Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Gender Discriminations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gender Discriminations - Essay Example rough the following instances: gender wage differential; sexual harassment; experiencing barriers to promotion and recruitment because of their gender; and hostile workplace conditions (Dilts and Samavati 209). This paper argues that sex-based workplace discrimination remains pervasive in the U.S. and that employers should follow laws that strive to eradicate it, as well as include additional measures that can avoid gender discrimination. Sex-based discrimination occurs through the existence of gender gap differentials. Kongar studied the role of sectoral and occupational changes in altering the composition of the American workforce and reducing the gender wage gap from 1990 to 2011. Findings showed that the gender wage gap within services broadened, even with reduced occupational gender segregation in the 1990s. Kongar talks about the paradox that though more women entered male-dominated industries with higher pay, the gender wage gap remains wide. Furthermore, she notices that the wage premium related to male-dominated occupations increased also. One of the interpretations of her findings is the devaluation of work, as more women entered these occupations (Kongar 86). In other words, the entry of women in these male-dominated industries decreased the wage premium for both men and women alike (Kongar 86). Throughout time, occupational segregation shifted too, and jobs that became more male-intensive enjoyed higher w age premiums (Kongar 86). This finding matched those from the 2001 United States General Accounting Office (US GAO) survey, which reports that the gender salary gap among full-time managers intensified between 1995 and 2000 (19 qtd. in Kongar 86). Miller studied whether the gender pay gap in the U.S. is different across the wages distribution, and whether this disparity differs between the public and private sectors. Findings showed that female workers are paid lower hourly rates than men, regardless of sectoral differences; gender wage gap is larger

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