Friday, May 31, 2019

should the confederacy won the civil war? :: essays research papers fc

Should the Confederacy cave in won the civil war?Looking at the American Civil War ones must besides look at the economics of the 19th century in the U. S. Hand in hand one must also look at the politics and battle plans of the war. The slave plantation owners class was a minority in the Southern population but it controlled Confederate politics and society. Slavery universe the biggest investment of the South, and the fear of slave instability ensured the allegiance of southern non-slave-owners to the economic and social system of the South. As luck would have it, slavery helped America become noticed as a world power during the 19th century. Many other factors must be looked at when discussing the successes and failures in the Civil War. Decision made and actions that were taken all played a part in the final outcome of the war. The thought that the South could have controlling outcomes from the war was doomed from the beginning. Slaves produced many good and services that w ere provided to the benefit of most snow-clad Americans absolutely or not absolutely. (1) Slaves were not just used for agriculture. They also were used for forms of production and trade jobs. For parts of the 18th and most of the 19th century, slaves were the true work force of America. The existence of slavery was the reason that most white Americans had hobbies or did not worry about occupations concerned about farming or the need to earn an hourly wage. Because of this white Americans were able to get high educations and (1) Schwartz, David G. The South and Slavery History 101. University of Nevada Las Vegas. March 30, 2004 skills to increase their generation income for themselves and their offspring. The development of a leisure class also developed the social upper classes of the archaic South. (2) In other words, other than the obvious, slavery produced gargantuan benefits indirectly for white Americans. Production was not a true concern of many plantation owners since it was being handled it would always be handled as long as there were slaves on the plantation production system. While the South became extremely wealthy by apply slavery for agricultural labor, the North focused on trade, commerce, banking, shipping, and manufacturing. But the question can one survives without the other comes up? The North was able to attain such success in commerce because of the Souths cheap production of food and materials produced by slavery.

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