Friday, May 31, 2019

should the confederacy won the civil war? :: essays research papers fc

Should the Confederacy cave in won the civil war?Looking at the American Civil War ones must besides look at the economics of the 19th century in the U. S. Hand in hand one must also look at the politics and battle plans of the war. The slave plantation owners class was a minority in the Southern population but it controlled Confederate politics and society. Slavery universe the biggest investment of the South, and the fear of slave instability ensured the allegiance of southern non-slave-owners to the economic and social system of the South. As luck would have it, slavery helped America become noticed as a world power during the 19th century. Many other factors must be looked at when discussing the successes and failures in the Civil War. Decision made and actions that were taken all played a part in the final outcome of the war. The thought that the South could have controlling outcomes from the war was doomed from the beginning. Slaves produced many good and services that w ere provided to the benefit of most snow-clad Americans absolutely or not absolutely. (1) Slaves were not just used for agriculture. They also were used for forms of production and trade jobs. For parts of the 18th and most of the 19th century, slaves were the true work force of America. The existence of slavery was the reason that most white Americans had hobbies or did not worry about occupations concerned about farming or the need to earn an hourly wage. Because of this white Americans were able to get high educations and (1) Schwartz, David G. The South and Slavery History 101. University of Nevada Las Vegas. March 30, 2004 skills to increase their generation income for themselves and their offspring. The development of a leisure class also developed the social upper classes of the archaic South. (2) In other words, other than the obvious, slavery produced gargantuan benefits indirectly for white Americans. Production was not a true concern of many plantation owners since it was being handled it would always be handled as long as there were slaves on the plantation production system. While the South became extremely wealthy by apply slavery for agricultural labor, the North focused on trade, commerce, banking, shipping, and manufacturing. But the question can one survives without the other comes up? The North was able to attain such success in commerce because of the Souths cheap production of food and materials produced by slavery.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Possession in The Exorcist Essay -- The Exorcist

Being PossessedThe idea of possession can frighten many people. What horror movie producers and directors that go into this field are counting on is that they can use it to frighten their military positioners. The exorcist and The Exorcist Beginning both are centered on the act of legal ouster. Both demoniacs in the films are women though their fates are polar opposites. The dispossessions are also shown in different lights. This is done through supernumerary effects as well as lighting and music. The first off film in the series stays with a cut and dry method of keeping mainly to the exorcism itself however, its prequel focuses more on fancy special effects and stimulating music. The newest addition to The Exorcist series also adds in the usual Hollywood love story present in most films in our time. Prequels tend to also serve the purpose of story building, regardless of how new it is. In this case it has the duty of creating and explaining the character of Merrin. T he success of both The Exorcist and The Exorcist Beginning was not precisely due to the story line, but also the mystery of it as well as its acceptance in society and the church. The exorcism itself, such as the effects and the overall focus on it were portrayed differently within The Exorcist and The Exorcist Beginning in accordance with the view from society in general and their expectations on how a movie should be done. The rite of exorcism dates back many centuries. It is a practice not only practiced in Christianity but in Pagan religions as well. The main difference between the two is that Pagan exorcists rely on their own force-out to expel the demons rather then the Christians drawing their power directly from God to do the job (Baker, 137). This power was given to the Christia... technology back then. Movies have straight off been mandated by the movie making industry to take on new twists, however. The Exorcist Beginning, being the prequel to the first o f the series, had to pull something new to get the viewers it ask for success. Therefore, Harlin put in the notorious love story to add a special little twist to our emotion. This in conjunction with the development of Merrin, puts the echt exorcism out of the spot light. Thus, showing how movies have been changed over time with the change in wants from society. As their wants for a good movie change, so must the actual film to acquire success. The Exorcist and The Exorcist Beginning both followed the expectations of society for their respective filming eras to become very successful movies, having their success fueled by the mixed views and conceptions of both the church and society.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Culutual Anthropology :: essays papers

Culutual AnthropologyAs an amateur anthropologist, I was to participate in my observation, which I did to the best of my ability. Choosing my topic was the most difficult for me. Coming to the States there are so many options that I could choose to research. So what was I to do? Well, being in the state of Kentucky, Lexington at that, I pertinacious to research a sporting event in which Americans c alone basketball. As soon as I stepped of the big metal bird, I saw a picture of a wild cat holding a round orange ball. I remember thinking, I could never hunt these animals, they are likewise smart, they are nothing similar to the ones in the Outback of Australia. So I stopped the person that rode next to me on the metal bird, What is that animal doing with that ball? He remarked, We are in Lexington, home of the Kentucky Wildcats. With that he walked away. How could Kentucky be considered the home of the wildcat? We have many in the Outback. So, I continued down the nest where the bi rds drinkable and rest. Then it finally hit me, the phone of the basketball team were the Wildcats. I was well on my way to find these Kentucky Wildcats. I arrived where they house the wildcats that play ball. The name of the cage was Rupp Arena. Apparently, I was not the only one interested in watching these trained animals play the sport of basketball. The price to watch these animals were extremely dearly-won thirty dollars in American currency which would translate into 300 of my own currency. Once inside the cage I found that it was not at all what I thought it to be. There was an enormous amount of people present. In my observation this event is the biggest that people in this culture attend. In this cage you could nip a variety of things. Some smells were all too familiar from home the urine smell as you walked into the place where people went to relieve themselves reminded me of the Hole. They had many divers(prenominal) foods that smelled nothing like anything that I h ave ever smelled before. They had a brown thing that was twisted into a weird design they had something that was in the form of a triangle that looked like a piece of bread with cheese on top and round meat.

Essay --

Kristy HuynhJanuary 7, 2014Period 2The Poisonwood Bible Independent Study1.Choose a passing play that contains striking imagery. Analyze the passage and explain the effect on the work as a whole. Clearing a rain forest to plant annuals is like stripping an animal set-back of its fur, then its skin. The land howls. Annual crops fly on a wing and a prayer. And even if you manage to get a harvest, why, you need roads to discern it out Take one trip overland here and youll know forever that a road in the jungle is a sweet, flat, impossible dream. The dishonor falls apart. The earth melts into red gashes like the mouths of whales. Fungi and vines throw a blanket over the face of the dead land. Its simple, really. Central Africa is a rowdy smart set of flora and fauna that have managed to balance together on a trembling geologic shell for ten million years when you clear get through part of the plate, the whole slides into ruin To be here without doing everything wrong requires a n ew agriculture, a new sort of planning, a new religion (524-525). Adah acknowledges what her arrest has done wrong and his inability to realizes his faults. The African land that the family has set food on cannot change according to their desires and attempting to do so only damages it more. Kingsolver illustrates that some(prenominal) do not seem to realize the impact of going into a country and asking them to change their religion, way of developing food, or their education system. Those attempting to colonize do not see the destruction that they are doing. Africa to Adah has been born like this, and have managed to balance together on a trembling geological plate for ten million years. This carrys that balance has already been achieved in the views of the Africans and livin... ... ridiculous to Anatole that we have fruits and vegetables that are grown somewhere else and then driven miles and miles to the supermarket. The clash of the two cultures makes me admire if the Am erican way is better. It is pretty ridiculous that people cant grow their own food and only rely on the labor of others. Although I appreciate and enjoyed reading about a world in which I have no experience, the imagery in the book was more than enough to show me that I would not survive a day living in Africa. Kingsolvers vivid imagery and attention to detail hooked me the first fewer pages. (Like how the family wanted to bring the Better Crocker cake mix). The different detail from each of the Price sisters presents Africa and allowed me to piece it together. I was also able to identify myself with each of the sisters. I see myself as Rachel, Adah, Leah, and Ruth May.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Chinese Cinderella :: essays research papers

i.TitleChinese Cinderellaii.AuthorAdeline Yen Mah Yen Jun-lingiii.CharactersYen Jun-ling/Adeline/Wu Mei (Fifth Daughter) the main character. She was an unwanted chela because she was con spotred bad luck because she was told to be the cause of her mothers death aunty Baba Jun-lings loving aunt. Shes one of the few ones who takes Jun-lings side in the family, is also Jun-lings mothers best friend.Ye Ye Jun-lings grandfather her fathers father. He is always siding the first children.Nai Nai Jun-lings grandmother her fathers mother. She is the authority in the house.Niang (Mother) Jun-lings stepmother, is a French woman married Jun-lings father one year subsequently(prenominal) his wife died. She takes over after Nai Nai died.Father Jun-lings father married Niang one year after his wife died Ye Ye and Nai Nais only son.Big babe/Lydia the eldest daughter takes Niangs side as the story continues. Married at the age of 17.Big sidekick/Gregory the eldest son, next to Big Siste r. Goes to England with randomness brother for college. fleck Brother/Edgar born after Big Brother. Goes to England with Big Brother for college.Third Brother/James born after second brother and before Jun-ling. Is the only cognate Jun-ling is close to.Fourth Younger Brother/Franklin Jun-lings younger stepbrother and is Niangs little darling. He is treated peculiarly by their father and he loves to see Ye Ye really really pissed off and angry.Little Sister/Susan the youngest daughterAunt Reine Niangs sister bring through Jun-ling from the St. JosephsUncle Jean Aunt Reines husbandClaudine and Victor Uncle Jean and Aunt Reines children, Jun-lings best friendsLin Tao-tao and Wu Chun Mei Jun-lings best friends at ShanghaiMary, Elanor and Monica Jun-lings schoolmates at Sacred HeartMother/Mama Jun-lings real motheriv.SettingThis story, Chinese Cinderella starts at Tianjin. Then, their family moves to Shanghai. After an ordinary bicycle life at Shanghai, their parents refra ctory to return Jun-ling to Tianjin and left her there in a boarding house. Aunt Jeane decides to take Jun-ling to Hong Kong because her family, except Aunt Baba, Big Brother, Second Brother and Third Brother, had already moved there. She studies secondary school at Shanghai, and later on is given privilege, by her father, to study college at England.v.SummaryA Chinese proverb says, dropping leaves return to their roots. In Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah returns to her roots to paints an authentic portrait of twentieth-century China as well as to ascertain the story of her courage and ultimate triumph over despair.Chinese Cinderella essays research papers i.TitleChinese Cinderellaii.AuthorAdeline Yen Mah Yen Jun-lingiii.CharactersYen Jun-ling/Adeline/Wu Mei (Fifth Daughter) the main character. She was an unwanted child because she was considered bad luck because she was told to be the cause of her mothers deathAunt Baba Jun-lings loving aunt. Shes one of the few ones who takes Jun-lings side in the family, is also Jun-lings mothers best friend.Ye Ye Jun-lings grandfather her fathers father. He is always siding the first children.Nai Nai Jun-lings grandmother her fathers mother. She is the authority in the house.Niang (Mother) Jun-lings stepmother, is a French woman married Jun-lings father one year after his wife died. She takes over after Nai Nai died.Father Jun-lings father married Niang one year after his wife died Ye Ye and Nai Nais only son.Big Sister/Lydia the eldest daughter takes Niangs side as the story continues. Married at the age of 17.Big Brother/Gregory the eldest son, next to Big Sister. Goes to England with Second brother for college.Second Brother/Edgar born after Big Brother. Goes to England with Big Brother for college.Third Brother/James born after second brother and before Jun-ling. Is the only sibling Jun-ling is close to.Fourth Younger Brother/Franklin Jun-lings younger stepbrother and is Niangs little darling. He is treated especially by their father and he loves to see Ye Ye really really pissed off and angry.Little Sister/Susan the youngest daughterAunt Reine Niangs sister rescued Jun-ling from the St. JosephsUncle Jean Aunt Reines husbandClaudine and Victor Uncle Jean and Aunt Reines children, Jun-lings best friendsLin Tao-tao and Wu Chun Mei Jun-lings best friends at ShanghaiMary, Elanor and Monica Jun-lings schoolmates at Sacred HeartMother/Mama Jun-lings real motheriv.SettingThis story, Chinese Cinderella starts at Tianjin. Then, their family moves to Shanghai. After an ordinary life at Shanghai, their parents decided to return Jun-ling to Tianjin and left her there in a boarding house. Aunt Jeane decides to take Jun-ling to Hong Kong because her family, except Aunt Baba, Big Brother, Second Brother and Third Brother, had already moved there. She studies secondary school at Shanghai, and later on is given privilege, by her father, to study college at England.v.SummaryA Chinese pro verb says, Falling leaves return to their roots. In Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah returns to her roots to paints an authentic portrait of twentieth-century China as well as to tell the story of her courage and ultimate triumph over despair.

Chinese Cinderella :: essays research papers

i.TitleChinese Cinderellaii.AuthorAdeline Yen Mah Yen Jun-lingiii.CharactersYen Jun-ling/Adeline/Wu Mei (Fifth Daughter) the main character. She was an unwanted fry because she was con steadred bad luck because she was told to be the cause of her mothers deathaunt Baba Jun-lings loving aunt. Shes one of the few ones who takes Jun-lings side in the family, is also Jun-lings mothers best friend.Ye Ye Jun-lings grandfather her fathers father. He is always siding the first children.Nai Nai Jun-lings grandmother her fathers mother. She is the authority in the house.Niang (Mother) Jun-lings stepmother, is a French woman married Jun-lings father one year later on his wife died. She takes over by and by Nai Nai died.Father Jun-lings father married Niang one year after his wife died Ye Ye and Nai Nais only son.Big baby/Lydia the eldest daughter takes Niangs side as the story continues. Married at the age of 17.Big pal/Gregory the eldest son, next to Big Sister. Goes to England w ith sulphur familiar for college. sustain Brother/Edgar born after Big Brother. Goes to England with Big Brother for college.Third Brother/James born after second brother and before Jun-ling. Is the only blood relative Jun-ling is close to.Fourth Younger Brother/Franklin Jun-lings younger stepbrother and is Niangs little darling. He is treated curiously by their father and he loves to see Ye Ye really really pissed off and angry.Little Sister/Susan the youngest daughterAunt Reine Niangs sister save Jun-ling from the St. JosephsUncle Jean Aunt Reines husbandClaudine and Victor Uncle Jean and Aunt Reines children, Jun-lings best friendsLin Tao-tao and Wu Chun Mei Jun-lings best friends at ShanghaiMary, Elanor and Monica Jun-lings schoolmates at Sacred HeartMother/Mama Jun-lings real motheriv.SettingThis story, Chinese Cinderella starts at Tianjin. Then, their family moves to Shanghai. After an indifferent life at Shanghai, their parents unyielding to return Jun-ling t o Tianjin and left her there in a boarding house. Aunt Jeane decides to take Jun-ling to Hong Kong because her family, except Aunt Baba, Big Brother, Second Brother and Third Brother, had already moved there. She studies secondary school at Shanghai, and later on is given privilege, by her father, to study college at England.v.SummaryA Chinese proverb says, locomote leaves return to their roots. In Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah returns to her roots to paints an authentic portrait of twentieth-century China as well as to assure the story of her courage and net triumph over despair.Chinese Cinderella essays research papers i.TitleChinese Cinderellaii.AuthorAdeline Yen Mah Yen Jun-lingiii.CharactersYen Jun-ling/Adeline/Wu Mei (Fifth Daughter) the main character. She was an unwanted child because she was considered bad luck because she was told to be the cause of her mothers deathAunt Baba Jun-lings loving aunt. Shes one of the few ones who takes Jun-lings side in the fam ily, is also Jun-lings mothers best friend.Ye Ye Jun-lings grandfather her fathers father. He is always siding the first children.Nai Nai Jun-lings grandmother her fathers mother. She is the authority in the house.Niang (Mother) Jun-lings stepmother, is a French woman married Jun-lings father one year after his wife died. She takes over after Nai Nai died.Father Jun-lings father married Niang one year after his wife died Ye Ye and Nai Nais only son.Big Sister/Lydia the eldest daughter takes Niangs side as the story continues. Married at the age of 17.Big Brother/Gregory the eldest son, next to Big Sister. Goes to England with Second brother for college.Second Brother/Edgar born after Big Brother. Goes to England with Big Brother for college.Third Brother/James born after second brother and before Jun-ling. Is the only sibling Jun-ling is close to.Fourth Younger Brother/Franklin Jun-lings younger stepbrother and is Niangs little darling. He is treated especially by their fat her and he loves to see Ye Ye really really pissed off and angry.Little Sister/Susan the youngest daughterAunt Reine Niangs sister rescued Jun-ling from the St. JosephsUncle Jean Aunt Reines husbandClaudine and Victor Uncle Jean and Aunt Reines children, Jun-lings best friendsLin Tao-tao and Wu Chun Mei Jun-lings best friends at ShanghaiMary, Elanor and Monica Jun-lings schoolmates at Sacred HeartMother/Mama Jun-lings real motheriv.SettingThis story, Chinese Cinderella starts at Tianjin. Then, their family moves to Shanghai. After an ordinary life at Shanghai, their parents decided to return Jun-ling to Tianjin and left her there in a boarding house. Aunt Jeane decides to take Jun-ling to Hong Kong because her family, except Aunt Baba, Big Brother, Second Brother and Third Brother, had already moved there. She studies secondary school at Shanghai, and later on is given privilege, by her father, to study college at England.v.SummaryA Chinese proverb says, Falling leaves return to their roots. In Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah returns to her roots to paints an authentic portrait of twentieth-century China as well as to tell the story of her courage and ultimate triumph over despair.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Battle of the Woods: Nollywood Versus Hollywood

The Battle of the Woods Hollywood and Nollywood Cinema of the United States has played an undeniable role in the transmission and interpretation of many values that we h white-haired today. We perceive real life situations based on what Hollywood has taught us. Some ninety years later on the first huge success of American cinema, The Great Train robbery was released, we were introduced to a new brand of films. The cult kinfolkic Living in duress was distri exactlyed. This low- budget film produced in Onitsha, Nigeria set the scene for what would become an explosion.So impressed were the filmmakers and actors by their work, they coined the term Nollywood- the Nigerian Hollywood. The different environments and practices have resulted in manifest differences and a few similarities amid Hollywood and Nollywood. The most noticeable characteristic of motion pictures produced in North America is their potential cost. In Hollywood today, a blockbuster that grosses $70 trillion could be considered a flop. Most major movies have production expenses that routinely top the $100 million mark. According to the mixed bag box office revenue chart, the total revenue for the U.S. box office in 2006 was $9. 49 billion. Spiderman 3 cost over $ 250 million to produce, and Titanic bring in a remarkable $1,848,813,795 worldwide. With these huge costs, the number of Hollywood movies produced yearly is relatively low. On the average, 603 movies atomic number 18 released every year. In contrast, the average Nollywood film costs between N2,040,000 and N2,760,000 ( $17,000- $23,000) to produce. Most Nollywood movies are produced in rented-out hotels, substructures, offices and not complex studios. With this, filmmakers have lower start-up and maintenance costs. Usofia in London cost a modest N 2. million to produce and distribute. These relatively low costs act as an incentive for many to produce movies. According to Hala Gorani and Jeff Koinange, the Nollywood industry churns o ut approximately 200 videos for the home video market every month. Furthermore, differences exist in the marketing and distribution of films in the two industries. Hollywood movies employ creative and bold methods to market their movies. A good deal of promotion and advertising is addressed to getting people into theatres. Media blitzes are launched to tout the movies weeks before its release.Posters on buses, billboards, knowing T-shirts, websites are used to promote Hollywood films. These films are then distributed to a diverse audience. Unless they are extremely unsuccessful, Hollywood movies are forever first shown in cinemas across the world, before they are released on DVD. Nollywood films, on the other hand, do not put in a lot of money and effort on the marketing of their films. Other than the movie posters which are usuall(a)y seen at the selling point of the films, not much advertising is employed. As all Nollywood films go straight to DVD and VCD discs, the industry th rives on direct-to-video marketing.As many as thirty new titles are delivered to Nigerian stores and market stalls every week. Producers rely on the fact that with this outpour of releases, their movies would most certainly be picked up among the crowd hence, employing further marketing practices is unnecessary. Currently, the available cinemas in Nigeria do not exhibit any Nollywood movies. The costs, methods of distribution, and themes of Hollywood and Nollywood films reflect strongly their target audiences how the target audience affects the production of a film and how the production of a movie is designed to capture a specific target audience.Hollywood movies are designed to capture a specific audience. Critics have proposed that they use beautiful actresses and hunky actors to capture that audience the teenage population of the entire world. Hip, youthful plots drive the teenagers- the ones with the leave behindingness and ability to spend money for entertainment purposes- to the cinemas. Even the movies with more elements of drama, and less action are still made to appeal to these teenagers. Halle Berry was able to win an Academy distribute as well as completely amaze millions of boys who had just hit puberty for her racy role in Monsters Ball.The lack of expatiate that is characteristic of a Nollywood film from its conception to the time it is released on video is a cause to the effect that the target audience of the movies is generally the lower class and educated Nigerians. This stagnant market would seem to be what Nigerian movie producers want, as it is much easier to please this kind of consumers than a 16 year old geek that knows the meaning of CGI. Famous Nigerian filmmaker Chico Ejiro boasts that he can make a movie in three days.All he has to do is make a movie with the same plot as thousands before it albeit with different actors, put a title on it, and distribute it. Nigerians will eer buy it. His target audience therefore does not inf luence his movies because they are always there they will always buy and this gives him no incentive for creativity. However, with all the differences between the two industries, similarities do exist. Just like Hollywood, the primary purpose of Nollywood films is to entertain viewers.In their quest to entertain, the two industries may employ different procedures, but Hollywood and Nollywood filmmakers both share the burning desire to refresh the minds of audiences. The two industries can both be credited for producing many untouchable stars from mere mortals. Marilyn Monroe will be worshipped till the end of time, and Richard Mofe Damijo would forever be the ultimate sex icon in the minds of all Nigerian women above 18. King Joe Okechukwu would always be the pastor who speaks in tongues, and John Wayne is our idol in a cowboy hat that we will tell our children about.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Negative Images of African Americans in the Media

Mass media is a powerful force in American pop culture. Images seen on billboards, television, magazines, and the big screen create lasting impressions. sometimes these impressions have a negative impact. Mass media can be very detrimental to society if it is not criticized. Many groups of Americans are negatively affected by the images and content of mass media. African Americans are at the top of this list. Images of African Americans in television, music, and film are a good deal less than stellar. desolate men are often portrayed as drug pushers, pimps, thugs, and dead beat dads, while black women are portrayed as poor, lazy, and promiscuous. This take aims to stop That is a given chief is, how are these negative images going to be stopped? Several steps should be taken in order to prevent these negative images in the media. The origins of these images need to be examined, and modern racism and prejudice need to be exposed. There may be some accuracy to the negative images of African Americans in the media, further that is no excuse.The media should focus more on uplifting people. African Americans have historically had a disadvantage when compared to their white counterparts. This should not be exploited for pastime purposes. African Americans are often placed in roles that portray them as poorly educated. This dates all the instruction to minstrel shows This is still a problem now Americans are more comfortable laughing at blacks as appose to understanding blacks. The main problem with images of African Americans is that they are one dimensional.African Americans are assorted and come from a variety of backgrounds. If an African American is portrayed as a druggie or a convict, then there should be some argumentation behind this. People dont sound drug addicts for the fun of it they become drug addicts because they want to numb themselves from the pain and suffering of their everyday lives. Black men and women dont become criminals because they a re horrible people. They become criminals because they are taught that they have no other optionAfrican Americans have to stand up for themselves and fight against the media. That is the only way things will change. While doing this, they may have to criticize other African Americans. This should be done with love. Black rappers, singers, and actors should be held with some responsibility. Black leaders akin Oprah Winfrey and Bill Cosby have spoken out about this. Rappers, including Ludacris and 50 Cent have been criticized for their lyrics.It is unclear if they are rapping about their experiences in order to expose their struggles, or if they are exploiting the black struggle with their lyrics. Violence, sexuality, and the lack of education are unfortunately a part of African American society. The media should show this. Rappers and singers should perform songs about this. Black actors should play roles that depict this. Black actors, singers, and rappers should not exploit these disadvantages. Instead they should use their craft to create solutions to these problems. Drugs and violence should not be glamorized

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Behavioural Approach

BEHAVIORISM Fred Luthans, James B. Avey and Brett Luthans Definition behaviouristic psychology is a theoretical foundation with roots in psychology with an intentional focus on observable, mensural behavior as the primary unit of analysis (Luthans, Youssef, & Luthans, 2005). Behaviorism systematically analyzes the relationships between an individuals behavior and environmental contingencies. The study and practice of behaviouristic psychology emphasizes predicting and everyplacebearing/managing behavior and thus is especially relevant to constitution studies.The behaviorism paradigm is in contrast to the popular cognitive psychology theories in that behaviorism is not focused on internal cognitive or affective processes or indirect measures of beliefs, attitudes or feelings. Whereas cognitive based approaches attempt to understand and relieve the multifaceted causes and complexity of human behavior, behaviorism is based on the premise that behavior is a function of its enviro nmental consequences or contingencies (also see Motivation, Contingency Theory).There atomic number 18 four primary historical building blocks of behaviorism. These major foundational contributions are Pavlovs (1849-1936) classical conditioning experiments, Thorndikes (1874-1949) law of effect, Watsons (1878-1958) experiments with human conditioning, and Skinners (1904-1990) dally and conceptualization of operant conditioning (also see Operant Conditioning). However, applied to organization studies, the most influential application of behaviorism would be Luthans and Kreitners (1985) have got organisational Behavior Modification and Beyond.Conceptual Overview Have you ever wondered how children, adults, and even animals learn to respond to and operate in their world? Early in the twentieth century, Thorndike coined the storied law of effect by systematically studying cats in a puzzle box. Thorndikes law of effect states behaviors followed by positive consequences tend to be stre ngthened and increase in subsequent frequency, while those followed by negative consequences tend to weaken and decrease in frequency.Even before Thorndike established the law of effect, a Russian scientist named Ivan Pavlov in condition(p) several(prenominal) dogs to salivate to the sound of a ringing bell. Originally the bell was sounded with the presentation of food (meat powder, positive consequence) and ultimately the dogs salivation was in accordance with the bell regardless of food presentation (Pavlov highlighted the stimulus-response phenomenon).In a logical progression, Watson applied the behavioral conditioning mechanism to humans when he conditioned the subject little Albert to fear white rats by associating them with a loud, unpleasant noise (negative consequence). In the 1930s the famous psychologist B. F. Skinner made a fundamental disc overy for modern behaviorism that led to the modern practice of organizational behavior modification. Using rats and pigeons in con trolled environments, his studies found that the consequences of behavior were influential in determining, predicting and controlling that behavior.Skinner highlighted the important distinction between respondent conditioning (Pavlovian S-R connection) where the stimuli elicit the behavior and operant conditioning (the organism operates on the environment in order to happen the sought after consequence, or the R-S connection) where the behavior is a function of the consequence. Skinners operant conditioning with the focus on environmental consequences as behavioral determinants kind of of antecedent stimuli led to the underlying core premise of modern behaviorism.Based on this scientific foundation, the study of behaviorism suggests that we toilette predict and modify behavior by strategically controlling (i. e. , managing) the consequences. This well-known practice of managing behavioral contingencies has become known as behavior modification. Modern behaviorism and behavior m odification has been applied to organization studies and performance attention in the body of work by Luthans and Kreitner (1985) as organizational behavior modification, or simply O. B.Mod (Luthans and Kreitner, 1985 for a full review) (also see Classical Management, Organizational Behavior). The O. B. Mod. approach to performance management involves five sequential steps (1) identify critical performance-related behaviors (2) measure the frequency of those identified behaviors (3) analyze the antecedents and consequences associated with the behavior within the existent environment (4) intervene by applying positive consequences/reinforcers contingent upon(p) upon exhibiting the commitd behavior and (5) evaluate the results by measuring changes in the behavior and its impact on performance.In over 30 years of multiple research studies and applications of this O. B. Mod. approach, Luthans and colleagues ( Stajkovic & Luthans, 1997, 2003), and other behavioral management scholars have been able to reach consistent, conclusive findings. First, three types of positive consequences/reinforcers result in an increase of desired work related behaviors and performance outcomes when administered contingently. These are money, performance feedback, and kind recognition (Luthans & Stajkovic, 1999).A major finding for managing organizations is that in many cases feedback and/ or recognition, which typically involve no direct cost, often results in similar (and sometimes higher) performance outcomes than monetary reinforcers that are often outside a managers direct control. Luthans and colleagues offer guidelines for use of these reinforcers. For example, efficient performance feedback must be positive (emphasizing what is right), immediately following the desired behavior, graphic, and specific.Effective social recognition must involve personal one-on-one attention and appreciation from the manager communicating to the employee that the desired behavior has been no ticed and admired by the manager versus a standard program where randomly selected employees are recognized regardless of demonstration of desired behaviors (which is what many of the formal recognition programs become over time). Positively reinforcing desired behaviors is significantly to a greater extent effective in terms of performance impact over time than punishing undesired behaviors.It is important to note that punishment may be infallible when there is a need to immediately cease potentially harmful behavior. For example, in the case of a workplace safety violation (e. g. not eroding a helmet or eye protectors on a construction site), the behavioral management approach would not take time to measure the outcomes and wait for the desired safe behavior to occur in order to administer positive reinforcement. However, in general, the potential foresightful term harm of punishment (e. g. stress, burnout, revenge, turnover, decrease in commitment) may be more than than its potential benefits.It is important to point out that behavioral management works across various organizational types, industries, and cultures (Luthans & Stajkovic, 1999). For example, the behavioral management technique has been successfully employed in a Russian factory, where it demonstrated stronger performance outcomes than the participative management technique (Welsh, Luthans, & Sommer, 1993) and most recently with Korean information attend providers. Critical Commentary and Future Directions The contributions of behaviorism in general, and more specifically the O.B. Mod. approach to behavioral management, have been very positive in organizational studies. Behaviorism provides understanding of how we learn, operate, and perform in all types of organizations. Organizations achieve their missions, visions, goals, and competitive advantage through the performance and behavior of people. A meta-analysis shows that the application of the O. B. Mod. model in the workplace across m ultiple industries, levels, and cultures increased performance on average 17 percent (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1997).Despite the overwhelming support of how well behaviorism works in the organization, several point of accumulations to the technique must be highlighted. First, individuals are unique and thus not all people respond the same way to reinforcers. Their desires are not whole different, but they may also change over time. However, this is not a major problem when applying O. B. Mod. in the workplace because people in general desire money, feedback and recognition. However, they may vary in the level of intensity in their responses and which reinforcer has a relatively greater impact.Although behaviorism helps us to predict, modify, and change behavior over time, it does not attempt nor intend to understand how or why the phenomenon works. Behaviorism tends not to recognize the complexity of human cognitive processes. Another potential limitation is that in most cases multipl e contingencies are salient in the context within which behavioral management attempts take place, resulting in complex interactions. These multiple contingencies can become competing contingencies as to which one the behavior links to and its subsequent effects.Behaviorism is not concerned with nor does it account for the social context within which contingent reinforcement (or punishment) takes place. In fact, modern behaviorism including O. B. Mod. treats antecedent factors as cues for the desired behavior. Still another limitation to the behaviorism approach is the requirement for action on behalf of the manager. In behaviorism, if the contingent reinforcement is removed and no longer exists, the desired behavior that was previously reinforced is likely to decrease in frequency and intensity, eventually fading away. This excretory product of the controlling consequence is referred to as extinction. This implies that managers who practice a behavioral management approach to incr ease the performance of their staff need to at minimum assert an intermittent reinforcement schedule in order to avoid this going to extinction. In an attempt to combine the best of both worlds, and to present a more comprehensive and realistic view of human behavior in organizations, many previously radical behaviorists have mellowed out (Luthans & Kreitner, 1985) to adopt a social cognitive approach to understanding behavior (Bandura, 1986) (also see Social Cognition, Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Approach).The social cognitive approach asserts that behavior is the result of a continuous reciprocative three-way interaction between the person (cognition), the environment (physical context, including organizational structure and design social context, i. e. , other people), and the individuals past behavior. As contrasted to behaviorism where behavior is a function of its contingent consequences, the social cognitive lens argues that behavior is also influenced by the processes of sym bolizing, forethought, observation, self-regulation, and self-reflection (Bandura, 1986).Furthermore, from a social cognitive perspective, the component part of contingent reinforcement in enhancing performance can be understood in terms of outcome utility, informative content, and regulatory mechanisms (Stajkovic & Luthans, 2001). The future of behaviorism at least as it is applied to organization studies is likely to continue within the comprehensive theoretical framework of social cognition. Both organization scholars and practitioners realize the cherish of the objectivity and predictive validity behaviorism in general and O. B. Mod. in particular has on measurable performance impact.However, in todays complex, changing work environment, radical behaviorism is not comprehensive enough to stand alone. With the increasing emphasis on human resources as the primary source of long term competitive advantage, the confluence of behaviorism theory and cognitive theory through social cognitive theory may best accomplish the goals of understanding, prediction, and effective performance management. References Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall. Luthans, F. , & Kreitner, R. 1985). Organizational Behavior Modification and Beyond. Glenview, IL Scott, Foresman. Luthans, F. , & Stajkovic, A. (1999). Reinforce (not necessarily pay) for performance. Academy of Management Executive, 13, 49-57. Luthans, F. , Youssef, C. , & Luthans, B. (2005). Behaviorism. In Nicholson, N. , Audia, P. , & Pillutla, M. (Eds. ). The Blackwell encyclopedia mental lexicon of organizational behavior. London Blackwell. Stajkovic, A. , & Luthans, F. (1997). A meta-analysis of the effects of organizational behavior modification on task performance, 1975-1995.Academy of Management Journal, 40, 1122-1149. Stajkovic, A. , & Luthans, F. (2001). Differential effects of incentive motivators on work performance. Academy of Management Journal, 44, 580-590. Stajkovic, A. , & Luthans, F. (2003). Behavioral management and task performance in organizations Conceptual background, meta-analysis, and test of alternative models. Personnel Psychology, 56, 155-194. Welsh, D. H. B. , Luthans, F. , & Sommer, S. M. (1993). Managing Russian factory workers The impact of U. S. -based behavioral and participative techniques. Academy of Management Journal, 36, 58-79.

Friday, May 24, 2019

How Small Coffee Shops Can Succeed Using Social Media Essay

Everyone has a local coffee sponsor that they consider to be their favourite. That one place where they know theyll be welcomed with open arms and the people behind the counter know their name (or at least their face). The place that even if their coffee costs almost trope as much as Tim Hortons (Starbucks) that this is the place theyll always recommend to their friends. A few years ago, it was nearly impossible for a local coffee shop to fence with the deep pocket coffee shops. Today, even the smallest cafe with the a very little marketing budget can compete. All they need is a story worth telling and of course, a coffee worth brewing. If they have those, the clients ordain keep coming back the main concern is usually getting them there in the first place. Here ar some ways that kind media can be used to help local coffee shops compete with the big players.Two Tweets and One SugarAs I write this post, twitter has become one of the biggest buzzwords of the year. However, the buzz isnt unwarranted. Twitter is one of the largest social networking channels in North American consisting much than 15Million accounts. And while its still in its infancy it provides businesses an unparalleled opportunity to communicate with consumers and current customers in real-time. So what does this mean for coffee shops? It means that they can communicate more effectively than ever with consumers. If that means setting up a search that tracks their brand and direct a simple thank you or going as far as taking a pre-order, so be it.Twitter gives these brands a befall to bring out a personal connection with their consumers and make their brand worth talking somewhat. By being active in the twitter community an opportunity exists for coffee shops to offer their space for events such as tweet ups. Hosting these live events at your venue non only gaurantee that youll be selling your products, but excessively guarantees some buzz (tweets) about your brand. On top of that, some of these new customers were probably never in your shop in their life however, because you got involved in twitter and hosted this event you were able to attract new customers to experience your shop. What more can you ask for? Im glad you asked.How about 1 communicate LatteWhile blogging can be an all-important(a) begin of a social media schema, its not worth having if you dont have a outline behind it. If your main goal is to develop an online community it might be in your best interest to blog about different beans or maybe do a Wine Library TV segment Coffee Style. However, if your strategy is focused around getting more butts in your cafes seats, it might be in your best interest to discuss offers on the blog. As great as a blog can be for an organization it can to a fault be their downfall. A company that views their blog as being a great way to only talk about their brand and how great they are will never find readers. Well maybe theyll have their spouse and empl oyees but customers wont be interested. If you can provide your readers with something of shelter they will return. I often tell people looking to start a blog to try and offer the three Es of Social Media.Entertainment, preparation or EngagementAn Extra Large FacebookFacebook has become the grand-daddy of them all when it comes to social networks. It has recently gone from being a questionable place to have your brand, to a necessity for many companies in the food industry. With its most recent changes to the facebook pages it has become obvious that brand experience on facebook is back. Brands are now able to create facebook pages with more customization than ever and truly deepen their relationship with their customers. The frazzle-dazzle applications arent the only way for a local coffee shop to set itself a part from other stores. It can also use Facebook to promote other content that they have created.This means they can post links to their blog, videos, pictures and even co upons reaching an auditory modality that may not be present on the other social networking channels. With that said, we cant forget the meat and potatoes that Facebook was built upon. The ability to get your gist out to a number of people is one of the key reasons why businesses have found such success on facebook. Those tweetups we discussed earlier can comfortably be cross-promoted using a Facebook event. The opportunities available on facebook are great its up to you, to turn them into something remarkable.Whose your Manager Mayor?Foursquare is the new kid on the block in the social media world. It will be the most talked about social networking platform for the rest of this year and will definitely be playacting a big part in several social media plans. James Hoffman explains on his blog why, You have people competitively visiting you, talking about you. More than that there is a pretty sensible business model in there too, meaning that foursquare could well be around in a few years. Coffee shops seemed pretty quick to caress twitter, and it will be interesting to see if that experience has soured social media for them, or if theyll embrace foursquare too. Something tells me that theyll embrace foursquare like a seat-belt embraces impact.Mayorship TechCrunchOne of my favourite tactics that coffee shops can use in Foursquare is promoting the idea of neat city manager. The basics behind this tactic is that you tell the consumers that if they become the mayor of your shop they get their beverages for free. Seeing that there is an incentive now for going to the shop more and more Youve ultimately created a competition that will keep the people swarming your shop. The whole idea of providing customers with rewards for loyalty has been going on for years. This race to be the mayor however, takes customer loyalty, flips it upside down and turns it into a competition.Lets not get our Mochas in a BunchWith all that said, you must always remember your compa nies core strategy and goals. These channels discussed above may take a similar route as hi5 or geocities in a few years time. For that reason, it is important to not put all your eggs into one basket. Facebook is already talking about their new function that will be the Foursquare Killer. (Keep your eyes open) Finally, remember that the value you provide your customer in the store will always out weight the value you can provide them with a social networking tool. While its important to do things to get your customers in the door its just as important to make sure theyll want to come back.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Testimony: Bible and Jesus Christ

Instead, we atomic number 18 to remain in Christ so that He can in turn live n us and live taboo His keep through us. As I meditated on todays scriptural reference, I stared at some roses sitting In a vase, and it came to me. Many of us pee-pee pose like roses. Stay with me Before the roses made their way into the vase, they were grafted into a vine alive and vibrant. But someone went out and broke them off and wrapped them nicely together so that they looked pretty. For a few weeks. He roses striver to stay alive and maintain their pretty color they worked overtime to bring pleasure to the owner, unagitated eventually they began to wilt and whither away until they eventually succumbed. They just could non survive for too long without the vine, the accredited source of their strength. Many of us fill become like roses sitting in a vase trying to please God, and we may even be experiencing something called spiritual burnout. This is a syndrome that causes us to be tired, bore d, and unsure of what to do next In order to please God or If everything we had been doing was what we were actually called to do.Are you spiritually burned out? God is calling you to come back to Him, the true source of your strength. He is telling you today, dont live to seek my approval, instead, abide in me and I pull up stakes abide in you. The difference between a Christ-babbling livelihood and a Christ-approval seeking life Is the reason behind the things they do. A Christ-approval seeking life says I am going to pray and do good whole kit and caboodle because I want to please God. On the other hand, a Christ- abiding life says, Christ lives in me and so I pray and do his leave I no longer live for myself yet for Him.What kind of Christian are you? Do not let your fate become Like that of the roses in the vase. Abide in Him, and He will abide in you. Remain In Helm In 1984, I was a student in Korea at a theological seminary . Along with a group of Bible Society educators , they were showing a movie called God Makers. It was very negative film against the admit of Mormon, Mornings, and the prophet, Joseph Smith, Jar. It was truly false teaching based on the incorrect lessons taught by the God Makers. However, I believed the movie on its face value that the take of Mormon must be a grand design conspired to develop an American pseudo-Christian cult. I wrongly believed that it is better for me not to see it, not to touch it, not to feel it, not to taste it, and not to smell it. Nevertheless, I did not have peace concerning the Book of Mormon. I was restless. I had to investigate it by myself on my own initiative. I truly wanted to test and try if the Book of Mormon was not true as it was discussed in the classroom by the dynamic audience as mentioned below MORONIC 103.Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall testify these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how pitying the Lord hath been unto the ch ildren of men, from the creation of Adam even down unto the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts. MORONIC 104. And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye sleazy ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real in tennert, having corporate trust in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.MORONIC 105. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. Surely, I dint have peace until I investigate by myself on my own. Because, before I knew any thing about the Book of Mormon, I have had I tasted it and proved it on my own. Likewise, I wanted to test and try the Book of Mormon on my own initiative. There was no any military man do to assist me. Little did I know that it was the Holy timbre that was leading and guiding me all the way. The longing in my heart grew day by day. And the impulse to know and to taste the contents of the Book of Mormon never remaining me.For the Psalmist give tongue to. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that trustees in him (Psalm 348). And our Savior said, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free Cohn 832). No body gave me any Book of Mormon but they told me it is a cultic and heretic defy and dont worry about it. However, I prayed again. The Spirit of God told me from the sacred scripture of the Bible Try the spirits whether they are of God (1 John 41 Czech. 139 and 1 These 24). They thought that they have squelched my longing to read the Book of Mormon. But I cereal out to my In collection gall.Ana ten split AT Go spoke to me tongue ten Scriptures in the Bible. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirit whether they are of God because many false false prophets are gone out into the world (1 John 41). Finally, I got a Book of Mormon by the angel of God in the answer of my tenacious prayers. When I got it, it was all corroborative to the Bible. I tried to find if there is any mistake from the Spirit and the Power of Holy Bible. But I got nothing on negative correlation to the Holy Bible. Rather, it was all complementary and supplementary to the Bible. The more I read the more closer I got to grow in Christ.I read from cover to cover with a great appetite. It really gripped my heart to brim me to the fullness of credo singing singing of restoration. Every time I was reading, I was praying with all trembling and fears. He was restoring my soul. My cup of the heart was running over. I was thriving n the Spirit and familiarity of God. I never decreased in my faith with the Lord Jesus Christ. Rather, I grew up stronger and stronger in the power and vigor of the Lord. Before I left Korea, I bought many copies of the Book of Mormon. I would gasify to Nepal with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I would go forth to others freely, for Jesus said, Rely freely you have received, freely give (Matthew 107). However, I was detained by one of the airlines agent because of excess baggage. I gave her all of the gold that I had to pray for the chase of excess baggage but I was still short. I pleaded with her saying l am carrying the restoration gospel to save the lost at any cost. But what I was said fell in deaf ears. They did not hear any thing. Then, my flight was fully canceled. Then Satan whispered in my ear, Leave all of these Book of Mormon boxes in trash. Then, you will fly to your house instantly. But I answered him saying, Get thee hence Satan.My Lord Jesus Christ in the the Book of Mormon is true Satan wanted me to fall back into hell with him. He tried so hard to try my faith again. He even misinterpreted the Scripture in Matthew 1 1 Inspired Version and/or King James Version Matthew 1 128. Satan told me to leave my load or my burden as well as my labor with the Book of Mormon. Again, I rebuked Satan vehemently by say ing, Get thee hence Satan I would not turn away from my belief in God and the Book of Mormon. A very sweet peace came over me and took control of my heart. I knew that my God the powerful Living One and the Holy One of Israel would solve my problem.I remembered how the faith of the Brother of Jarred was so powerful that mount Serine was removed. Likewise, in my heart and my soul, I garnered that same faith also . I took the baggage to a corner of the room. I knelt down and began supplicating my Lord in humility. Heavenly Father, if the true gospel restores into thy heaven, please allow me to fly with these books of Mormon as it contains thy everlasting gospel. I Ana no sooner Sal a tense words, when sensually someone Deanna me sake are you doing here? I replied l am praying to the heavenly Father the God Almighty if I can take His gospel baggage into Nepal. He asked Are you a Nepal man? I answered Yes my friend. Then he spoke with me in Nepal language. He said I do not want you to be embarrassed. I want you to fly with your gospel books. Then he paused and said Why did that lady at the counter stop you? I said Because I did not have enough money to pay for the excess baggage. He asked How much money do you really need? Just $85, I said hopefully. Encouragingly, he replied It is not a problem. So let us go to the counter. He paid the dues and assisted me to fly with the everlasting gospel to Nepal.Thus and therefore, I bear this testimony that the Book of Mormon is a true and it came forth by the power and authority of true and living God. Is it were not so, I wont eave had an instant answer to my prayer at the airport in Korea. I prayed in faith and God answered my humble prayer immediately. He performed a miracle right before my eyes. Perhaps, the man whom God sent could have been angel. By this time, I am blessed by reading the Book of Mormon. Consequently, we metamorphosed this Book of Mormon into Nepal language also so that many will have restor ed life and gospel abundantly.And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. divine revelation 146 HOW I AM SOLD OUT TO JESUS I was born in Hinduism highest caste. My father and forefathers were Hindu high priests In ten Royal Palace AT Nepal ten only Haul Oklahoman In ten world B although I first worshipped Krishna and studied the Veda, Gait, and several(prenominal) Hindu scriptures and labored diligently in the Hindu religion, I felt strangely empty of truth.I saw quickly that the Hindu religion with its emphasis on Karma and the endless cycle of reincarnation was not an answer to eternal life. I searched to find one true God. My quest took me from Hinduism to Buddhism, Lanais, Jansenism, Shintos, Salamis, Schism, Taoism, Judaism, and all kind of religions Beside the religions, I have studied palmistry, astrology, soothsaying, hypnotism enchanti ng, snake charming, magic, necromancers, psychic reading, and all of the various offerings of idolatry, but found-them all deadly and wanting.Still I didnt know about the life giving gospel of Jesus Christ. Finally after Studying in Nepal and India, I founded a Holy Bible and began to study about Jesus Christ in 1980. I discovered the truth of Jesus that I am not righteous Just because I was born a Brahmins. In fact, I was sinner. Then I discovered that Jesus is loving and forgiver of sins and His reward is eternal life. I found Jesus in my heart when I knelt down and prayed confessing as sins and by asking His mercy and power of blood to clean my sins away.THUS, I accepted Jesus as my personal savior on May AS, 1981 without any human help. Then, I knew I didnt choose Him but He chose and ordained me to teach His truth. After my discovery of Jesus and His truth, I was disowned by my parents because of my conversion from Hinduism high indite priesthood caste to Christianity. On July 27, 1989, I was visiting to a infirmary where my father was declared to die any minute due to lung cancer. I got a opportunity to speak about Jesus to has. He heard the message so well. He believed the Word of God Arise, take your bed, and go home. Then, he left the hospital trusting in the Lord completely. Then, he broke down all the Hindu idols in the house and in temple. Thus, he never died of cancer. He is still alive. Then, by a continuous praying, love, faith, and by studying the truthmy mother, brothers, and sister also believed Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Thus, me and my house continued destiny the Lord Joshua 2415). In the result, many of our gibbers and relatives also believed gospel one by one. Then, Gods work was started by opening new fellowships in Nepal.I searched Scripture daily poring over the words that became life unto life. I took advanced evangelical training in Singapore and studied theology in Korea. I represented Nepal in International Conferen ce for Itinerant Evangelists at Amsterdam which was sponsored by Billy Graham Association in 1986. Beside this, studied advanced Greek and Hebrew to translate Bible into Nepal language. It took three and half years to transmits the Bible. Consequently, I had to face prison cause of Bible translation into Hindu peoples national language, Nepal.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Columbia Coffee Study Juan Valdez

1. Procafecol S. A. Basic information 1. 1. Development and History CH2. Participants in international business Say if Procafecol is Multinational enterprise (MNE), Small and medium-sized enterprise, or the innate(p) global firm CH1. Why Colombia trade drinking chocolate berry? Theories advantages, etc. Coffee was introduced in Colombia in the late 1700s and the first commercial production began in the earliest 1800s. Despite these early developments, the consolidation of drinking chocolate as a Colombian export did not come about until the plunk for half of the 19th century.The not bad(p) expansion that the world economy underwent at that time allowed Colombian landowners to find attractive opportunities in international markets. Little by little, the United States became the most consequential consumer of coffee bean in the world, man Germany and France became the most important markets in Europe. In 1927 the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia (FNC) was cre ated to help the Colombian coffee growers on structuring a very traditional and atomized sector.In 1959, during a crisis that came about due to instability of the coffee trading price, the FNC decided to work with Doyle Bernback, an advertising agency (ex DDB) with the goal of building a strong symbol, highly identi? able, that would allow them to promote the speci? cities of the Colombian Coffee and sell the production at a higher price than the current market price. Presently, Colombia is the second largest coffee producer in the world (after Brazil). It accounts for almost 12% of the worlds total production. Coffee accounts for 8% of Colombias GDP.A personi? ed brand since its foot Following the advice of the advertising agency, Juan Valdez was personified since its creation. He would be the symbol of a Colombian coffee grower worldwide. A mere six months after the launch of the campaign, 87% of the American people associated Juan Valdez with Colombian coffee. In 1961, Juan Val dez was launched on the European market with similar success. Since then, a limited number of actors throw personi? ed the emblematic coffee grower focused on protecting the traditions that make his coffee the best in the world.Between 1959 and 2000 more than 750 million dollars were allocated to develop the image of Juan Valdez and to promote the Colombian coffee. Transformation into a commercial icon After a particularly dif? cult political and social period it was really important for the FNC to help the Colombian coffee growers in both economic and social aspects. Procafecol SA was created in 2002 by Fedecafe Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, being the major shareholder along with Colombian coffee growers which own 13,000 shares.Since 2004, the telephoner has been fully responsible for the operation of Juan Valdez stores in the country and in 2006 began the distribution of packaged coffee in retail and horeca (hotels, restaurants, catering) channels. Juan Valdez is also offered to passengers of Avianca, the most important airway in Colombia. In a coffee market where prices and margins are really low, a diversi? cation strategy is indeed really pertinent considering the gross margins of gourmet coffee houses (Starbucks, Colombus Cafe and even more if we consider its direct relation with coffee growers as a strong competitive advantage. Positioned as Gourmet Since the beginning of the discover it was made clear that the Tiendas Juan Valdez are a chain of coffee houses focused on selling coffee products to the consumers. These coffee houses were created to be a part of the coffee supply-chain and to strengthen the awareness of the Colombian coffee. This would gradually increase the incomes of Colombian coffee growers, historic mission of the FNC.Since their launch, the Tiendas Juan Valdez was designed to reach the up-market, with an ambiance mixing the Starbucks standards and the touch of a Lounge coffee shop of Barcelona. The warm colors symb olize South American tradition, however they also exhibit luxury and a calm atmosphere. The ? rst Tiendas outlets were receptive near business centers, high-end malls and trendy sectors of the cities. Since its creation, this ambitious project based its expansion on a 3 step strategy 1. Colombian Pilot (2003-2006) 2. global Pilot (2004-2007) 3.International Development (2006 -) In 2003, grade that the project was launched, 10 coffee houses were opened in Colombia. Since 2004, this international expansion made possible the creation of 10 coffee houses in the USA (Washington, New York, Seattle, Philadelphia) and 2 in Spain (Madrid) 3/ Strengthening the brand image and the commercial development Re recental of the icon In order to sustain the international development of the project it was considered as important to renew the image of the Juan Valdez person, taking care of preserving its historical values.Since 1994, according to the recommendations of the DDB agency, a new advertis ing campaign was created to conquer the youth segment. Juan Valdez was acting in different TV commercials and Out Of Home formats where his codes (hat, poncho, moustache) were shown in extreme situations (sur? ng, snowboarding, hang-gliding), with the strong presence of the historical logo, seal of honestity and quality for the consumer.This innovative mix had enormous success in the USA and was awarded in 2005, during the New York AdWeek, it was named as top icon of the year in the USA, even before Ronald McDonald or the Nike Swoosh. Diversifying to fashion Propelled by the commercial success of the Tiendas Juan Valdez, Procafecol decided to develop a line of alternative products around the authentic image of Juan Valdez. From coffee mugs to umbrellas, more than 50 products were created and sold to consumers. In 2006, the ? rst clothing collection based on the historical icon was launched.In trendy neighborhoods of Bogota you whitethorn ? nd executives with a Juan Valdez jacket or women with the latest model of a leather handbag. Gaining the European market When considering the conquest of the European market, the FNC did a thorough abbreviation of the consumption trends. Two ? gures impacted the directors of the Federation European consumers are willing to pay 10% more for a product with a European distinguish and 73. 9% of them consider it as a quality seal. In September 2007, after 33 months of legal procedure, Colombian coffee became the ? st non-European product to obtain the PGI European Label (Protected Geographical Indication). Juan Valdez could now develop its commercial strategy and think of opening new coffee houses. Two were just created in Madrid while Paris and Moscow are now on the list of the international expansion plan of the Colombian Federation. By the end of 2007, the FNC and Procafecol were running more than speed of light coffee houses in Colombia, 10 in the USA and 2 in Europe. They are now launching a new coffee house per month an d want to make 2008 the year of their European expansion. 1. 2. Juan Valdez BrandDescribe who Juan Valdez, what the brand represents, is and general details about it. Principal characteristic of the brand, why it is known, importance and recognition of Colombian coffee 1. 3. Strength of identity Colombian Coffee To understand the influence of GI among Colombia the following four elements represent its national advantage in coffee industry. figure conditions Due to the uniqueness of topographical factors and two rainfall seasons creates strongly national advantages. 6. 4% of total battlefield of Colombia is cultivation zones, and 12% of coffee production area producing GI coffee.It provides 11 to 12 million production possibility per year. In addition, in 2010, there were 990 airports with 196 thousand air transport carriers, 6 ports and terminals with 2 million port container traffic, 874 km railway routes, 141,374 km roadways (CIA 2010 and The being Bank 2010). 18% of total 22. 5 million labour force involving agriculture, there have been an increasing number of producers after joining GI (Figure1) (Gomez, 2007) as well as foreign direct investment with 6. 7 billion in 2010 (The World Bank 2010). Demand conditionsThe demand of domestic market is one of important forces for development of industry. Compared to other(a) countries, Colombia had lower needs of domestic market, which has low per capita consumption with 2. 8 kg only 5% of total national coffee production ( Benni, N. E. and Reviron, S. 2009). The domestic consumption did not increase even joining GI system, hold at 1,400 thousands bags from 2007 to 2010 (Figure 2). Related and supporting industries In this factor, Colombian coffee industry has lower related and supporting industries.These industries and processes are mostly run by family or small businesses, due to the relatively simple methods and low investments needed. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry As one of well know coffee producer, Colombia has successfully change magnitude its competitiveness via sophisticated marketing strategies of the FNC. It applies trademark and certification mark to protect Colombian coffee. Since registered GI it has increased consumers awareness and creates better advantage against other competitors

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Minimum Wage in California Research Paper

Minimum enlist is the nominal hourly, daily or monthly employ that must be paid to employees or workers. individually country sets its own lower limit wage laws and regulations, and more than 90 percent of all countries have some kind of marginal wage law. In the joined States, statutory minimum wages were prototypal introduced nationally in 1938 (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).The minimum wage was enacted in 1938 as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The first minimum wage was .25 an hour. This has increase over the years and the veritable federal minimum wage is $5.15 an hour (Minimum remuneration from http// minimum wages is based on their law to be implemented and imposed for the employer to follow for the protection of both the employee and the employer.Body of the PaperThe California State Senate and fiction have approved legislation that would give 1.4 million minimum-wage earners a $1-an-hour rais e and boost annual pay off to keep up with inflation.The Federal Minimum Wage Labor Law for California stated that employees under 20 years of age may be paid $4.25 per hour during their first 90 sequentially calendar days of employment with an employer. Certain full-time students, student learners, apprentices, and workers with disabilities may be paid less than the minimum wage under special certificates issued by the Department of Labor.California law is strict and pitiless to employers who have improperly paid the workers less than $6.75 per hour. Not only that an employers entitled to pay the unpaid minimum wage pay, but also the interest and penalties as well. But, the right to collect unpaid minimum wage pay does not last forever. In fact, if u delays in claiming the unpaid wages, you risk of losing unpaid minimum wage for work occurring more than three years prior to your filing of a lawsuit.Although there atomic number 18 some exceptions, beca custom almost all employees in California must be paid the minimum wage as required by state law. effectual January 1, 2002, the minimum wage in California is $6.75 per hour. There be some employees who be exempt from the minimum wage law, such as outside salespersons, individuals who are the raise, spouse, or child of the employer, and apprentices regularly indentured under the State component part of Apprenticeship Standards. (Minimum Wage Order, MW-2001).California Wage Law has an exception for learners, regardless of age, who may be paid not less than 85 percent of the minimum wage rounded to the nearest nickel during their first 160 hours of employment in occupations in which they have no previous similar or related experience.There are also exceptions for employees who are mentally or physically disabled, or both, and for noncommercial organizations such as sheltered workshops or rehabilitation facilities that employ disabled workers. Such individuals and organizations may be issued a special lice nse by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement authorizing employment at a wage less than the legal minimum wage (Minimum Wage Labor Code Sections 1191 and 1191.5).Minimum wage legislation may be interpreted as making it either unlawful for employers to pay workers less than the minimum wage, or unlawful for workers to provide labor or services for less than the minimum. White trade unions lobbied for the introduction of minimum wage laws to exclude black workers from the labor market. This minimum wage law prevents black workers from exchange their labor for less than white workers, the black workers were prevented from competing for jobs held by whites although it is the employer who is fined and/or imprisoned for violations, and the workers also loses their freedom to do what they want for themselves.The minimum wage offers substantial benefits to low-wage workers without blackball effect. The best recent research shown that the job loss reported in earlier analyses does no t occur when the minimum wage is increased. If the minimum wage were increased nationally to $7.25 almost 14.9 million workers would receive a raise, and 80 percent of those change are adults age 20 or over, and 7.3 million children would see their parents income rise that net make the familys income stable.Families with affected workers rely on those workers for over half of their wampum.46 percent of all families with affected workers rely only when on the earnings from those workers. Some minimum wage workers remain in low-wage jobs for substantial periods. The best recent research on the economic encounter of the minimum wage shows positive effects without job loss.Even the research that suggests a negative labor market effect shows only a minimal impact that is more than offset by the higher wage levels. The states that have adopted higher-than-federal minimum wages have seen low-wage workers incomes rise with no negative side-effects.Over 650 economists, including 5 Nobe l Prize winners and six past presidents of the American Economics Association, recently signed a statement stating that federal and state minimum wage increases can importantly improve the lives of low-income workers and their families, without the adverse effects that critics have claimed (EPI 2006).ConclusionStarting January 1, 2002, the minimum wage in California is $6.75 per hour it is strictly imposed and implemented by Law to be follow by all the businesses both public and private sectors.In this Minimum Wage law there is the difference betwixt the state and federal minimum wage? It stated that most employers in California are subject to both the federal and state minimum wage laws. The effect of this dual coverage is that when there are conflicting requirements in the laws, the employer must follow the strict standard the one that is the most beneficial to the employee.Since Californias current law requires a higher minimum wage rate than does the federal law, all employers in California who are subject to both laws must pay the state minimum wage rate unless their employees are exempt under California law.The minimum wage is an obligation of the employer and cannot be waived by any agreement, including bodied bargaining. And in this law any remedial legislation written forThe protection of employees may not be violated by agreement between the employer and employee (Minimum Wage, courteous Code Sections 1668 and 3513).California law of minimum wage stated that there is no distinction made between adults and minors when it comes to payment. And an employer may not use employees tips as a credit towards its obligation to pay the minimum wagesIf the employer doesnt pay the employee it is also stated in the law that an employee can file a lawsuit in court against the employer to recover the lost wages and it is the duty of the court to order the employer to pay the attorneys fees, and if your not working for this employer, you can make a claim for the w aiting time penalty pursuant to Minimum Wage Labor Code sectionToday, the earnings of a full-time minimum wage worker with a family of three would earn $10,712 a year, thus falling below the official 2006 federal destitution level of $16,600. Although the federal poverty line is an inadequate measure of the income needed to support a family, this comparison highlights the severe insufficiency of the current minimum wage (Fisher 1999).Finally, the earnings of minimum wage workers are essential to their families total income. While not all minimum wage workers are poor or are the sole breadwinner for their families, it is striking how important low-wage workers income is to their economic well-being. On average, families with affected workers rely on those workers for over half (59%) of theFamilies total earnings. Nearly half (46%) of all families with an affected worker rely solely on the earnings of those workers.ReferencesLaws of Minimum Wage in California, Retrieved November 18, 2006 fromhttp// Wage, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from http// Wage, Retrieved November 18 from Wikipedia, the free EncyclopediaMinimum Wage in California, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from http//

Monday, May 20, 2019

Binary numeral system

In many different characters encoding systems one byte is employ to rep dislike a single alphanumeric character such as a garner, weigh or a symbol like One of the most common system is ASCII American Standard law for Information Interchange, another common character encoding system is ANSI American National Standards Institute, the two although arent matched with each there with ANSI being use in early Windows Applications and ASCII is used even in the resent with simple text editors such as Notepad. M sure you have probably come crossways UNICODE depending on how familiar you are with terminal, Unicode is an extended version of ASCII. Graphics are stored in two ways, each bitmaps or vectors. Bitmaps are made of illusioned squares called pixels one pixel is equal to 1 byte. A Peculated persona is a term used to describe images that are overstated too much and pixels start to get visible.Vector images work a little different, as hey are made up of lines drawn between pl an co-ordinates, these shapes can and so be filled with blocks of a single color, vectors therefore can be enlarged without becoming peculated and their file size is often much reduced then bitmaps because there is less reading to be stored. Human use verse in groups of 10, which is called denary or base 10, computer store every 0 or ones so only two values, which is called binary or base 2. Numbers in binary look like this 01011011=91 Depending if it is a O or a 1 the number is used so the top sample is. 28 64 32 16 8 4 10 (64+16+8+2+1=91) Another method computers use to encode song is in hexadecimal or base 1 6, this method is usually used to represent color values, very comment in programming or web development. It is uses number from O to 9 and letter from A to Foot represent 10 to 15. 123456789ABCDEF These are very often in image change , the color white is represented as PAYOFF, the isnt part of the hexadecimal number it is just used to nominate that the number is an he xadecimal number. Encoding recap Encoding is basically done by pairing numbers or letters with different harassers.ASCII simply converts the number 2 to its equivalent in ASCII lets say 16, and this is then converted to binary, but bare in mind that 16 in binary is 00010000 where as what it would do is convert 1 and 6 to binary. Same happens with letters and special characters. And this is pretty much how encoding works, it is used in order too make the computer rede your input and to help you then understand what the computer outputs since if you would see 010101101 all over the screen would be odd as humans arent by nature good with numbers.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Biodegradable Plastics from Cassava Starch

EWB-UK Workshop Guide elucidate your own Bio-Plastic Description A workshop focusing on the riddles of plastics made by fogy fuels and a look into making your own bio-plastic. At a glance Total time 1 minute of arc Learning Styles Visual, auditory, practical, participatory, teamwork Objectives To learn round the ch tout ensembleenges facing fossil fuel plastics and how to rile your own bio-plastic Audience Anyone sludge/Min no. of participants N/A (Dependant on amount of materials) Timet able-bodied Time Activity Equipment 5 minutes Welcome 15 minutes Introduction 30 minutes Practical See material and tools appoint minutes Closing Sign-ups for email Materials Per batch of bio plastic (Ideally per person) * 100g of potato * 300cm3 of distilled water * 25ml of water * 3cm3 of hydrochloric acid or vinegar * 2ml pure glycerol * 3cm3 sodium hydroxide * Food colouring Tools * Grater * Pestle & Mortar * Strainer * Beaker/Jars * bar cylinder/jug * Weighing scales * Indicator Pape r * Portable hob Preparation * work equipment, tools and materials * Prep atomic number 18 sign-up sheets for new members Room requirements * An area suitable for doing hands on work and mixing liquids * Kitchen for source of heat.Use income tax returnout hobs if this isnt possible Welcome (5 minutes) Introduce yourself * Your Name * Position/Job/Organisation * Your role in the workshop * Relevant experience to the workshop (University, projects, work etc. ) Explain the learning objectives of the workshop to the sense of hearing The purpose of the workshop is for participants to learn about the problems surrounding plastics made by fossil fuels. This is done in the introduction presentation. Afterwards, participants get to make their own bio-plastic in a hands-on practical. Participants will be able to take the plastic home with them at the end of the workshop.Introduction (15 Minutes) A presentation on the challenges facing fossil fuel plastics. Plastic is the common term empl oy for a variety of synthetic or trailer truck synthetic materials used in manufacturing. Plastics are traditionally made from polymers and normally created from petroleum products. Plastics have draw so popular to do their advantageous features. They are malleable, versatile and very cheap compared to other materials. The problem with plastics is their dependency on petroleum, i. e. oil. Currently about 8% of the worlds oil is used to make plastics.This is compared to 4% for raw materials and 4% for energy. The other major problem is waste currently about 35% of litter is a plastic based product. Bio plastic currently offers one consequence to the problem. Bio plastic is create from renewable biomass sources such as vegetable oil or corn starch. Like conventional plastics all bio plastics are biodegradable condition enough time. However also like conventional plastics some bio plastics take so long to degrade they are considered non-biodegradable. A significant number of bio pl astics will only biodegrade given very specific conditions.Most people assume the term bio plastic means it will biodegrade it actually refers to its biomass source. This leads to the advantages and disadvantages of bio plastics Advantages They are made from plant based sources so dont use any fossil fuels. Disadvantages The legal age of bio plastic manufacturing plants use oil or fossil fuels to power them. Currently there is still a need for fossil fuels for a commodious scale plant. When growing resources for bio plastic it can create large scale mono-cropping problems. This can lead to the destruction of areas like the rain forest.The solution is to produce bio plastic on a small scale with biodiversity in mind. The crop should be sustainable and the process should renewably powered. One manner for doing this is to produce bio plastic from locally grown potatoes. The chemistry bit Potato starch is made from dickens carbohydrate polymers, amylose and amylopectin. To make bio plastic the amylopectin needs to be broken down. This way the starch can be plasticised. For a more technical audience you may choose to extend this section and continue still with the science behind the process. Further reading will be required however.Practical (30 minutes) The graduation by step instructions for making the bio-plastic For making bio-plastic highly accurate measurements are not required 1. Grate about 100g of potato into a pestle & mortar 2. Add 100cm3 distilled water to the potato and grind in a pestle and mortar 3. Strain the liquid off, and repeat transmiting distilled water, grinding and straining twice more. 4. Leave to judge for 5 minutes 5. Strain the water off, leaving the starch behind. 6. Put 25ml water into a beaker and add 5g starch (10g wet) and 3cm3 hydrochloric acid (Use vinegar if you cant get hold of it) and 2ml pure glycerol. 7.Bring to the boil for 15 minutes, ensuring it doesnt boil dry 8. Using indicator paper and sodium hydroxide to neutr alise the solution (probably about 3cm3). 9. Add a few drops of colouring to the mixture and mix in. 10. Pour the mixture out, and impression into your preferred shape. 11. Leave to dry out and set. Once the mixture sets the plastic is complete. The amount of glycerol used affects the stiffness of the mixture. The less glycerol used the stiffer the plastic will be. Closing (5 minutes) Final few linguistic process * Announce next event or meeting * Distribute sign up lists (If applicable) * Open the plunge to questions

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Economic development in poor countries Essay

Seen by some as the great(p)est opportunity to enlarge the allow commercialise or by others as the superior danger that humanity has ever encounter, the problem of globalization has urged the great spirits of humanity to debate its impact upon the entire human community. For the super-powers of the foundation globalization is a well-known and acceptable phenomenon. It could be because the economy of the G8 has been statistically improved since we are all superstar. Anyhow, all the well-heeled and norm countries of the world start to embrace and lead a strong propaganda in favor of it.What about the miserable countries that are not entitled to an opinion about the invasion of their countries? The impact of globalization in these countries raft be irreversible and determinant for their future. The first major impact is evidently the frugal one. For the industry and the intimate market, globalization could mean a total freezing of any chance to survive on the free market. Obviously the products from the developed countries tend to be of a better timbre and the prices are often little than the national brands. This is a double blade possibility.Either the economy of the poor countries get out collapse and will be destroyed forever, or there is the chance that the main national producers would start introducing the necessary quality into their products. Anyhow at first, the national economy will suffer and the poor countries will become poorer than before. On the other occur, the second-hand products eat full access to these countries. They may throwm to be a good thing, especially because the people do not fork over the possibility to afford modernistic goods, like cars, electronic gadgets and achieve up clothes.As everything is free to merchandise, there is the risk of becoming junk country that end be use as a garbage bin for the products unusable in to a greater extent developed countries. Anyhow the slight developed countries should be careful about anything that gets in. Even if the tendency is to accept all the things that come from the rich countries, there must be prudency and conscious choice. We must admit that it is very hard to choose what to direct when the general tendency is to promote globalization. Each country must analyze its economical touch to see if it is compatible enough.One way or the other, they will have to cope with any situation given. The new global order has also been characterized by increased financial volatility Analyzing from the Third land debt crisis of the too soon 1980s to the Mexican breakdown of 1994-95 to the current Asian debacle, financial crises have become more(prenominal) and more with child(p). With increasing privatization and deregulation, the discrepancy between the influence of financial forces and of the governments and increases the potential for a global breakdown steady enlarges.If this is the case, we must analyze the current crisis through which the enti re planet is suffering from. It is a true and vulgar example of how an earthquake in the economy of the great can affect the less unfortunate. The crisis involves the US economical superpower together with the Asian market and the EU developing economical system. For USA, the crisis is marked by channel fluctuations and an unstable market. The price of oil drops rapidly and several industries are brought to bankruptcy. Now, the worlds superpowers can call for with the crisis easily.For example, the rescue project for the US is merely under 1% of the GDP. As the economy of the country is weaker, the office involved is growing. The case of Germany speaks out, as the investment for getting out of the crisis will affect more than 25% of their GDP. Now if this is the case of a developed country then a poor country could work out in a financial collapse just by trying to maintain them to a direct of decency. The current crisis is a real challenge for the globalization system and co nception. It affects us all but for peremptory(predicate) it can kill some economies and bring them down for good.The truth is that the entire world begins to be relate to some economic giants and when they start collapsing, everyone goes together with them. Another issue of globalization is the free work-market. It is a positive thing that people can work wherever they want and wherever they are appreciated for their qualifications. at that place is also the risk of economical nomads. These economical nomads are represented by the companies that tend to move their factories in the poorer countries for the single reason that there the salary are smaller as the production stays the same.This roving attitude appears to be beneficial for the company itself, but closing a factory in one country in order to re-open it in another is definitely a hit for the economical situation of entire regions. There is the example of Nokia that speaks out clearly this approach. Nokia Company clos ed a factory in Germany to open one in Romania. The only reason was that a Romanian employee could be paid with earnings from 300-1000 euro, as a German was paid with amounts from 3000 euro and up. The economical balance changed for both Germany and Romania.Anyhow, it is a fact that when the wages become larger, the company will move out in another poorer country. On the other hand this discrepancy between wages for the same production turns out to be the premises for the enrichment of a sure elite. Income inequality rose markedly both within and between countries. In the United States, the median real wage rate was lower in the latter year. Inequality rose to levels of 70 years earlier, and underemployment, business organization insecurity, benefit loss, and worker speedup under lean production systems all increased. Insecurity is functional.As it is the greatest weapon that can be used to form certain groups of interest that tend to manipulate all the economical situation to th eir own convenience. The gap in incomes between the 20 percent of the worlds population in the richest and poorest countries has grown from 30 to 1 in 1960 to 82 to 1 in 1995, and then the Third World conditions have in many respects worsenedned. Incomes have fallen in more than 70 countries over the past 20 years. Some 3 billion people, that mean half the worlds population, live on fewer than two dollars a day. Other 800 million suffer from malnutrition.In the Third World, unemployment and underemployment are common. Massive poverty survives side-by-side with the influential elite. More than 75 million people a year are seeking asylum or employment in the developed countries. The Third World governments allow virtually unrestricted capital flight and seek no options but to attract contrasted investment. The premises that have made globalization possible are the very conditions that are now threatening it. The communication breakthroughs that enable global mass production can also expose its horrors unemployment, dropping wages, kindly and economical insecurity.The tools that make possible overnight wealth for a handful of global speculators also make possible overnight global financial panic. globalisation should be handled like a very touchy pot that can break into many pieces any moment. As for the poor countries, they are the only ones who can decide whether globalization has a positive effect or a negative effect. Well, that is theoretically speaking. Practically, they have no choice. Sooner or later the wave will get them and they will all have to suffer the consequences. The general consideration of the entire world could be finding efficient ways of preventing the worse to happen.Until then, the socio-political factors will decide if in real life everything functions like we know it in theory. References 1. The Threat of Globalization, Edward S. Herman, late Politics vol. 7, no. 2 (new series), whole no. 26 Winter 1999 2. Progressive Globalism Ch allenging the temerity of Capital, William K. Tabb, Monthly Review, February 1, 1999 3. Statement on Globalization, UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, May 11, 1998 4. The Three Rounds of Globalization, Ashutosh Sheshabalaya, The Globalist, March 14, 2000 5. Globalization on Trial, Rumina Sethi, Tribune (India), June 27, 2004.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Adolescent Pregnancy Compilation Notes

fryish bugger offhood Overview Alternative Names stripling hop on gestation period Pregnancy immaturer ripend boardr familysd Definition of c alto wash upherow gestation period young gestation period is gestation in girls get along 19 or untrieder. Ca uses, incidence, and lay on the line factors The range of girlish gestation and the bring forth swan for immatures train generally declined since stretching an all-time risque in 1990, close toly referable to the step-upd use of gum elastics. Adolescent maternal quality is a complex issue with numerous rea paroles for concern. junior adolescents (12 14 historic period old) argon to a corkinger extent seeming to halt unwilled knowledgeable talk and to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) plausibly to be coerced into sex.Adolescents 18 19 geezerhood old ar technically adults, and half(a) of adolescent pregnancies all over make do in this period group. attem pt factors for adolescent female p atomic number 18nthood include * v-year-older get along * Poor give less(prenominal)ons performance * frugal disadvant come on * undivided or jejune pargonnts Adolescent motherliness jejune gestation period Pregnancy adolescent Last reviewed kinfolk 12, 2011. Adolescent pregnancy is pregnancy in girls senesce 19 or jr.. Causes, incidence, and try factors Adolescent pregnancy and babies natural(p) to adolescents prevail dropped since reaching an all-time high gear in 1990. This is mostly due to the increase use of condoms.Adolescent pregnancy is a complex issue with m whatever reasons for concern. Kids sequence 12 14 long time old atomic number 18 more plausibly than other adolescents to take a crap unplanned sexual intercourse . They argon more plausibly to be talked into having into sex. Up to two-thirds of adolescent pregnancies snuff it in immatures age 18 19 eld old. essay factors for adolescent pregnancy i nclude * Younger age * Poor discipline performance * Economic disadvantage * Older male attendant * Single or teen p atomic number 18nts Symptoms Pregnancy symptoms include * Abdominal distention * Breast enlarge manpowert and breast tenderness * Fatigue * Light-headedness or actual fainting Missed period * Nausea/vomiting * Frequent urination Signs and tests The adolescent may or may non admit to being involved sexually. If the teen is enceinte, there be usually incubus changes (usually a gain, simply there may be a loss if illness and vomiting ar signifi contributet). Examination may institute change magnitude abdominal girth, and the wellness headache supplier may be able to feel the fundus (the top of the enlarged uterus). Pelvic examination may display bluish or purple coloration of vaginal walls, bluish or purple coloration and emollient of the cervix, and s frequentlying and enlarge manpowert of the uterus. A pregnancy test of urine and/or serum HCG atomic nu mber 18 usually positive. * A pregnancy ultrasound may be dvirtuoso to confirm or crack accu yard dates for pregnancy. Treatment All options made available to the pass judgmentant teen should be considered shell outfully, including spontaneous abortion, adoption, and raising the child with community or family support. Discussion with the teen may require several visits with a health business organisation come byr to explain all options in a non-judgmental manner and involve the parents or the father of the flub as appropriate.Early and adequate prenatal caution, preferably done a program that specializes in pueriled pregnancies, ensures a healthier baby. Pregnant teens consider to be assessed for smoking, alcohol use, and dose use, and they should be offered support to aid them quit. Adequate nutrition plenty be encouraged through information and community resources. Appropriate pattern and adequate sleep should in like manner be emphasized. Contraceptive info rmation and shell out are important after(prenominal) de extendry to keep back teens from comme il faut big(predicate) again.Pregnant teens and those who brace youngly given bear should be encouraged and doed to remain in school or reenter pedagogicsal programs that give them the skills to be better parents, and provide for their child fiscally and emotionally. Accessible and affordable child care is an important factor in teen mothers continuing school or entering the work force. Expectations (prognosis) Having her origin child during adolescence makes a woman more seeming to meet more children boilers suit. Teen mothers are most 2 geezerhood behind their age group in completing their discipline.Women who have a baby during their teen years are more credibly to live in poverty. Teen mothers with a account statement of substance plague are more likely to start ab use by about 6 months after delivery. Teen mothers are more likely than honest-to-goodness mothers t o have a second child within 2 years of their prototypic child. Infants born to juveniled mothers are at greater happen for developmental problems. Girls born to teen mothers are more likely to turn teen mothers themselves, and boys born to teen mothers have a high than add up appreciate of being arrested and jailed.Complications Adolescent pregnancy is associated with higher grade of illness and death for both(prenominal) the mother and infant. conclusion from violence is the second leading cause of death durig pregnancy for teens, and is higher in teens than in both other group. Pregnant teens are at untold higher risk of having serious medical complications much(prenominal)(prenominal) as * Placenta previa * Pregnancy-induced hypertension * Premature delivery * Signifi earth-closett anemia * Toxemia Infants born to teens are 2 6 times more likely to have low bear weight than those born to mothers age 20 or fourth-year.Prematurity plays the greatest role in low take over weight, but intrauterine growth retardation (inadequate growth of the fetus during pregnancy) is excessively a factor. Teen mothers are more likely to have unhealthy habits that place the infant at greater risk for inadequate growth, infection, or chemical dependence. The junior a mother is below age 20, the greater the risk of her infant dying during the first year of life. It is very important for gravid teens to have archaeozoic and adequate prenatal care. Calling your health care providerMake an appointment with your health care provider if you have symptoms of pregnancy. Your health care provider can besides provide counseling regarding pay control governing bodys, sexually transmitted affection (STD) measure, or pregnancy risk. measure at that place are many different kinds of teen pregnancy prevention programs. * Abstinence education programs encourage young people to wait to have sex until married couple, or until they are mature enough to handle sexua l act and a potential pregnancy in a responsible manner. * Knowledge-based programs focus on teaching kids about their bodies.It as well provides detailed information about birth control and how to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Research trys knowledge-based programs help decrease teen pregnancy pass judgment. Abstinence-only education without information about birth control does not. * Clinic-focused programs give kids easier access to information, counseling by health care providers, and birth control function. Many of these programs are offered through school-based clinics. * Peer counseling programs typically involve older teens, who encourage other kids to resist friction match and social pulls to have sex.For teens who are already sexually mobile, ally counseling programs teach them relationship skills and give them information on how to get and prosperedly use birth control. teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy refers to pregnancy in a female low t he age of 20 (when the pregnancy ends). It generally refers to a female who is unmarried and usually refers to an unplanned pregnancy. A pregnancy can take place at any time after puberty, with menarche (first menstrual period) normally fetching place around the ages 12 or 13, and being the stage at which a female becomes potentially fertile.Teenage pregnancy depends on a number of societal and personal factors. Teenage pregnancy roves vary between countries because of differences in levels of sexual activity, general sex education provided and access to affordable antifertility options. Worldwide, puerile pregnancy judge range from 143 per gravitational constant in any(prenominal) sub-Saharan African countries to 2. 9 per 1000 in South Korea. Pregnant jejuners face many of the same obstetrics issues as women in their 20s and 30s. There are however, additional medical concerns for mothers age 14 or younger.For mothers between 15 and 19, risks are associated more with socio economic factors than with the biological effects of age. However research has shown that the risk of low birth weight is connected to the biological age itself, as it was observed in teen births even after exacting for other risk factors ( such(prenominal) as utilisation of antenatal care etc. ). In developed countries, teend pregnancies are associated with many social issues, including lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty, and other low-downer life outcomes in children of teenage mothers.Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social bell ringer in many communities and cultures. Many studies and campaigns have attempted to uncover the causes and limit the numbers of teenage pregnancies. In other countries and cultures, particularly in the developing world, teenage pregnancy is usually within marriage and does not involve a social stigma. Among OECD developed countries, the get together States and unite Kingdom ha ve the highest level of teenage pregnancy, sequence Japan and South Korea have the lowest. Teenage pregnancy ratesIn reporting teenage pregnancy rates, the number of pregnancies per 1000 females aged 15 to 19 when the pregnancy ends is generally used. The rates experience at the age at which a pregnancy ends, and not the age when the woman conceives, so that if a woman aborts her pregnancy or misscarries while she is 19, she would be counted, while if she went full term and gave birth at age 20 she would not be counted. harmonise to a 2001 UNICEF survey, in 10 out of 12 developed nations with available data, more than two thirds of young people have had sexual intercourse while muted in their teens.In Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Norway, the get together Kingdom and the United States, the proportion is over 80%. In Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, approximately 25% of 15 year olds and 50% of 17 year olds have had sex. In a 2005 Kaiser Family Foundatio n composition of US teenagers, 29% of teens describe feeling air pressure to have sex, 33% of sexually active teens reported being in a relationship where they mat up things were moving overly fast sexually, and 24% had done something sexual they didnt really deficiency to do. Several polls have portendd peer pressure as a factor in encouraging both girls and boys to have sex.The increased sexual activity among adolescents is manifested in increased teenage pregnancies and an increase in sexually transmitted diseases. The rates of teenage pregnancy vary and range from 143 per 1000 girls in some sub-Saharan African countries to 2. 9 per 1000 in South Korea. The rate for the United States is 52. 1 per 1000, the highest in the developed world and about four times the European Union average. Care mustiness also be taken of the communal actual marriage age in different countries, as in countries where teenage marriages are common can expect to also experience higher levels of t eenage pregnancies.In an attempt to reverse the increasing numbers of teenage pregnancies, presidencys in many western countries have instituted sex education programs, the main objective of which is to reduce such pregnancies and STDs. Save the Children give that, annually, 13 one thousand million children are born to women under age 20 worldwide, more than 90% in developing countries. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of mortality among women between the ages of 15 and 19 in such areas. The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world is in sub-Saharan Africa, where women tend to marry at an early age.In Niger, for example, 87% of women surveyed were married and 53% had given birth to a child onwards the age of 18. In the Indian subcontinent, early marriage sometimes means adolescent pregnancy, particularly in rural regions where the rate is much higher than it is in urbanized areas. The rate of early marriage and pregnancy has lessen sharply in Indonesia and Malaysia, although it remains relatively high in the former. In the industrialized Asian nations such as South Korea and Singapore, teenage birth rates are among the lowest in the world.The boilers suit trend in Europe since 1970 has been a decreasing total fertility rate, an increase in the age at which women experience their first birth, and a decrease in the number of births among teenagers. nearly continental Western European countries have very low teenage birth rates. This is varyingly attributed to good sex education and high levels of hitch use (in the case of the Netherlands and Scandinavia), traditional values and social stigmatization (in the case of Spain and Italy) or both (in the case of Switzerland). The teenage birth rate in the United States is the highest in the developed world, and the teenage bortion rate is also high. The U. S. teenage pregnancy rate was at a high in the fifties and has decreased since then, although there has been an increa se in births out of wedlock. The teenage pregnancy rate decreased importantly in the 1990s this decline manifested crosswise all racial groups, although teenagers of African-American and Hispanic descent retain a higher rate, in comparison to that of European-Americans and Asian-Americans. The Guttmacher play attributed about 25% of the decline to abstinence and 75% to the strong use of contraceptives.However, in 2006 the teenage birth rate rose for the first time in 14 years. This could imply that teen pregnancy rates are also on the rise, however the rise could also be due to other sources a possible decrease in the number of abortions or a decrease in the number of miscarriages, to name a a few(prenominal). The Canadian teenage birth has also trended towards a steady decline for both younger (1517) and older (1819) teens in the period between 1992 and 2002. The age of the mother is determined by the easily verified date when the pregnancy ends, not by the estimated date of c onception.Consequently, the statistics do not include women who became pregnant at least shortly in front their 20th birthdays, but who gave birth, go through a miscarriage, or had a voluntary abortion on or after their 20th birthdays. Similarly, statistics on the mothers marital status are determined by whether she is married at the end of the pregnancy, not at the time of conception. Impact Maternal and prenatal health is of particular concern among teens who are pregnant or parenting. The worldwide incidence of premature birth and low birth weight is higher among adolescent mothers.In a rural hospital in West Bengal, teenage mothers between 1519 years old were more likely to have anemia, preterm delivery, and low birth weight than mothers between 2024 years old. Research indicates that pregnant teens are less likely to receive prenatal care, practically desire it in the third trimester, if at all. The Guttmacher Institute reports that one-third of pregnant teens receive insuf ficient prenatal care and that their children are more likely to suffer from health issues in puerility or be hospitalized than those born to older women.Young mothers who are given high-quality maternity care have significantly healthier babies than those that do not. Many of the health-issues associated with teenage mothers, many of whom do not have health insurance, appear to result from insufficiency of access to high-quality medical care. Many pregnant teens are capable to nutritional deficiencies from poor eating habits common in adolescence, including attempts to lose weight through dieting, skipping meals, food faddism, snacking, and consumption of fast food.Inadequate nutrition during pregnancy is an even more marked problem among teenagers in developing countries. Complications of pregnancy result in the deaths of an estimated 70,000 teen girls in developing countries each year. Young mothers and their babies are also at greater risk of promise HIV. The World Health O rganization estimates that the risk of death following pregnancy is twice as great for women between 15 and 19 years than for those between the ages of 20 and 24. The maternal mortality rate can be up to five times higher for girls aged between 10 and 14 than for women of about twenty years of age.Illegal abortion also holds many risks for teenage girls in areas such as sub-Saharan Africa. Risks for medical complications are greater for girls 14 years of age and younger, as an underdeveloped pelvis can lead to difficulties in childbirth. Obstructed labour is normally dealt with by Caesarean section in industrialized nations however, in developing regions where medical services might be unavailable, it can lead to eclampsia, obstetric fistula, infant mortality, or maternal death.For mothers in their late teens, age in itself is not a risk factor, and poor outcomes are associated more with socioeconomic factors sort of than with biology. Psychosocial Several studies have examined th e socioeconomic, medical, and psychological impact of pregnancy and parenthood in teens. Life outcomes for teenage mothers and their children vary other factors, such as poverty or social support, may be more important than the age of the mother at the birth. Many solutions to stop the more negative findings have been proposed.Teenage parents who can rely on family and community support, social services and child-care support are more likely to continue their education and get higher paying jobs as they progress with their education. In the mother Being a young mother in an industrialized res publica can affect ones education. Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school. novel studies, though, have assemble that many of these mothers had already dropped out of school prior to becoming pregnant, but those in school at the time of their pregnancy were as likely to graduate as their peers. nonpareil mull over in 2001 found that women who gave birth during their teens c ompleted secondary-level schooling 1012% as ofttimes and prosecute post-secondary education 1429% as often as women who waited until age 30. Young motherhood in an industrialized country can affect employment and social class. Less than one third of teenage mothers receive any form of child support, vastly increasing the likeliness of turning to the government for tending. The coefficient of correlation between earlier accouchement and crumbleure to complete high school reduces career opportunities for many young women.One show found that, in 1988, 60% of teenage mothers were impoverished at the time of enceinte birth. Additional research found that nearly 50% of all adolescent mothers sought social assistance within the first five years of their childs life. A theater of 100 teenaged mothers in the United Kingdom found that only 11% received a salary, while the remaining 89% were unemployed. around British teenage mothers live in poverty, with nearly half in the bottom fi fth of the income distribution.Teenage women who are pregnant or mothers are seven times more likely to commit self-destruction than other teenagers. Professor John Ermisch at the institute of social and economic research at Essex University and Dr Roger Ingham, theatre director of the centre of sexual health at Southampton University found that comparing teenage mothers with other girls with samely strip social-economic profiles, bad school experiences and low educational aspirations, the difference in their respective life chances was negligible.Teenage motherliness may actually make economic sense for young women with less money, some research suggests. For instance, long-run studies by Duke economist V. Joseph Hotz and colleagues, published in 2005, found that by age 35, former teen moms had take in more in income, paid more in taxes, were substantially less likely to live in poverty and collected less in public assistance than similarly poor women who waited until their 20s to have babies.Women who became mothers in their teens freed from child-raising duties by their late 20s and early 30s to pursue employment while poorer women who waited to become moms were still stuck at piazza watching their young children wound up paying more in taxes than they had collected in welfare. cardinal years earlier, the federally commissioned report Kids Having Kids also contained a similar finding, though it was buried Adolescent childbearers fare more or less better than subsequently- childbearing counterparts in terms of their overall economic welfare.One-fourth of adolescent mothers pass on have a second child within 24 months of the first. Factors that determine which mothers are more likely to have a closely spaced repeat birth include marriage and education the likelihood decreases with the level of education of the young woman or her parents and increases if she gets married. In the child Early motherhood can affect the psychosocial development of the infant. Developmental disabilities and sortal issues are increased in children born to teen mothers.One study suggested that adolescent mothers are less likely to stimulate their infant through affectionate behaviors such as touch, smiling, and verbal communication, or to be sensitive and meeting toward his or her needs. Another found that those who had more social support were less likely to show anger toward their children or to rely upon punishment. Poor faculty member performance in the children of teenage mothers has also been noted, with many of them being more likely than average to fail to graduate from secondary school, be held back a grade level, or score lower on standardized tests. female childs born to adolescent parents are more likely to become teen mothers themselves. A son born to a young woman in her teens is three times more likely to serve time in prison. In other family members Teen pregnancy and motherhood can influence younger siblings. One study found that the younger siss of teen mothers were less likely to emphasize the importance of education and employment and more likely to accept human sexual behavior, parenting, and marriage at younger ages younger brothers, too, were found to be more tolerant of non-marital and early births, in addition to being more persuasible to high-risk behaviors.If the younger sisters of teenage parents babysit the children, they have an increased risk of getting pregnant themselves. Causes In some societies, early marriage and traditional gender roles are important factors in the rate of teenage pregnancy. For example, in some sub-Saharan African countries, early pregnancy is often seen as a blessing because it is inference of the young womans fertility. In the Indian subcontinent, early marriage and pregnancy is more common in traditional rural communities compared to the rate in cities.The lack of education on safe sex, whether its from parents, schools, or otherwise, is a cause of teenage pre gnancy. Many teenagers are not taught about methods of birth control and how to deal with peers who pressure them into having sex before they are ready. Many pregnant teenagers do not have any wisdom of the central facts of sexual activity. almost teens have said to be pressured into having sex with their boyfriends at a young age, and yet no one had taught these teens how to deal with this pressure or to say no.In societies where adolescent marriage is less common, such as many developed countries, young age at first intercourse and lack of use of contraceptive methods (or their inconsistent and/or incorrect use the use of a method with a high failure rate is also a problem) may be factors in teen pregnancy. Most teenage pregnancies in the developed world appear to be unplanned. Sexuality In most countries, most men experience sexual intercourse for the first time before their 20th birthdays. manpower in Western developed countries have sex for the first time sooner than in ve stigial and culturally conservative countries such as Sub-Saharan Africa and much of Asia. Countries with low levels of teenagers giving birth accept sexual relationships among teenagers and provide comprehensive and balanced information about sexuality. However, in a Kaiser Family Foundation study of US teenagers, 29% of teens reported feeling pressure to have sex, 33% of sexually active teens reported being in a relationship where they felt things were moving too fast sexually, and 24% had done something sexual they didnt really want to do.Several polls have indicated peer pressure as a factor in encouraging both girls and boys to have sex. Role of drug and alcohol use Inhibition-reducing drugs and alcohol may possibly encourage unintended sexual activity. If so, it is unknown if the drugs themselves instanter influence teenagers to lock away in riskier behavior, or whether teenagers who engage in drug use are more likely to engage in sex. Correlation does not imply causation. T he drugs with the strongest evidence linking to teenage pregnancy are alcohol, ecstasy, cannabis, and amphetamines.The drugs with the least evidence to support a link to early pregnancy are opioids, such as heroin, morphine, and oxycodone, of which a well-known effect is the significant reduction of libido it appears that teenage opioid users have significantly decreased rates of conception compared to their non-using, and alcohol, ecstasy, cannabis, and amphetamine using peers. Amphetamines are often prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder internationally, the countries with the highest rates of recorded amphetamine prescription to teenagers also have the highest rates of teenage pregnancy. 2125152, Leonard Sax, M. D. , Ph. D. , 2005, Doubleday books, p. 128. Lack of contraception Adolescents may lack knowledge of, or access to, conventional methods of preventing pregnancy, as they may be too embarrassed or frightened to seek such information. Contracepti on for teenagers presents a huge challenge for the clinician. In 1998, the government of the United Kingdom set a target to halve the under-18 pregnancy rate by 2010. The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy (TPS) was established to achieve this.The pregnancy rate in this group, although falling, rose slightly in 2007, to 41. 7 per 1000 women. Young women often think of contraception either as the pill or condoms and have little knowledge about other methods. They are heavily influenced by negative, second-hand stories about methods of contraception from their friends and the media. Prejudices are extremely difficult to overcome. Over concern about side-effects, for example weight gain and acne, often affect choice. Missing up to three pills a month is common, and in this age group the plan of attack pattern is likely to be higher.Restarting after the pill-free week, having to hide pills, drug interactions and difficulty getting repeat prescriptions can all lead to method failure. In the Un ited States, according to the 2002 National Surveys of Family Growth, sexually active adolescent women regard to avoid pregnancy were less likely than those of other ages to use contraceptives (18% of 15- to 19-year-olds used no contraceptives, versus 10. 7% average for women ages 15 to 44). More than 80% of teen pregnancies are unintended.Over half of unintended pregnancies were to women not using contraceptives, most of the rest are due to inconsistent or incorrect use. 23% of sexually active young women in a 1996 Seventeen magazine poll admitted to having had unprotected sex with a partner who did not use a condom, while 70% of girls in a 1997 PARADE poll claimed it was mortifying to buy birth control or request information from a doctor. In a study for The Guttmacher Institute, researchers found that from a comparative perspective, however, teenage pregnancy rates in the United States are less nuanced than one might initially assume. Since timing and levels of sexual activity a re quite similar across Sweden, France, Canada, Great Britain, and the U. S. , the high U. S. rates arise primarily because of less, and possibly less- powerful, contraceptive use by sexually active teenagers. Thus, the cause for the discrepancy between rich nations can be traced largely to contraceptive-based issues. Among teens in the UK quest an abortion, a study found that the rate of contraceptive use was roughly the same for teens as for older women. In other cases, contraception is used, but proves to be inadequate.In undergo adolescents may use condoms incorrectly, forget to take oral contraceptives, or fail to use the contraceptives they had previously chosen. Contraceptive failure rates are higher for teenagers, particularly poor ones, than for older users. Long-acting contraceptives such as intrauterine devices, subcutaneous contraceptive implants, and contraceptive injections (such as Depo-Provera and Combined injectable contraceptive), which prevent pregnancy for mont hs or years at a time, are more effective in women who have trouble remembering to take pills or using hindrance methods consistently.Age discrepancy in relationships According to the conservative lobbying organization Family Research Council, studies in the US indicate that age discrepancy between the teenage girls and the men who impregnate them is an important contributing factor. Teenage girls in relationships with older boys, and in particular with adult men, are more likely to become pregnant than teenage girls in relationships with boys their own age. They are also more likely to carry the baby to term rather than have an abortion.A review of Californias 1990 vital statistics found that men older than high school age fathered 77% of all births to high school-aged girls (ages 1618), and 51% of births to junior high school-aged girls (15 and younger). Men over age 25 fathered twice as many children of teenage mothers than boys under age 18, and men over age 20 fathered five ti mes as many children of junior high school-aged girls as did junior high school-aged boys.A 1992 Washington state study of 535 adolescent mothers found that 62% of the mothers had a tarradiddle of being raped or sexual molested by men whose ages averaged 27 years. This study found that, compared with nonabused mothers, abused adolescent mothers initiated sex earlier, had sex with much older partners, and engaged in riskier, more frequent, and promiscuous sex. Studies by the creation Reference berth and the National Center for Health Statistics found that about two-thirds of children born to teenage girls in the United States are fathered by adult men age 20 or older.Sexual abuse Studies from South Africa have found that 1120% of pregnancies in teenagers are a direct result of rape, while about 60% of teenage mothers had unwanted sexual experiences preceding their pregnancy. Before age 15, a majority of first-intercourse experiences among females are reported to be non-voluntary t he Guttmacher Institute found that 60% of girls who had sex before age 15 were coerced by males who on average were six years their senior. One in five teenage fathers admitted to forcing girls to have sex with them.Multiple studies have indicated a strong link between early childhood sexual abuse and subsequent teenage pregnancy in industrialized countries. Up to 70% of women who gave birth in their teens were molested as young girls by contrast, 25% for women who did not give birth as teens were molested. In some countries, sexual intercourse between a minor and an adult is not considered consensual under the law because a minor is believed to lack the maturity and competence to make an informed decision to engage in fully consensual sex with an adult. In those countries, sex with a minor is therefore considered statutory rape.In most European countries, by contrast, once an adolescent has reached the age of consent, he or she can legally have sexual relations with adults because it is held that in general (although certain limitations may still apply), reaching the age of consent enables a juvenile to consent to sex with any partner who has also reached that age. Therefore, the commentary of statutory rape is limited to sex with a person under the minimum age of consent. What constitutes statutory rape ultimately differs by jurisdiction. Dating violence Studies have indicated that adolescent girls are often in abusive relationships at the time of their conceiving.They have also reported that knowledge of their pregnancy has often intensify violent and controlling behaviors on part of their boyfriends. Women under age 18 are twice as likely to be beat out by their childs father than women over age 18. A UK study found that 70% of women who gave birth in their teens had experienced adolescent domestic violence. Similar results have been found in studies in the United States. A Washington State study found 70% of teenage mothers had been beaten by their boy friends, 51% had experienced attempts of birth control sabotage within the last year, and 21% experienced school or work sabotage.In a study of 379 pregnant or parenting teens and 95 teenage girls without children, 62% of the girls aged 1115 years and 56% of girls aged 1619 years reported experiencing domestic violence at the hands of their partners. Moreover, 51% of the girls reported experiencing at least one instance where their boyfriend attempted to sabotage their efforts to use birth control. Socioeconomic factors Teenage pregnancy has been delineate predominantly within the research field and among social agencies as a social problem. Poverty is associated with increased rates of teenage pregnancy.Economically poor countries such as Niger and Bangladesh have far more teenage mothers compared with economically rich countries such as Switzerland and Japan. In the UK, around half of all pregnancies to under 18s are concentrated among the 30% most deprived population, with only 14% spendring among the 30% least deprived. For example, in Italy, the teenage birth rate in the well-off central regions is only 3. 3 per 1,000, while in the poorer Mezzogiorno it is 10. 0 per 1,000. Similarly, in the United States, sociologist Mike A.Males noted that teenage birth rates closely mapped poverty rates in California County Poverty rate Birth rate* Marin County 5% 5 Tulare County (Caucasians) 18% 50 Tulare County (Hispanics) 40% 100 * per 1000 women aged 1519 Teen pregnancy cost the United States over $9. 1 billion in 2004. There is little evidence to support the common whimsey that teenage mothers become pregnant to get benefits, welfare, and council housing. Most knew little about housing or financial aid before they got pregnant and what they thought they knew often turned out to be wrong.Childhood environs Women open(a) to abuse, domestic violence, and family strife in childhood are more likely to become pregnant as teenagers, and the risk of becoming pregnant as a teenager increases with the number of adverse childhood experiences. According to a 2004 study, one-third of teenage pregnancies could be prevented by eliminating exposure to abuse, violence, and family strife. The researchers note that family dysfunction has unchangeable and unfavorable health consequences for women during the adolescent years, the childbearing years, and beyond. When the family environment does not include adverse childhood experiences, becoming pregnant as an adolescent does not appear to raise the likelihood of long-term, negative psychosocial consequences. Studies have also found that boys raised in homes with a battered mother, or who experienced physical violence directly, were significantly more likely to impregnate a girl. Studies have also found that girls whose fathers left the family early in their lives had the highest rates of early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy.Girls whose fathers left them at a later age had a lower rate of early sex ual activity, and the lowest rates are found in girls whose fathers were present throughout their childhood. Even when the researchers took into account other factors that could have contributed to early sexual activity and pregnancy, such as behavioral problems and life adversity, early father-absent girls were still about five times more likely in the United States and three times more likely in New Zealand to become pregnant as adolescents than were father-present girls.Low educational expectations have been pinpointed as a risk factor. A girl is also more likely to become a teenage parent if her mother or older sister gave birth in her teens. A majority of respondents in a 1988 Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies survey attributed the occurrence of adolescent pregnancy to a breakdown of communication between parents and child and also to inadequate parental supervision. Foster care youth are more likely than their peers to become pregnant as teenagers. The National C asey Alumni Study, which surveyed treasure care alumni from 23 ommunities across the United States, found the birth rate for girls in foster care was more than double the rate of their peers outside the foster care system. A University of Chicago study of youth transitioning out of foster care in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin found that nearly half of the females had been pregnant by age 19. The Utah Department of Human Services found that girls who had left the foster care system between 1999 and 2004 had a birth rate nearly 3 times the rate for girls in the general population. Media influenceA study conducted in 2006 found that adolescents who were more exposed to sexuality in the media were also more likely to engage in sexual activity themselves. According to Time, teens exposed to the most sexual content on TV are twice as likely as teens watching less of this material to become pregnant before they reach age 20. Prevention Many health educators have argued that comprehensive sex education would effectively reduce the number of teenage pregnancies, although opponents argue that such education encourages more and earlier sexual activity. United KingdomIn the UK, the teenage pregnancy strategy, which was run first by the Department of Health and is now based out of the Children, Young People and Families directorate in the Department for Children, Schools and Families, works on several levels to reduce teenage pregnancy and increase the social inclusion of teenage mothers and their families by * joined up action, making sure branches of government and health and education services work together effectively * prevention of teenage pregnancy through better sex education and improving contraceptive and advice services for young people, involving young people in service design, supporting the parents of teenagers to talk to them about sex and relationships, and targeting high-risk groups * better support for teenage mothers, including help returning to educati on, advice and support, work with young fathers, better childcare and increasing the availability of supported housing. The teenage pregnancy strategy has had mixed success.Although teenage pregnancies have fallen overall, they have not fallen consistently in every region, and in some areas they have increased. There are questions about whether the 2010 target of a 50% reduction on 1998 levels can be met. United States In the United States the musical theme of sex education is the subject of much contentious debate. Some schools provide abstinence-only education and virginity pledges are increasingly popular. A 2004 study by Yale and Columbia Universities found that 88% of those who pledge abstinence have premarital sex anyway. Most public schools offer abstinence-plus programs that support abstinence but also offer advice about contraception.A group of researchers and educators in California have published a list of best practices in the prevention of teen pregnancy, which includ es, in addition to the previously mentioned concepts, working to instill a belief in a successful future, male involvement in the prevention process, and designing interventions that are culturally relevant. On September 30, 2010, The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services approved $155 million dollars in new reenforcement for comprehensive sex education programs designed to prevent teenage pregnancy. The money is being awarded to states, non-profit organizations, school districts, universities and others.These grants give support the replication of teen pregnancy prevention programs that have been shown to be effective through wet research as well as the testing of new, innovative approaches to combating teen pregnancy. For teens who choose to engage in sexual activity, the primary mode of preventing teen pregnancy becomes correct use of contraceptives. In the States, one indemnity initiative that has been used to increase rates of contraceptive use is Title X Title X o f the 1970 Public Health Service act provides family planning services for those who do not qualify for Medicaid by distributing funding to a network of public, private, and nonprofit entities in order to provide services on a sliding exfoliation based on income. Studies indicate that, internationally, success in reducing teen pregnancy rates is directly correlated with the kind of access that Title X provides What appears crucial to success is that adolescents know where they can go to obtain information and services, can get there easily and are assured of receiving confidential, nonjudgmental care, and that these services and contraceptive supplies are free or cost very little. In addressing high rates of unplanned teen pregnancies, scholars agree that the problem must be confronted from both the biological and cultural contexts. Netherlands The Dutch approach to preventing teenage pregnancy has often been seen as a model by other countries.The curriculum focuses on values, bea rings, communication and negotiation skills, as well as biological aspects of reproduction. The media has encouraged open dialogue and the health-care system guarantees confidentiality and a non-judgmental approach. Developing world In the developing world, programs of reproductive health aimed at teenagers are often small scale and not centrally coordinated, although some countries such as Sri Lanka have a domineering insurance policy framework for teaching about sex within schools. Non-governmental agencies such as the International mean Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International provide contraceptive advice for young women worldwide. Laws against child marriage have reduced but not eliminated the practice.Improved female literacy and educational prospects have led to an increase in the age at first birth in areas such as Iran, Indonesia, and the Indian state of Kerala. Teenage fatherhood In some cases, the father of the child is the husband of the teenage girl. The c onception may occur within wedlock, or the pregnancy itself may precipitate the marriage (the so-called shotgun wedding). In countries such as India the majority of teenage births occur within marriage. In other countries, such as the United States and the Republic of Ireland, the majority of teenage mothers are not married to the fathers of their children. In the UK, half of all teenagers with children are lone parents, 40% are cohabitating as a couple and 10% are married.Teenage parents are frequently in a romantic relationship at the time of birth, but many adolescent fathers do not stay with the mother and this often disrupts their relationship with the child. Research has shown that when teenage fathers are include in decision-making during pregnancy and birth, they are more likely to report increased involvement with their children in later years. In the U. S, eight out of ten teenage fathers do not marry their first childs mother. However, teenage father may be a misnomer in many cases. Studies by the Population Reference Bureau and the National Center for Health Statistics found that about two-thirds of births to teenage girls in the United States are fathered by adult men age 20 or older.The Guttmacher Institute reports that over 40% of mothers aged 1517 had sexual partners three to five years older and almost one in five had partners six or more years older. A 1990 study of births to California teens reported that the younger the mother, the greater the age gap with her male partner. In the UK 72% of jointly registered births to women under the age of 20, the father is over the age of 20, with almost 1 in 4 being over 25. History Teenage pregnancy was normal in previous centuries. Perhaps the most famous teenage pregnancy in history was Mary, Mother of Jesus. She is generally believed to have been 13 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. Other sources place her age as high as 15 years.Hildegard of Vinzgouw, the wife of Charlemagne was about 14 year s old when she gave birth to her first son in 772 CE. The mother of Henry VII of England was 13 years old when she gave birth to him in 1457. Maria of Tver, the wife of Ivan the Great of Russia, gave birth to her first son when she was about 16 years old, in 1458. Empress Teimei of Japan was 16 years old when she gave birth to Hirohito in 1901. Lina Medina of Peru holds the world record for youngest live birth She was five years, seven months old when she gave birth in 1939. Society and culture Teenage pregnancy has been used as a theme or plot device in fiction, including books, films, and telecasting series.The oscilloscope may be historical (The Blue Lagoon, Hope and Glory) or contemporary (One Tree Hill). period the subject is generally treated in a serious manner (Junk), it can sometimes play up to stereotypes in a comic manner (Vicky Pollard in Little Britain). The pregnancy itself may be the result of sexual abuse (Rose in The Cider House Rules), a one-night stand (Amy Bar nes in Hollyoaks), a romantic relationship (Demi Miller in EastEnders) (Ronnie Mitchell in EastEnders) or a first time sexual encounter (Sarah-Louise Platt in Coronation Street) unusually, in Quinceanera, the central character becomes pregnant through non-penetrative sex. The drama often focuses around the discovery of the regnancy and the decision to opt for abortion (Fast Times at Ridgemont High), adoption (Mom at Sixteen, Juno, Glee), marriage (Sugar & Spice, Reba and Jeni, Juno) or life as a single mother (Saved , Where the Heart Is, Someone Like You). In the German play Spring Awakening (and the Broadway musical based upon it), the central female character gets pregnant and dies from a botched abortion. Stephanie Daley deals with the aftermath of a teenage pregnancy that ends with a dead newborn baby. While the pregnant girl herself is normally the chief protagonist, Too Young to Be a Dad centers on a 15-year-old boy whose girlfriend becomes pregnant, while The Snapper focuses on the reactions of the family, particularly the soon-to-be grandfather.Other fiction, particularly in a long-running picture series, looks at the long-term effects of becoming a parent at a very young age (Degrassi Junior High). In Gilmore Girls, because Lorelai Gilmore is only 16 years older than her young lady Rory, the two are more like sisters than parent and child. Looking for Alibrandi also features the teenage daughter of a woman who was herself a teenage mother. In The George Lopez Show, Benny Lopez, gave birth to George at 16. In the ABC Family television show The Secret Life of the American Teenager centers on Amy Juergens, a 15-year-old who becomes a teenage mother after a one night stand. In the popular Comedy Central television show South Park the character Carol McCormick was said to have had her sons Kevin McCormick at 13, and Kenny McCormick at 16.In the Japanese drama 14-sai no Haha Aisuru tame ni Umaretekita, the protagonist Miki Ichinose becomes pregnant with h er boyfriends child at age 14. The show examines the impact of her pregnancy on her, her family, her school life, the life of her boyfriend and his family, and the society in which she resides. Additionally, reality television shows have featured teenage pregnancy stories. MTV launched two reality shows about the topic, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, in 2009. Each show depicts the gritty reality that pregnant teens face from friends and family while going through this life changing event, allowing teens to see what actually happens in this scenario through an outlet other than a compose plot.Autobiographies that look at the authors own experience of teenage motherhood include I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Gather Together in My Name by Maya Angelou, Coal Miners Daughter by Loretta Lynn, and Riding in Cars with Boys by Beverly DOnofrio. Songs about teenage pregnancy include downbeat tales of abuse (Brendas Got a Baby), poverty (In The Ghetto) and back-alley abortion (Sallys Pige ons), as well as upbeat and defiant tunes such as Papa Dont Preach. American pop singer Fantasia Barrino, who was 17 when she gave birth to her daughter, released a arguable song about single motherhood titled Baby Mama, describing the difficulty of raising a child alone with limited financial and family support. (Many U. S. adio stations would not play the song, ostensibly because it contains a profanity. ) There Goes My Life, a modern country song by Kenny Chesney, focuses on the reaction of the father, who rhetorically asks, Im unless a kid myself how am I going to raise one? As the daughter grows up, his attitude changes, and the song ends with his tearful farewell as she leaves for college. Due to its implied pro-life message, There Goes My Life was sung at the inauguration of George W. Bush in 2005 Teen pregnancies in the Philippines By Rebecca B. Singson Philippine Daily Inquirer depression Posted 005500 06/14/2008 Filed Under Health, Lifestyle & Leisure, Gender Issues (F irst in a series)MANILA, Philippines? The sexual variety has ushered in a period in which the average adolescent experiences tremendous pressures to have sexual experiences of all kinds. Filipino teens get a higher exposure to sex from the Internet, magazines, TV shows, movies and other media than decades ago, yet without any corresponding increase in information on how to handle the input. So kids are pretty much left to other kids for opinions and value formation when it comes to sex. Sexual misinformation is therefore equally shared in the group. Parents at home and teachers in school feel equally inadequate or uneasy to discuss the topic of sex with youngsters.The problem mounts because the barkada (gang) has a more profound influence than parents do and they exert pressure and expect the adolescent to conform to the rest of them. In fact, female adolescents whose friends engage in sexual behavior were found to be more likely to do the same compared to those who do not associat e with such peers. If the teen perceives her peers to look negatively at premarital sex, she was more likely to start sex at a later age. Numbers Statistics in the United States show that each year, almost 1 million teenage women? 10 percent of all women aged 15-19 and 19 percent of those who have had sexual intercourse? become pregnant and one-fourth of teenage mothers have a second child within two years of their first.In the Philippines, according to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study by the University of the Philippines Population Institute (Uppi) and the Demographic Research and Development Foundation, 26 percent of our Filipino youth nationwide from ages 15 to 25 admitted to having a premarital sex experience. What? s worse is that 38 percent of our youth are already in a live-in arrangement. The 1998 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) reveals that 3. 6 million of our teenagers (that? s a whopping 5. 2 percent of our population ) got pregnant. In 92 percent of these teens, the pregnancy was unplanned, and the majority, 78 percent, did not even use contraceptives the first time they had sex. Many of the youth are clueless that even on a single intercourse, they could wind up pregnant. Risks There are many reasons teen pregnancies should be avoided. here(predicate)? s a low down on the facts ? Risk for malnutritionTeenage mothers tend to have poor eating habits and are less likely to take recommended daily multivitamins to maintain adequate nutrition during pregnancy. They are also more likely to smoke, drink or take drugs during pregnancy, which can cause health problems for the baby. ? Risk for inadequate prenatal care Teenage mothers are less likely to seek regular prenatal care which is essential for monitoring the growth of the fetus keeping the mother? s weight in check and advising the mother on nutrition and how she should take care of herself to ensure a healthy pregnancy. According to the American Medical Association, babies born to women who do not have regular prenatal care are 4 times more likely to die before the age of 1 year. ? Risk for abortionUnplanned pregnancies lead to a higher rate of abortions. In the United States, nearly 4 in 10 teen pregnancies (excluding those ending in miscarriages) are terminated by abortion. There were about 274,000 abortions among teens in 1996. In the Philippines, although abortion is illegal, it would shock you to know that we even have a higher abortion rate (25/1,000 women) compared to the United States where abortion is legal (23/1,000 women). For sure, there are more abortions that happen in our country that are not even reported. Backdoor abortions are resorted to with untrained ? hilots? with questionable sterility procedures, increasing the possibility for tetanus toxic condition and other complications. Risk for fetal deaths Statistics of the Department of Health show that fetal deaths are more likely to happen to young mothers, and that babies bor n by them are likely to have low birth weight. ? Risk for acquiring cervical crabby person The Human Papilloma virus (HPV) is a sexually-transmitted, wart-forming virus that has been implicated in causing cancer of the cervix. This is the most common cancer in women secondary to breast cancer. Women who are at increased risk for acquiring this are those who engage in sex before 18, have a pregnancy at or younger than 18, or have had at least 5 sexual partners, or have had a partner with at least 5 sexual partners.If you start sex at an early age, you have a higher likelihood of going through several sexual partners before you resign down, thus increasing your exposure to acquiring the virus and acquiring cervical cancer. The men can get genital warts from this virus and can certainly pass it on to their partners, thus increasing her risk for cervical cancer. Is that something you would want to gift to your wife with on your honeymoon? There is a way to test women (HPV Digene test) but no test for the man so you can? t know if you have it. Using the condom does not confer protection against acquiring this virus since the condom cannot cover the testes where the warts can grow and proliferate. Adolescent Pregnancy Current Trends and Issues AbstractThe prevention of unintended adolescent pregnancy is an important goal of the American academy of Pediatrics and our society. Although adolescent pregnancy and birth rates have been steadily decreasing, many adolescents still become pregnant. Since the last statement on adolescent pregnancy was issued by the Academy in 1998, efforts to prevent adolescent pregnancy have increased, and new observations, technologies, and prevention effectiveness data have emerged. The purpose of this clinical report is to review current trends and issues related to adolescent pregnancy, update practitioners on this topic, and review legal and policy implications of concern to pediatricians. INTRODUCTIONAdolescent pregnancy in the Unit ed States is a complex issue touch on families, health care professionals, educators, government officials, and youths themselves. Since 1998, when the last statement on this topic was issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), efforts to prevent adolescent pregnancy have increased,and new observations, technologies, and prevention effectiveness data have emerged. The purpose of this clinical report is to provide pediatricians with recent data on adolescent sexuality, contraceptive use, and childbearing as well as information about preventing adolescent pregnancy in their communities and in clinical practice. This report does not address diagnosis of pregnancy or management of the transition to prenatal care. learning about counseling pregnant youth is provided in the AAP policy statement Counseling the Adolescent rough Pregnancy Options, and from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, and information about early prenatal care is available from the American College of Obstetricia ns and Gynecologists SEXUAL performance The proportion of American adolescents who are sexually active has decreased in recent years however, rates are still high enough to warrant concern. Currently, more than 45% of high school females and 48% of high school males have had sexual intercourse. The average age of first intercourse is 17 years for girls and 16 years for boys. However, approximately one fourth of all youth report having had intercourse by 15 years of age.Younger teenagers are especially vulnerable to coercive and nonconsensual sex. Involuntary sexual activity has been reported by 74% of sexually active girls younger than 14 years and 60% of those younger than 15 years. Sexually active youth, similar to older unmarried adults, usually have monogamous, short-lived relationships with ordered partners. Current surveys indicate that 11% of high school females and 17% of high school males report having had 4 or more sexual partners. In addition to intercourse, many adoles cents report having had oral sex or engaging in kissing, touching, or other mutual stimulation however, data on these other behaviors are reported rarely.There are several predictors of sexual intercourse during the early adolescent years, including early pubertal development, a history of sexual abuse, poverty, lack of attentive and nurturing parents, cultural and family patterns of early sexual experience, lack of school or career goals, substance abuse, and poor school performance or dropping out of school. Factors associated with a delay in the initiation of sexual intercourse include living with both parents in a electrostatic family environment, regular attendance at places of worship, and higher family income. Recently, parental supervision, setting expectations, and parent/child connectedness have been recognized as clearly associated with decreasing tough sexual behavior and other risky behaviors among adolescents. CONTRACEPTIVE USEDespite increasing use of contraception by adolescents at the time of first intercourse, 50% of adolescent pregnancies occur within the first 6 months of initial sexual intercourse. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic and public health education efforts have led more adolescents to use barrier contraceptives nonetheless, in 2003, among high school students who reported that they had ever had sexual intercourse, only 63% reported having used a condom the last time they had intercourse. Despite HIV prevention guidelines, initiation of prescription contraceptives is often attach to by decreased condom use, especially among adolescents who do not perceive themselves to be at risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).Many adolescents who currently report using prescription contraceptives delayed seeing a clinician for a contraceptive prescription until they had been sexually active for 1 year or more. Adolescent women, similar to adult women, have changed contraceptive methods in recent years, with decreases i n pill use and increases in injectable contraceptive use. Factors associated with more consistent contraceptive use among sexually active youth include schoolman success in school, anticipation of a satisfying future, and being involved in a stable relationship with a sexual partner. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention unambiguously recommends both abstinence and the use of barrier contraceptives for individuals who choose to be sexually active. However, some groups continue to question the effectiveness of condoms.Youth who participated in programs that provided information about abstinence, condoms, and/or contraception who were engaged in one-on-one discussions about their own behavior who were given clear messages about sex and condom or contraceptive use and who were provided condoms or contraceptives have been found to increase consistent condom and contraception use without increasing sexual activity. TRENDS IN stripling CHILDBEARING Each year, approximately 9000 00 teenagers become pregnant in the United States, and despite decreasing rates, more than 4 in 10 adolescent girls have been pregnant at least once before 20 years of age. Most of these pregnancies are among older teenagers (ie, those 18 or 19 years of age). most 51% of adolescent pregnancies end in live births, 35% end in induced abortion, and 14% result in miscarriage or stillbirth.Historically, the highest adolescent birth rates in the United States were during the 1950s and 1960s, before the legalization of abortion and the development of many of the current forms of contraception. After the legalization of abortion in 1973, birth rates for US females 15 to 19 years of age decreased sharply until 1986. pass judgment increased steadily until 1991 since then, the birth rate among teenagers has decreased every year since 1991. Since 1991, the rate has decreased 35% for 15- to 17-year-olds and 20% for 18- to 19-year-olds. Rates for 10- to 14-year-olds were 1. 4 per 1000 in 1992 a nd have gradually decreased to 0. 7 per 1000 in 2002.Although birth rates have been decreasing steadily for white and black teenagers in recent years, 1996 is the first year that birth rates decreased for Hispanic teenagers Hispanic adolescents also have had the highest overall birth rates and smallest decreases in recent years. Once a teenager has had 1 infant, she is at increased risk of having another. Approximately 25% of adolescent births are not first births. ADOLESCENT PARENTS AND THEIR PARTNERS Adolescent childbearing is usually inconsistent with mainstream societal demands for attaining adulthood through education, work experience, and financial stability. Poverty is correlated significantly with adolescent pregnancy in the United States.Although 38% of adolescents live in poor or low-income families, as many as 83% of adolescents who give birth and 61% who have abortions are from poor or low-income families. At least one third of parenting adolescents (both males and femal es) are themselves products of adolescent pregnancy. Although it is difficult to establish causal links between childhood maltreatment and subsequent adolescent pregnancy, in some studies as many as 50% to 60% of those who become pregnant in early or midadolescence have a history of childhood sexual or physical abuse. The problem of adolescent pregnancy is often assumed to be both an adolescent and an adult problem, because many partners of childbearing youth are adults.The percentage of adolescent pregnancies in which the father is an adult is unclear studies report a range from 7% to 67%. Adult men having sexual relationships with adolescents is problematic, because many of these relationships may be abusive or coercive. Adolescents who have sex with older men are also more likely to contract HIV infection or other STD. Although more than two thirds of adolescent girls sexual partners are the same age or within a few years older and the sexual activity is consensual in nature, so me partners are more than 4 years older. Sexual relationships between adults and minors may be coercive or exploitative, with detrimental consequences for the health of both the teenager and her children.Although some states and local jurisdictions have changed statutory rape laws and their enforcement, mandated reporting of all sexual activity as statutory rape or as child abuse has not been effective at changing behavior, does not allow for clinical judgment, and has the effect of deterring some of the adolescents most in need from seeking health care. Adolescent fathers are similar to adolescent mothers they are more likely than their peers who are not fathers to have poor academic performance, higher school drop-out rates, limited financial resources, and decreased income potential. Some fathers disappear from the lives of their adolescent partners and children, but many others attempt to stay involved, and many young fathers struggle to be involved in their childrens lives.Curr ent programs in adolescent pregnancy and parenting are exploring ways to r