Thursday, October 10, 2019

Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction on the Services of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited Essay

Part-1 Introduction 1.1 Background of the report: The internship is a dynamic approach for practical knowledge gathered at this study. My effort was for practical job experience through internship for business communication skills as well as banking sectors. As a student of BBA for the requirement of the internship program, I was assigned to The MBL for my practical orientation. This report is done as partial requirement of the 3 months internship program for the BBA students of Department of Marketing, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology. The internship work is done on a bank, namely Mercantile Bank Limited (MBL). The students were asked to prepare reports on their assigned jobs after the completion of the Internship in the respective organizations. The topic of the report is â€Å"Customer Satisfaction on the services of MBL.† 1.2 Significance of the Report: The economy of our country has a lot left to be desired and there are lots of scopes for massive improvement. In an economy like this, banking sector can play a vital role to improve the overall social-economic conditions. As our country is an under develop country, the banks play the role of an intermediary and can mobilize the excess fund of surplus sectors to provide necessary finance, to those sectors, which are needed to promote the sound development of the country. The banks provide different types of services to its counter parts, like general banking services or finance or investing which results transaction of currency. To do this they also need capital, assets and other factors which effects directly in the bank performance. This report will help to understand the customer satisfaction on the services of MBL. As a result, we can have a clear idea about customer satisfaction on the Services of MBL. 1.3 Scope of the Report: MBL is always trying to improve their customer service in every sector, but in today’s competitive business world, banks need to give additional concentration to the client’s requirements, in order to stay at the top. Therefore, besides dealing with the general attributes of Different Services, I have been trying to put more concentration on the customer benefits and other customer related facilities in this report while I have been doing my internship. 1.4 Objectives of the Report: 1.4.1 Broad Objective: The broad objective of this report is to identify the customer satisfaction on the services of MBL. 1.4.2 Specific Objectives: * To find out the different services of MBL that is offered to its clients. * To identify the 7p’s analysis of MBL. * To identify the weakness, problems, opportunity of MBL. * To identify the level of customer satisfaction. * To explore the opportunities and competitive advantages that has been ignored by MBL. 1.5 Methodology: 1.5.1 Types of Research: It is both exploratory & descriptive research in nature. 1.5.2 Sources of Data: I have collected data from the two sources, one is primary source and another is secondary source. Primary Sources: * Conversation and questioning with the different clients by questionnaire survey. * Observing the total environment. * Employee of foreign exchange, credit & others. Secondary Sources: Secondary Data Which data is already published that’s called Secondary data or Secondary data is data collected by someone other than the user. Secondary data are very much important for conduct an efficient study and to have faithful result. 1.5.3 Data Collection Procedure: Primary Data: The primary data collection process includes: * Questioner survey Secondary Data: * Brochures of MBL. * Annual report of MBL. * Official website. * 1.5.4 Questionnaire Design: This is a well structure type of questionnaire and used for conducting customer satisfaction survey and acquire primary data. Here average time was 20 minute for every respondent. There are 20 questions on the questioner. Question type was close ended. 1.5.5 Sampling Plan: Target Population: All clients of MBL Gulshan branch in Dhaka city. Sampling Element: Individual clients of MBL . Sampling Frame: No well structured sample frame was found. Sampling Procedure: Non probability convenience sampling procedure is used. Sample Size: I have taken 50 customers as my sample. 1.5.6 Data analysis and reporting: Quantitative and qualitative data collected and analyzed according to acceptable standards of practice. Different tables and graphs were used to make the data meaningful. 1.6 Limitations: * Lack of customer co-operation. * Lack of adequate knowledge about any other financial institutions. * It was very difficult to collect all data, which is very essential. * Due to time limitation many aspects could not be discussed in the present study because Banking is a vast subject. * Lack of experiences on Banking. * Every organization has their own secrecy that is not revealed to others. Despite the limitation, I have tried my best to prepare the report. If you find any mistake please consider it cordially. Part -2 Overview of the company 2.1 Company Background: Mercantile Bank Limited was incorporated in Bangladesh as a public limited company under the Bank Company Act, 1991, on May 20, 1999. After obtaining license from Bangladesh Bank to carry on banking business, the bank commenced its operation on June 2, 1999 with an authorized capital of Tk 800 million divided into 8 million ordinary shares of Tk 100 each. On 31 December 2001, its paid up capital was Tk 596.5 million Mercantile Bank Limited went for public issue of shares on October 21, 2003. There are 30 sponsors involved in creating Mercantile Bank Limited. During this short span of time the MBL has been successful to make a position as a progressive and dynamic financial institution in the country. The MBL has been widely acclaimed by the business community, from small entrepreneurs to large traders and industrial conglomerates, including the top rated corporate borrowers for forwarding-looking business outlook and innovative financing solutions. Thus within this very short period of time it has been able to create an image for itself and has earned significant reputation in the country’s Banking Sector as a bank with vision. The Bank has made significant contribution to the growth of Readymade Garments sectors by handling huge amount of export Letters of Credit. Recently it has 75 Branches with 1,668 efficient employees. 2.2 Vision: To be the best Banking service provider in Bangladesh at a reasonable cost & giving more services & facilities to the small ,medium ,large sectors to improve the socio economic condition in Bangladesh. 2.3 Mission: To meet the challenges of 21th century & to meet the expected future result, MBL offering many attractive services to the customer .they increased the FDR rate from 12.5 to 13.33 to collect more deposit from customers & to increase the saving tendency of the clients.MBL recently introduced Super Benefit Deposit Scheme (SBDS) & Education Planning Deposit Scheme (EPDS) they are long term special saving scheme through which customer can get benefits up to 10 or 15 years. 2.4 Objectives: * To achieve positive Economic Value Added (EVA) each year. * To be market leader in product innovation. * To be one of the top three Financial Institutions in Bangladesh in terms of cost efficiency. * To be one of the top five Financial Institutions in Bangladesh in terms of market share in all significant market segments we serve. * To achieve 20% return on shareholders’ equity or more, on average. 2.5 Core Values: * For the customer Providing with caring services by being innovative in the development of new banking product and services * For the shareholder Maximizing wealth of the bank * For the employer Respecting worth and dignity of individual employees devoting their energies for the progress of the bank * For the community Strengthening the corporate values and taking environment and social risks and reward into account. 2.6 Board of Directors: * Chairman Md. Abdul Jalil, M.P * Vice Chairman  Morshed Alam Mohd. Selim * Director  M. S. Ahsan Alhaj Akram Hossain (Humayun) Md. Anwarul Haque Dr. Toufi que Rahman Chowdhury Golam Faruk Ahmed Engr. Mohd. Monsuruzzaman Bilkis Begum Md. Tabibul Huq A. S. M. Feroz Alam A. K. M. Shaheed Reza Md. Nasiruddin Choudhury Md. Shahabuddin Alam Syed Muhammed Abbdul Mannan, M.P Alhaj Mosharref Hossain Israt Jahan M. A. Khan Belal Dr. Matiur Rahman, M.P * Managing Director & CEO A.K.M. Shahidul Haque 2.7 Operational network organ gram: Chairman| Managing Director| Deputy Managing Director| Executive Vice President| Senior Vice President| Vice President| Sr. Assistant Vice President| Assistant Vice President| First Assistant Vice President| Senior Executive Officer| Executive Officer| Senior Officer| Officer| Junior Officer| 2.8 Deposit Services: * Monthly Saving Scheme (MSS) Monthly Saving Scheme is one of the most popular deposit products in different communities that introduced to attract small savers for building up their habit of savings and thereby build up a healthy capital base for the economy. The monthly installments are in various sizes and one can adopt the schemes for a period of 03 years, 05 years, 08 years or 10 years. * Monthly Benefit Deposit Scheme Under this scheme, depositor will get a certain sum of money in each month proportion to his/her deposit during the entire tenure. Benefit starts right from the first month of opening an account under this scheme and continues up to five years. On maturity, the principal amount is paid back. Objectives of this scheme are to help the retired persons for investing their retirement benefits, Create investment opportunities for Non-Resident Bangladeshi. The Minimum deposited amount is BDT 50,000 or its multiples and the tenure is five (05) years. * Double Benefit Deposit Scheme (DBDS) The main attraction of DBDS is that, the deposited amount will be double in tenure of 5.6years. Minimum deposited amount should be BDT 10,000 or its multiples. In case of premature encashment interest will be paid on Saving A/C Rate. Loan may be granted up to maximum 80% of the deposited amount, but minimum principle amount must be BDT 20,000. * Quarterly Benefit Deposit Scheme The ‘Quarterly Benefit Deposit Scheme’ will be maintained for a period of 3 (three) years and the minimum amount of deposit is BDT 50,000.00 (fifty thousand) or its multiples. Interest will be paid on quarterly basis. Benefits start right from the first quarter of opening the scheme. On maturity, principal amount will be paid back. Savings account is needed to maintain this scheme. * 1.5 Time Benefit Deposit Scheme Under this scheme, deposited amount reserved for 4.25 years (or 51 months) and the minimum amount of deposit is BDT 50,000.00 (fifty thousand) or its multiples. After 4.25 years maturity, 1.5 times of the deposited amount will be paid back to the account holder. * Advance Benefit Deposit Scheme Under Advance Benefit Deposit Scheme, one can deposit a certain amount of money for two years. The depositor will receive the benefit on yearly basis. The benefit amount of first year will be received in advance at the time of deposit. On maturity, the depositor will get back the principal amount with the benefit amount of second year. That means Interest is paid in two Phases, first phase paid initially and second phase paid after maturity. Loan may be granted up to maximum 70% of deposit. 2.9 Loan Services: * Consumer Credit Scheme Consumer’s Credit Scheme is one of the popular areas of collateral-free finance of the Bank. People with limited income can avail of credit facility to buy household goods including computer and other consumer durables. * Lease Finance This scheme has been designed to assist and encourage the genuine and capable entrepreneurs and professionals for acquiring capital machineries, medical equipments, computers, vehicle and other items. Flexibility and easier term and conditions of this scheme have attracted the potential entrepreneurs to acquire equipments of production and services and repay gradually from earnings on the basis of ‘Pay as you earn’ * SME Loan Scheme Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Loan Scheme has been introduced to provide financial assistance to new or experienced entrepreneurs to invest in small and medium scale industries with a comparatively low rate of interest as the same is assisted by the Bangladesh Bank wither financing facilities. * Personal Loan Scheme Personal Loan Scheme has been introduced to extend credit facilities to cater the needs of low and middle-income group for any purpose. Government and semi government officials, employees of autonomous bodies, banks and other financial organizations, multinational Companies, reputed private organizations and teachers of recognized public and private schools, colleges and Universities are eligible for this loan. * Car Loan Scheme Car Loan Scheme has been introduced to enable middle-income people to purchase Cars/SUVs/Jeeps. Government and semi-government officials, employees of autonomous bodies, banks and other financial organizations, multinational companies, reputed private organizations, teachers of recognized public and private universities and businessmen are eligible for this loan. * Home Loan Scheme To meet the growing need of housing for middle and lower-middle income people, MBL has introduced Home Loan Scheme. * Overseas Employment Loan Scheme Overseas Employment Loan Scheme is designed to facilitate the Bangladeshi youths seeking employment aboard but unable to meet the expenses to reach the workplace from their own sources. The ultimate objectives of the scheme are to promote skilled / semi-skilled manpower to different countries across the world as well as to provide support to Government Policy considering priority of this sector. By availing loan under this scheme, the active youths of middle and lower middle class can get overseas employment. 2.10 Marketing Mix: (1)Product: MBL now offering various kind of deposit screams for the customers with retail Banking, corporate finance, asset, equity brokerage and security. (2) Price: Price means value that a customer has to pay to take any service.MBL take’s a charge from the deposited account & charge interest on lone. (3)Place: Recently MBL has 75 Branches all over Bangladesh & they are opening new branches for improving their customer services. (4) Promotion: MBL use TV, print media to communicate with the customers. (5)People: MBL has 1668 efficient employee to provide their services & many sells representatives on the field. (6) Process: Process means, the procedure mechanisms and flow of the activity by which the service is delivered. They always try to provide services as early as possible. (7) Physical Evidence: Physical environment means, the environment in which the service is delivered .MBL established their branches in all important places & they provide their service’s in a comfortable & friendly environment for their customer. 2.11 SWOT analysis: * Strengths: * Strong customer relationship or customer loyalty. * More than 70 branches with 1668 efficient employee. * Excellent Service quality. * Strong Management team. * Reasonable interest rate. * Weaknesses: * Delay in service delivery. * Long Account opening process. * Introducer require in opening current account. * Low promotional activity. * Opportunities: * Technological advantage. * Mobile banking. * Offering new deposit scheme. * SME banking. * Threats * Political changes. * Technological improvement. * Increasing number of banks. * High government rule & fixed interest rate by Bangladesh bank. 2.12 Corporate Profile: Name: Mercantile Bank Limited Established: May 20, 1999 Head office: 61, Dilkusha Commercial Area Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh PABX: 9559333, 9553892 Key People: Md. Abdul Jalil, M.P Industry: Finance (Bank) Services: retail banking, corporate finance, Finance, asset, equity brokerage and security. Branches: 75 Employees: 1668 Profit: 3,004.17 million (2011) Website: Part-3 Theoretical Aspects Marketing Theory: * Marketing: The process by which companies create value for the customer & build strong relationship with them in order to capture from customer in return. * Marketing Management: Marketing Management is a business discipline which focuses on the particular application of marketing techniques & the management of firms marketing resource & activity. * Marketing Research: The systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. * Target Market: A set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. * Market Segment: A group of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing efforts. * Market Positioning: A clear, distinctive and desirable place of a product relative to competing products in the mind of target consumers or Create a positive image on customers mind. * Market: Market is a system, procedure for exchanging goods & service where two parties agree to sell or buy any product or service in a particular value or price. * Market Offering: Some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or want. * Product Concept: The idea that consumers will favor products that offers the most quality, performance, and features. * Production Concept: The idea that consumers will favor products if that are available and highly affordable. * Selling Concept: The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s products unless it undertakes a large scale selling and promotion effort. * Marketing Concept: The marketing concept that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction better than competitors do. * Societal Marketing Concept: Maybe a company ought to make good marketing decisions by considering consumers want, the company’s requirements, consumers’ long-run interests and society’s long-run interests. * Service: Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. * Customer Satisfaction: Dependent on the products perceived performance relative to buyer’s expectations or the extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations. * 7p’s in Detail: FIG: 1 * Products: The product is the most important aspect of the marketing mix. Products have both tangible and intangible benefits. Tangible benefits include benefits, which can be measured such as the top speed of a car. Intangible benefits are benefits that cannot be measured such as the enjoyment the customer will get from the product. It is important that the product is changed as necessary to bring it up to date and prevent it from being overtaken by competitors. The term â€Å"product† refers to tangible, physical products as well as services. Here are some examples of the product decisions to be made: * Variety * Quality * Design * Features * Brand name * Packaging * Services * Sizes * Warranties * Returns * Price: It is very important that the correct price is charged for a product. If the price is too high consumers will avoid the product as they will believe it to be too expensive yet if the product is priced too low they may believe that there is something wrong with the product for it to be so cheap. Also if the company charges too low a price, it may not cover its costs. There are many different pricing strategies that companies can use to decide on a price for their product including market and psychological pricing methods. Some examples of pricing decisions to be made include: * Pricing strategy (Skim, penetration, etc.) * Suggested retail price * Volume discounts and wholesale pricing * Cash and early payment discounts/ bonus * Seasonal pricing * Bundling * Price flexibility * Price discrimination. * Place: The place is where you can expect to find your customer and consequently, where the sale is realized. Knowing this place, you have to look for a distribution channel in order to reach your customer. * Distribution channels * Market coverage (inclusive, selective, or exclusive distribution) * Specific channel members * Inventory management * Intermediaries * Distribution centers * Order processing * Transactions * Reverse logistics * Promotion: In the context of the marketing mix, promotion represents the various aspects of marketing communication, that is, the communication of information about the product with the goal of generating a positive customer response. Marketing communication decisions include: * Promotional strategy (push, pull, etc.) * Advertising * Personal selling & sales force * Sales promotions * Public relations & publicity * Marketing communications budget However, the strategies for the four P’s require some modifications when applied to services. For example, traditionally promotion is thought of as involving decisions related to sales, advertising, sales promotions and publicity. In services these factors are also important, but because services are produced and consumed simultaneously, service delivery people are involved in real-time promotion of the service even if their jobs are typically defined in terms of the operational function they perform. * People: All human action that plays a part in reference and information services delivery namely the librating personnel. * Process: Process means, the procedure mechanisms and flow of the activity by which the service is delivered. * Physical Evidence: Physical environment means, the environment in which the service is delivered & firm & customer interact, & any tangible components that facilitate performance or communication of the service. * SWOT analysis: FIG:2 * Strengths: * What advantages does your organization have? * What do you do better than anyone else? * What unique or lowest-cost resources can you draw upon that others can’t? * What do people in your market see as your strengths? * What factors mean that you â€Å"get the sale†? * What is your organization’s Unique Selling Proposition? * Weaknesses: * What could you improve? * What should you avoid? * What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses? * What factors lose you sales? * Opportunities: * What good opportunities can you spot? * What interesting trends are you aware of? * Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale. * Changes in government policy related to your field. * Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes. * Local events. * Threats: * What obstacles do you face? * What are your competitors doing? * Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products or services changing? * Is changing technology threatening your position? * Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems? * Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business? Gaps Model of Service Quality: FIG: 3 1. Customer gap: Difference between customer expectations & perceptions. 2. Provider gap 1: Not knowing what the customer wants or expect. 3. Provider gap 2: Not selecting the right service design and standards. 4. Provider gap 3: Not delivering to service designs & standard. 5. Provider gap 4: Not matching performance with promises. Part-4 Analysis and Findings Questionnaire Survey Analysis: In every survey, it is essential to analyze the survey results and follow the findings as a guideline of development of the project. The survey reports are shown below with graphical representation in percentage basis. (1) What type of account you maintain with this bank? FIG: 4 From the graph, it is seen that 23 of the respondents are MSS holder, 10 of the respondents have FDR, 13 of the respondents have current account and 4 have the other account. Here most of the respondents have Monthly saving scheme (MSS) Here bank should give importance on other accounts. (2) Why you choose mercantile bank? Or reason of choosing this Bank? FIG: 5 From the graph, it is seen that the 11 respondents choose this bank for the number of branches of the bank, 15 for location of the bank, 3 for reputation of the bank, 16 for service of the bank, 5 for personal relationship. Here most of the respondents choose this bank because of the service and location of the bank. (3) What are the services of this bank you usually use? FIG: 6 From the graph, we found that the 20 respondents use MSS of this bank, 3 uses LC of the bank, 9 uses current account of the bank, 7 uses FDR of the bank, 7 uses Card & 4 uses locker service of the bank. Here most of the respondents use MSS and current account services of the bank. (4) Are you satisfied with the service charges of the bank? FIG: 7 From the graph, we can see that the 25 respondents said moderate, 14 respondents said service charges are high, and 11 respondents said the service charges are low from some other banks. (5) Are you satisfied with the account opening procedure? FIG: 8 From the graph, we can see that the 23 respondents are satisfied with the account opening procedure, 12 are very satisfied and 15 are dissatisfied. Here most of the customers are satisfied with the account opening procedure. (6) Are you a debit card holder of this Bank? FIG: 9 From the graph, it is seen that the 14 respondents are card holder and 36 respondents are not. Here the respondents who have account in the bank they can apply for the card. (7) Do you think the numbers of ATM booths are sufficient? FIG: 10 From the graph, it is seen that the 76% respondents think that the numbers of ATM booths are not enough and available, 24% respondents think that the numbers of ATM booths are sufficient. So, most of the respondents are not satisfied with the number of ATM booths. (8) Do you think MBL takes longer time to issue a card? FIG: 11 From the graph, we can see that 20 respondents think they don’t take longer time to issue a card, 20 respondents think they take a longer time & 10 respondents think they take a very long time. (9) Are you satisfied about ATM services? FIG: 12 From the graph, it is seen that the 17 of the respondents are satisfied with the ATM services, 20 respondents are dissatisfied, and 13 respondents are in moderate position. Here most of the respondents are dissatisfied with the ATM services. (10) Are you satisfied with the branch location? FIG: 13 From the graph, we can see that 18 respondents are satisfied, 14 respondents are dissatisfied, and 18 respondents are in moderate position. (11) Where do you first know about this bank? FIG: 14 From the graph, 0 respondents know from TV, 20% respondents know from news paper, 36% respondents know from bill board & representatives, 44% respondents know from friends & family. (12) Are you satisfied with the different interest rates that are offered by MBL? FIG: 15 From the graph, we can see that 36% respondents are satisfied with the interest rates, 50% respondents are in moderate position & 14% respondents are dissatisfied with the interest rates. (13) Are you satisfied with the different promotional campaign of MBL? FIG: 16 From the graph, we can see 0 respondents are highly satisfied ,3 are satisfied, 26 are in neutral position,12 are dissatisfied ,9 are highly dissatisfy about the promotional activities of MBL. (14) Do you think the employees are highly efficient? FIG: 17 From the graph, we can see that 5 respondents are highly satisfied on the work of employees of MBL.15 respondents are satisfied & 26 respondents are in neutral position & 4 respondents are dissatisfy. As a result more or less all respondents are satisfied for the employees. (15) Do you think the process of taking loan is very easy? FIG: 18 From the graph ,we found that 0% respondents are highly satisfied with the lone processing ,28% respondents are satisfy with it, 24% respondents are in neutral position ,48% are dissatisfy on the lone taking process. Part-5 Major Findings Major Findings: Mercantile Bank Ltd actively participate in the growth and expansion of the national economy by providing various kind of services. While analyzing the policies and procedures & analyzing the customer satisfaction of the Bank the following areas were mostly viewable. * Most of the respondents have MSS account. * Most of the respondents choose this bank because of the branch location & services of the bank. * Most of the respondents come to this bank for the MSS, FDR & savings accounts. * Most of the respondents are satisfied with the MBL charges. * Most of the respondents are satisfied with the account opening procedure of the bank ,but respondents had to face some difficulties to open current account because it require introducer who already have current account on MBL. * Most of the respondents don’t use card of this bank. * Most of the respondents are not satisfied with the number of ATM booths. * Most of the respondents are not satisfied with the system of issuing a card. * Most of the respondents are not satisfy with the ATM services. * Most of the respondents are satisfied with the branch location. * Most of the respondents know about the bank from friends & family. * Most of the respondents are satisfied with the MBL interest rate. * Most of the respondents are not satisfied with the promotional actives of the bank. * Most the respondents are satisfied with the MBL employee’s attitude and behavior because they can expertly solve the banking problem. * Most of the respondents think the loan processing system is not easy & high interest rate on personal loan. Part-6 Recommendation Recommendation: MBL has an efficient and excellent management team and performing with a great expertise and care. The limitations can be overcome by some measures to make the performance outstanding. I have some suggestions for The MBL according to my observations out of my survey on 50 customers. Those are given below: * The bank should offer more facilities on other account to attract more customers. * The bank should build a strong image on market through covering new area. * The bank should provide more attractive features & plan to attract more customers. * Customers are satisfied with MBL charges, so the bank should attract large number of customer through using this low cost strategy. * The customers are satisfied with the account opening procedure of the bank. But the bank should introduce an easier process to open current account. * The bank should provide more facilities in the ATM cards. * They should increase the number of ATM booth because the Customers are not satisfied with the number of it. * The bank should give more importance on the system of issuing a card as early as possible. * The bank should give more concentration on the ATM services because the customers are not satisfied with it. * The bank should find new important area to make new branches & search opportunity for the bank. * The bank should increase their advertisements. * The bank’s customer are happy with the interest rate, through this advantage the bank should attract more customers. * The bank should increase the promotional actives on TV, print media & radio. * The bank has many efficient employees an efficient employee can attract the customers, so the bank should give more importance on that. * The bank should introduce an easier process for giving lone. Part-7 Conclusion Conclusion: Mercantile Bank Limited is a strong and effective player in the financial system. It is a solid, forward-looking, modern local bank with a record of sound performance. It is a new generation bank. It is committed to provide high quality financial services /products to contribute to the growth of GDP of the industrialization, boosting up export, creating employment opportunity for the educated youth, rising standard of living of limited income group and overall sustainable socio-economic development of the country. The bank has the vision to be the best Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh in terms of efficiency, capital adequacy, asset quality, sound management etc. it is now one of the top most profitable commercial bank. As concluding remark the bank is able to attain a leading role with the 13 years success story but to remain in Strong position among new generation banks, the bank must face new challenges. The bank must make a positive attempt to be more outward looking in their goals and aware of what is happening. They must also emphasize on the domestic scenario more closely and analyze any certain trends and strategies of their competitors. The bank must accept any failures and think of them as an objective to pursue future goals instead of blaming such failures on other factors and in this way the Bank will be able to keep on playing its important roles in our economy. Part-8 Bibliography Bibliography: * Annual Report (2009) of Mercantile Bank Limited. * Annual Report (2011) of Mercantile Bank Limited. * Circular of Mercantile Bank Limited. * Interview with the Credit section of employees Mercantile Bank Limited, Gulshan, Branch. * Interview with SME and retail banking section of Mercantile Bank Limited, Gulshan Branch. Books reference * Principles of Marketing- 12th Edition- Philip Kotler. * Marketing Management- 13th Edition- Philip Kotler. * Service Marketing- 4th Edition- Zeithamal & Bitner . Internet reference * * * * * Part-9 Annexure Raw Table: 1. What type of account you maintain with the bank? * MSS 23 * FDR 10 * Current 13 * Others 4 2. Why you choose mercantile bank? * Branch number of the bank 11 * Location of the bank 15 * Reputation of the bank 3 * Service of the bank 16 * Personal relationship 5 3. What are the services of this bank you usually use? * MSS 20 * LC 3 * Current Account 9 * FDR 7 * Card 7 * Locker 4 4. Are you satisfied with the service charges of the bank? * Very high 0 * High 14 * Moderate 25 * Low 11 * Very low 0 05. Are you satisfied with the account opening procedure? * Good 23 * Very good 12 * Poor 15 * Very poor 0 06. Are you a debit card holder of this Bank? * Yes 14 * No 36 07. Do you think the numbers of ATM booths are sufficient? * Agree 12 * disagree 38 08. Do you think MBL takes longer time to issue a card? * Disagree 20 * Strongly Disagree 0 * Agree 20 * Strongly agree 10 * 9. Are you satisfied about ATM services? * Satisfy 7 * Dissatisfy 20 * Moderate 13 10. Are you satisfied with the branch location? * Yes 18 * No 14 * Moderate 18 11. Where do you first know about this bank? * TV 0 * News Papers 10 * Bill-board & sells representatives 18 * Friends & Family 22 (Likert scale) No.| Question:| Highly Satisfy| Satisfy| Neutral| Disagree| Highly Disagree| 12.| Are you satisfied with the Services offered by the MBL?| 0| 20| 21| 9| 0| 13.| Are you satisfied with the different charges & interest rates that are offered by MBL?| 0| 18| 25| 7| 0| 14.| Do you think the numbers of branches are satisfactory compare to other Banks?| 0| 20| 23| 7| 0| 15.| Are you satisfied with the different promotional campaign of MBL?| 0| 3| 26| 12| 9| 16.| Do you think the employees are highly efficient?| 5| 15| 26| 4| 0| 17.| Do you think the process of taking loan is very easy?| 0| 14| 12| 24| 0| 18.| Are you satisfied with the total working process of the MBL?| 0| 11| 30| 9| 0| 19.| Do you think MBL provides a very good after sales services in ATM sector?| 0| 9| 20| 13| 8| 20.| Do you think MBL take longer time to open LC?| 0| 20| 16| 14| 0| Questionnaire: Dear respondent, ————————————————- I’m a student of BBA program studying in Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT). I was assigned to prepare a report on â€Å"customer satisfaction of the Services of Mercantile Bank LTD† which is a partial fulfillment of my internship program. As a result, some information would be needed from you. It is assured that all the information will keep confidential and solely use in this report only. Name:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Sex: a) Male b) Female Occupation:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Express your opinion by giving (√) marks. You may choose more than one option where necessary. 01. What type of account you maintain with the bank? A) MSS C) FDR B) Current D) Others 02. Why you choose mercantile bank? A) Branch number of the bank C) Location of the bank B) Reputation of the bank D) Service of the bank E) Personal relationship 03. What are the services of this bank you usually use? A) MSS B) LC C) Current Account D) FDR E) Card F) Locker 04. Are you satisfied with the service charges of the bank? A) Very high C) Good B) High D) Poor E) Very poor 05. Are you satisfied with the account opening procedure? A) Good B) Very good C) Poor D) Very poor 06. Are you a debit card holder of this Bank? A) Yes B) No 07. Do you think the numbers of ATM booths are sufficient? A) Agree B) Disagree 08. Do you think MBL takes longer time to issue a card? A) Disagree C) Strongly Disagree B) Agree D) strongly agree 09. Are you satisfied about ATM services? A) Satisfy c) Dissatisfy B) Moderate 10. Are you satisfied with the branch location? A) Yes B) No C) Moderate 11. Where do you first know about this bank? A) TV B) News Papers C) Bill-board & sells representatives D) Friends & Family Please put tick (√) on appropriate place. Statement| Highly Satisfy | Satisfy| Neutral| Disagree | Highly Disagree| 12. Are you satisfied with the Services offered by the MBL?| | | | | | 13. Are you satisfied with the different charges & interest rates that are offered by MBL?| | | | | | 14. Do you think the numbers of branches are satisfactory?| | | | | | 15. Are you satisfied with the different promotional campaign of MBL? | | | | | | 16. Do you think the employees are highly efficient?| | | | | | 17. Do you think the process of taking loan is very easy?| | | | | | 18. Are you satisfied with the total working process of the MBL?| | | | | | 19. Do you think MBL provides a very good after sales services in ATM sector?| | | | | | 20. Do you think MBL take longer time to open LC?| | | | | | THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND COORDINATION. Surveyor Signature:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Contact No:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦

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