Saturday, May 11, 2019

British airways flight 5390 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

British airways flight 5390 - Essay ExampleConclusions..9 6. Recommendations.10 7. Students resolving power10 8. References.11 Abstract Engineers present made certain decisions concerning the maintenance of aircrafts that have led to apoplexys. The BAC1-11 (British Airways Flight 5390) is an physical exertion of an aircraft which had an happening cod to maintenance incompetence and lack of ethical considerations. The case study summary puts into berth the events that led to the accidents, as well as the causes. In addition, the discussion section looks into the possible interpretations on who is prudent for the accident occurrence as well as the IPENZ code of conduct practices that were not adhered to. The conclusion presents the lessons that have been learned from the accident, the findings of the report and the limitations of the study. BAC1-11 (British Airways Flight 5390) Accident Introduction Aircraft accidents have occurred all over the world due to various reasons. The main aim of this paper is to find out the role of Shift maintenance engineers in servicing aircrafts according to the code of ethics required. Several accidents have occurred due to the failure by the engineers to, accurately follow quality guidelines while servicing aircrafts. However, the engineers might not be blamed as much(prenominal) because there were inspection bodies charged with the certificate of indebtedness to assess the quality of aircraft as serviced by engineers. The Birmingham airways management impart be evaluated to find out their contribution in the accident. The failure to inspect the quality of aircrafts may be responsible for accidents. The report will establish possible solutions that can prevent future accidents from occurring. Engineers have the responsibility of using quality equipments that can ensure human safety. Limitations of the Case Study The report will not look at the manufacturers role in designing quality windscreens that can guard cabin pr essure. The report is restricted to the circumstances that led to the accident but not to the manufactures credentials in coming up with quality products. Consequently, this report does not look at the wakeless issues that may arise due to poor engineering services as well as allowance needs for the affected passengers. Other issues concerning pilots and the cabin screw and the capacity to provide quality services during the accident will not be looked into. Case Study Summary The BAC1-11 (British Airways Flight 5390) was involved in an accident while travelling from Birmingham to Malaga, Spain, on June 10, 1990. The aircrafts windscreen, which had been replaced before the flight, blew out due to cabin pressure. The aircraft had 81 passengers onboard when it took forth from the Birmingham International Airport at 0720 hrs. At about 0733 hrs, when the cabin crew staff had just started to attend to meals and drinks to the crew, a loud bang occurred as the aircraft was climbing thr ough 17,300 feet pressure altitude (King, Whidborne, Culling and Vance, nd). Due to the misadventure that caused the loud explosion, the commander of the aircraft was partially sacked out of his windscreen aperture. The fight deck door had been blown off onto the flight deck. The commander was,

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