, social and cultural impacts in this event including broaden people’s horizons because it has the festive atmosphere with stilt walkers, lion and dragon dances, acrobats, and dozens of decorated floats taking to the streets amidst the clashing of cymbals and beating of gongs and drums in this event. In this current issue, planner also try advantage a lot of new technology element inside this event so it will attract teenager joining this event. Another benefits in social and cultural impacts are revitalising traditions. Due to this event is a traditional festival event, it can promote our traditional culture inheritance to next generation as well. In addition to that, this event can increase Malaysian pride as well because have a lot of foreign know this event and it can let foreign know about our traditional culture. The positive political impacts in this festival event are this event can let our social cohesion. This event purpose is unity ‘Teochew’, ‘Hokkien’, ‘Cantonese’, ‘Hakka’ and ‘Hainan’ all of these Chinese people during 19th century. In this current, also can let other race people know about Chinese religion so it will increase Malaysian cohesion in the country, because everyone will respect different race religion. This event also will attract foreign tourists come to join in. It can increases tourists visit or travel in Malaysia so that we can earn and increase a lot of foreign money. On the contrary, this festival event also bring negative impacts in environmental which make a lot of environmental damage and pollution in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Due to the reason which people are going for a 15km around Johor Bahru, the participants will throw rubbish at the street and make noise. Besides, it will disturb residents around the city until midnight and this event increase traffic jam as well. In the political negative impacts, event organizer cannot calculate their budget in this event. Their budget come from donation and find a lot of sponsorship. If the year has financial crisis, they will get the donation less than last year and let the event lead to failure because they need a lot of money to be the cash float. Last but not least, it has a political negative impacts which are lack of accountability. Event organizer cannot predict the accountable of the amount of people who will join in the event and will make event organizer easily loss control of the event. Recommendation Evaluations often make recommendations about how a program can be improved, how the risk of program failure can be reduced or whether a program should continue. Based on the environmental negative impacts as environmental damage and noise disturbance, we can increase participant awareness about the knowledge of 3Rs which including reduce, reuse and recycle and everyone has responsibility to make sure the environment is clean. As traffic jam problem, we can encourage participant to achieve a sharing car plan with others or taking the public bus instead of taking private car. Chingay Johor Bahru can solve the noise disturbance problem by considering to plan the event not ended until mid-night for next year. Furthermore, due to the political negative impacts which are lack of accountability, the event organizer can do a survey form on social media first, understanding total how many people will participate the event before organizing and planning the event. Last but not least, the event organizer should planning the financial report first before finding a sponsorship to record how much they need to spent to control their budget. REFERENCE LIST What is event planning? Available from:> Event planning. Available from:> Johor Bahru Chingay. Available from:> Johor Bahru Chingay. Available from:> Look on the Bright Side | Bartleby, the Scrivener Look on the Bright Side | Bartleby, the Scrivener The world is full of all sorts of different people. The differences are really what keeps the world revolving because of all the different ideas that comes from these people. But even though the world if full of all different types of people it isnt until you look closer that everyone is actually a lot more similar than one could image. Two stories that were a part of our English 202 class, Look on the Bright Side and Bartleby, the Scrivener look completely different from the titles. But as we learned about these stories we found out that the authors of these two stories happened to write about similar things even though the stories were punished in different centuries. The quote Dont judge a book by its cover is true because this paper shows that the similarities seem to out-weigh the differences. Dagoberto Gilb had been raised in a broken home and had attended college but could never hold down a white-collar job. Since Gilb could not keep a job he had worked odd jobs as a skilled carpenter and decided to keep a journal about his experiences. The language that was used in Look on the Bright Side was simple and conversational like. Gilb explained his thoughts in a way that one to comprehend and actually find something in common with (Charters 451). Actually some of the conversation in the book was similar to some of the conversation my parents would have at their home. Bartleby, the Scrivener was the longer of the two stories. It was about a man who owned his own business and was looking for a new employee. He ended up having troubles with his new employee, Bartleby, and had to figure out how to deal with the situation. The narrator had to attempt several different strategies to try to get Bartleby to leave and/or quit but nothing seemed to work. The story Bartleby, the Scrivener was written by Herman Melville who had never attending college and actually grew up working on a whaling ship. He had written several short stories about his experience on the boat and actually said that a whale shit was my Yale College and my Harvard(Charters 877). Melville had chosen to write this story because he was trying something new with his writings; his previous writings had failed. The language that Melville chose to use was sophisticated and educated and the sentences were longer, almost to the point of run-ons of the narrators thoughts. This story was defiantly a little bit harder to get through reading and some of the parts had to be read twice to fully understand. Even though these two stories have differences there are a few similarities that can be found within them. For instances both stories deal with someone trying to find a job, details about different characters that the narrators come into contact with and characters that the story has in common. The following will describe the similarities of each story. Looking for work seemed to be an issue in each story. In Look on the Bright Side the narrator was the one looking for job to support his family. The economy was bad and the narrator had been laid off from work because his job had gone bankrupt. The narrator made the mistake of not trying to find a job right away because he had been laid off before. He thought that he was taking advantage of having a break from work and going on vacation with his family, but that was obviously not the right decision at that time because at the end of the story he was still out of work. In Bartleby, the Scrivener the narrator was looking for help in his office. The narrator was already a successful scrivener and had already employed a few men that he had been working with him for years. I feel that the narrator made his mistake in the story when he went about finding office help the way he did. Instead of the narrator setting up interviews for the position and placing the most appropriate candidate he placed an ad in the paper and waited for a reply. Bartleby showed up at the narrators office one day for the job and the narrator continued to ask him a few questions about the job. Even though the narrator was hesitant about hiring Bartleby because he seemed shy he thought he would give Bartleby a chance. In most situations I dont think that the employer would hire someone that they werent too sure about. Great detail mentioned in both stories about the people that each narrator had come into contact with became the second biggest similarity. In Look on the Bright Side the narrator seemed to give greater detail about the people who were not directly involved in his life and less detail of the ones who were. First there was Mrs. Kevovian, who was the narrators landlord. He described her as being ignorant, nasty, and hard to communicate with(Gilb 452). The narrator described her to be this way because he has mixed feeling about her trying to raise the rent. The next person was the lawyer, Mr. Villalobos, who the narrator described in a way of being a fake Yassir Arafat. The narrator wasnt to sure about the lawyer because he thought that the lawyer was helping the wrong side. The main two people that were described in great detail were a bum across the street from the library and a man named John. The bum was introduced as being loud and then his physical character was described. He look ed like Einstein with a great, long beard and had hair like a wise man(Gilb 459) and his clothes were a mess as if he had not had a chance to shower in years. John was sketchier and talked nervously and jerked without pausing. He opened up to the narrator without hesitation; it was as if he was just happy to have someone to talk to. In Bartleby, the Scrivener the narrator gave great detail about his employees such as what they wore, how they looked, and even what their personality was like at different times of the day. The narrator had worked with his three employees for many years, he knew everything about them. He even knew what mood each employee was going to be in at what time of the day. This story went into even greater detail about each person that the narrator had come into contact with; it was if nothing about a character was missed. It seemed as if the author of the story wanted the reader to really get a feel for the people that were in the story and then he eased into the main point of the entire story. Lastly, I feel like I found each story had a little bit of craziness within it. The craziness that appeared in Look on the Bright Sides was towards the end when the narrator was outside of the library and John had came and sat by him who reminded the narrator of a hippie and then there were the bums across the street who were either rolling on the ground or yelling at the top of their lungs. In Bartleby, the Scrivener, Bartleby seemed to be the crazy one to an extent. He came into the job giving a loyal feeling to the narrator and he worked as hard as he could. Then Bartleby began to move into the office while continuing to work hard. The employer asked Bartleby nicely to leave the office after his work shift many times but Bartleby never ended up leaving; he had even found a key for the office and acted as if it was his home in a way. By the end of the story it took the law enforcement to remove Bartleby because a new employer had taken over the building and he still refused to leav e. Bartleby had only wanted to do what he wanted to do and it did not matter who was asking him for help or a favor he would either not responded or say I would prefer not to. I dont understand why anyone would want to stay in the office that they were working at, it almost made me wonder if Bartleby had done this with previous jobs. In each story the men went about dealing with their experiences in a different way. With the narrator in Look on the Bright Side he tried to stay positive as much as he could, he was always looking on the bright side. He knew that he had to find a job, but also knew that there was not any work out there, but heavily relayed on the business agents who kept telling him that work was going to break anytime. He also had to deal with the fact that his landlord wanted to raise the rent of their home, but he could not afford it nor did he think that the house was even worth that rent. He decided to go on vacation with his family and get in a little bit of trouble for trying to smuggle some rum and narcotics. At the end of the story he ended up going to court and winning, but in the he still lost the house and had to move his family out. I think that he should have tried to find a job right away, but of course he did not know that the economy was going to turn for the worst. The narrator in Bartleby, the Scrivener seemed to be more of a push over when it came to dealing with is problem with his new employee Bartleby, who did not want to do everything that was required for the job and then ultimately would not leave the office even after being told that he was fired. The narrator was always coming up with excuses for why Bartleby would act the way he did and would sometimes feel sorry for him. But then there were other times such as when Bartleby would say I would prefer not to that the narrator would get fed up with him and want to fire him. The narrator struggled with this issue of what to do with Bartleby through the whole story. He had tried everything from at first giving him the benefit of the doubt, then to bribing him, asking him to leave, and finally he moved his entire office closer down town. It seemed that whatever his plan of action was, he just could not rid himself of Bartleby. In the end he finally came to realization that Bartleby had gro wn into his life, and now that he was in jail, because the new employers of the office building that the narrator had sold could not get rid of him, he was going to visit with him as much as possible and find out who this interesting character named Bartleby really was. With both of these stories there was a different perspective of how to handle situations. In Look at the Bright Side the narrator really did try and look at the bright side of problem that he had ran into. As for Bartleby, the Scrivener the narrator pushed his issues off dealing with Bartleby and made excuses for him until he could no longer handle it. The narrator was pushovers by letting Bartleby get away with everything in the beginning. Even though the stories dealt with two different issues they were still similar. There was great detail about each person that the narrators came into contact with, from what they looked like to what their personality was like. Both of these stories were great life lessons and should be kept in the back of everyones mind when they run into these situations in life. One, you cannot always be a push over because you are going to lose in the end and two, you should always try and stay positive and focus on the real things in life such as family and f riends, not just money. Work Citied Charters, Ann. Dagoberto Gilb. 8th. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 451. Print. Charters, Ann. Herman Melville. 8th. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin, 2011. 877. Print. Gilb, Dagoberto. Look on the Bright Side. 452-460. Print. Melville, Herman. Bartleby, the Scrivener. 878-904. Print.