Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Example

Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Example Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Attendance Management System for Provincial Human Essay Each trainee must have a DART (Dally Time Record) from which their time-in and time-out Is they are assigned. The office encourages each of the trainees to go to the person-in- charge once a month for them to check, validate and track their total training hours. Statement of the Problem The current process of checking the attendance and the time of the trainees is time consuming and not reliable. The manual computation of training hours is inaccurate. The records of the trainees attendance are not secured. Note: The Daily Time Record has high probability of being lost because of misplacement and unexpected natural phenomena. General Objectives: The project is aimed to design and develop Attendance Management System for PROMO On-the-Job-Trainees. Specific Objectives: Specifically this project aims to: Help the Administrator/Secretary to manage the records of the trainees effectively. Compute the total hours of training accurately. Secure the records of the trainees attendance. Significance of the Study The finished system will be beneficial to the following: Trainee they are given assurance that the attendance recorded for them is accurate because the proposed system will automatically compute their training hours. Moreover, because human intervention is eradicated, the fear of losing their Daily Time Record is got rid of. Administrator/Secretary they will not be involved anymore in the checking of the attendance. All they have to do is to validate the attendance of the trainees on the system and print the computer generated attendance report to IEEE the performance of the trainees. Scope and Limitation: The proposed system will only be for the use of the Provincial Human Resource Management Office Bombing, Uneven Vicar. The system will only support the basic information of the trainees. The system is capable of recording the attendance of the trainees and computing the total hours rendered of the trainee. Furthermore, the system is able to generate the summary of capturing the fingerprint of the trainee before and after their training which serves as their identification. However, the system is not capable of recording the trainees absences and their tardiness. CHAPTER II Reviews and Related Literature Today, there is a wide use of computers in a various application; a computation of bank statements, the use of robotics machine to speed up some factory works, enrollment and grading system in school and universities, networking and others. Man gradually realized the importance of computer to speed up communication even in remote areas and as means of transferring data for business needs. Computer can store information in a mass storage device. It can recall information in a speed of microseconds or even in nanoseconds. Therefore, man can easily retrieved stored information, change it and then store it again. Attendance Management Based from an online resource ( Weeklies. Com/what-is-attendance- management. HTML), Attendance management is a term used to describe the various managerial tools and strategies that aid in improving the regular attendance of employees. When effective, this type of attendance control helps the employer to avoid experiencing any downtime that may occur due to the absence of an employee, as well as help to prevent overloading other employees with additional tasks in order o avoid those downtime. A number of tools are used in the process of attendance management, including time clocks; employee maintained time sheets, and even time tracking software that helps to provide a snapshot of employee attendance over a specified period of time. One of the major goals of attendance management is to reduce the amount of absenteeism that occurs in the workplace. Purpose of Attendance Management The purpose of attendance management is to develop a willingness on the part of all employees to attend work regularly and to assist them in motivating their co- workers to attend work regularly. This can be done through; 1 . Addressing the physical and emotional needs of employees 2. Communicating the attendance goals of the organization so employees can understand and identify with them 3. Dealing with cases of excessive absenteeism effectively and fairly to produce deterrence. Management System Morris Slogan stated in his book Network and Distributed Systems Management that management of a system is concerned with supervising and controlling the system so that it fulfills the requirement of both the owners and users of the system. The management of the system may be performed by a mixture of human or automated components. What is Biometric? Biometrics means life measurement associated with the use of unique physiological characteristics to identify an individual. It is an authentication technique that relies on measurable physical characteristics that can be Identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token. A biometric system is essentially a patter n recognition system which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic possessed by the user. Biometric cosmologies are defined as the automated methods of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on a physiological characteristic. Several types of biometric identification schemes: face: the analysis of facial characteristics fingerprint: the analysis of an individuals unique fingerprints hand geometry: the analysis of the shape of the hand and the length of the fingers retina: the analysis of the capillary vessels located at the back of the eye iris: the analysis of the colored ring that surrounds the eyes pupil signature: the analysis of the way a person signs his name. In: the analysis of pattern of veins in the back if the hand and the wrist voice: the analysis of the tone, pitch, cadence and frequency of a persons voice. What is a Biometric Time and Attendance System? Biometrics is the identification of people based upon their physical characteristics; most commonly their fingerprints, hands, eyes, or facial features. While time and attendance systems are used to manage employee attendance, scheduling, and associated payroll tasks. Within time and attendance, biometric devices are often used as a punch clock in order to add an extra layer of security, accountability and efficiency. How Does Biometric Time and Attendance Software Work? Biometric Devices: Using biometric time and attendance systems allows employees to clock in and out using their fingerprint, retinal scan, etc. Often times this process is also accompanied by a PIN (Personal Identification Number) which must also match the fingerprint or other scan. Time and Attendance Software: Pairing your biometric device with a time and attendance software allows for more efficient payroll and attendance processing. Rather than spending hours adding up manually submitted clock-in and clock-out mimes, your biometric time and attendance software will allow you to automatically import data into your payroll software. This will significantly cut down on processing time and will eliminate errors derived from manually inputting information. Benefits of using Biometric Time and Attendance Software Accountability: By using a physical characteristic rather than simply using a swipe card or PIN, ensures that the employee is actually present. This avoids issues such as buddy punching, a term used to describe when other employees clock in and out for one another. Efficiency: Using a biometric time and attendance software allows or increased efficiency in multiple areas. First, employees dont have to worry about remembering to bring in a punch card or remembering a PIN, so there is less time spent on recovering lost passwords and manually inputting an employees clock-in time. Reduce errors: Time and Attendance software reduces the risk of human error and ensures and easy, impartial, and orderly approach in addressing specific needs without any confusion. Election devices may be used to control employee access to certain areas within a facility and track employee entry. Increase Productivity: Productivity increases cause the process is seamless and makes day-to-day operations more efficient and convenient. Eliminating legacy practices frees up employees time, decreases staffing overhead, and provides supervisors with timely labor data to more effectively manage their operations. Profit: A natural bi-product of increased accountability and efficiency is increased profit. By making employees more accountable to attendance times, you will increase productivity and only pay for time actually spent working. Fingerprint Biometric System Fingerprint Biometrics is a dynamic technology that provides an identification of a errors based on the acquisition and recognition of those unique patterns and ridges in a fingerprint. Standard systems are comprised of a sensor for scanning a fingerprint and a processor which stores the fingerprint database and software which compares and matches the fingerprint to the predefined database. Within the database, a fingerprint is usually matched to a reference number, or PIN number which is then matched to a persons name or account. The specific nature of todays biometric systems is associated with a specific use of the term biometrics. Biometrics is any use of biological data in technology. Biometric systems focusing exclusively on the identification of humans have become the major kind of biometric system in todays IT world. Finger Scanning Finger scanning is a biometric process; it involves the automated capture, analysis, and comparison of a specific characteristic of the human body. There are several different ways in which an instrument can bring out the details in the pattern of raised areas (called ridges) and branches (called bifurcations) in a human finger image. Biometric finger scanning offers improvements over ink-and-paper imaging. A omelet set of finger scans for a person can be easily copied, distributed, and transmitted over computer networks. In addition, computers can quickly analyze a finger scan and compare it with thousands of other finger scans, as well as with fingerprints obtained by traditional means and then digitally photographed and stored. This greatly speeds up the process of searching finger image records in criminal investigations. Fingerprint Matching A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and furrows of the surface of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and arrows as well as the minutiae points. Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur at either a ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending. Fingerprint matching techniques: Minutiae-based techniques first find minutiae points and map their relative placement of the finger but is difficult to extract the minutiae points accurately when the fingerprint is of low quality. Correlation-based techniques require the precise location of a registration point and are affected by image translation and rotation. Large volumes of fingerprints are collected and stored every day in a wide range of applications including forensics, access control, and driver license registration. An automatic recognition of people based on fingerprints requires that the input The aim of this project is to develop a reliable attendance management system based on biometric fingerprint identification that can used to manage attendance of the trainees. Review of Related Studies A capstone project by Rosella P. Dung-ay, Marquee E. Naval and Jericho Rudy V. Victoria from Saint Marry University, Bombing entitled A Computerized Attendance and Payment Management System of Flex and Motion Fitness Gym is elated to the proposed project. This study manages the record of the customer to lessen the possibility of data loss and to monitor the customers attendance of Flex and Motion Fitness Gym. With this system, it improves organization of record and fast data retrieval. A project from Universities Identikit Malaysia Amelia by Mood Summary Bin Abdullah Sans with the title Attendance Management System using Fingerprint Scanner is similar to this the project . The aim of this project is to develop a reliable attendance tracking and recording system based on biometric fingerprint identification that can e used to monitor attendance of student. The system can automatically acquire, store and calculate the students data and attendance into a personal computer, PC or laptop. The main purpose of this project is to monitor the student attendance in lecture, laboratory and tutorial sessions in more efficient way. It will eliminate much of the problems and manual work associated with paper based system. This project will only involve the development of the software. Llama alfalfa is a capstone project proposed by Marline G. Bunyan, Alluvium C. Tubing, Hayden Galleon and Serenely Perez of Saint Marry University. This system covers the recording of time-in and time-out as well as monitoring the attendance of each employee. Crystalline Bonuses, Margaret Joy Riviera and Liege Samson, former students of Saint Marry University, proposed a project entitled A Students Library Attendance Monitoring System of Saint Marry University. The proposed project will help the students to login faster and easier, and store the records securely. The Library staffs then monitor the daily and total number of students easier and accurately. Another study related to our proposed project is a capstone project from by Rodeo Juicinesss Manage and Juniper Quito with the title Saint Marry University Varsity Attendance Monitoring System. This project was developed to help the varsity program in maintaining its credibility in the implementation of its time and attendance monitoring process.

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